2023届高考英语三轮复习·冲刺押题·外刊阅读理解训练 (10)(含答案)

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2023届高考英语三轮复习·冲刺押题·外刊阅读理解训练 (10)(含答案)

2023-05-18 04:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023届高考英语三轮复习·冲刺押题外刊阅读理解训练10——改编自Gold optimizes reserves portfolio【文章】China's central bank has purchased almost 25 metric tons of gold in February, marking the fourth consecutive month of increase in its purchases. According to experts, this move is crucial as it will help optimize the country's international reserves portfolio.As one of the world's leading economies, China currently holds the seventh-largest gold reserve globally. By the end of February, the country's total gold reserves rose to about 2,050.34 tons, accounting for approximately 3.7 percent of the global total. Contrarily, the US and Germany hold more significant amounts of gold as they have 8,133.5 tons and 3,355.1 tons respectively.With gold being widely considered as a safe-haven asset, central banks tend to prefer gold as it is expected to hold its value through difficult economic times. Unlike other types of currencies, gold does not rely on any issuer or government and can be held in physical form for prolonged periods.Moreover, gold helps central banks to diversify their assets away from those dependent on the US dollar, such as US Treasury bonds. Given that the US dollar has shown some weakened signs recently, it appears evident that gold will remain an excellent hedge option against the potential decline in the greenback.In conclusion, China's recent purchase of gold is an attempt by the central bank to diversify its reserve portfolio and manage its risks better. Experts see this move as significant and emphasize the importance of countries strengthening their reserve allocations by including gold and other safe-haven assets for economic stability and balance.【重点词汇&词组】increase - [ n kri s] - v. 增加,提高optimize - [ pt ma z] - v. 优化country - [ k ntri] - n. 国家,乡村international reserves - [ nt n n l r z rvz] - phr. 国际储备金portfolio - [p t f li ] - n. 投资组合world's leading economies - [w ldz li d i k n mi] - phr. 世界领先经济体seventh-largest - [ sevnθ le d st] - adj. 第七大的reserve - [r z v] - n. 储备金,储备物globally - [ ɡl b li] - adv. 全球范围内total - [ t tl] - n. 总量,总数percent - [p sent] - n. 百分之us - [ju es] - adj. 我们的germany - [ d m ni] - n. 德国significant amounts - [s ɡ n f k nt ma nts] - phr. 大量的considered - [k n s d d] - v. 被认为,被视为safe-haven asset - [se f he vn set] - phr. 避险资产central banks - [ sentr l b ks] - n. 中央银行prefer - [pr f r] - v. 偏爱,更喜欢expected - [ k spekt d] - adj. 预期的difficult economic times - [ d f k lt i k n m k ta mz] - phr. 经济困难时期currencies - [ k r nsiz] - n. 货币rely - [r la ] - v. 依赖,依靠issuer - [ u (r)] - n. 发行人government - [ ɡ v nm nt] - n. 政府physical form - [ f z kl f m] - phr. 实物形式prolonged periods - [pr l d p ri dz] - phr. 长时间diversify - [da v s fa ] - v. 多元化,使多样化assets - [ sets] - n. 资产dependent on - [d pend nt n] - phr. 依赖于us dollar - [ju es d l (r)] - phr. 美元weakened signs - [ wi k nd sa nz] - phr. 衰退迹象evident - [ ev d nt] - adj. 明显的remain - [r me n] - v. 保持,仍然是excellent - [ eks l nt] - adj. 极好的,优秀的hedge option - [hed p n] - phr. 避险选择potential decline - [p ten l d kla n] - phr. 潜在的下降attempt - [ tempt] - n. 尝试,企图diversification - [da v s f ke n] - n. 多元化,多样化manage - [ m n d ] - v. 管理,处理risks - [r sks] - n. 风险better - [ bet (r)] - adv. 更好的see - [si ] - v. 看到,认为emphasize - [ emf sa z] - v. 强调importance - [ m p t ns] - n. 重要性countries - [ k ntriz] - n. 国家strengthening - [ stre θ n ] - n. 加强allocations - [ l ke nz] - n. 分配,配置including - [ n klu d ] - prep. 包括safe-haven assets - [se f he vn sets] - phr. 避险资产economic stability - [i k n m k st b l ti] - phr. 经济稳定balance - [ b l ns] - n. 平衡,均衡【阅读理解习题】1. Why did the Chinese central bank purchase almost 25 metric tons of gold in February A. To decrease the value of its international reserves portfolio.B. To diversify the country's reserve portfolio and manage risks better.C. To exploit the vulnerability of other currencies when the US dollar weakens.D. To increase China's total gold reserves to become the leading economy globally.Answer: B解析:根据第一段“ According to experts, this move is crucial as it will help optimize the country's international reserves portfolio.”和最后一段“In conclusion, China's recent purchase of gold is an attempt by the central bank to diversify its reserve portfolio and manage its risks better.”可知,中国央行此次购买黄金的原因是为了实现更好的储备资产配置和风险管理。2. How significant is China's gold reserve among countries globally A. It is the seventh largest globally.B. It greatly outweighs the reserves held by the US.C. It accounts for approximately 50 percent of the global total.D. It has shown a significant decline in recent years.Answer: A解析:根据第二段"As one of the world's leading economies, China currently holds the seventh-largest gold reserve globally." 可知,中国的金储备在全球范围内排名第七。3. What is the advantage of gold compared to other types of currencies during economic downturns A. Gold does not rely on any issuer or government.B. Gold can only be held in physical form.C. Gold is always in abundant supply.D. Gold is always priced higher than other currencies.Answer: A解析:根据第三段第二句话"Unlike other types of currencies, gold does not rely on any issuer or government and can be held in physical form for prolonged periods." 可知,与其他货币相比,在经济困境期间,黄金不依赖于任何发行人或政府,可以长期以实物形式持有,这是它的优势。4. Why do central banks prefer gold as an asset A. Gold is highly dependent on the US dollar.B. Gold is closely connected to the governments that issue it.C. Gold tends to hold its value during difficult economic times.D. Gold is a recent addition to central bank assets.Answer: C解析:根据第三段“With gold being widely considered as a safe-haven asset, central banks tend to prefer gold as it is expected to hold its value through difficult economic times.”可知,中央银行倾向于选择黄金作为资产,因为黄金在经济困境期间往往能保持价值。5. What does gold help central banks diversify their assets away from A. Other safe-haven assets.B. Commodities such as oil and gas.C. Currencies heavily dependent on the US dollar.D. Physical holdings such as real estate.Answer: C解析:根据第四段最后一句话“Moreover, gold helps central banks to diversify their assets away from those dependent on the US dollar, such as US Treasury bonds.” 可知,黄金帮助中央银行将资产多样化,远离那些依赖美元的货币。【全文逐句对照翻译】中国央行2月份购买了近25吨黄金,连续第四个月增加黄金购买量。China's central bank has purchased almost 25 metric tons of gold in February, marking the fourth consecutive month of increase in its purchases.据专家介绍,此举至关重要,因为它将有助于优化该国的国际储备组合。According to experts, this move is crucial as it will help optimize the country's international reserves portfolio.作为世界主要经济体之一,中国目前拥有全球第七大黄金储备。As one of the world's leading economies, China currently holds the seventh-largest gold reserve globally.截至2月底,该国的黄金储备总量上升至约2,050.34吨,约占全球总量的3.7%。By the end of February, the country's total gold reserves rose to about 2,050.34 tons, accounting for approximately 3.7 percent of the global total.相反,美国和德国的黄金持有量更大,分别为8133.5吨和3355.1吨。Contrarily, the US and Germany hold more significant amounts of gold as they have 8,133.5 tons and 3,355.1 tons respectively.由于黄金被广泛视为避险资产,各国央行往往更青睐黄金,因为预计黄金将在经济困难时期保持其价值。With gold being widely considered as a safe-haven asset, central banks tend to prefer gold as it is expected to hold its value through difficult economic times.与其他类型的货币不同,黄金不依赖于任何发行者或政府,可以长期以实物形式持有。Unlike other types of currencies, gold does not rely on any issuer or government and can be held in physical form for prolonged periods.此外,黄金有助于各国央行实现资产多样化,减少依赖美元的资产,如美国国债。Moreover, gold helps central banks to diversify their assets away from those dependent on the US dollar, such as US Treasury bonds.鉴于美元最近显示出一些疲软的迹象,显然黄金仍将是对冲美元潜在贬值的绝佳选择。Given that the US dollar has shown some weakened signs recently, it appears evident that gold will remain an excellent hedge option against the potential decline in the greenback.总而言之,中国最近购买黄金是央行试图使其储备组合多样化并更好地管理风险的一种尝试。In conclusion, China's recent purchase of gold is an attempt by the central bank to diversify its reserve portfolio and manage its risks better.专家们认为这一举动意义重大,并强调各国通过纳入黄金和其他避险资产来加强外汇储备配置对经济稳定和平衡的重要性。Experts see this move as significant and emphasize the importance of countries strengthening their reserve allocations by including gold and other safe-haven assets for economic stability and balance.






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