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2024-05-06 12:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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近日英国“飞行国际”(Flight International)网站报道,中国歼20曾在东海拦截F-35战斗机。现将该报道译毕,与诸位读友共享。该报道不代表或反映本公号观点。本公号推出此文不表示予以证伪或证实。

据“飞行国际”(FlightGlobal)网站16日报道,美国太平洋空军司令肯尼斯·威尔斯巴赫(Kenneth Wilsbach)在15日的一场线上讨论中透露,美国F-35近期曾与中国歼20战斗机在东海上空近距离接触,并且表示歼20飞得相当好,相当专业。不过,他并没有透露具体的相遇时间。










点击此处 进店选购“中国之所以能够获得远程火力打击能力,在某些方面,空警500起到重要的作用。”威尔斯巴赫说。“他们的某些空对空导弹射程相当远,就是得到了空警500的辅助。对于如何阻断这个杀伤链条,是令我非常感兴趣的东西。”







A top US Air Force (USAF) general says that Lockheed Martin F-35s have had at least one encounter with Chengdu J-20s, and that the Shaanxi KJ-500 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft has a key role in long-range air-to-air kill chains.

USAF General Kenneth Wilsbach, Commander, Pacific Air Forces did not, however, divulge when the F-35/J-20 encounter took place, or if there have been more than one. He also touched on the role of the new Chinese fighter.

“It’s a bit early to say what they intend to do with the J-20, so really all we’ve seen it do is air superiority,” he says.

“But we notice that they are flying it pretty well. We recently had – I wouldn’t call it an engagement – where we got relatively close to the J-20s along with our F-35s in the East China Sea, and we’re relatively impressed with the command and control associated with the J-20.”

Wilsbach made the remarks during a discussion posted on the YouTube channel of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.

“We’re seeing relatively professional flying and it’s still too early to tell exactly what they intend to do with [the J-20] – whether it’s going to be more like an F-35 that’s capable of doing many, many missions or more like an F-22 that is primarily an air superiority fighter that has an air-to-ground capability.”


Wilsbach also touched on the KJ-500, which in recent years has emerged as China’s key AEW&C platform.

Powered by four turboprops, the KJ-500 is based on the Y-9 tactical transport. The aircraft carries a three-panel active electronically scanned array radar in a fixed radome above the fuselage. This is understood to provide 360° radar coverage.

“The KJ-500 plays a significant role in some of their capability for long range fires,” says Wilsbach.

“Some of their very long range air-to-air missiles are aided by that KJ-500. Being able to interrupt that kill chain is something that interests me greatly.”

China’s PL-15 long range air-to-air missile is understood to have a range in excess of 107nm (200km). The radar-guided weapon is carried by types such as the Chengdu J-10C, Shenyang J-11B, J-15 and J-16, Islamabad’s Pakistan Aeronautical Complex JF-17 Block 3, and the J-20.

Wilsbach’s remarks hint that the KJ-500 may identify and assign targets for Chinese fighters, which can then launch the active radar homing PL-15 from great stand-off distances.







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