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#外研版六年级形容词辨析期末复习专题练习.doc| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、外研版六年级形容词辨析期末复习专题练习一、选择题1 Are you a fan of the TV show Chinese Poetry Conference ? Of course. Ive never missed any of episodes and I am _ by these players excellent knowledge of classical poems.AtiredBsatisfiedCboredDamazed2 It will be a long time before Mike finishes doing his homework. Yeah, you h

2、ave to be_with our kid.AstrictBpopularCseriousDpatient3No one could be more suitable for the job than you. Thanks. Your words have made me more _ of my interview.AcreativeBrelaxedCnervousDconfident4The basketball match will be covered _ on TV tonight.AlivelyBliveClivingDalive5The Spring Festival is

3、one of the _ festivals in China and everyone loves to celebrate it.AmodernBtraditionalCinternationalDancient6Thanks a lot for offering such _ to me in my research.Ausual adviceBimportant adviceCa usual tripDvaluable trip7My English teacher is a_ lady and she often corrects my pronunciation again and

4、 again.ApatientBcreativeCmodestDcurious8Jack is such a _ person that everyone likes him.He is. He always offers a hand when his neighbours are in trouble.AcuriousBconfidentChelpfulDserious9You may meet many difficulties in the future, you should learn to be _ enough to take on any challenge.Aconfide

5、ntBmodestCgenerousDcurious10Read this sentence She felt small as she walked to the enormous, empty stage.Which word has the SAME meaning as the underlined word enormous?ACleanBBright.CHugeDTiny11 More and more people like group buying on WeChat. You said it. The prices are _.Amuch lowerBmuch cheaper

6、Cmore expensiveDeven higher12Its very _ for teenagers to feel a little bit worried and stressed because most of us have such feelings.AcommonBstrangeCcuriousDenergetic13He takes part in all kinds of activities in his _ time.AbusyBspareChighDempty14Im always _ before the exam. I often try to make mys

7、elf calm down by taking a deep breath.ArelaxedBboredCnervousDhappy15Millie does welt in her lessons, but she never shows off.I cant agree more. She is quite_.AmodestBcuriousCgentleDpolite16 What do you think of those doctors in Wuhan, Ma Lin?How brave they are! Theyve tried their best to keep patien

8、ts _.AliveBaliveClivingDlively17What do you think of his _ play?I like it much better than his _one.Alatest; lastBlast; lasterClast; lastDlatest; latest18Dad, Ive tried my best but I still cant solve these problems.Dont worry, my son. No one is _ and everyone fails from time to time.AsuccessfulBconf

9、identCperfectDexcellent19As the population _, the world seems to be smaller.Aincreases moreBincrease largerCgrows largerDgrows more20I hear there will be _jobs for people because robots will do some of the jobs.AfewerBlessCmoreDbetter21Theres a _ feeling that a high price means good quality.AsuddenB

10、joyfulChardDgeneral22 How do you find the price now? As a _ rule, prices follow needs.AprivateBgeneralCcentralDdifficult23Its _ knowledge that moods can have an influence on our health.AunusualBspecialCgeneralDcommon24I cant afford the red shoes.What about the black pair? The price is a little _.Ach

11、eaperBlowerChigherDmore expensive25What do you think of the new car produced by BYD?Oh, its improved system gives people a _ ride even on mountain roads.AsimilarBterribleCstrangeDsmooth26 Why do English people talk so often about the weather when starting the talk?Because the weather is a (an) _ top

12、ic.AsafeBseriousCawfulDexciting27 Would you mind not making much noise? Mum is sleeping. Sorry, I didnt know. I thought she was _.AaloneBasleepCawakeDafraid28The girls voice sounds _. Maybe she can become a good singer when she grows up.AterribleBwellCsweetDwonderfully29Its really _ that modern tech

13、nology can help doctors treat patients online!AprivateBfamousCamazingDtraditional30Like so many creative people, he was never _.Thats why he has made lots of valuable paintings.AcheerfulBskillfulCsatisfiedDsurprised31Yesterdays film was really _ and it made all of us laugh.AboringBfunnyCmeaninglessD

14、expensive32With true friends, we feel _ to share our joy and sadness to the greatest possible degree.AfreeBsuitableCstrangeDfriendly33Have you found that more and more visitors come to our hometown?Youre right. Thats because were now building Huaian a _ city!AliveBlivelyClivingDalive34This is the chance he needs to make a _ start.AcuriousBpatient




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