【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

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【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆

2024-07-10 13:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 「foster」の意味(verb) 词类(英语单词分类):动词 [ 我 或 T ] 它的意思是[通常在有限的时间内照顾孩子,但不成为孩子的合法父母]。 中文翻译:【养父母】 例文 Would you consider fostering (a child) ? 您考虑抚养 (孩子) 吗? [ ] 它用来表示[促进思想和情感的发展和成长]。 例文 I’m trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children. 我正在 努力 让我的孩子对古典音乐感兴趣。 例文 They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries. 他们正在讨论如何最好地促进这个前共产主义国家的民主和繁荣。 【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 参考:「foster」示例短语列表 例文 A thing has dignity when it is not opposed to the higher and nobler virtues but rather accords with them and fosters them. 当一个物体与高尚的美德相协调并培养高尚的美德时,它就具有尊严,而不是与之对立。 例文 They also fostered new forms of commercial relations between individuals. 他们还培育了个人之间新形式的商业关系。 例文 Whether they fostered or hampered creativity depends on how one defines it. 它们是否有助于或阻碍创造力取决于你如何定义它。 【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 例文 The system itself fostered a constipated, inward-turning national posture, and attitudes of fear and hostility towards neighbours. 这种制度本身助长了一种内向的民族态度以及对邻国的恐惧和敌视态度。 例文 Because this object is not given by someone, a relationship with it incurs no obligation and fosters no dependency, as in gift exchange. 由于该物品不是由任何人提供给您的,因此您与它的关系不会像礼物交换那样产生义务或培养依赖关系。 例文 Theory posits cognitive processes fostering acquisition as well as how these processes are engaged through input that a task designer can manipulate. 该理论假设了驱动习得的认知过程,以及这些过程如何通过任务设计者可以操纵的输入来参与。 【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 例文 At 36 and 54 months, two additional ratings, fostering exploration and intrusiveness reversed !, were added to the composite. 在 36 个月和 54 个月时,综合评估中添加了两项额外评估:“促进探索”和“逆转侵入性”。 例文 In the low-aggressive line, there are multiple behaviors affected by fostering and only a single behavior influenced by endotoxin, in interaction with the fostering condition. 在低攻击性菌株中,在与饲养条件的相互作用中,有多种行为受到饲养的影响,而只有一种行为受到内毒素的影响。 例文 A social context of this type may reduce a child’s risk for depression by fostering a sense of meaning, belonging, and optimism. 这种类型的社交情境可以通过培养意义感、归属感和乐观感来降低儿童患抑郁症的风险。 【英语单词】彻底解释“foster”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 例文 Challenges at work are considered to be “steeling,” fostering coping resources that alleviate the detrimental effects of subsequent stressors, especially those encountered in the workplace. 工作中的挑战被认为是“剧照”,可以开发应对资源,缓冲后续压力源的有害影响,尤其是在工作中遇到的压力源。

“foster”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。 advance back champion cherish cultivate encourage feed foment forward further harbor nurse nurture serve stimulate uphold 通过记住反义词和反义词列表来掌握“foster”这个词!。 block dampen discourage dissuade halt hinder impede stop condemn “foster”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法! 英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释! foster [sth] 培育、协助、鼓励、培养 (推动) The idea was intended to foster better relations between them. 该计划的目的是促进( 或: 帮助、鼓励)他们之间更好的关系。 foster [sth] 培养,培养 比喻 (鼓励:一种态度) It’s important to foster independence in your child. 培养( 或: 培育)孩子的独立意识很重要。 foster [sth] 记在心里~ 比喻 (感情: 珍惜 ) He fostered hopes of returning to his homeland. 他的心里,一直怀揣着回家的希望。 2023版本~如果想增强词汇能力!我们也来学习一下与”foster”相关的其他含义吧 英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释! foster 佐藤,举起 (父母、子女:非血缘关系) ( 收养关系 ) They were his foster parents, not his biological parents. 他们是他的养父母( 或 养父母),而不是他的亲生父母。 foster [sb] 养育,养育 (培养) They decided to foster the two orphans. 他们决定抚养两个孤儿。 「foster」相关的惯用语、成语和复合词一览表。牢牢记住这些,让我们在日常对话中灵活运用「foster」吧! 英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释! foster brother 养兄弟 (弟弟暂时收养) 养兄弟 ( 古式 ) George is my foster brother; that’s why he doesn’t look like me or anyone else in the family. 乔治是我的养父母。这就是为什么他看起来不像我或我家里的其他人。 foster care 养父母制度 (短期收养) Most children who grow up in foster care are shuffled from one family to the next. 大多数在寄养家庭长大的孩子都会从一个家庭被拖到另一个家庭。 foster child 养子, 养子 (与家人安置的孩子) She became a foster child when both of her parents went to jail. 当她的父母双双入狱时,她被收养。 foster daughter 养女, 养女 (暂时收养的女孩) Valerie is the Johnsons’ foster daughter. 瓦莱丽是约翰逊家族的养女。 foster mother 养母 (临时收养的母亲) My foster mother loved me as dearly as her own children. 我的养父母像爱自己的孩子一样爱我。 foster parent 养父母 (临时家长) It’s not easy being a foster parent, knowing the child could be removed at any time. 成为养父母并不容易。 foster parents (临时)养父母、养父母 (临时养母和养父) Ben and Terry decided to become foster parents when they couldn’t have their own children. 当本和特里无法再拥有自己的孩子时,他们决定成为养父母。 foster sister 乳房姐妹 (暂时收养的妹妹) When I asked my foster sister about her parents, she said they were bad people. 当我向养姐询问我父母的情况时,她告诉我他们都是坏人。 foster son 养子, 养子 (暂时收养的男孩) Sally’s foster son is called Nathan. 莎莉的养子名叫内森。 foster是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法! I’ve worked hard to foster a cohesive and dynamic community here. 我努力在这里 培养 一个有凝聚力和活跃的团队。 But the event helps foster adoption in other ways as well. 它不仅通过活动而且还通过其他方式帮助 培训 和招聘。 My foster brother Stig had been confirmed in Annerstads church four years earlier. 我的 养 弟斯蒂格四年前在安纳斯塔德教堂接受了坚信礼。 Our shared objective is to foster research into general intelligence. 我们的共同目标是 推进 通用人工智能的研究。 They will foster growth resilience, social justice and cohesion. 它们将 促进 增长韧性、社会正义和一致性。 Also, making various efforts to foster excellent nurses. 我们还开展了各种 培养 优秀护士的举措。 The third field includes programs to foster leaders and entrepreneurs. 第三个领域是创业和领导力 发展 计划。 Jeju aims to foster its exhibition industry further. 与此同时,济州岛还致力于 发展 展览业。 With a push from employees who already use social media in their personal lives, enterprises are adopting Web 2.0 tools to foster collaboration. 应已在个人生活中使用社交媒体的员工的要求,公司越来越多地采用 Web 2.0 工具来 促进 协作。 Can abstract construal foster altruistic behavior? 抽象解释是否会 促进 利他行为? -通过囚徒困境游戏进行考试。 Dr. Seto encouraged us to consider how we can foster growth and sustainability simultaneously. 濑户敦促考虑同时 促进 增长和可持续性的方法。 DSDR aims to foster interdisciplinary collaborations between Demography and other disciplines. DSDR 旨在 促进 人口学与其他领域之间的跨学科合作。 While recognizing the importance of face-to-face interaction between teachers and students, we need to foster quality education using ICT. 在认识到师生面对面教学重要性的同时,我们需要利用信息通信技术 促进 高质量教育。 Stay away from illegal programs and help us foster a great gaming environment! 远离非法模组, 营造 健康的游戏环境! We will foster APEC cooperation for the sustainable use and integrated management of water resources. 我们将 推动 APEC水资源可持续利用和综合管理合作。 Here are some of the ways WeWork creates conference rooms that foster collaboration and productivity. 探索 可促进 协作并提高工作效率的 WeWork 会议室。 PREX engages in training programs to foster human resources in developing countries, and it will lead to achieve SDGs. PREX正在开展培训项目,以 开发 发展中国家的人力资源,这也将有助于实现可持续发展目标。 The journey now continues to the main destination of Nave ITALY: to foster self-esteem, independence and self-conscious growth. 旅程现在继续前往意大利纳夫的主要目的地。它是关于 促进 自尊、独立和自我意识的成长。 It has become DG’s business model to invest in and foster cutting-edge services such as Twitter and Path using this profit foundation. DG的商业模式就是以这个收入基础为基础,投资和开发Twitter、Path等 尖端 服务。 We foster Human Resources who will contribute to today’s ICT society. 我们 培养 能为ICT社会做出贡献的人才。 听听“ foster ”的沉稳声音(发音)! 读法是【ˈfɒs.tər】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˈfɒs.tər】。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyWPrDEFUXA 【必听】美国人解释“foster”的含义 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPFgW7k7xzo


11月 11, 2023






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