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2023-07-25 16:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”国际经济与贸易“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:International economy and trade。以下是关于国际经济与贸易的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:International economy and trade

International economic cooperation is to adapt to the trend of economic globalization. In the development of international trade in different countries and regions, it is the carrier and stage of economic globalization. The principles of trade treatment and non discrimination of Member States implement national treatment for foreign goods, protect intellectual property rights, service trade, gradually open the market, and advocate fair trade and fairness The principle of level competition plays an important role in the development of the world economy.




Therefore, it is meaningless to try to make translation more scientific in view of the complex themes and available methods of translation. Translation is a kind of psychological and multifactorial activity, which can not be studied in detail within the linguistic framework of the person who ignores the translator york:prentice hall ,Delabastina,dirk Wang Yingjia's thesis submitted to the school of international studies, University of international business and economics, partially meets the requirements of Beijing atsapley 's degree http://wwwzkcomcn/INFO/Study/PracticalData/ThePracticeReports/html.


因此,考虑到翻译的复杂主题和可用的方法,试图使翻译更加科学是毫无意义的,翻译是一种心理的、多因素的活动,不能在忽略译者的人的语言框架内进行详尽的研究问题与方法gunter narr verlag Tubingenewmark,peter a Book of translation new york:prentice hall,Delabastina,dirk translating双关语:翻译研究中的错误对立目标,●国际经济贸易大学国际学生学院广告实务策略:含蓄王英加向对外经济贸易大学国际研究学院提交的论文,部分满足北京阿特萨普利硕士学位要求,中国:http://wwwzkcomcn/INFO/Study/PracticalData/ThePracticeReports/html。


At the ministerial meeting of the Uruguay round of GATT held in Marrakesh in April, Morocco decided to establish a more global world trade organization to replace the GATT concluded in the WTO. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the most important international economic organizations in modern times. Its total trade volume has reached the world total trade volume.

The South Korean government announced on October 10 that it would no longer require developing countries to enjoy preferential policies in future WTO negotiations.



本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/on77849e.html





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