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2024-07-14 07:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Morphological Operations: A set of operations that process images based on shapes.Morphological operations apply a structuring element to an input image and generate an output image.

The most basic morphological operations are two: Erosion and Dilation. They have a wide array of uses, i.e.:

(1)、Removing noise.

(2)、Isolation of individual elements and joining disparate elements in an image.

(3)、Finding of intensity bumps or holes in an image.


OpenCV中的erode函数支持多通道,各个通道腐蚀处理过程独立。腐蚀针对白色部分(高亮部分)。腐蚀即求局部最小值的操作,图像A与核B作卷积运算,计算核B覆盖区域的像素点的最小值,并把这个值赋值给锚点(anchor point)指定的像素。


(1)、This operation is the sister of dilation. What this does is to compute a local minimum over the area of the kernel.

(2)、As the kernel B is scanned over the image, we compute the minimal pixel value overlapped by B and replace the image pixel under the anchor point with that minimal value.



// fbc_cv is free software and uses the same licence as OpenCV // Email: [email protected] #ifndef FBC_CV_ERODE_HPP_ #define FBC_CV_ERODE_HPP_ /* reference: include/opencv2/imgproc.hpp modules/imgproc/src/morph.cpp */ #include #include "core/mat.hpp" #include "imgproc.hpp" #include "filterengine.hpp" #include "core/core.hpp" #include "morph.hpp" namespace fbc { // Erodes an image by using a specific structuring element // \f[\texttt{ dst } (x, y) = \min _{ (x',y') : \, \texttt{ element } (x',y') \ne0 } \texttt{ src } (x + x',y+y')\f] // In case of multi - channel images, each channel is processed independently. // Erosion can be applied several ( iterations ) times. // support type: uchar/float, multi-channels template int erode(const Mat_& src, Mat_& dst, Mat_& kernel, Point anchor = Point(-1, -1), int iterations = 1, int borderType = BORDER_CONSTANT, const Scalar& borderValue = Scalar::all(DBL_MAX)) { FBC_Assert(typeid(uchar).name() == typeid(_Tp).name() || typeid(float).name() == typeid(_Tp).name()); // uchar || float if (dst.empty()) { dst = Mat_(src.rows, src.cols); } else { FBC_Assert(src.rows == dst.rows && src.cols == dst.cols); } Size ksize = !kernel.empty() ? kernel.size() : Size(3, 3); anchor = normalizeAnchor(anchor, ksize); if (iterations == 0 || kernel.rows * kernel.cols == 1) { src.copyTo(dst); return 0; } if (kernel.empty()) { kernel = Mat_(1 + iterations * 2, 1 + iterations * 2); getStructuringElement(kernel, MORPH_RECT, Size(1 + iterations * 2, 1 + iterations * 2)); anchor = Point(iterations, iterations); iterations = 1; } else if (iterations > 1 && countNonZero(kernel) == kernel.rows * kernel.cols) { anchor = Point(anchor.x*iterations, anchor.y*iterations); kernel = Mat_(ksize.height + (iterations - 1)*(ksize.height - 1), ksize.width + (iterations - 1)*(ksize.width - 1)); getStructuringElement(kernel, MORPH_RECT, Size(ksize.width + (iterations - 1)*(ksize.width - 1), ksize.height + (iterations - 1)*(ksize.height - 1)), anchor); iterations = 1; } anchor = normalizeAnchor(anchor, kernel.size()); Ptr rowFilter; Ptr columnFilter; Ptr filter2D; if (countNonZero(kernel) == kernel.rows*kernel.cols) { // rectangular structuring element rowFilter = getMorphologyRowFilter(0, kernel.cols, anchor.x); columnFilter = getMorphologyColumnFilter(0, kernel.rows, anchor.y); } else { filter2D = getMorphologyFilter(0, kernel, anchor); } Scalar borderValue_ = borderValue; if (borderType == BORDER_CONSTANT && borderValue_ == Scalar::all(DBL_MAX)) { if (sizeof(_Tp) == 1) // CV_8U borderValue_ = Scalar::all((double)UCHAR_MAX); else // CV_32F borderValue_ = Scalar::all((double)FLT_MAX); } Ptr f = makePtr(filter2D, rowFilter, columnFilter, borderType, borderType, borderValue_); f->apply(src, dst); for (int i = 1; i < iterations; i++) f->apply(dst, dst); return 0; } } // namespace fbc #endif // FBC_CV_ERODE_HPP_ 测试代码test_erode.cpp:

#include "test_erode.hpp" #include #include #include int test_erode_uchar() { cv::Mat matSrc = cv::imread("E:/GitCode/OpenCV_Test/test_images/lena.png", 1); if (! { std::cout




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