echarts 结合高德实现地图下钻效果

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echarts 结合高德实现地图下钻效果

#echarts 结合高德实现地图下钻效果| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


引入高德地图api 渲染步骤

1.使用 ECharts 的地图组件,将地图的 JSON 数据转换成 ECharts 可以识别的格式,加载到页面上。 2.为地图添加点击事件,在点击某个区域时触发,获取该区域的 ID 或其他需要展示的信息。 3.根据获取到的信息,动态生成需要展示的图表或数据,并将其添加到页面上。 4.可以使用 ECharts 的“返回”按钮,实现从下钻页面返回到上一级页面的功能。 5.需要注意的是,ECharts 的地图组件和高德地图 API 使用的坐标系不一样,需要进行坐标系的转换。





完整代码 返回 返回 import * as echarts from "echarts" import prevIcon from '../../assets/icon_leftjt.png' import nextIcon from '../../assets/icon_rightjt.png' import {GetRandomNum} from "../../utils/utils"; export default { name: 'echarts1', components: {}, data() { return { geoJson: {}, parentInfo: [{cityName: '全国', code: 100000}], currentIndex: 0, myChart: null, //监听时间切换事件 timeTitle: ['5日', '6日', '7日', '8日', '9日'], north: [ {name: '山东', total: 46.76, l: 17.23, z: 10.87, g: 10.58, x: 8.08}, {name: '河南', total: 41.33, l: 11.32, z: 10.38, g: 11.17, x: 8.45}, {name: '辽宁', total: 39.25, l: 6.95, z: 14.92, g: 7.70, x: 9.68}, {name: '河北', total: 41.69, l: 8.28, z: 13.12, g: 10.88, x: 9.41}, {name: '北京', total: 49.64, l: 15.91, z: 15.97, g: 8.24, x: 9.53}, {name: '山西', total: 42.76, l: 14.76, z: 9.64, g: 9.97, x: 8.39}, {name: '吉林', total: 40.28, l: 13.10, z: 8.51, g: 10.06, x: 8.60}, {name: '内蒙古', total: 50.20, l: 15.12, z: 14.74, g: 12.52, x: 7.82}, {name: '黑龙江', total: 52, l: 10.15, z: 12.03, g: 6.45, x: 6.30}, {name: '天津', total: 59.23, l: 17.14, z: 19.12, g: 13.86, x: 9.11}, ], south: [ {name: '广东', total: 47.21, l: 14.71, z: 14.61, g: 8.66, x: 9.25}, {name: '浙江', total: 40.24, l: 11.48, z: 11.14, g: 8.63, x: 8.98}, {name: '江苏', total: 45.76, l: 13.57, z: 10.60, g: 10.19, x: 11.40}, {name: '重庆', total: 50.94, l: 16.11, z: 13.24, g: 9.35, x: 12.24}, {name: '湖南', total: 47.65, l: 13.64, z: 14.51, g: 10.69, x: 8.81}, {name: '上海', total: 49.63, l: 15.21, z: 12.68, g: 11.19, x: 10.55}, {name: '四川', total: 42.39, l: 11.54, z: 12.09, g: 11.08, x: 7.69}, {name: '新疆', total: 39.37, l: 14.21, z: 15.94, g: 8.60, x: 8.02}, {name: '福建', total: 42.20, l: 14.10, z: 9.99, g: 8.62, x: 9.48}, {name: '湖北', total: 51.27, l: 16.02, z: 14.04, g: 12.52, x: 8.69}, {name: '贵州', total: 48.79, l: 14.07, z: 13.91, g: 11.36, x: 9.44}, {name: '安徽', total: 46.71, l: 13.17, z: 15.37, g: 11.13, x: 7.03}, {name: '陕西', total: 41.30, l: 13.94, z: 12.88, g: 9.64, x: 4.84}, {name: '广西', total: 46.62, l: 12.13, z: 14.59, g: 10.12, x: 9.79}, {name: '宁夏', total: 53.85, l: 14.07, z: 13.81, g: 13.13, x: 12.83}, {name: '青海', total: 51.06, l: 17.24, z: 12.26, g: 8.91, x: 12.65}, {name: '西藏', total: 39.37, l: 9.13, z: 11.75, g: 7.43, x: 11.05}, {name: '云南', total: 26.48, l: 5.26, z: 11.26, g: 6.61, x: 3.35}, {name: '海南', total: 52.51, l: 15.71, z: 16.91, g: 10.97, x: 8.91}, {name: '甘肃', total: 40.50, l: 11.05, z: 11.75, g: 10.49, x: 7.22}, {name: '江西', total: 39.84, l: 10.27, z: 11.72, g: 8.95, x: 8.90}, ], allObj: {}, southObj: {}, northObj: {}, } }, watch: {}, mounted() { var that = this; that.north.forEach(i => { that.northObj[] = i; }) that.south.forEach(i => { that.southObj[] = i; }) that.allObj = {...that.northObj, ...that.southObj}; var viewIndex = 0; var isOverview = [0].indexOf(viewIndex) > -1; that.myChart = echarts.init(this.$refs.echarts); window.onresize = function () { that.myChart && that.myChart.resize(); } that.$store.commit('isOverview', isOverview); that.init(100000) }, methods: { init(adcode) { var that = this; that.getGeoJson(adcode).then(data => { that.geoJson = data that.getMapData() }) }, //这里封装了,直接可以拿过来用 getGeoJson(adcode, childAdcode = '') { var that = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function insideFun(adcode, childAdcode) { AMapUI.loadUI(['geo/DistrictExplorer'], DistrictExplorer => { var districtExplorer = new DistrictExplorer(); districtExplorer.loadAreaNode(adcode, function (error, areaNode) { if (error) { console.error(error); reject(error); return; } let Json = areaNode.getSubFeatures(); if (Json.length === 0) { let parent =; insideFun(parent[parent.length - 1], adcode); return; } if (childAdcode) { Json = Json.filter(item => { return == childAdcode; }); } let mapJson = { features: Json }; resolve(mapJson); }); }); } insideFun(adcode, childAdcode); }); }, //获取数据 getMapData() { var that = this; let mapData = [], pointData = [], sum = 0 that.geoJson.features.forEach(item => { let value = Math.random() * 100 let d = that.allObj[省|市|自治区|回族|维吾尔|壮族|特别行政区)/g, '')]; mapData.push({ name:, value: d?.total || GetRandomNum(40, 50), l: d?.l || GetRandomNum(40, 50), z: d?.z || GetRandomNum(40, 50), g: d?.g || GetRandomNum(40, 50), x: d?.x || GetRandomNum(40, 50), cityCode: }) pointData.push({ name:, value: [[0],[1], value.toFixed(0)], cityCode:, ranking: 0 }) sum += value }) mapData = mapData.sort(function (a, b) { return b.value - a.value }); that.$store.commit('mapData', mapData); that.initEchartMap(mapData, sum, pointData) }, //渲染echarts initEchartMap(mapData, sum, pointData) { var that = this; var labels = [], values = [], l = [], z = [], g = [], x = [], southLabels = [], southValues = [], southL = [], southZ = [], southG = [], southX = []; var min = mapData[mapData.length - 1].value var max = mapData[0].value if (mapData.length === 1) { min = 0 } mapData.forEach((c, i) => { c.ranking = i + 1; var name =省|市|自治区|回族|维吾尔|壮族|特别行政区)/g, '') if (that.isOverview) { labels.unshift(name); values.unshift(c.value); l.unshift(c.l); z.unshift(c.z); g.unshift(c.g); x.unshift(c.x); } else { if (that.northObj[name] !== undefined) { labels.unshift(name); values.unshift(c.value); l.unshift(c.l); z.unshift(c.z); g.unshift(c.g); x.unshift(c.x); } else if (that.southObj[name] !== undefined) { southLabels.unshift(name); southValues.unshift(c.value); southL.unshift(c.l); southZ.unshift(c.z); southG.unshift(c.g); southX.unshift(c.x); } } }) mapData.forEach((type) => { pointData.forEach((type2) => { if ( == { type2.ranking = type.ranking } }); }); //这里做个切换,全国的时候才显示南海诸岛 只有当注册的名字为china的时候才会显示南海诸岛 echarts.registerMap(that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? 'china' : 'map', that.geoJson); var option = { // 正下方时间自动轮播 timeline: { data: that.timeTitle, axisType: 'category', autoPlay: true, playInterval: 5000, left: '10%', right: '10%', bottom: '2%', width: '60%', label: { normal: { textStyle: { color: 'rgba(51, 51, 51, 1)' } }, emphasis: { textStyle: { color: '#fff' } } }, currentIndex: that.currentIndex, symbolSize: 10, lineStyle: { color: '#e7e7e7', width: 10, }, itemStyle: { color: '#fff', borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#e7e7e7' }, progress: { lineStyle: { color: '#e54949' }, itemStyle: { color: '#fff' } }, checkpointStyle: { borderColor: '#eb595a', color: '#eb595a', borderWidth: 2, }, controlStyle: { showNextBtn: true, showPrevBtn: true, prevIcon: 'image://' + prevIcon, nextIcon: 'image://' + nextIcon, normal: { color: 'rgba(218, 46, 46, 1)', borderColor: 'rgba(218, 46, 46, 1)' }, emphasis: { color: '#ed5d5d', borderColor: '#ed5d5d' } }, }, baseOption: { tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'none'// 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow' }, formatter: p => { let content = '' + p[0]?.name.replace(/(省|市|自治区|回族|维吾尔|壮族|特别行政区)/g, '') + ''; p.forEach(i => { let val = i.value; if (window.isNaN(val)) { val = 0; } content += ` ``{i.marker}``{i.seriesName}:${val}分 ` }) return content; } }, toolbox: { feature: { restore: { show: false }, dataView: { show: false }, saveAsImage: { show: false, name: that.parentInfo[that.parentInfo.length - 1].cityName + '销售额统计图' }, // dataZoom: { // show: false // }, magicType: { show: false } }, iconStyle: { normal: { borderColor: '#e74e4d' //右上角下载的颜色 } }, top: 15, right: 35 }, geo: { map: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? 'china' : 'map', zoom: 1, roam: false, aspectScale: 0.7, left: 'center', layoutSize: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? 800 : 600, layoutCenter: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? ['50%', '63%'] : ['50%', '50%'], tooltip: { trigger: 'item', formatter: (p) => { let val = p.value[2]; if (window.isNaN(val)) { val = 0; } let txtCon = "" + + ":单数:" + val.toFixed(2) + "单销售额:" + val.toFixed(2) + '万'; return txtCon; } }, label: { normal: { show: false, color: "#f9f9f9", //省份标签字体颜色 formatter: p => { switch ( { case '内蒙古自治区': = "内蒙古" break; case '西藏自治区': = "西藏" break; case '新疆维吾尔自治区': = "新疆" break; case '宁夏回族自治区': = "宁夏" break; case '广西壮族自治区': = "广西" break; case '香港特别行政区': = "香港" break; case '澳门特别行政区': = "澳门" break; } return; } }, emphasis: { show: true, color: '#f75a00', } }, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: '#eece7c', borderColor: '#feffff', borderWidth: 2, }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#8dd7fc', borderWidth: 1.6, shadowBlur: 0, } }, }, visualMap: { //右下角 min: min, max: max, left: '3%', bottom: '5%', calculable: true, seriesIndex: [0], inRange: { color: [ '#ff9601', '#f58770', '#eece7c', '#94d5bc', '#44e8ac' ].reverse() }, textStyle: { color: 'rgba(51, 51, 51, 1)' } }, series: [ { //最外层鼠标经过显示的黑框 name: that.timeTitle[that.currentIndex] + '年销售额度', type: 'map', geoIndex: 0, map: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? 'china' : 'map', roam: false, zoom: 2, aspectScale: 0.7, left: 'center', layoutSize: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? 800 : 600, layoutCenter: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? ['50%', '63%'] : ['50%', '50%'], itemStyle: { normal: { // shadowColor: '#013C62', shadowBlur: 0, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 0, } }, tooltip: { trigger: "item", formatter: (p) => { console.log(p) console.log(32323223) let val = p.value; if ( == '南海诸岛') return if (window.isNaN(val)) { val = 0; } let txtCon = `

${省|市|自治区|回族|维吾尔|壮族|特别行政区)/g, '')}



`; return txtCon; } }, label: { normal: { formatter: function (data) { return '4'; }, show: false, position: 'right', distance: 5, color: 'white', backgroundColor: '#1D3039', padding: 10, borderRadius: 20 // show: false, }, emphasis: { show: false, } }, data: mapData, }, { //最外层鼠标经过显示的黑框 name: that.timeTitle[that.currentIndex] + '年销售额度', type: 'map', map: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? 'china' : 'map', roam: false, zoom: 1, z: -10, aspectScale: 0.7, left: 'center', layoutSize: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? 800 : 600, layoutCenter: that.parentInfo.length === 1 ? ['50%', '63%'] : ['50%', '50%'], itemStyle: { normal: { shadowColor: '#888', shadowBlur: 25, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 0, } }, }, { name: '散点', type: 'effectScatter', coordinateSystem: 'geo', itemStyle: { normal: { color: 'rgba(140, 55, 55, 0)', shadowColor: "red", shadowBlur: 20, shadowOffsetX: -5, shadowOffsetY: 15, } }, label: { normal: { show: true, formatter: function (params) { console.log(params) console.log(212121212121) if ( < 4) { return '{num|' + + '}\n{title|' +省|市|自治区|回族|维吾尔|壮族|特别行政区)/g, '') + '}' } else { return '{num2|' + + '}\n{title|' +省|市|自治区|回族|维吾尔|壮族|特别行政区)/g, '') + '}' } }, position: 'top', padding: [0, 0], offset: [0, 30], color: '#00BCFF', rich: { num: { width: 30, height: 30, align: 'center', borderColor: '#fff', backgroundColor: '#ffcd00', borderWidth: 2, color: '#ffffff', borderRadius: 30 }, num2: { width: 30, height: 30, align: 'center', backgroundColor: 'rgba(176,92,92,1)', color: '#ffffff', borderRadius: 30 }, title: { padding: [5, 0, 0, 0], color: '#333', align: 'center' } } }, emphasis: { show: true } }, data: pointData } ] }, } that.myChart.setOption(option, true) //点击前解绑,防止点击事件触发多次'click'); that.myChart.on('click', that.echartsMapClick); //监听时间切换事件'timelinechanged'); that.myChart.on('timelinechanged', params => { console.log('触发') that.currentIndex = params.currentIndex; that.getMapData(); }); }, //echarts点击事件 echartsMapClick(params) { var that = this; if (! { return } else { //如果当前是最后一级,那就直接return if (that.parentInfo[that.parentInfo.length - 1].code == { return } let data = that.parentInfo.push({ cityName:, code: data.cityCode }) that.init(data.cityCode) } }, goBack() { var that = this; if (that.parentInfo.length === 1) { return; } that.parentInfo.pop() that.init(that.parentInfo[that.parentInfo.length - 1].code) } } } .echarts1 { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .goback { position: absolute; top: 30px; right: 30px; font-size: 14px; font-family: PingFang; font-weight: 800; color: #DA2E2E; z-index: 10000; } .disabled { color: rgba(#DA2E2E, 0.5); cursor: default; } .ecPop { display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; align-items: flex-start; flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-direction: column; align-content: flex-start; p:nth-child(1) { font-size: 18px; font-family: PingFang; font-weight: 800; color: #333333; } p { font-size: 16px; font-family: PingFang; font-weight: bold; color: #818386; line-height: 30px; span { font-size: 16px; font-family: PingFang; font-weight: bold; color: #DA2E2E; } } } 渲染效果实例

vue2 数据可视化大屏 宽带综合评分


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