
您所在的位置:网站首页 elementui框架弹框里选中表格 新增编辑共用弹出框组件(vue


2024-01-01 09:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

新增编辑共用弹出框组件 取 消 确认 import FormVue from '@/components/FormVue' import { updateResident, addResident, listUserProperty } from '@/api/CommunityMag/community' import { getDictVal } from '@/api/system/logininfor' export default { name: 'NewDialog', components: { FormVue }, props: { visible: { type: Boolean, required: true }, edit: { type: Boolean, required: true }, editInfo: { type: Object, required: true } }, data() { return { userId: this.$store.getters.id, property: [], dialogVisible: this.visible, isEdit: this.edit, loadingAdd: false, statusOptions: [], form: { community: undefined, buildingId: undefined, unitId: undefined, roomNo: undefined, houseArea: undefined, residentName: undefined, mobilePhone: undefined, certificateNo: undefined, residentIdentity: undefined }, communityOptions: [], formData: { labelWidth: '100px', inline: false, labelPosition: 'right', size: 'small', formItem: [ { type: 'cascader', label: '小区名称', prop: 'propertyName', size: 'small', isDisabled: this.edit, multiple: false, tip: '', value: '', options: [] }, { type: 'text', label: '业主姓名', prop: 'residentName', size: 'small', isDisabled: false, required: true }, { type: 'text', label: '手机号', prop: 'mobilePhone', size: 'small', isDisabled: false, required: true }, { type: 'text', label: '证件号', prop: 'certificateNo', size: 'small', isDisabled: false, required: true }, { type: 'select', label: '住户身份', prop: 'residentIdentity', size: 'small', isDisabled: false, multiple: false, tip: '', value: '', options: [], required: true } ] } } }, created() { this.isEditData() }, methods: { isEditData() { this.getOperationStatusDict() this.getCommunity() if (this.isEdit) { const edit = this.editInfo this.property.push(edit.communityId) this.property.push(edit.buildingId) this.property.push(edit.unitId) this.property.push(edit.roomId) this.editInfo.propertyName = this.property this.editInfo.residentIdentity = this.editInfo.identity + '' this.form = Object.assign({}, this.editInfo) } }, // 获取回显字典 getOperationStatusDict() { getDictVal('tb_resident_info', 'resident_identity').then(res => { this.statusOptions = this.selectDictLabels(res.data || []) }) }, // 小区选项 getCommunity() { this.loadingAdd = true listUserProperty(this.userId).then(response => { const merchant = response.data || [] const that = this merchant.map(function(val) { const children = val.children || [] children.map(function(params) { that.communityOptions.push(params) }) }) this.formData.formItem[0].options = this.casSelect(that.communityOptions || []) this.formData.formItem[4].options = that.statusOptions this.loadingAdd = false }) }, casSelect(options) { const that = this if (options.length === 0) { return [] } return options.map(function(params) { if (params.level === 5) { return { label: params.name, value: params.id, disabled: params.disable } } if (params.children === undefined || params.children.length === 0) { return { label: params.name, value: params.id, disabled: true } } return { label: params.name, value: params.id, children: that.casSelect(params.children) } }) }, // 对话框按确定键之后的方法 handleDialogConfirm() { console.log(this.form) if (this.isEdit) { // 更新资源数据(即编辑修改) const resident = Object.assign({}, this.form) resident.propertyName = undefined updateResident(resident).then(response => { if (response.code === 2000) { this.$message({ message: response.message, type: 'success' }) this.$emit('getList') this.cancel() } }) } else { // 插入一条资源数据(即添加) const resident = Object.assign({}, this.form) resident.propertyName = undefined const property = { userId: this.userId, communityId: this.form.propertyName[0], buildingId: this.form.propertyName[1], unitId: this.form.propertyName[2], roomId: this.form.propertyName[3], data: JSON.stringify(resident) } addResident(property).then(response => { if (response.code === 2000) { this.$message({ message: response.message, type: 'success' }) this.$emit('getList') this.cancel() } }) this.dialogVisible = false } }, // 按取消键后 cancel() { this.$emit('update:visible', false) } } } .formMain{ height: 200px; } .dialog-footer{ display: flex; justify-content: center; /*height: 30px;*/ }





import newDialog from './newDialog' export default { components: { newDialog }, data() { return { isEdit: false,dialogVisible: false,editInfo: {} } }, methods:{ // 获取小区列表、表格信息 getList() { this.loadingTable = true this.searchData.userId = this.$store.getters.id this.searchData.data.mobilePhone = this.searchData.mobilePhone this.searchData.data.residentName = this.searchData.residentName listResident(this.searchData).then((response) => { const row = response.data.rows || [] this.list = row.map(function(val) { val.identity = val.residentIdentity if (val.residentIdentity !== undefined) { val.residentIdentity = val.residentIdentity + 0 === 1 ? '住户' : '租户' } return val }) this.total = response.data.total this.loadingTable = false this.loading = false }) }, } }

注意: 1、弹出框需要用到的FormVue(若想了解更多详情请戳这里vue-elementui表单再组件化):

{{ item.name }} {{ item.name }} {{item.name}} 下载模板 上传Excel import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' export default { props: { formData: { type: Object, required: true }, form: { type: Object, required: true } }, data() { return { dataForm: this.form, value1: '', fileList: [], // 用户导入参数 upload: { open: false, // 是否显示弹出层(用户导入) title: '', // 弹出层标题(用户导入) isUploading: false, // 是否禁用上传 updateSupport: 0, // 是否更新已经存在的用户数据 headers: { Authorization: getToken() }, // 设置上传的请求头部 url: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API + '/sys/user/import' // 上传的地址 } } }, watch: { formWatch: function(val) { this.dataForm = val } }, created() { // console.log('qwwwww') this.bindValue() }, methods: { bindValue() { const obj = {} this.formData.formItem.forEach((item, index) => { // 这里不能写成this.form = obj 因为传递的不是值,而是引用,他们指向了同一个空间! obj[item.prop] = item.value }) } } } .el-input--small{ width: 180px; } .el-button{ margin-right: 20px; } .el-form-item__content .upload-demo{ float: left; } .el-form-item__content .button{ float: left; } .el-form-item--small{ float:left; } .dialog-footer button{ float: left; } .demo-ruleForm{ height: 300px; }






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