
您所在的位置:网站首页 evaluate的词性 NLP(二十三)序列标注算法评估模块seqeval的使用


2024-07-13 23:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  在NLP中,序列标注算法是常见的深度学习模型,但是,对于序列标注算法的评估,我们真的熟悉吗?   在本文中,笔者将会序列标注算法的模型效果评估方法和seqeval的使用。



['O', 'O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O', 'B-PER', 'I-PER']

一般序列标注算法的格式有BIO,IOBES,BMES等。其中,实体指的是从B开头标签开始的,同一类型(比如:PER/LOC/ORG)的,非O的连续标签序列。   常见的序列标注算法的模型效果评估指标有准确率(accuracy)、查准率(percision)、召回率(recall)、F1值等,计算的公式如下:

准确率: accuracy = 预测对的元素个数/总的元素个数查准率:precision = 预测正确的实体个数 / 预测的实体总个数召回率:recall = 预测正确的实体个数 / 标注的实体总个数F1值:F1 = 2 *准确率 * 召回率 / (准确率 + 召回率)


y_true = ['O', 'O', 'O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O', 'B-PER', 'I-PER'] y_pred = ['O', 'O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O', 'B-PER', 'I-PER']

列表中一个有9个元素,其中预测对的元素个数为6个,那么准确率为2/3。标注的实体总个数为2个,预测的实体总个数为3个,预测正确的实体个数为1个,那么precision=1/3, recall=1/2, F1=0.4。


  一般我们的序列标注算法,是用conlleval.pl脚本实现,但这是用perl语言实现的。在Python中,也有相应的序列标注算法的模型效果评估的第三方模块,那就是seqeval,其官网网址为: 。   seqeval支持BIO,IOBES标注模式,可用于命名实体识别,词性标注,语义角色标注等任务的评估。   官网文档中给出了两个例子,笔者修改如下:   例子1:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from seqeval.metrics import f1_score from seqeval.metrics import precision_score from seqeval.metrics import accuracy_score from seqeval.metrics import recall_score from seqeval.metrics import classification_report y_true = ['O', 'O', 'O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O', 'B-PER', 'I-PER'] y_pred = ['O', 'O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O', 'B-PER', 'I-PER'] print("accuary: ", accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("p: ", precision_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("r: ", recall_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("f1: ", f1_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("classification report: ") print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred))


accuary: 0.6666666666666666 p: 0.3333333333333333 r: 0.5 f1: 0.4 classification report: precision recall f1-score support MISC 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 PER 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 micro avg 0.33 0.50 0.40 2 macro avg 0.50 0.50 0.50 2


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from seqeval.metrics import f1_score from seqeval.metrics import precision_score from seqeval.metrics import accuracy_score from seqeval.metrics import recall_score from seqeval.metrics import classification_report y_true = [['O', 'O', 'O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O'], ['B-PER', 'I-PER']] y_pred = [['O', 'O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'O'], ['B-PER', 'I-PER']] print("accuary: ", accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("p: ", precision_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("r: ", recall_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("f1: ", f1_score(y_true, y_pred)) print("classification report: ") print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred))



  笔者一年多年写过文章:用深度学习实现命名实体识别(NER), 我们对模型训练部分的代码加以改造,使之在训练过程中能输出F1值。   在Github上下载项目DL_4_NER,网址为: 。修改utils.py中的文件夹路径,以及模型训练部分的代码(DL_4_NER/如下:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd from utils import BASE_DIR, CONSTANTS, load_data from data_processing import data_processing from keras.utils import np_utils, plot_model from keras.models import Sequential from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences from keras.layers import Bidirectional, LSTM, Dense, Embedding, TimeDistributed # 模型输入数据 def input_data_for_model(input_shape): # 数据导入 input_data = load_data() # 数据处理 data_processing() # 导入字典 with open(CONSTANTS[1], 'rb') as f: word_dictionary = pickle.load(f) with open(CONSTANTS[2], 'rb') as f: inverse_word_dictionary = pickle.load(f) with open(CONSTANTS[3], 'rb') as f: label_dictionary = pickle.load(f) with open(CONSTANTS[4], 'rb') as f: output_dictionary = pickle.load(f) vocab_size = len(word_dictionary.keys()) label_size = len(label_dictionary.keys()) # 处理输入数据 aggregate_function = lambda input: [(word, pos, label) for word, pos, label in zip(input['word'].values.tolist(), input['pos'].values.tolist(), input['tag'].values.tolist())] grouped_input_data = input_data.groupby('sent_no').apply(aggregate_function) sentences = [sentence for sentence in grouped_input_data] x = [[word_dictionary[word[0]] for word in sent] for sent in sentences] x = pad_sequences(maxlen=input_shape, sequences=x, padding='post', value=0) y = [[label_dictionary[word[2]] for word in sent] for sent in sentences] y = pad_sequences(maxlen=input_shape, sequences=y, padding='post', value=0) y = [np_utils.to_categorical(label, num_classes=label_size + 1) for label in y] return x, y, output_dictionary, vocab_size, label_size, inverse_word_dictionary # 定义深度学习模型:Bi-LSTM def create_Bi_LSTM(vocab_size, label_size, input_shape, output_dim, n_units, out_act, activation): model = Sequential() model.add(Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size + 1, output_dim=output_dim, input_length=input_shape, mask_zero=True)) model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(units=n_units, activation=activation, return_sequences=True))) model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(label_size + 1, activation=out_act))) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) return model # 模型训练 def model_train(): # 将数据集分为训练集和测试集,占比为9:1 input_shape = 60 x, y, output_dictionary, vocab_size, label_size, inverse_word_dictionary = input_data_for_model(input_shape) train_end = int(len(x)*0.9) train_x, train_y = x[0:train_end], np.array(y[0:train_end]) test_x, test_y = x[train_end:], np.array(y[train_end:]) # 模型输入参数 activation = 'selu' out_act = 'softmax' n_units = 100 batch_size = 32 epochs = 10 output_dim = 20 # 模型训练 lstm_model = create_Bi_LSTM(vocab_size, label_size, input_shape, output_dim, n_units, out_act, activation), train_y, validation_data=(test_x, test_y), epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1) model_train()


...... 12598/12598 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0075 - acc: 0.9981 - val_loss: 0.2131 - val_acc: 0.9592


lables = ['O', 'B-MISC', 'I-MISC', 'B-ORG', 'I-ORG', 'B-PER', 'B-LOC', 'I-PER', 'I-LOC', 'sO'] id2label = dict(zip(range(len(lables)), lables)) callbacks = [F1Metrics(id2label)], train_y, validation_data=(test_x, test_y), epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks)


12598/12598 [==============================] - 26s 2ms/step - loss: 0.0089 - acc: 0.9978 - val_loss: 0.2145 - val_acc: 0.9560 - f1: 95.40 precision recall f1-score support MISC 0.9707 0.9833 0.9769 15844 PER 0.9080 0.8194 0.8614 1157 LOC 0.7517 0.8095 0.7795 677 ORG 0.8290 0.7289 0.7757 745 sO 0.7757 0.8300 0.8019 100 micro avg 0.9524 0.9556 0.9540 18523 macro avg 0.9520 0.9556 0.9535 18523

这就是seqeval的强大之处。   关于seqeval在Keras的使用,有不清楚的地方可以参考该项目的Github网址: 。


  感谢大家的阅读,本次分享到此结束。   欢迎大家关注我的微信公众号:Python爬虫与算法。

参考网址 序列标注的准确率和召回率计算:官方文档:




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