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2024-07-17 17:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







1.What is financial management? 什么是财务管理?

Financial management refers to the strategic planning, organizing, directing and controlling of financial undertakings in an organization or an institute. It also includes applying management principles to the financial assets of anorganization, while also playing an important part in fiscal management.

2.What is the objectives offinancial management?财务管理目标是什么

The objectives of financial management involved:Maintaining enough supply of funds for the organization;Ensuring shareholders of the organization to get good returns on their investment;Optimum and efficient utilization of funds;Creating real and safe investment opportunities to invest in.

3.What are the financial activities?什么是财务活动?

Corporate financial activities refers to the corporate capital revenue and expenditure activities based on cash revenue and expenditure. The financia activities of an enterprise can include the following four aspects:Financial activities caused by corporate financingFinancial activities caused by corporate investmentFinancial actiyities caused by business operationsFinancial activities caused by enterprise allocation

4.Why is Financial Management important?为什么财务管理很重要?

Helps organizations in financial planning;Assists organizations in the planning and acquisition of funds;Helps organizations in effectively utilizing and allocating the funds received oracquired;Assists organizations in making critical financial decisions;Helps in improving the profitability of organizations;Increases the overall value of the firms or organizations;Encourages employees to save money, which helps them in personal financial planning.

5. What are the purposes of financial management? 财务管理的目的是?

Maximize the profits, earning per share and shareholders’wealth.

6.What are the financing methods for companies?企业有哪些筹资方式?

Borrowing, bond issuance, common stock financing, preferred stock financing, convertible securities, and stock option financing.

7.What is the working capital?营运资本是什么?

It refers to the net current assets and current liabilities. It is the current assets that can be used to repay the payment obligation, minus the difference of the current liabilities of the payment obligation.

8.What is preferred stock?优先股是什么?

Preference stocks are stocks with priority rights. The shareholders of preferred shares have priority over the company's assets, profit distribution, etc., and theitrisk is relatively small.

9.What is the capital structure? 资本结构是什么?

Capital structure refers to the value composition and proportional relationship of various capitals of an enterprise and is the result of a company's fund-raising portfolio in a certain period of time. In a broad sense, the capital structure refers to the composition and proportional relationship of the total capital of an enterprise.

10.What is cost of capital? 什么是资本成本?

Cost of capifal is the required refurn necessary to make a capital budgeting.For example.,when an investor purchases stock in a company, he/she expects to see arerum on that investment. Since the individual expects to get back more than his/her initial invesiment the cost ofcapital is equal to this refurn that the investor receives.

11.What is NPV?净现值是什么?

Net present value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash in flows and the presen value of cash outflows over' a time period. To calculate NPV, you need to estimate future cash flows for each period and determine the correct discount rate.

12.What is IRR?什么是内含回报率?

The internal rate of return (IRR) is a metric used in financial analysis to estimate the profitability of potential investments. IRR is a discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows equal to zero in a discounted cash flow analysis.

13. What are limitations of profit maximization as a goal of corporation? 利润最大化的缺点是什么?

Although profit is an important standard for measuring the economic efficiency of any firm, yet it has got certain limitations: Firstly, it ignores the risk which isassociafed with the investment in such profitable ventures. Secondly, the objective of profit-maximization assumes the existenee of perfect market conditions in which various resources are efficiently managed. However, modern markets sufferfrom many imperfections. Thirdly, it ignores the time value of money without having any regard to the timings of costs and returns. Otherwise, profit maximizationas an objective is considered to be vague and ambiguous. It does not define adequately as to what profits are, what profits to be considered.

14. What is opportunity cost? 机会成本是什么?

Opportunity cost is the amount of potential gain an investor misses out on when they commit to one investment choice over another.

15. What is time value of money? 什么是货币的时间价值?

Time value of money means that a sum of money is worth more now than the same sum of money in the future. This is because money can grow only through investing. An investment delayed is an opportunity lost.

16.What is CAPM?资本资产定价模型是什么?

The Capital Asset Pricing Model is a model that describes the relationship between the expected return and risk of investing in a security. It shows that the expected return on a security is equal to the risk-free return plus a risk premium. CAPM is widely used throughout finance for pricing risky securities and generating expected returns for assets given the risk of those assets and cost of capital.

17.What is WACC?什么是加权平均资本成本?

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) represents a firm's average cost of capital from all sources, including common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and other forms of debt. The weighted average cost of capital is a common way to determine required rate of return because it expresses, in a single number, the return that both bondholders and shareholders demand in order to provide the company with capital.





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