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#Arduino环境下ESP8266使用[OneButton]库| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Arduino环境下ESP8266使用[OneButton]库 OneButton介绍OneButton.h 文件内容接线说明调试截图库文件下载



OneButton.h 文件内容

具体的内置方法可以参见:OneButton.h 文件内容:

// ----- // OneButton.h - Library for detecting button clicks, doubleclicks and long // press pattern on a single button. This class is implemented for use with the // Arduino environment. Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel, // This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See // More information on: // // ----- // 02.10.2010 created by Matthias Hertel // 21.04.2011 transformed into a library // 01.12.2011 include file changed to work with the Arduino 1.0 environment // 23.03.2014 Enhanced long press functionalities by adding longPressStart and // longPressStop callbacks // 21.09.2015 A simple way for debounce detection added. // 14.05.2017 Debouncing improvements. // 25.06.2018 Optional third parameter for deactivating pullup. // 26.09.2018 Anatoli Arkhipenko: Included solution to use library with other // sources of input. // 26.09.2018 Initialization moved into class declaration. // 26.09.2018 Jay M Ericsson: compiler warnings removed. // 29.01.2020 improvements from ShaggyDog18 // ----- #ifndef OneButton_h #define OneButton_h #include "Arduino.h" // ----- Callback function types ----- extern "C" { typedef void (*callbackFunction)(void); typedef void (*parameterizedCallbackFunction)(void *); } class OneButton { public: // ----- Constructor ----- OneButton(); /** * Initialize the OneButton library. * @param pin The pin to be used for input from a momentary button. * @param activeLow Set to true when the input level is LOW when the button is pressed, Default is true. * @param pullupActive Activate the internal pullup when available. Default is true. */ OneButton(const int pin, const boolean activeLow = true, const bool pullupActive = true); // ----- Set runtime parameters ----- /** * set # millisec after safe click is assumed. */ void setDebounceTicks(const int ticks); /** * set # millisec after single click is assumed. */ void setClickTicks(const int ticks); /** * set # millisec after press is assumed. */ void setPressTicks(const int ticks); /** * Attach an event to be called when a single click is detected. * @param newFunction This function will be called when the event has been detected. */ void attachClick(callbackFunction newFunction); void attachClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter); /** * Attach an event to be called after a double click is detected. * @param newFunction This function will be called when the event has been detected. */ void attachDoubleClick(callbackFunction newFunction); void attachDoubleClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter); /** * Attach an event to be called after a multi click is detected. * @param newFunction This function will be called when the event has been detected. */ void attachMultiClick(callbackFunction newFunction); void attachMultiClick(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter); /** * Attach an event to fire when the button is pressed and held down. * @param newFunction */ void attachLongPressStart(callbackFunction newFunction); void attachLongPressStart(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter); /** * Attach an event to fire as soon as the button is released after a long press. * @param newFunction */ void attachLongPressStop(callbackFunction newFunction); void attachLongPressStop(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter); /** * Attach an event to fire periodically while the button is held down. * @param newFunction */ void attachDuringLongPress(callbackFunction newFunction); void attachDuringLongPress(parameterizedCallbackFunction newFunction, void *parameter); // ----- State machine functions ----- /** * @brief Call this function every some milliseconds for checking the input * level at the initialized digital pin. */ void tick(void); /** * @brief Call this function every time the input level has changed. * Using this function no digital input pin is checked because the current * level is given by the parameter. */ void tick(bool level); /** * Reset the button state machine. */ void reset(void); /* * return number of clicks in any case: single or multiple clicks */ int getNumberClicks(void); /** * @return true if we are currently handling button press flow * (This allows power sensitive applications to know when it is safe to power down the main CPU) */ bool isIdle() const { return _state == OCS_INIT; } /** * @return true when a long press is detected */ bool isLongPressed() const { return _state == OCS_PRESS; }; private: int _pin; // hardware pin number. unsigned int _debounceTicks = 50; // number of ticks for debounce times. unsigned int _clickTicks = 400; // number of msecs before a click is detected. unsigned int _pressTicks = 800; // number of msecs before a long button press is detected int _buttonPressed; // These variables will hold functions acting as event source. callbackFunction _clickFunc = NULL; parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramClickFunc = NULL; void *_clickFuncParam = NULL; callbackFunction _doubleClickFunc = NULL; parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramDoubleClickFunc = NULL; void *_doubleClickFuncParam = NULL; callbackFunction _multiClickFunc = NULL; parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramMultiClickFunc = NULL; void *_multiClickFuncParam = NULL; callbackFunction _longPressStartFunc = NULL; parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramLongPressStartFunc = NULL; void *_longPressStartFuncParam = NULL; callbackFunction _longPressStopFunc = NULL; parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramLongPressStopFunc = NULL; void *_longPressStopFuncParam; callbackFunction _duringLongPressFunc = NULL; parameterizedCallbackFunction _paramDuringLongPressFunc = NULL; void *_duringLongPressFuncParam = NULL; // These variables that hold information across the upcoming tick calls. // They are initialized once on program start and are updated every time the // tick function is called. // define FiniteStateMachine enum stateMachine_t : int { OCS_INIT = 0, OCS_DOWN = 1, OCS_UP = 2, OCS_COUNT = 3, OCS_PRESS = 6, OCS_PRESSEND = 7, UNKNOWN = 99 }; /** * Advance to a new state and save the last one to come back in cas of bouncing detection. */ void _newState(stateMachine_t nextState); stateMachine_t _state = OCS_INIT; stateMachine_t _lastState = OCS_INIT; // used for debouncing unsigned long _startTime; // start of current input change to checking debouncing int _nClicks; // count the number of clicks with this variable int _maxClicks = 1; // max number (1, 2, multi=3) of clicks of interest by registration of event functions. }; #endif


//接线说明: //1、在ESP8266 GPIO 0引脚上接一点触按钮,,按钮另一端接GND。即,按钮按下时GPIO 0引脚为低电平。 //2、编译烧写程序。 //3、打开串口监视器或串口调试助手。 //4、分别按下1次、2次、3次、4次、5次、6次、7次、8次、长按。 //5、观察串口输出状态。 #define BUTTON_PIN 0 //将按钮引脚绑定到GPIO 0 #include #include "OneButton.h"//引用库函数 //函数原形: OneButton(const int pin, const boolean activeLow = true, const bool pullupActive = true); /** * Initialize the OneButton library. * @param pin The pin to be used for input from a momentary button. * @param activeLow Set to true when the input level is LOW when the button is pressed, Default is true. * @param pullupActive Activate the internal pullup when available. Default is true. */ OneButton button(BUTTON_PIN,true);// //实例化一个OneButton对象 //里面可以传三个参数: //pin : 按钮的pin角 //activeLow : true:按下为低电平; false : 按下为高电平;不设置时默认值为:true //pullupActive : 如果有上拉电阻就激活上拉电阻 //按键事件回调函数 //单击 void attachClick() { Serial.println("click-单击"); } //双击 void attachDoubleClick() { Serial.println("doubleclick-双击"); } //长铵开始 void attachLongPressStart() { Serial.println("longPressStart-长按开始"); } //长按过程 void attachDuringLongPress() { if (button.isLongPressed()) { Serial.println("duringLongPress-长按期间"); } } //长按结束 void attachLongPressStop() { Serial.println("longPressStop-长按结束"); } //按下多次 void attachMultiClick() { Serial.printf("getNumberClicks-总共按了:%d次。\r\n",button.getNumberClicks()); switch(button.getNumberClicks()){ case 3:{Serial.printf("switch语句判断出打印3次。\r\n");break;} case 4:{Serial.printf("switch语句判断出打印4次。\r\n");break;} case 5:{Serial.printf("switch语句判断出打印5次。\r\n");break;} case 6:{Serial.printf("switch语句判断出打印6次。\r\n");break;} default:{Serial.printf("switch语句判断出打印其它次数:[%d]。\r\n",button.getNumberClicks());break;} } } //回调函数绑定子程序 void button_event_init(){ button.reset();//清除一下按钮状态机的状态 /** * set # millisec after safe click is assumed. */ //void setDebounceTicks(const int ticks); button.setDebounceTicks(80);//设置消抖时长为80毫秒,默认值为:50毫秒 /** * set # millisec after single click is assumed. */ //void setClickTicks(const int ticks); button.setClickTicks(500);//设置单击时长为500毫秒,默认值为:400毫秒 /** * set # millisec after press is assumed. */ //void setPressTicks(const int ticks); button.setPressTicks(1000);设置长按时长为1000毫秒,默认值为:800毫秒 button.attachClick(attachClick);//初始化单击回调函数 button.attachDoubleClick(attachDoubleClick);//初始化双击回调函数 button.attachLongPressStart(attachLongPressStart);//初始化长按开始回调函数 button.attachDuringLongPress(attachDuringLongPress);//初始化长按期间回调函数 button.attachLongPressStop(attachLongPressStop);//初始化长按结束回调函数 button.attachMultiClick(attachMultiClick);//初始化按了多次(3次或以上)回调函数 } //按钮检测状态子程序 void button_attach_loop(){ //不断检测按钮按下状态 button.tick(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);//初始化串口波特率为115200 button_event_init();//按钮事件初始化 } void loop() { //不断检测按钮按下状态 button_attach_loop(); } 接线说明 1、在ESP8266 GPIO 0引脚上接一点触按钮,,按钮另一端接GND。即,按钮按下时GPIO 0引脚为低电平。2、编译烧写程序。3、打开串口监视器或串口调试助手。4、分别按下1次、2次、3次、4次、5次、6次、7次、8次、长按。5、观察串口输出状态。 调试截图



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