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2023-10-30 10:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





  Movement is usually the sign of a person healthy, because only people who love sports will be healthy. I am a love sports, so I was born to now only had a disease. Of the many sports I like table tennis best.

  Table tennis is a sport, it does not hurt our friendship dont like football, in front of the play is a pair of inseparable friends, when the play is the enemy, the enemy after the play. When playing table tennis, as long as you aim at the ball back and go. If the wind was blowing when playing, curving, touch you, you can only on the day scold: "it doesnt help me also. If is another person with technical won, you can only blame yourself technology is inferior to him. Table tennis is also a not injured movement, not like basketball, in play when it is pulled down, injured, or the first prize. When playing table tennis, even if be hit will not feel pain. Im enjoying this movement at the same time, also met many table tennis masters, let my friends every day.

  Table tennis is my favorite sport!





  Everyone has their favorite sport, but I think you definitely sport I like what? Let me tell you! That is, cycling, commonly known as riding a bicycle.

  To learn how difficult this sport that it is not difficult, that simply was not simple, the most important thing is to master the balance, in order to master the balance I suffered, I am so anxious for the start did not grasp the essentials, and have its own legs Green throw and hand abrasions, or can not have good balance, I really wanted to give up! At that time my mother often say in my ear the word reminds me: someone else can do you can do! Is this sentence has been encouraging me, I started down-to-earth, step-by-step learning step by step, first of all, I sat on the bike, both feet on the ground to the same as in walking

  Former "walk." Such a practice, such as 35 days. I try to use a foot above the foot board to ride, and the other on the floor, "go." It may do 12 weeks training. In the end, that is one of the most critical, which is one foot on the pedal, the feet together, so that forward movement bicycle. Do not think that has been done at this time, I also happened, "the end of the air," the situation, but I do not despair, because "failure is the mother of success", as long as I continue to persevere, I believe I will succeed. Drainage into waterways, I now will not only riding, and riding a "thief away," ah!

  The summer, I ride every day to 23 hours, which not only allows the body fat I had a temper, but I do find a few good friends! Look! I have my little partners to sport it!

  I opened the "lights" (an increase on my own), they and a small partner, "waiting" in the area at the entrance, waiting for the "target" appearance. Our goal is not to another, that is, a vehicle that the vehicle entered the area, they have the Santana 3000, Hainan Mazda 6, a Corolla, a Excelle ... ..., I put them locked pursuit of the goal for me, I would like to go beyond their become a racing driver, although in reality, I can not go beyond them, but into the cell, these cars tend to slow down the speed, these vehicles will lose my subordinates. Hainan Mazda 6 goes beyond the beyond

  Audi, more than the BMW, Mercedes-Benz goes beyond, I feel how happy and excited too.


  Sports benefit us in many respects. When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our body. There is no doubt that properly balanced physical activities keep us physically fit. Furthermore, sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health. Through participation, everyone can learn that on the playing field he not only competes for himself but also for his team. Sports teach us about consideration, cooperation and optimism, and how to cope with difficulties.

  But sports can do harm to those people who cannot balance their activities properly. Training too hard may hurt their body, exhaust their energy and even make them disabled.

  Personally, I love sports. I enjoy participating in sports. I feel that I not only gain a well-balanced life through sports, but also get more chances to move closer to nature. Sports have really added happiness to my daily life.


  The Importance of Physical Exercise

  Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life. There is a famous saying: "Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises, theyll certainly help you live longer and more healthily.


  Exercise is good for us to build our bodies. It helps coordinate the different parts of our bodies when we have sports. For example, we must try our best to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs when we play basketball, or we wont be able to shoot the basket. Exercise also benefits our organs. It lets the heart beat faster than usual, and then helps enlarge the blood vessels to protect us from heart attacks.

  锻炼对我们的身体很好。运动的时候能够帮助我们 协调身体的各个部分, 例如,打篮球的时候我们必须尽力使手脚协调,否则我们不会投中篮。运动也有利于我们的器官。它让心跳比平时快,然后帮助扩大血管来预防心脏病。

  Exercise can also contribute to the development of our ability to response agilely. For instance, when you play table- tennis, you must try to reflect as quickly as you can so that you may fight back at the right position at the fight moment.

  运动也有助于提高我们的反应能力。例如,打乒乓球时你必须要快速反映,这样你才可以在正确位置反击。 Exercise can also contribute to improving our mood. When you do exercise, you move a lot, and you have to be more active. It helps you become more optimistic.

  运动也有助于改善我们的心情。做了运动,活动多了,你也会变得更活跃。它可以帮助你变得更加乐观。 Exercise will fill your life with various contents and make it more colorful.


  Whats more, exercise will help you get rid of your inertia. If you keep doing exercise regularly, you will never be a lazy person. Therefore, exercise has great effect on ones character. 而且运动可以帮助你摆脱你的惰性。如果你经常锻炼,你永远都不会成为一个懒惰的人。因此,运动对一个人的性格有很大的影响。

  In a word, exercise is helpful, important and absolutely necessary.



  The Enthusiasm For Sports

  Though PE class is a part of children’s education, many teenagers didn’t form the habit of doing exercise, they don’t have interest in sports. Enthusiasm for sports is of great importance, young people should treat it as their integral part of education.


  On the one hand, promoting enthusiasm for sports among teenagers helps them keep a healthy lifestyle. In the school, students are forced to take exercise in the PE class, they need to join certain activities. In this way, students live in a healthy lifestyle, they won’t get sick easily. But after they leaving school, no one forces them to do so, so they are lazy to take exercise, their bodies gets weaker.


  On the other hand, the enthusiasm for sports can help students enhance their sense of teamwork. As we known, most sports need more than one person to do, like badminton and table tennis, these sports needs more than two people. When students are playing badminton, they need to cooperate, so that they can defeat others, if they just keep an eye on themselves, they game can’t be played. Doing these sports will bring students the sense of teamwork, which is important for their career. 另一方面,对体育的锻炼可以帮助学生加强他们的团体合作感。我们知道,大部分运动需要不止一个人来做,比如羽毛球和乒乓球,这些运动需要超过两个人做。当学生打羽毛球时,需要合作,这样他们才可以打败对手,如果他们只是关注自己,游戏就无法进行。做这些运动可以给学生带来合作感,这对他们将来的职业很重要。

  People should keep the habit of taking exercise, the sound body ensures better future. Enthusiasm for sports can make people feel it a happiness to take exercise.



  Everyone has different interests and preferences, some people like sports, others like to read books, increase knowledge, also, some people like to go out to travel.

  I like playing football, every Saturday afternoon, mom and dad will take me go to football lessons, because can learn many skills, let me play better, more progress. I also like camping, because can play games with my friends, watch insects, sleep in a tent, and can also be seen around the beautiful scenery, let me find the scenery pleasing to both the eye and the mind.

  I also like to play table tennis, every Monday I will be in the school table tennis class with my classmates, teachers will also teach us a new way, also can match with your classmates, exciting and fun. Mountain climbing is my favorite activities, because can strong body, can also be a breath of fresh air, these are my interest.

  Id love to do some of these activities can help the body health, some playing games can relax the mood, I was a healthy baby.






  Sports do us good in many respects (TS). It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. Whats more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

  My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.




  Doing exercise is good for our health.For example,play basketball,play badminton...

  Lots of lessons always make us tired,so if we do some exercise,we can have a rest.Then,well study better.Also,it will make our more healthy.If we are ill,and then we cant study any more.If we do it,we can be strong,so we wont be ill in the hospital.

  Do you know?Doing exercise can help us make friends with more people.It will make us more friendly.

  In general,its good for us to do exercise.So,everyone!To do exercise now!


  My favourite sport is baseball . In my opinion , football is more exciting than basketball . Swimming is more relaxing than volleyball . Table tennis is more difficult than basketball . GaoWeiliang is my best friend . His favourite sport is football . In his opinion , table tennis is more exciting than running . Basketball is more relaxing than baseball . Swimming is more difficult than volleyball . I think baseball is so good , but GaoWeiliang think football is so good , Why dont you join us .


  As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it.” From this, we know

  that health is very important to everybody. But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sports can offer people health and pleasure. As far as I concern, I think doing physical exercises have lots of advantages.


  There are many different ways of communications, such as letters, emails, or telephone calls. However face-to-face communication still remains the most efficient way of communication between people.

  Firstly, in face-to-face communication people can get direct response from the other party. When we talk with our friends, we can get feedback immediately from their verbal response, body language and facial expressions. Based on these responses, we can know whats the next step to take, such as how to carry on the conversation, and change the direction or finish the conversation if necessary. Sometimes, speaking words and body languages may not mean the same thing.

  Although we can hear words from a telephone conversation from our friends but we do not always know if they really mean it. This is also true in criminal inspections. Police inspectors can judge whether the suspect is telling the truth through his or her body languages, therefore get new clues and solve a criminal case more quickly. Thus, face-to-face communication is more perceptible and can help us understand a speakers true feeling better than other ways of communication.

  Secondly, face-to-face communication is the most helpful way to express ourselves. In communication it is just not enough for us to say the words; we need eye contact, body language to express our feelings. Sometimes we are so happy or angry that we are out of words. At these times, there is nothing more efficient to express our happiness or anger than a big hug or turn our face to another side. When we are a tourist in a foreigncountry, language is not always enough,

  and gesticulations might help us get understood more quickly. We can order in a restaurant by simply pointing our fingers to the menu when we do not know how to pronounce an item exactly.

  Finally, face-to-face communication is indispensable in situations such as a relationship. Lovers need body contact such as a hug, a kiss and more, which cannot be done in letters or emails. Although lovers can use letters or emails to communicate, being apart for a long time is definitely not beneficial to a relationship.

  In brief, face-to-face communication is a very important way for us. It is good for betterunderstanding. It is more visible, direct and more effective than any other ways.


  when i was young,the body is not good at all,often catch a cold.then i listen to my grandma said: exercise can make people healthy.

  so i began to practice badminton,i practiced for several years,i in those years practice almost a cold,sick,no small trouble.

  i remember once,my mother and i play.the start of the match,a mother of a fly ball,let me be taken by surprise,the first round is completed,i temporarily behind.second i adjust the good mentality,the mothers weakness,defeated the mother.

  after the game,i came back home the sequence of events listen to my father,her father laughed and said:transport functions bring health and happiness,you know,you can grow up.

  sports can bring people happiness and health.please come here to participate in the movement!


  When deciding between face-to-face communication and other types, such as e-mail and telephone calls, the kind of communication one thinks is better depends on the definition of better. Face-to-face communication is usually the most effective form because there is the least chance for a misunderstanding to occur. On the other hand, letters, e-mail, and telephone calls are more efficient means of communication. In my opinion, the latter type of communication is better because efficiency is becoming increasingly important in the workplace. There are times when information must be communicated with exactness, and at such times a face-to-face conversation would be better. However, this is not always necessary or feasible. Many times we have to communicate with people who are far away. Traveling to meet them would be both prohibitively expensive and take a great deal of time. In these cases other forms of communication, especially electronic communication, are more appropriate. In addition, letters and e-mail allow us to have a record of the communication. This can be referred back to later should any dispute arise. Finally, these are types of communication that allow us to send messages when it is convenient. We do not have to match the schedule of another person.

  In conclusion, letters, e-mail, and telephone calls are more efficient means of communication than a face-to-face conversation. They allow us to save both time and money. In today’s world I think these are very important factors to consider. Therefore, I believe that these forms of communication are better.


  My favourite sport is baseball. In my opinion , football is more exciting than basketball. Swimming is more relaxing than volleyball. Table tennis is more difficult than basketball.

  GaoWeiliang is my best friend. His favourite sport is football. In his opinion, table tennis is more exciting than running. Basketball is more relaxing than baseball. Swimming is more difficult than volleyball. I think baseball is so good, but GaoWeiliang think football is so good, Why dont you join us.


  Sports benefit me in many ways. Firstly, sports call can make me fit and strong physically. When taking part in sports, I get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. In addition, sports call can maintain my psychological well being, Whenever Im in low spirit,aking part in sports can help me forget my anxieties and worries. Besides, sports can teach me some lessons about life. Through participation, I can learn that on the playground I not only struggle for my own self but also fight for my team. Sports teach me to be considerate, cooperative and optimistic.

  I am fond of sports very much. I feel that I not only gain a well balanced life through going in for sports, but also get more chances to make more friends, to move closer to nature. Sports add happiness to my everyday life when I participate in them in a proper way.

  My favourite sport is football, as it is very exciting. I play footetball three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I feel very happy when I play football in school with my friends. Sometimes I play football in the playground near my school.Football is very easy to play. If you play football very well, you can form a football team to take part in the competition. You may become a famous football star.

  Therefore, football is a very good sport. I think, you can play football, cant you?


  First, for us studying abroad can experience a variety of culture, which is helpful for broadening students horizons and makes us know about society and the world. Second, going abroad is beneficial for us to foster our perseverance and the ability to live independently. Also,it is an excellent exercise that can train our spirit bearing hardships. Whatmore,there is no denying that foreign technology is more advanced than domestic theory of knowledge system, we can learn more knowledge in foreign countries and develop ourselves better than before.

  Studying abroad also has some shortcomings.Above all ,Chinese students may be difficult to adapt to the new environment of study and life. Having been lived in China for 20 years, we may feel discomfortable to foreign learning methods and ways of life and even disgusted. It will affect our study for a long time in a foreign country.

  In addition, studying abroad will cost a lot of money for living and tuition. Some students gain academic success, so they receive academic scholarships. However, most peers abroad cannot obtain the scholarships. The expenses on living and tuition will be great burdens for students families.

  On the conclusion,studying overseas will afford students more benefits than adverse effects.If they could imbue themselves with intelligence and patience,I am sure that most students will be able to sidestep the drawbacks as well as take advantage of all merits of studying abroad.Only in this way, can they have a meaningful time and will achieve a better goal!


  During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to improve my skill. In high school I spent many hours playing outdoor sports. I enjoyed team sports like basketball and volleyball. In my senior year I started to practice tennis. Sometimes I would find a partner to play tennis with me, but as yet I am not very good at this sport. Tennis requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as strong concentration on the game.



  I like sport not only because it can help me to keep health, but also because it makes me relaxed. Study all day long makes me tired so that I often do sports with my classmates after class. We play basketball most, and sometimes play table tennis or badminton. In addition, I like running, especially when I’m upset, for I think it’s the best way to let the depression off.



  There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball.

  When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can.

  The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.


  The Chinese sport shooter I like best is Wang Yifu who was in terms of Olympic medals one of the most successful sport shooters of all times. He specializes in the 50 m Pistol and 10 m Air Pistol events.

  Wang won his first Olympic medal in the Los Angeles games at the age of 23. After this, the Air Pistol event was added to the program, and this is where he has achieved his greatest accomplishments. He won the 1992 gold medal only days after a new medal in the 50 m event. His three attempts to repeat the victory have provided impressive results and very tight duels:

  In the 2004 competition, Wang scored 590 once more, but lost the Olympic record to Mikhail Nestruev (Russia) who achieved 591. However, Wang Yifu chased quickly and eventually won by a margin of 0.2 points to get his second Olympic gold.

  I like Wang Yifu, and I also like his great.


  The Advantage of Sports

  Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.This is no doubt that sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. What’s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and confident. If you usually take exercise with your friends, you will be close to them. After all, sports can make your life more colorful.Nothing is more important than doing sports. Its time to take actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.




  1、It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overcome whatever hardship one is confronted with.2、As in the picture, the athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any sportsman.I most like the human is Liu Xiang 。 the famous athlete Liu Xiang striding forward in the Olympics Games in Athens. Determination is universally regarded asa highly praised quality. It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overcome whatever hardship one is confronted with. It is this kind of spirit that enables us to endure the difficult moments and attain our goals.

  The determined spirit gives us light when we are in dark moments and encourages when we are frustrated. With this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and noobstacles can stand in our way. There are many examples of success being achieved solely through the strong will of the spirit. As in the picture, the athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any sportsman. It is determination that leads to success. ?

  It is not easy to cultivate this determined spirit. To do this, we must establish a firm faith in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them. We must boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get rid of the weak points of our moral character. Around us, there are quite a few people with this intense determination and spirit and set a good example for us to follow.


  People are enjoying the comfortable life of the modern civilization, meanwhile, they are also experiencing more and more competitions and suffering much more stress than before.With the tremendous rhythm of living imposed by todays world, it isnt unusual for people to feel tired and to try to evade from the daily problems and stress. I think that there is no magic way that is appliable to every one of us, and proves itself the most efficient method of escaping stress. Each man has his specific activities that help him regain the joy of life. For me the best activities to reduce stress and to forget about problems are sleeping,playing football, going on a short vacation to the countryside, attending live performances and spending time with my friends and with my family.

  First and foremost, sufficient sleep, needless to say, is indispensable for each person, especially those encountering difficulties and suffering enormous stress. There is no denying that sleep could bring the body sufficient rest, modulate the function of each organ and release the body from stressful status. Whats more, sufficient sleep would enable the brain operate more swiftly and efficiently, thus making us more energetic to handle difficulties. Therefore, not only could sleep loose the fatigue of the physical body, but also release the mental stress.

  What is more, I think that family is the most important thing in a mans life. They are always there when you need them. Family provides support when you need it most, helps you go through the difficult moments of your life.The most important of all, their love for you gives you confidence in yourself, and makes your life easier and a lot more beautiful. Friends also have an important role, because you can evade from concerns by going out with them, talking about things that are not related to your work, and sharing with them your problems and your acheivements.

  Another way to escape stre


  A Sports Meeting

  Yesterday our grade held a sports meeting. We have six classes in our grade. All the classes did very well.

  In the Boys 100-metre race, I.Jn I.in from Class 2 won the first. At first, Zhang Lin from our class and I.in %ao from Class 1 were neck and neck. Lin Lin fell behind, but, finally he tried his best and came out first.

  In the Girls 100-metre race, Mei Mei ran the fastest, and Zhang Fang from Class 4 and Li Ming from Class 5 were both fell behind. But they tried their best, and that was enough.

  In the High Jump, when Jin Ling jumped 1.80 metres high, all the classes stood up and cried, "Well done!Congratulations!" But Liu Tao from our class also did very well,he jumped 1.71 metres high and Chen Hao, 1.56 metres high.

  In the Long Jump, Zhang Ming from Class 2 was the top.He jumped 7.78 metres long. Zhou Ping and Gao Lin from Class 4 and Class 6 were both very good.

  Finally, our class won the second. We were all very happy.

  Our headmaster told us to do our best in everything.









  Since I was very small, I watched a lot of sports with my father. My father is a huge fan of basketball match. When he has time, he will sit in the sofa and watch NBA. So I enjoy the time to watch the match with him. I also become a sport fan, but my passion on sports is much stronger. I am interested in watching all kinds of sports, besides basketball, tennis, volleyball and other sports are favored by me. Though I am a girl, I play many sports in the school. My classmates admire me. I feel so proud of myself of being different. Whats more, doing sports makes me happy. I feel the energy when I am running in the playground. I also learn to be patient and persistent, which helps me a lot in my study.


  Students in our school have one thing in common―an interest in sports. But different students have different reasons for taking part in sports.

  Many students have sports when they feel tired after study. They just want to relax themselves and have fun. Most boys love sports. They take part in all kinds of sports in order to become stronger. They join in the sports that interest them most, such as soccer, basketball and volleyball. Girls also like sports. Some of them they want to lose weight, to be slim and pretty by doing sports.

  In my opinion, no matter what reasons we have, we all can get a lot from sports.


  Doing sport builds up our body strength and reduces diseases.

  Though we lead a better life, our health is becoming worse now. So EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY,KEEP ILLNESS AWAY has been raised by the government.

  At noon or after school we play ball games, swimming and running. Look!The playground seems smaller because lots of students are playing on it.The school life has become colorful and we are energetic.As a result we study harder and better.

  The Sunny Sports has brought an exciting change to us. Lets keep on doing it.







  Consume excessive body heat and reduce body fat accumulation and maintenance of appropriate weight. Enhance cardio and promote blood circulation.

  Reduce suffering from heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Strengthen body resistance and reduce disease. Strong bones and prevent osteoporosis;

  Help welfare, and reduce confusion. Help improve the body, strong muscles. Increase the soft joints of the body and make more flexible, to reduce casualties. Improve sleep quality, more adequate rest. A more dynamic, more spirit, more efficient learning and work; Help relax, study or work with the removal of the stress. Tempered strong will, the courage to face challenges;

  Help increase self-confidence, to establish a healthy self-image. With family or friends to share fun opportunity for everyone feelings.

  Provide opportunities for understanding new friends and learn the spirit of cooperation in group activities. Quality fitness activities building quality leisure life management.


  if our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. and at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study. diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong.

  why are our bodies not strong? because we do not pay attention to exercise. for this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym.

  exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. it also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team.






  as we know,sport plays an important role in our daily lives.

  whenever you do some exercise,you can get a whole new refresh feeling through your body.it really does good to you.for example,going out to play ball games, which is becoming more and more popular these days,can get rid of bad moods,and help you be energetic again.in order to keep fit,you can keep a habbit of doing sports regularly.youll benefit a lot from it.

  all in all,wed better pick up our balls,and go out,to have an exciting game.ready?go?


  consume excessive body heat and reduce body fat accumulation and maintenance of appropriate weight. enhance cardio and promote blood circulation. reduce suffering from heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, and other chronic diseases. strengthen body resistance and reduce disease. strong bones and prevent osteoporosis; help welfare, and reduce confusion. help improve the body, strong muscles. increase the soft joints of the body and make more flexible, to reduce casualties.

  improve sleep quality, more adequate rest. a more dynamic, more spirit, more efficient learning and work; help relax, study or work with the removal of the stress. tempered strong will, the courage to face challenges; help increase self-confidence, to establish a healthy self-image.

  with family or friends to share fun opportunity for everyone feelings. provide opportunities for understanding new friends and learn the spirit of cooperation in group activities. quality fitness activities building quality leisure life management.


  It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength.

  In collective sports like sketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation.

  While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse urselves the competitive spirit.

  Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception.

  We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.

  Whats more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

  It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people.

  So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.


  it goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. in collective sports like sketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. while taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse urselves the competitive spirit. sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. however, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. we may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. whats more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

  it is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. so long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.















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