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effeminate是什么意思/翻译_effeminate读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 effeminate

英 [ɪˈfemɪnət] 美 [ɪˈfemɪnət]

adj.  女人气的



BNC.33376 / COCA.27156



女人气的looking, behaving or sounding like a woman or a girl 柯林斯词典 ADJ-GRADED (男子)娘娘腔的,女人气的If you describe a man or boy as effeminate, you think he behaves, looks, or sounds like a woman or girl. …a skinny, effeminate guy in lipstick and earrings…涂着口红、戴着耳环、一身女人气的瘦骨嶙峋的男人 His voice was curiously high-pitched, reedy, almost effeminate.他的嗓音出奇地高,尖声尖气,有些娘娘腔。 双语例句 His voice was curiously high-pitched, reedy, almost effeminate. 他的嗓音出奇地高,尖声尖气,有些娘娘腔。 Wen tingyun’s Ci poems are effeminate, redolent with the fragrance of women. 温庭筠的词带有脂粉气。 At the end of the 19th century its narrative of obsession, murder and hedonism offended Victorian society, with critics dubbing The Picture of Dorian Grey everything from effeminate to unclean. 十九世纪末,这部小说中对痴恋、谋杀及享乐主义的记叙与当时的社会格格不入,评论者对《道林格雷的画像》批评从女人气到不纯洁。 A pale, delicate, effeminate boy, who might have been taken for my master’s younger brother, so strong was the resemblance: but there was a sickly peevishness in his aspect, that Edgar Linton never had. 一个苍白的、娇滴滴的、柔弱的男孩子,简直可以当我主人的小弟弟:两个人是这么相像:可是在他的相貌上有一种病态的乖僻,那是埃德加林惇从来没有的。 Proponents of the new beard movement ( yes, it was called that) argued that the bondage of the beard to the dictatorship of an effeminate fashion had yielded a world of woman-faced men. 新兴的络腮胡运动(是的,就叫这个名字)的倡导者们提出,对络腮胡的禁锢,是一种娘娘腔时尚的专制,导致这个世界到处是长着女人脸的男人。 You mean he is effeminate? 你是说他是娘娘腔? Playing the adult Cheng, HK actor Leslie Cheung conveys in a glance the intensity of his feelings for his “king” tough his finely sculpted, effeminate features. 饰演成年蝶衣的香港演员张国荣以他细腻的刻划和描绘表现了他对“霸王”的强烈情感。 I am tired of wondering if a potential employer finds me too effeminate or if I need to carry mace on-campus. 我对于自己总是担心雇主会发现我过于女人气,或是总是想着在校园里走动时要不要带着喷雾催泪器护身这些想法感到疲惫。 But his perceived effeminate voice only drew big gales ofstupid laughter. 但是他的娘娘腔声音只是引来了一阵阵的愚蠢笑声。 The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words. 这种变化主要体现为:声调提高、语调更显温柔,并且不是夹杂着各种爱称和幼稚的语言。 The trait of being effeminate ( derogatory of a man). 像柔弱的女人一样的特征(用于对男子的贬损)。 He spoke in an effeminate voice. 他讲起话来一副娘娘腔。 They find European males slightly effeminate. 他们发现欧洲的男子都带一点脂粉气。 If you see an effeminate gay man, you’ll probably say,” Ah, more evidence for my theory. ” 如果你看到一个娘娘腔的同性恋者,你可能会说“又一个证据证明我的看法” Will he look much or a bit effeminate? 他应该看起来非常或者有些柔弱还是强壮? Falls on us, to be call’d effeminate; 落在了我们身上,那叫做-女人般的柔情; Used as a disparaging term for a man or boy who is considered effeminate. In this position, the woman lies on her back with her legs spread apart, and the man gets on top of her. 女性化的男子对被认为有女子气的男子或男孩的贬称在这种姿势中,女性背卧着,双脚分开,男性则趴在女性上面。 If you see a man who is not effeminate, you might ignore it or say maybe he’s not really gay after all. 如果你看到不是娘娘腔的同性恋者,你可能会忽视他,或者认为他不是真的同性恋者。 They are held to be somewhat effeminate. 他们有一点儿女人气。 Isn’t there a perception that men with a strong interest in fashion are a bit effeminate? 不是有一种看法认为,在时尚与浓厚的兴趣男人有点娘娘腔? He is an effeminate country youngster with watery blue eyes and hair parted in the middle. 他是个性格柔弱,有着水汪汪的蓝眼睛,并且头发分成中界的乡村青年。 They thought me mannered and rather effeminate. 他们认为我矫揉造作并且有点女人腔。 The word effeminate the way it is ordinarily used refers to this one sub-class of men. Right? 娘娘腔这个词常常被用于,指这一类男子,是吗? Effeminate: Having qualities or characteristics more often associated with women than men. 女子气的:具有胜过男人的女人气质或特点的。 The system makes boys effeminate and girls masculine. 这种体制使得男孩娘娘腔,使女孩变得男人腔。 Contrary to his effeminate appearance, he said without reserve during interview. 相对于他的优柔寡断,在访谈过程中他毫无保留。 There’s nothing effeminate about it& you have to be incredibly fit to dance. 其实芭蕾并不‘女人气’,反而需要健康的体魄才能跳好。 英英释义


having unsuitable feminine qualities

Synonym:    emasculateepicenecissysissifiedsissyishsissy



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