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2023-03-12 14:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Excuse (me for) my poor singing.我唱得不好, 请多多包涵。

2、Not being a CPA is no excuse for not understanding the budget of your company.不要以不是会计作为你不明白公司预算的借口。

3、I am not suggesting I sympathise with him, nor excuse him, I certainly don't.这并不说明我同情他或者为他辩解,我当然不会。

4、Excuse me, but I don't think that statement is quite true.对不起, 不过我认为那话不十分真实。

5、Excuse me, what is the next station?请问,下一站是哪里?

6、Grabbing at any excuse to avoid an unpleasant task胡乱找个藉口以逃避不喜欢的任务

7、To make excuse for or regretful acknowledgment of a fault or offense道歉,认错,愧悔为错误或罪过而作的道歉或悔过

8、KATE MCKENNA: Excuse me. Hello, Kate Mckenna.凯特.麦凯纳:打扰一下。你好,凯特.麦凯纳。

9、Joyce ? Excuse me, would you please help me?乔伊斯?不好意思,可以请你帮忙吗?

10、Excuse me, sir, can you tell me the time?先生,打扰您,现在几点了?

11、Excuse me, do you have any laundry, sir?对不起,您有衣服要洗吗,先生?

12、Excuse me, but I will not be able to stay any longer.请原谅,不能不走了。

13、We cannot excuse you form attending these classes.我们不能允许你不上这些课。

14、I hope you will be magnanimous enough to excuse any incorrect behaviour on my part.对不住的地方,望您海量包涵。

15、Excuse me, I have to visit the ladies' room.抱歉,我要去下洗手间。

16、Excuse me I will not be a moment对不起,我一会儿就来。

17、Lack of time is the most popular excuse banded about for not getting things done.缺少时间是我们为无法完成任务找的最多的借口了。

18、Sheldon: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a pussycat.谢尔顿:我得先走了,要去买一只小猫咪。

19、A: Excuse me,can I transact Bank-Insurance Link business in your bank?请问我在贵行可以办理“银保通”业务吗?

20、What excuse did he invent this time?他这次编了什么借口?

21、You must excuse my father—he's not always that rude.你一定要原谅我父亲—他并不总是那样粗暴无礼。

22、He would seize up on any excuse to justify himself.他会利用任何借口为自己辩解。

23、Excuse me, where are the jazz CDs, please?请问,爵士乐光盘在哪儿?

24、He said, "Please excuse me too.“请原谅我,”他说,“我没有注意到您。”

25、Daniel: Excuse me, How about IC card?丹尼尔:请问,用IC卡是多少钱呢?

26、Excuse me, could you tell me where do I claim my baggage?情境:请问我要在那儿提领我的行李?

27、Excuse me,can i interrupt you?可以打扰您一下吗?

28、Excuse me, how much is one catty of apples?请问苹果多少钱一斤?

29、Excuse me, Dr.Steward, I wonder if I could talk with you about my paper.斯图尔特博士,打扰您一下。请问我能不能和您谈谈我的论文?

30、Please excuse me for disturbing you.请原谅我打扰你了。

excuse翻译vt. 原谅, 申辩, 做为...的托辞n. 致歉, 理由, 饶恕, 借口【法】 原谅, 宽恕, 赦免相关词组: excuse oneself from... in excuse of... 详情




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