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What is uncertainty, subjective, objective, dikw uncertainty, how to transform among DIKW, DIKWP of creating a Purpose Graph

段玉聪(Yucong Duan)

DIKWP research group, Hainan University

[email protected]





不确定性是指缺乏有关情况或事件的知识或信息,这使得很难确定预测或确定结果。 这是许多领域的基本概念,包括概率理论,统计学,决策理论和人工智能。

不确定性可能来自各种来源,例如不完整或不正确的信息,不可预测的事件或系统中固有的随机性。 它可以以概率,风险和歧义等度量为特征。

在许多实际情况下,不确定性是决策的普遍性和不可避免的方面。 例如,在金融市场中,由于许多不可预测的因素,例如经济状况,地缘政治事件和自然灾害,股票或商品的未来价值不确定。 同样,在医疗保健中,由于患者反应的个体差异,疾病进展的变异性以及医学知识和技术的局限性,医疗治疗的结果可能不确定。




在DIKW(数据信息知识 - 奖)层次结构中,不确定性是指对数据,信息或知识的准确性或可靠性的疑问或缺乏信心。

在数据级别上,不确定性可能来自各种来源,例如测量误差,采样偏差或不完整的数据。 例如,由于参与者的响应偏见或样本的代表性,从调查中收集的数据可能不确定。

在信息级别上,不确定性可能来自用于生成信息的数据的质量以及用于处理数据的假设和方法。 例如,由于预测模型的局限性以及输入数据中的不确定性,天气预报的可靠性可能不确定。

在知识层面上,不确定性可能是由于可用信息的局限性以及解释信息所涉及的假设和不确定性而产生的。 例如,由于疾病的复杂性和症状的可变性,医学诊断的可靠性可能不确定。

在DIKW层次结构中,不确定性会影响来自数据和信息的知识和智慧的质量和可靠性。 为了减轻不确定性的影响,可以使用各种方法和技术,例如统计推断,灵敏度分析和风险评估,以估计不确定性程度并根据可用信息做出明智的决定。



主观是指基于个人观点,解释或看法,而不是基于客观事实或证据。 这是一个用来描述经验,感情,信念或态度的术语,这些经验,感情,信念或态度是由个人观点塑造的,并且可能因人而异。

主观性通常与客观性形成鲜明对比,这是指基于事实,证据或观察的事物,这些事物独立于个人观点或偏见。 例如,可以用温度计客观地测量房间的温度,而该房间中的一个人的舒适度则是主观的,并且可能会根据个人喜好,衣服和身体状况等因素而变化。

主观性可以在人类经验的各个方面发挥作用,包括艺术,文学,道德和人际关系。 认识并承认科学和医学等领域的主观性也很重要,在这种领域,个人偏见和假设可以影响数据的解释以及理论和假设的发展。




客观是指基于事实,证据或观察的事物,这些事实,证据或观察值独立于个人观点或偏见。 它是用标准化方法和标准来描述可测量,可量化或可验证的事物的术语。

与主观性(基于个人意见或看法)相反,客观性依赖于可以使用科学方法观察或测量的经验证据。 例如,可以用标尺客观地测量表的长度,并且可以用比例客观地测量对象的质量。

客观性是许多领域的重要概念,包括科学,医学和法律。 在这些领域,客观证据通常用于支持论点或决定,并且个人偏见和观点被最小化或消除,以确保决策是公平的,并且基于最佳证据。

但是,重要的是要注意,在所有情况下,客观性并非总是可能或可取的。 在某些情况下,主观观点和观点可能是有价值和必要的,例如在艺术,文学和个人关系中。




DIKW是一个缩写,代表数据,信息,知识和智慧。 DIKW层次结构是一个概念框架,描述了人类理解和决策中的抽象和意义的不同水平。

数据:通过传感器,调查或实验等各种来源收集的原始和未经处理的事实或观察结果。 数据本身通常毫无意义或难以解释。

信息:已处理,组织和背景的数据,以使其更有意义和有用。 信息可用于回答特定问题或解决问题。

知识:已经合成,分析和解释的信息,以对特定主题或领域形成更深入的了解。 知识可用于识别模式,做出预测或生成新的见解。

智慧:DIKW层次结构的最高级别,代表了根据知识和经验做出合理判断和决策的能力。 智慧涉及在复杂和不确定的情况下知识的批判性思维,创造力和实际应用的结合。

DIKW层次结构强调了从数据转向信息,知识和智慧的重要性,以便深入了解复杂现象并做出明智的决定。 它突出了数据处理,信息管理和知识创建在决策过程中的作用。 DIKW层次结构通常用于信息科学,知识管理和人工智能等领域。



将数据转换为更高级别的DIKW层次结构涉及分析,合成和解释过程。 以下是一些将数据转换为更高级别DIKW层次结构的一般准则:

从数据到信息:要将数据转换为信息,有必要组织和背景化数据,以使其变得更有意义和有用。 这可能涉及总结数据,对数据进行分类,可视化或应用其他一些形式的数据分析。 意图是提取模式,人际关系或其他可以为决策提供信息的见解。

从信息到知识:要将信息转化为知识,有必要以对基本现象有更深入了解的方式来解释和综合信息。 这可能涉及将来自不同来源,应用模型或框架的信息组合在一起,或者使用创造性思维来生成新的见解。 目标是对主题建立更全面和细微的理解。

从知识到智慧:要将知识转变为智慧,有必要将批判性思维和判断应用于从DIKW层次结构的较低层次中获得的知识。 这涉及考虑更广泛的环境,确定潜在的偏见或假设,并根据最佳证据做出决定。 意图是利用知识和经验来做出对个人,组织或整个社会产生积极影响的合理决策。

总体而言,将数据转换为更高级别的DIKW层次结构需要技术技能,分析能力和批判性思维的结合。 随着新数据,信息或知识随着时间的流逝,它涉及迭代,完善和持续学习的过程。




假设您正在尝试开发一种新产品,例如移动应用程序,并且想创建一个意图图谱来帮助您阐明目标和目标。 您的意图图谱可能看起来像这样:













此意图图谱有助于阐明移动应用程序的总体意图和愿景,以及指导其发展和成功的特定目标。 它提供了一个清晰的框架,以决定应用程序的设计,功能和营销,并有助于确保所有团队成员都围绕共同的愿景和意图而对齐。



意图图谱是您的目标,愿望和价值观的视觉表示以及它们之间的关系。 这是创建意图图谱的步骤:

确定您的目标:首先要集思广益,无论是短期还是长期的目标。 将它们写在列表或思维图中。

定义您的价值观:考虑对生活中重要的事情。 可能是家庭,职业,健康,灵性,教育或创造力之类的事情。 写下您的最高值。

将目标连接到值:查看您的目标列表,并查看它们如何与您的价值观保持一致。 例如,如果您的目标之一是创业,那可能是因为您重视企业家精神或财务独立性。

优先考虑目标:一旦您将目标与价值观联系起来,请根据对您最重要的目标确定其优先级。 这将帮助您了解哪些目标与您的意图最合适。

创建视觉表示:现在是时候创建您的意图图谱。 您可以在纸上,白板或使用Canva或Lucidchart等数字工具上进行此操作。 为您的每个值绘制圆圈,并将线路与相应的目标联系起来。

审查和完善:退后一步,查看您的意图图谱。 它准确地代表您的目标和价值观吗? 您需要进行任何调整吗? 完善它,直到您对结果满意为止。

将其用作指南:您的意图图谱是一个视觉指南,可帮助您专注于最重要的事情。 在做出决定并采取行动时,请定期参考它。





What is uncertainty, subjective, objective, dikw uncertainty, how to transform among DIKW, DIKWP of creating a Purpose Graph

段玉聪(Yucong Duan)

DIKWP research group, Hainan University

[email protected]

what is uncertainty

Uncertainty refers to a lack of knowledge or information about a situation or event, which makes it difficult to predict or determine the outcome with certainty. It is a fundamental concept in many fields, including probability theory, statistics, decision theory, and artificial intelligence.

Uncertainty can arise from various sources, such as incomplete or inaccurate information, unpredictable events, or inherent randomness in the system. It can be characterized by measures such as probability, risk, and ambiguity.

In many real-world situations, uncertainty is a pervasive and unavoidable aspect of decision-making. For example, in financial markets, the future value of a stock or commodity is uncertain due to many unpredictable factors, such as economic conditions, geopolitical events, and natural disasters. Similarly, in healthcare, the outcome of a medical treatment may be uncertain due to individual differences in patient response, variability in the disease progression, and the limitations of medical knowledge and technology.

Managing uncertainty is a critical challenge in many areas of human activity, and requires developing strategies and tools to cope with incomplete or uncertain information, to minimize risk, and to make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty.


what is uncertainty in DIKW

In the DIKW (Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom) hierarchy, uncertainty refers to the degree of doubt or lack of confidence in the accuracy or reliability of the data, information, or knowledge being processed or analyzed.

At the data level, uncertainty may arise from various sources, such as measurement error, sampling bias, or incomplete data. For example, the data collected from a survey may be uncertain due to the response bias of the participants or the representativeness of the sample.

At the information level, uncertainty may arise from the quality of the data used to generate the information, as well as the assumptions and methods used to process the data. For example, the reliability of a weather forecast may be uncertain due to the limitations of the forecasting models and the uncertainty in the input data.

At the knowledge level, uncertainty may arise from the limitations of the available information and the assumptions and uncertainties involved in interpreting the information. For example, the reliability of a medical diagnosis may be uncertain due to the complexity of the disease and the variability of the symptoms.

In the DIKW hierarchy, uncertainty can affect the quality and reliability of the knowledge and wisdom derived from the data and information. To mitigate the impact of uncertainty, various methods and techniques can be used, such as statistical inference, sensitivity analysis, and risk assessment, to estimate the degree of uncertainty and make informed decisions based on the available information.


what is subjective

Subjective refers to something that is based on personal opinions, interpretations, or perceptions, rather than on objective facts or evidence. It is a term used to describe experiences, feelings, beliefs, or attitudes that are shaped by individual perspectives and may vary from person to person.

Subjectivity is often contrasted with objectivity, which refers to things that are based on facts, evidence, or observations that are independent of personal opinions or biases. For example, the temperature of a room can be measured objectively with a thermometer, whereas the comfort level of a person in that room is subjective and may vary depending on factors such as personal preferences, clothing, and physical condition.

Subjectivity can play a role in various aspects of human experience, including art, literature, ethics, and personal relationships. It is also important to recognize and acknowledge subjectivity in fields such as science and medicine, where personal biases and assumptions can influence the interpretation of data and the development of theories and hypotheses.

Overall, subjectivity is a fundamental aspect of human experience and plays an important role in shaping our perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes about the world around us.



what is objective

Objective refers to something that is based on facts, evidence, or observations that are independent of personal opinions or biases. It is a term used to describe things that are measurable, quantifiable, or verifiable using standardized methods and criteria.

In contrast to subjectivity, which is based on personal opinions or perceptions, objectivity relies on empirical evidence that can be observed or measured using scientific methods. For example, the length of a table can be measured objectively with a ruler, and the mass of an object can be measured objectively with a scale.

Objectivity is an important concept in many fields, including science, medicine, and law. In these fields, objective evidence is often used to support arguments or decisions, and personal biases and opinions are minimized or eliminated to ensure that decisions are fair and based on the best available evidence.

However, it is important to note that objectivity is not always possible or desirable in all situations. In some cases, subjective opinions and perspectives may be valuable and necessary, such as in art, literature, and personal relationships.

Overall, the concept of objectivity is an important one for ensuring that decisions and arguments are based on the best available evidence and are as unbiased as possible.


what is DIKW

DIKW is an acronym that stands for Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. The DIKW hierarchy is a conceptual framework that describes the different levels of abstraction and meaning in human understanding and decision-making.

Data: Raw and unprocessed facts or observations that are collected through various sources, such as sensors, surveys, or experiments. Data by itself is often meaningless or difficult to interpret.

Information: Data that has been processed, organized, and contextualized to make it more meaningful and useful. Information can be used to answer specific questions or solve problems.

Knowledge: Information that has been synthesized, analyzed, and interpreted to form a deeper understanding of a particular topic or domain. Knowledge can be used to identify patterns, make predictions, or generate new insights.

Wisdom: The highest level of the DIKW hierarchy, representing the ability to make sound judgments and decisions based on knowledge and experience. Wisdom involves a combination of critical thinking, creativity, and practical application of knowledge in complex and uncertain situations.

The DIKW hierarchy emphasizes the importance of moving from data to information, knowledge, and wisdom in order to gain a deeper understanding of complex phenomena and make informed decisions. It highlights the role of data processing, information management, and knowledge creation in the decision-making process. The DIKW hierarchy is often used in fields such as information science, knowledge management, and artificial intelligence.


how to transform among DIKW

Transforming data into higher levels of the DIKW hierarchy involves a process of analysis, synthesis, and interpretation. Here are some general guidelines for transforming data into higher levels of the DIKW hierarchy:

From Data to Information: To transform data into information, it is necessary to organize and contextualize the data so that it becomes more meaningful and useful. This may involve summarizing the data, categorizing it, visualizing it, or applying some other form of data analysis. The goal is to extract patterns, relationships, or other insights that can inform decision-making.

From Information to Knowledge: To transform information into knowledge, it is necessary to interpret and synthesize the information in a way that creates a deeper understanding of the underlying phenomena. This may involve combining information from different sources, applying models or frameworks, or using creative thinking to generate new insights. The goal is to create a more holistic and nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

From Knowledge to Wisdom: To transform knowledge into wisdom, it is necessary to apply critical thinking and judgment to the knowledge gained from the lower levels of the DIKW hierarchy. This involves considering the broader context, identifying potential biases or assumptions, and making decisions based on the best available evidence. The goal is to use knowledge and experience to make sound decisions that have a positive impact on individuals, organizations, or society as a whole.

Overall, transforming data into higher levels of the DIKW hierarchy requires a combination of technical skills, analytical abilities, and critical thinking. It involves a process of iteration, refinement, and continuous learning, as new data, information, or knowledge becomes available over time.


can you give me an example of purpose graph

Sure, here is an example of a purpose graph:

Suppose you are trying to develop a new product, such as a mobile app, and you want to create a purpose graph to help you clarify your goals and objectives. Your purpose graph might look something like this:

Purpose: To create a mobile app that provides a fun and engaging user experience for gamers.

Vision: To become the go-to mobile app for gamers who are looking for high-quality games that are easy to play and offer unique features and challenges.


Develop a range of games that appeal to a wide range of gamers, from casual players to hardcore gamers.

Create a user interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear instructions and feedback.

Implement features such as leaderboards, social sharing, and in-app purchases to enhance the gaming experience and encourage player engagement.

Continuously monitor user feedback and make improvements to the app based on user preferences and trends in the gaming industry.


Develop at least 5 different games within the first year of launching the app.

Achieve a user rating of at least 4.5 stars on app stores within the first 6 months of launching.

Increase user engagement by 50% within the first year of launching the app, as measured by daily active users and time spent in the app.

Generate revenue of at least $1 million within the first 2 years of launching the app, primarily through in-app purchases.

This purpose graph helps to clarify the overall purpose and vision for the mobile app, as well as the specific goals and objectives that will guide its development and success. It provides a clear framework for making decisions about the design, features, and marketing of the app, and helps to ensure that all team members are aligned around a shared vision and purpose.


how to create a purpose graph

A purpose graph is a visual representation of your goals, aspirations, and values, and how they relate to each other. Here are the steps to create a purpose graph:

Identify your goals: Start by brainstorming your goals, both short-term and long-term. Write them down in a list or a mind map.

Define your values: Think about what's important to you in life. It could be things like family, career, health, spirituality, education, or creativity. Write down your top values.

Connect goals to values: Look at your list of goals and see how they align with your values. For example, if one of your goals is to start a business, it might be because you value entrepreneurship or financial independence.

Prioritize your goals: Once you've connected your goals to your values, prioritize them based on what's most important to you. This will help you see which goals are most aligned with your purpose.

Create a visual representation: Now it's time to create your purpose graph. You can do this on paper, a whiteboard, or using a digital tool like Canva or Lucidchart. Draw circles for each of your values and connect them with lines to the corresponding goals.

Review and refine: Step back and review your purpose graph. Does it accurately represent your goals and values? Are there any adjustments you need to make? Refine it until you're satisfied with the result.

Use it as a guide: Your purpose graph is a visual guide to help you stay focused on what matters most to you. Refer to it regularly as you make decisions and take action towards your goals.

https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3429562-1377570.html 上一篇:什么是概念图谱、实例图谱、语义图谱、认知图谱的DIKWP--ChatGPT的定义下一篇:ChatGPT类会怎么改变人类社会?校验、信任、裁判、演化的DIKWP数字经济分析 收藏 IP: 117.126.85.*| 热度|




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