didi是什么意思 didi的中文翻译、读音、例句

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didi是什么意思 didi的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-02-01 17:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


读音:dí dí


1. 我通常会用滴滴打车去公司。

I usually use Didi to get to the company.

2. 他今天晚上要用滴滴回家。

He is going to use Didi to go home tonight.




例句:In China, on Didi, the ride-sharing platform, 11 million rides taken every day. (在中国的“滴滴”, 这个打车应用每天 载客数会达到1100万, )


例句:Di Di you. meand Han werejust onefamily (DiDi,我跟你,跟阿汉是一家人呐 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Di Di you. meand Han were just one family)


例句:German designer Didi Senft has unveiled a royal rickshaw in Storkow, east Germany, on April 14. (4月14日,德国自行车设计师森福特在德国东部的施托尔科展示他最新设计的皇家三轮车。)


例句:Arnan Rothman. Delighted. Didi tells me you've replaced... (翻译:罗夫曼非常高兴认识你 迪第告诉你接掌了...)


didi一般作为名词使用,如在Didi(n. 迪迪(足球运动员名))、didi jikhaishi(季季吉海希)、didi lilo(季季利洛)等常见短语中出现较多。

Didin. 迪迪(足球运动员名)didi jikhaishi季季吉海希didi lilo季季利洛例句

1. German designer Didi Senft has unveiled a royal rickshaw in Storkow, east Germany, on April 14. (翻译:4月14日,德国自行车设计师森福特在德国东部的施托尔科展示他最新设计的皇家三轮车。)

2. Arnan Rothman. Delighted. Didi tells me you've replaced... (翻译:罗夫曼非常高兴认识你 迪第告诉你接掌了...)

3. Billy! Jason Scott is here, and Kimberly Hart... and Zack Taylor and some girl named Didi. (翻译:比利 杰森·斯考特来了 还有金伯莉·哈尔特)

4. I am hereto pick Di Di up to dinner (翻译:我来接DiDi去晚饭 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}I am hereto pick Di Di up 顺便来看看你们 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}to dinner)

5. We msut be cooperated and you must help me (翻译:我们一定要合作,你一定要帮我DiDi {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}We msut be cooperated and you must help me)

6. Di Di doyouwantto get rid ofthe body? (翻译:DiDi,不可以把孩子打掉 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Di Di do you want to get rid of the body?)

7. Di Di was born on the same daywith me (翻译:怎么DiDi跟我同一天出世的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Di Di was born on the same daywith me)

8. Did I leave your mind when I was gone? (翻译:DidI leaveyourmind when I was gone?)

9. Our "customers first" slogan is not to express orally , but little Didi from the day-to-day conduct of the customers to get recognized. (翻译:我们公司“客户第一”的口号不是口头来表述的,而是从日常点点滴滴的行为来得到客户的认可的。)

10. Didi, Sonia's brother has just arrived, he has no place to stay. (翻译:姐姐, Sonia的哥哥刚到这儿,可他没地方住)

11. I heard Di Di said you likecoIIecting puppets (翻译:我听DiDi说你对收藏木偶很有心得 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}I heard Di Di said you likecoIIecting puppets)

12. Uber is selling its China operations to rival Didi Chuxing, a landmark deal that ends the ride-hailing company's quest to dominate one of the world's largest markets. (翻译:优步将出售其中国业务给对手滴滴出行,这一里程碑式的交易将终结该叫车服务公司企图征服世界上最大市场的野心。)

13. Didi, isn't Raj the one you met in Europe? (翻译:姐姐 Raj不会是你在欧洲碰到的那个人吧?)

14. Eat,快吃吧 否则,你真的会晕过去)

15. Very supportive mother, Didi study painting, a person living with Didi, hard work, positive TB become sick, sick in bed. (翻译:母亲很支持迪迪学习绘画,一个人带着迪迪生活,辛苦工作,积痨成疾,卧病在床。)

词义:didi 可以是中国汉语中的一个音节组合,通常没有具体的含义。此外,didi 也可以是一个人名,以及滴滴出行应用程序的简称。


词组搭配:滴滴出行(Didi Chuxing)


发音拼写:dí dí


1. 我的名字叫做 Didi,但是我并不知道这个名字具体的含义。

My name is Didi, but I don't know the specific meaning of this name.

2. Didi 是一个女孩子的名字,意思是“嘀嘀咕咕”。

Didi is a girl's name meaning "muttering."

3. 我们今天叫了一辆滴滴出行的车,司机非常友善。

We called a Didi ride today, and the driver was very friendly.

4. Didi 出行是中国最流行的打车应用之一。

Didi Chuxing is one of the most popular ride-hailing applications in China.

5. Didi 跟我说她会在六点钟到接我。

Didi told me she would pick me up at the airport at 6 o'clock.

6. 我们用 Didi 出行的时候,我们可以用手机支付。

We can use mobile payment when we use Didi Chuxing.

7. Didi 出行为打车业务提供了全新的方式和解决方案。

Didi Chuxing provides innovative ways and solutions for the transportation industry.

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