diverge from是什么意思

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diverge from是什么意思

2024-06-12 20:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

diverge from发音 意思翻译

背道而驰; 背离



diverse group───不同的组

date from───追溯到;始于;起源于

dated from───追溯到;始于;起源于

dates from───追溯到;始于;起源于

dating from───从什么时候开始




Don't diverge from the main path, but go straight through the wood.───不要偏离大道, 一直穿过树林.

I'm afraid our opinions diverge from a common starting point.───恐怕我们出发点相同,意见有点分歧.

Unless we're in touch with our customers, our model of the world can diverge from reality.───除非我们与客户接触, 否则我们的世界模型可能会偏离现实.

Please do not diverge from the original topic.───请不要离题.

Qualitative and quantitative researches diverge from each other on methodological principle, procedure, data collection and analysis.───质的研究和量的研究在方法论原则、研究程序 、 步骤 、 收集资料的方法上都存在着差别.

I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the subject of politics.───恐怕我们在政治问题上的见解不同.

our opinions diverge from each other.───我们的意见就是从此产生分歧的。

Their interests diverge from ours.───他们的兴趣和我们的迥然不同.

I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the direction of investment.───恐怕我们在投资方向上的见解不同.

Our opinions diverge from each other.───我们意见有分歧.

Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to diverge from your vegetarian diet.───仅仅因为你怀孕并不意味着你要与素餐背道而驰。

The spokes of the wheel diverge from the nub.───轮辐从轮毂向四周分出.

This is where our opinions diverge from each other.───这就是我们意见产生分歧之处.

Don't diverge from the main path, but go straight through the forest.───不要岔离大路, 要径直地穿过森林.

Notice that in all cases, the rays either diverge from or converge toward the foci.───注意在所有的情况下, 光线不是从焦点发散就是会聚到焦点.

They diverge from the narrow focus that we have for the business so we discard them.───它们偏离于我们的关键业务,所以你抛弃他们。


This is where our opinions diverge from each other.

I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other on the direction of investment.

Individuals within each may well diverge from the norm.

Russia does not intend to diverge from the United Nations position on this issue.

Beyond Oshamambe the shinkansen will diverge from the coastal main line and head through the mountains to reach Sapporo.

These interests would in all probability diverge from ours.

I'm afraid our opinions diverge from each other.

Our opinions diverge from each other.

Please do not diverge from the original topic.




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