第772期:教你一句很厉害的话 in due course

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第772期:教你一句很厉害的话 in due course

2024-01-03 01:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

前几天佛老的大律师老婆在跟一个国外公司谈一件事,来来回回好几轮电话都达不成一致。最后,我家律师给对方写了一封邮件:We will get back to you in due course.



其实也没什么厉害的。只不过 in due course 这句话是律师常用的一个说法,听上去很 lawyerly,表现了说话人兴趣索然萌生退意的意思,并且显示出一种高姿态和冷淡。如果放在商务谈判中,说 we will contact you in due course的一方就像面试后HR对不满意的候选人说的那句“请等通知,我们会联系你的。”一样的效果。

下面简单几句话教会大家用 in due course 这句话。

In due course 就是 in due time,意思一样,但后者现在不太常用。意思就是:at the appropriate time,或者 when we think is appropriate.


Your request will be dealt with in due course.

Further details will be announced in due course.

I shall answer your letter in due course.

这些都是英语商务信函中常用的说法和巨型。大家可以多尝试一下。但要注意一点:in due course 这种话的语气是很官方很冰冷的,熟人之间或给你老板回信不要这样说。

说到了 in due course,又想到了另一个常见的法律用语:due process.


Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person.

所谓的 due process,在英美法律中指的是政府和国家必须尊重公民的一切合法权利。例如美国法律规定的警员在逮捕嫌犯时一定要当面宣读米兰达警告,这个我们之前讲过,此不赘述。

美国宪法第5和第14修正案中对Due process有明文规定:

The clause in the Fifth Amendment reads:

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.

While the clause in the Fourteenth Amendment says:

…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.






Due process是个复杂的法律术语,我就不班门弄斧了。读者中的律师朋友有兴趣的可以留言补充。

最后,聊聊 due 这个词本身。

我们日常口语中常说的 due 一般指“到期”和“由于”,例如:

The plane is due at London at five. 飞机定于五点抵达伦敦。

He was late due to traffic jam. 他因为塞车所以迟到了。

有一个很古老的英语成语:give the devil his due,字面意思是“给魔鬼它应得的”,实际意思是:平心而论、公平对待。

这句成语其实可以在口语和日常写作中经常使用,准确的意思是:To acknowledge the positive qualities of a person who is unpleasant or disliked. 即使一个人再不好,也总有某些地方是值得认可的。


I don’t like the man but – (to) give the devil his due – he works incredibly hard. 我不喜欢这个人,但平心而论,他工作很卖力。

(to) give the devil his due 根据语境不同,很多方言的说法不一样,有啥说啥,话又说回来了,有一句说一句,等等。

因为 due 这个词的意思是“应得之物”。

还有一个公司语境常见的词:due diligence 尽职调查

这里的 due 也是取了“应得、应尽”的意思。

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