高考英语冲刺:完形之同义词、反义词、原词复现解题技巧 (二十)

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高考英语冲刺:完形之同义词、反义词、原词复现解题技巧 (二十)

2023-12-18 16:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265












快读全文,整体理解全文大意。首先在不看选项的情况下,快速阅读整篇文章,了解全文大意。一般短文的第一句不设空,要认真、重点理解这一句的意思,了解文章背景,理清文章内容的线索。若首句交代了when, where, who, what,即四个W,那么就是记叙文,很可能就是一个故事,为了测试语篇的理解能力,出题者特别注意选材的趣味性,其结尾往往出人意料,耐人寻味;若首句是提出或解释说明某事物,一般来说是说明文;若首句提出一个论点,那么就是议论文。在快速阅读过程中,不要急于动笔选择答案,要一口气读到底,遇到不懂的地方先跳过去,继续往下读,以求纵观上下文,获得对文章内容的整体理解,从而确定判断选择的基本思路,切忌看一句选一题。


再读全文,核对文意,纠正错误。题目完全做完后,应根据所选答案,再通读一遍全文,检查一下全文是否通顺流畅,用词是否达意,上下文是否连贯,有无前后矛盾的逻辑错误。特别是一些考查词意及搭配的题目,一定要从搭配与上下文意思是否有合理的逻辑关系去考虑,不要硬套搭配而不顾上下文的意思。另外,对于难度较大的选项,可以凭自己的语感去选,相信自己的第一感觉,没有绝对把握,不要轻易改动。 建议大家用高考真题中的完形填空进行训练,因为高考完形填空的选材、命题等方面都是比较合理的。多做高考真题能够很好地把握高考的命题特点和趋势,能够最有效地应付完形填空这类试题。每周做2~3篇高考完形填空真题,坚持做几十篇后。效果就出来了。


    同义词、反义词、原词复现 解题技巧

“词语复现”是解答完形填空题的一个重要技巧。所谓复现,是指某一个单词或短语本身,或其同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、同根词(或短语)在文中重复出现。留意词语复现,可以帮助我们进行选择,或对所做的选择进行确认。 原词复现(前后线索)是完形填空最常用到的一种解题线索。它是指同一个词在短文中重复出现。它的词性有可能发生变化,形容词变为副词、名词变成动词等等情形都可能出现。前后线索在各省份的高考题中出现频率较高。所以做完形填空时要注意通过上下文,发现并利用词汇复现信息。




1. I’m an ambitious  40, and when I started going through chemo (化疗) , even though I’m a very  41 person, I lost my drive to write. (2015 江苏高考)

40. A. reader B. writer C. editor D. doctor

2. I was   27  to do it. I would excitedly turn the tap on and brush the comb carefully.(2015 陕西高考)

27. A. annoyed    B. relieved    C. ashamed    D. pleased

3. We finally did and it was   20   at first sight. It was Our Home, small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake. (2015 天津高考)

20. A. relief       B. concern     C. love        D. curiosity

4. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. …When we handed him the bag of __52__, he lit up and thanked us with ___watery__ eyes. (2015 新课标一高考)

52. A . toys   B. medicine   C. food    D. clothes

5. As an inexperienced teacher, I tried every means to get them to be   36  , but in vain….  Amazingly, the children fell silent.(2015 安徽高考)

36 A. glad B. safe C. kind D. quiet



1. Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places it is very, very ________.

A. deep     B. high    C. cold     D. dangerous


2. We thought that he had known all of this. However, it turned out later that he was totally _______ of it.

A. acknowledged   B. freed    C. unaware    D. unclear


3. He shouted to his daughter, “You always trust Tom without any doubt. Now, can you think of my words again? He is just a ________.”

A. hero     B. nice man    C. soldier   D. liar



And when parties are from  52  cultures, there’s a strong possibility of  53  . But whatever the situation, the best advice is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be  55 . (课程标准)

52. A. different       B. European      C. Latino       D. rich

53. A. curiosity  B. excitement        C. misunderstanding D. nervousness

55. A. noticed    B. treated       C. respected      D. pleased

And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. For example, different societies treat the distance between people differently.


I had been giving all of my attention to what was going wrong with my  33  rather than what was right! (全国卷二)

33. A. opinions     B. education    C. experiences   D. life

Why has my life become so hard?


She asked me if I would give a one-day lecture on stress management to 200 medical workers. My 39  there went very well, and before long I got a well-paid job.

39. A. plan   B. choice      C. day     D. tour


As I grew older and was exposed to more, my interests in the world of dance certainly varied but that little girl’s dream of some day becoming a 39  in the company never left me.   (北京)

39. A. director   B. trainer          C. leader   D. dancer


Today, over thirty companies regularly donate food and other goods to the cause(事业) and volunteers help to deliver them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer 51  new shoes. (山东)

51. A. donates   B. produces         C. designs  D. collects


May I offer you a reward for your  35?(浙江)

35. A. patience   B. kindness        C. courage  D. determination

As if in answer, a note fell from the paper. It read: Mrs. O’Brien wanted you to accept this umbrella as a present for a kind, unselfish gesture long ago.


Why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other  37 ? (福建)

37. A. parties   B. cities         C. villages   D. races

I was growing up in Kuala Lumper in the early 1960s, when children from different races and religions played and studied together in harmony.


I touched that giant rock and knew immediately I wanted to climb it. That has been my life’s passion ever since—18  the rocks and mountains of Yosemite.  (天津)

18. A. imagining  B. painting      C. describing   D. climbing


I tried  23  trash myself, but the job was too big. (天津)

23. A. throwing away   B. picking up       C. breaking down  D. digging out

In 2007 alone, 2,945 people picked up 42330 pounds of trash and covered 132 miles of roadway.

I set a date for a  27 . (天津)

27. A. cleanup   B. party        C. picnic    D. concert

Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere.


All of a sudden I started to feel rather __42_____. She wondered why I was looking for this sort of __43___. I felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be difficult to get a job without experience.

42. A. encouraged   B. dissatisfied    C. helpless   D. pleased

43. A. place         B. job           C. advice     D. help


Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies(仙女). Not all of these _______ are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and...

A. babies    B. believers    C. fairies   D. supermen


Jack was at the theatre early and he was already in a policeman’s clothes long before the end of the first scene. He even thought of going out into the street to see whether he could pass as ____ out there.

 A. a policeman   B. an inspector   C. an officer   D. a manager 

An American named Alan Kaufman and his company spent 6 years inventing a hand-free umbrella...Because of this smart _____, they can use their phones to talk and send short messages in the rain.  

A. action       B. invention     C. action     D. thing



1. …he wanted to buy a _34_ for his mother and some seeds for his bird …He thought of his bird with no__41_and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother…(2015 湖北高考)

34.A.cup      B. card     C. comb     D. cake

41.A.bread     B. insects     C. seeds    D. water

2. A week later Jason started his new__50_. He lost sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie, but got a well-paid job because he told the truth. (2015 湖北高考)

50. A.duty      B. business    C. job      D. method

3. They played jazz music to celebrate their new home. The loud  37  filled the room and made them feel very happy. (2015 北京高考)

37.A. voice        B. ring    C. music    D. cry

4. Someone had left a   39   under their door during the night…. So I wrote a short note. (2015 北京高考)

39.A. note        B. poster    C. bill    D. report

5. “What if we invited them to come here for a   43   instead? Dario asked…Finally, the day of the party arrived. (2015 北京高考)

43.A. party        B. concert   C. show    D. play

6. Dad had a green comb. He bought it when he married Mum.  Every night, he would hand me his   26  and say…(2015 陕西高考)

26. A. bag    B. wallet    C. comb    D. brush

7. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a ___47____.... When I handed him the gift card, saying…(2015 新课标一高考)

47. A. dollar   B. job    C. hot meal   D. gift card



1. 根据下文中“…, I lost my drive to write”可知,作者是一名抱负的作家。A项“读者”;B项“作家”;C项“编辑”;D项“医生”。故选B项。

2. 根据下文的:I would excitedly turn the tap…。因此可以看出作者很高兴这么做,选D。

3. 根据后句It was Our Home, small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake.可知我们对此房一见钟情。

4. 根据上文的apples, sandwich and a bottle of juice可知是食物。

5. 后文的中的:the children fell silent!可知文章一开始作者试图开始上课但是教室太吵了。


1. 根据上下文我们应该能断定出有些地方很浅,下面紧接着说有些地方实际上是很深的,选A。

2. 从原文中的“however”来判断,前后句之间应为转折的关系,所以前面说“我们认为他知道”,后面就应该是“原来他不知道”才成立。选项中的“unaware”一词正是合适的选择,因此答案为C。

3. 从原文的语气以及语意来判断,所选的词应和前文的“总是信任他”有相反的意义,而“liar”表示的正是“撒谎者”,所以符合题意,答案为D。


1. 根据上文可知,此处意为“没有鸟食”。同理,第34空的线索在后面一句,提到给妈妈买的“cake”,所以选D。

2. 根据下文可知,Jason获得了一份薪水丰厚的工作

3. 考查前文细节jazz music的原词复现,是音乐充满了房间。

4. 通过文章倒数第5段处得知,是由Mrs. Gilbert留了一张字条,故选A。

5. 由后文可知母子为解决此事办了一场派对,并邀请了邻居们,故选A。

6. 根据第一句中的“Dad had a green comb”可知答案选C。

7. 根据下文提示可知,我17岁的孩子建议给他一张礼物卡。





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