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2023-03-31 17:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


月亮的嫦娥 2023-03-28 01:15:43

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show a new film上演新电影show a visitor into把客人引进…show bravery显出勇气show dirt显得脏show elegance显出高雅show emotion流露出感情show face出现,露脸show happiness表示幸福show leniency表现出仁厚show little mercy不表示同情show oneself露脸,出面,出现show oneself at the reception出席招待会show oneself in one's true colour显露出原形show oneself in public公开露面show one's works展示作品show patience体现出耐心show pleasure显出愉快show sb stamp collection给…看收集的邮票show sb the way给某人指路show sign of intelligence显出有智力的迹象show sign of wear有磨损的迹象show teeth发怒show the painting展览绘画show the prizes展示奖品show the way给…指路show accurately准确地说明show clearly清楚地展示show conclusively令人信服地说明show definitely明确地说明show dimly显得昏暗show easily容易地展示show formidably可怕地露出show fully充分地说明show graphically生动地展示show minutely细致地说明show photographically照片上显示show plainly清楚地说明show spectacularly壮观地展示show vaguely模糊地说明show in领…进来show a guest in领客人进来show off夸耀,表现〔显示〕出优点show off well against衬着…很好看show out领…离开,送出show a guest out领客人出去show the gentleman out把这位先生送出去show the woman out of the study把那女人送出书房show up揭发,暴露,出现show up at the meeting出席会议show around带领…参观…show a friend around带朋友参观…show sb around the campus带…参观校园show as用…表示show by用…表示show into领进show sb into the drawing room把…引进客厅show over带领参观show sb over a factory带某人参观工厂show sb over the old castle领某人看古堡的全貌show through带领参观show sb through the museum领…参观博物馆show to把…拿给…看,把…领〔送〕到show new ring to sb把新戒指给某人看show sb to the door把某人送到门口show sb to the seat引某人入座acclaim show为表演喝彩applaud show为表演鼓掌attend a show看演出back show支持表演catch a show看演出censor show审查演出conclude show结束演出direct a show导演剧目do a show去看戏〔电影〕等finance show出钱支持展览give a show上演give sb a fair show给某人一个好机会give the show away露出马脚,泄露内幕give the whole show away泄漏整个事情give two shows everyday每天演出两场go to a show去看展览〔演出,电影〕hail show欢呼演出have no show of winning没有获胜的机会hold a show举办展览make a show展示make a show of oneself出洋相make a false show of strength虚张声势offer show提供展览produce a show制作剧目put on a show上演剧目,假装put up a show表现render show表现,使…演出review show评论演出revise show修正演出run the show主持演出〔展览〕,主持,操纵see a show看演出set up for show摆样子sponsor a show赞助演出stage a show上演节目stand a show有一个机会steal the show抢着出风头stop the show(观众的热烈掌声)中断演出take in a show看演出bad show表演得不好beautiful show美丽的景象excellent show精彩的表演〔演出〕good show好的演出greatest show最精彩的表演hit show十分成功的表演light show光影闪烁的表演musical show音乐表演open-air show露天表演outward show外观public show公开表演sorry show难过的样子air show航空展览会chat show(电台或电视台的)现场谈话节目circus show马戏表演dance show舞蹈表演film show电影展floor show(夜总会等中的)歌舞表演flower show花展horse show马展ice show溜冰表演leg show大腿舞minstrel show黑人剧团的演出monkey show猴戏motor show汽车展览会oil show石油迹象peep show西洋景puppet show木偶戏radio show广播节目road show巡回演出stage show舞台表演talent show业余能手演唱会talk show答问节目tractor show拖拉机展览trade show内部预演strip show脱衣舞表演TV show电视节目variety show综合文艺节目at a show在展览会上decide it by a show of hand举手表决for show为了给人留下印象,为了引人注目do sth for a show为某事装门面,为炫耀而做某事in dumb show哑剧表演be fond of show喜欢表现,喜欢卖弄on show在展览中show of flowers花展show of hand举手表决some show of justice相当公正good show of reason很有理由show of resistance抵抗的样子show of strength力量的显示show of things事物的表面show of trying试一试的机show oneself露面on show展览着,在公开展出show up露面;露出;揭露show in领入;领人show off炫耀;卖弄in show外表上;有名无实地tv show n. 电视节目for show为了外表,为了装门面,为引起注意;为炫耀talk show脱口秀;访谈节目fashion show时装秀;时装表演会put on a show假装给人家看;装病trade show贸易展览;内部预映show business娱乐业;娱乐性行业(等于showbiz)show itself v. 呈现;可看出show signs of显示…迹象slide show放映幻灯片variety show综艺节目;杂耍表演talent show才艺表演会;业余演出比赛motor show汽车展览会television show电视节目


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