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#SEVEn| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. I saw a Seven-Eleven near your apartment, and they sell beer there.    我看过你家附近有一家 7-11 店,那儿有卖啤酒。

2. SEVEn-ELEVEn的解释

2. Knowing her excuse for coming all the way here, I went to meet her at the nearby seven-eleven.    我很明白她为什么这样来回奔波着要见我。此刻他正在我家附近的7-11超市等着。

3. You can find it in most book stores and sometimes in seven-eleven.    大部分书店里能买到这本东西,有时候Seven-Eleven里也能买到。

4. SEVEn-ELEVEn的翻译

4. Seven-Eleven already has 25 directly-managed stores in Beijing.    它已在北京拥有25家直营店。

5. SEVEn-ELEVEn的翻译

5. Seven-Eleven Japan said it has already filed its application with the Chinese government and that it was on track to receive approval in time for its first franchise store opening at the end of the year.    日本7-11表示,它已向中国政府提出申请,并很有可能及时获准在年底前开张第一家加盟店。


6. Meanwhile, Seven-Eleven Japan, Japan's leading convenience store operator, has plans to open its first franchise store in China by the end of the year.    同时,日本最大的便利店运营商7-11计划年底前在中国开张第一家加盟店。

7. And while osechi was traditionally prepared at home, it is also sold ready-made in specialty stores, grocery stores, and even convenience stores, such as Seven-Eleven.    并且当御节料理传统式地在家中准备好之外,在一些特殊商店、杂货店或甚至像7-11的便利商店也有卖。

8. Seven of the formation of 7-eleven's internal network - Hardware is Seven - with the NEC manufacturing 7-eleven's, Software is more difficult, finally resorted to Microsoft for its special tailor made a Window platform based on the system.    Seven-Eleven内部网络的形成系统的硬件是Seven-Eleven与NEC公司合作制造的;软件比较困难,最后求助于微软公司专门为它量身订制了一套基于Window平台的系统。

9. The price sensitivity of Chinese shoppers is another hurdle, says a Seven-Eleven official in Shanghai.    7-11驻上海的一位管理人士认为,中国消费者对于价格的敏感性是另一大阻碍。

10. Seven-Eleven, the largest operator, has 12, 000 stores in Japan, while Lawson has 9, 700.    日本最大的便利店运营商7-11(Seven-Eleven)在日本拥有1.2万家分店,而罗森则拥有9700家。




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