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2024-07-03 18:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Excel图表宝典(英文版) - 图表初步 

一.Understanding Chart Types 理解图表类型     Conveyinng a Mesage with a Chart 用图表表示信息     Choosing a Chart Type 选择图表类型    Standard Chart Types 标准图表类型     Excel's Standard Chart Types    Chart Type    Subtypes     Area   6      Bar   6    Column   7    Line   7    Pie   6    Doughnut  2    Radar   3    XY(Scatter)  5    Surface   4    Bubble   2    Stock   4    Cylinder  7    Cone   7    Pyramid   7    Column chart SubTypes  柱形图        Clustered column 簇状柱形图        Stacked clumn  堆积柱形图         100% stacked column 百分比堆积柱形图         3-D clustered column 3D簇状柱形图         3-D stacked column 3D堆积柱形图         3-D 100% stacked column 3D百分比堆积柱形图         3-D column  3D柱形图    Bar Chart SubTypes         Clustered Bar   簇状条形图         Stacked Bar   堆积条形图         100% stacked Bar  百分比堆积条形图         3-D clustered Bar  3D簇状条形图         3-D stacked Bar  3D堆积条形图         3-D 100% stacked Bar 3D百分比堆条形图         3-D Bar   3D柱条图         Line Chart SubTypes         Line   折线图     Stacked line  堆积折线图         100% stacked line  百分比堆积折线图         Line with data markers 数据点折线图         Stacked line with data markers   堆积数据点折线图         100% stacked line with data markers 百分比堆积数据点折线图         3-D line  3D折线图         Pie Chart SubTypes         Pie   饼图         3-D pie   3D饼图         Pie of pie  复合饼图         Exploded pie  分离型饼图         Exploded 3-D pie 分离型3D饼图         Bar of pie  复合条饼图     XY(Scallter) Chart Subtypes         Scatter     散点图         Scatter with smoothed lines  平滑散点图         Scatter with smoothed lines and no data markers 无数据点平滑散点图         Scatter with lines   折线散点图         Scatter with lines and no data markers 无数据点散点图         Area Chart Subtypes         Area     面积图          Stacked area    堆积面积图           100% stacked area   百分比堆积面积图         3-D area    3D面积图         3-D stacked area   3D堆积面积图         3-D 100% stacked area   3D百分比堆积面积图     Doughnut Chart Subtypes         Doughnut    圆环图         Exploded doughnut   分离圆环图    Rader Chart Subtypes         Radar     雷达图         Radar with data markers   数据点雷达图         Filled rader    填充雷达图     Surface Chart Subtypes             Surface(top view)   曲面图(俯视)         Surface(top view wireframe)  曲面图(俯视框架图)         3-D Surface    3D曲面图           3-D Surface(wireframe)   3D曲面图(框架)     Bubble Chart Subtypes         Bubble chart    气泡图         bubble with 3-D effect   3D气泡图     Stock Chart Subtypes         High-low-close    盘高-盘低-收盘图         Open-high-low-close   开盘-盘高-盘低-收盘图          Volume-high-low-close   成交量-盘高-盘低-收盘图          Volume-open-high-low-close  成交量-开盘-盘高-盘低-收盘图      Cylinder,Cone,and Pyramie Chart Subtypes         Clustered column         Stacked column         100% stacked column         Clustered bar         Stacked bar         100% stacked bar         3-D column

二. Customer Chart Types 自定义图表类型 Area blocks,B&W eare,B&W column,B&W line-timescale,B&W pie,Blue pie,Colored lines, Column-area,Column with depth,Cones,Floating bars,Line-column,Line-column on tow axes, Lines on two axes,Logarithmic,Outdor bars,Pie explosion,Smooth lines,Stack of colors,Tubes    Excel图表示例文件:xl8galry.xls

三.Working With Chart Series 图表操作

Add New Series     1. using Drag-and-Drop 拖动数据到图表     2. using Paste Special COPY数据后,选择性粘贴到图表      3. using the Source Data dialog box 使用图表菜单->添加数据Delete Series         Select Series Press DelModifying the Data Range for a Char Series     1.Drag the range highlights     2.Use the Source Data dialog box     3.Edit the SERIES formula          =SERIES(series_name,category_lables,values,order,sizes)          =SERIES(散点图!$E$1,散点图!$C$2:$C$5,散点图!$E$2:$E$5,2)   系列名,X轴数据,Y轴数据          series_name 系列名,当只有一个系列时,默认为图表名,可以包括固定文本.           category_lables 分类轴,对于xy图,表示X轴的值.(可以包括多个区域)          values(必须) 系列值,对于xy图,表示Y轴的值.(可以包括多个区域)          order(必须) 不能进行引用,指定系列的的次序(1,2..).          sizes(起泡图)      4.Changing a series name 图表菜单->源数据,也可以修改SERIES formula     5.Deleing a series name  图表菜单->源数据,也可以修改SERIES formulaAdjusting the Series Plot Order 调整系列次序Charting a Noncontinguous Range 图表中使用多个区域Using Series On Different Sheets 图表中使用多个工作表(同一工作薄) SheetName!R1C1Handing Missing Data 操作丢失的数据          对丢失的数据,可以进行以下操作     Ignore the missing data.Plotted data series will have gap. 忽略,产生一个间隔.     Treat the missing data as zero values. 视数据为零     Interpolate the missing data(for line and XY charts only) 以内值插入          操作如下: Select Your Chart,Choose Tools->Options->ChartTab->appropriate opion    Controling a Data Series by Hiding Data 通过隐藏数据操作系列数据    Active the chart and select th Tools->Options->ChartTab Remove the checkmark from the option labeled Plot visble celss Only.Using Range Names in a SERIES Formule 在系列工式中使用名称(对区域或单元格定义名称).          如,区域A2:A1定义名称为Days,区域B2:B11定义名称为Calls对应的系列工式为:          =SERIES(Sheet1!$B$1.,CallVolume.xls!Day,CallVoulme.xls!Calls,1)Unlinking a Chart Series form Its Data Range 断开图表的数据链接     1.Convert the chart to a picture.  转换图表为图形.           Cilick the chart to activate it,Press the Shift key and choose Edit->Copy Picture. Choose Edit ->Paste     2.Convert the range references to arrays. 转换图表数据区域引用为固定数组.           =SERIES(,{"WordK","Sleep","Drive","Eat","Other"},{9,7,2,1,5},1)           Create the chare as usual,Click the chare series,Click the formula bar,Press F9,Press Enter.           限制,EXCEL imposes a 1,024-character limit to length of a SERIES formula!Using Combination Charts 使用组合图形     1.Creating combination charts           通过支持以下三种组合图表 Column-area,Line-column,Line-cloumn on two axes  多好人没的注意到,EXCEL可以建立好多种组合图形.(选择一个多个系列中一个进行修改,更改为另一种图形样式,一个系列可以有一种图形样式)     2.Working with multiple axes 使用多个轴进行工作          A chart can use zero,two,three or four axes,and any or all of them can be hidden if desired. Pie charts and doughnut charts have no axes. 饼图和环形图没有轴         Common chart types,such as a standard column or line chart,use a single category axis and a single value axis.标准核图,线图使用一个分类轴,一个数值轴.          If your chart has at least two series-and it's not a 3-D chart you can create a secondary value axis. 如果你的图表有两个轴,并且是非3-D图表,你可以建立多个数值轴.          Each series is associated with either the primary or the secondary value axis.每一个系列都关联了一个主要的或次要的数值轴.          Why use two value axes?Two value axes are most often used when the data being plotted varies drastically in scale.     1>.Creating A Secondary Value axis 建立一个两个数据轴的图表           打开数据系列对话框->座标轴->格式,次要座标轴     2>.Creating A Chart With Four Axes 建立一个有四个轴的图表           使用两轴折线图,显示次坐标轴.见图http://blog.csdn.net/images/blog_csdn_net/qffhq/177177/o_四轴图表.JPG





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