SH49翻译: 百合花(茹志鹃) 1 of 2

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SH49翻译: 百合花(茹志鹃) 1 of 2

#SH49翻译: 百合花(茹志鹃) 1 of 2| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

SH49翻译: 百合花(茹志鹃) 1 of 2Translation: Lillies (Ru Zhijuan)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

一九四六年的中秋。Mid-Autumn Festival, 1946.--------------------------------------- 这天打海岸的部队决定晚上总攻。The military unit responsible to take the coast planned to launch an all-out attack tonight.我们文工团创作室的几个同志,就由主攻团的团长分派到各个战斗连去帮助工作。Several comrades from the art troupe workshop were assigned by the assaulting regiment head to different battle companies to help out.---------------------------------------大概因为我是个女同志吧!团长对我抓了半天后脑勺,最后才叫一个通讯员送我到前沿包扎所去。Probably because I was a female comrade, the regiment commander thought hard for a long while before he asked a messenger to escort me to a medical dressing station at the frontline.---------------------------------------包扎所就包扎所吧!反正不叫我进保险箱就行。If it had to be the bandaging station, so be it, as long as they didn’t send me into a security vault.我背上背包,跟通讯员走了。I strapped the backpack on my back and left with Messenger.---------------------------------------早上下过一阵小雨,A drizzle fell in the morning.现在虽放了晴,路上还是滑得很,Even though the sky had cleared up, the road was still very slippery.两边地里的秋庄稼,却给雨水冲洗得青翠水绿,珠烁晶莹。The autumn crops in the fields on both sides of the path had been well-washed by rain, and their glistening green color was showing.空气里也带有一股清鲜湿润的香味。The air was also pervaded with a fresh and damp fragrance.要不是敌人的冷炮,在间歇地盲目地轰响着,我真以为我们是去赶集的呢!Had there not been intermittent and random explosions of shell from the enemies, I really thought we were going to the farmer’s market.---------------------------------------通讯员撒开大步,一直走在我前面。Messenger strode in long steps in front of me all the way.一开始他就把我撩下几丈远。From the very start, he was several zhangs ahead of me.我的脚烂了,路又滑,My feet were blistered and the road was slippery;怎么努力也赶不上他。I couldn’t catch up to him no matter how hard I tried.我想喊他等等我,却又怕他笑我胆小害怕;I wanted to ask him to wait for me, but I was afraid he would call me a chicken and laugh at me.不叫他,我又真怕一个人摸不到那个包扎所。But if not, I was worried I would not be able to find the bandaging station by myself.我开始对这个通讯员生起气来。 I began to get mad at Messenger.---------------------------------------嗳!说也怪,他背后好像长了眼睛似的,Well, strangely enough, it seemed he had eyes at the back of his head.倒自动在路边站下了。Without being asked, he stopped and stood beside the road.但脸还是朝着前面。没看我一眼。Yet his face was still pointing ahead without giving me a look.等我紧走慢赶地快要走近他时,他又蹬蹬蹬地自个向前走了,一下又把我摔下几丈远。When I took measured pace to get close to him, he stomped forward and again promptly left me several zhangs behind. 我实在没力气赶了,索性一个人在后面慢慢晃。I really ran out of energy to keep up, and simply took my sweet time to mosey along.不过这一次还好,But this time it fared better.他没让我撩得太远,但也不让我走近,He didn’t let me drop too far back, but neither would he let me come too close to him either.总和我保持着丈把远的距离。Always he maintained a distance of a bit more than one zhang from me.我走快,他在前面大踏步向前;When I walked fast, he widened his steps marching forward.我走慢,他在前面就摇摇摆摆。If I walked slow, he waddled along in front.奇怪的是,我从没见他回头看我一次,我不禁对这通讯员发生了兴趣。 Inexplicably, I never once saw him look back at me, and I couldn't help getting interested in this messenger.---------------------------------------刚才在团部我没注意看他,Just now, I didn’t pay attention to look at him at the regiment headquarter.现在从背后看去,只看到他是高挑挑的个子,块头不大,Now in watching him from behind, I could see he was a tall but not too bulky.但从他那副厚实实的肩膀看来,是个挺棒的小伙,Judging from his firm and broad shoulder, he was a rather handsome fellow.他穿了一身洗淡了的黄军装,绑腿直打到膝盖上。He was wearing a washed-out yellowish uniform, and his leggings reached up to his knees.肩上的步枪筒里,稀疏地插了几根树枝,A few branches were sparsely inserted into the rifle’s barrel.这要说是伪装,倒不如算作装饰点缀。It would be more appropriate to say they were more for ornament than camouflage purposes.---------------------------------------没有赶上他,但双脚胀痛得像火烧似的。I didn’t catch up to him, but my feet felt like they were on fire from the pain and swelling.我向他提出了休息一会后,自己便在做田界的石头上坐了下来。After asking him to take a break, I sat on a rock at the edge of the field.他也在远远的一块石头上坐下,把枪横搁在腿上,He also sat down on a rock far away and rested the gun across his legs.背向着我,好像没我这个人似的。In turning his back towards me, seemingly he ignored I even existed.凭经验,我晓得这一定又因为我是个女同志的缘故。My experience told me that it had to be due to the fact that I was a female comrade.女同志下连队,就有这些困难。A female personnel always had this kind of problems when she was dispatched to a regiment unit.我着恼的带着一种反抗情绪走过去,面对着他坐下来。I went over and sat down opposite him in a sulky and rebellious mood.这时,我看见他那张十分年轻稚气的圆脸,顶多有十八岁。At this time, I saw his very young and childlike round face, and he had to be at most eighteen years old.他见我挨他坐下,立即张惶起来,好像他身边埋下了一颗定时炸弹,局促不安,When he saw that I went to sit next to him, he began to feel fluttery and uneasy as if I were planting a time bomb beside him.掉过脸去不好,不掉过去又不行,Turning his face to my direction was an uncomfortable thing for him but he felt compelled to do it.想站起来又不好意思。He wanted to stand up, but thought it would be impolite.我拚命忍住笑,I tried very hard to hold back my chuckles.随便地问他是哪里人。Casually I asked which part of the country he was from.他没回答,脸涨得像个关公,He didn’t answer, and his face turned red as a beet.讷讷半晌,才说清自己是天目山人。After stammering a bit, he told me he was a native of Tianmu Mountain.原来他还是我的同乡呢!It turned out we were fellow-villagers.---------------------------------------“在家时你干什么?”"What did you do when you were at home?"---------------------------------------“帮人拖毛竹。”"I helped people drag bamboo around."---------------------------------------我朝他宽宽的两肩望了一下,立即在我眼前出现了一片绿雾似的竹海中间,一条窄窄的石级山道,盘旋而上。I glanced at his broad shoulders, and a vision appeared that amid a sea of green-mist-like bamboo, a rock staircase pathway was spiraling up;一个肩膀宽宽的小伙,肩上垫了一块老蓝布,扛了几枝青竹,竹梢长长的拖在他后面,刮打得石级哗哗作响。a broad-shouldered youth with an old blue cloth padded on his shoulder was hauling several greenish bamboo which tips were scratching the stone steps and making clattering noises.……这是我多么熟悉的故乡生活啊!What a familiar sight it was for life in my hometown.我立刻对这位同乡,越加亲热起来。Right away I felt cozier to this fellow-villager.---------------------------------------我又问:“你多大了?”"How old are you?" I asked.---------------------------------------“十九。”"Nineteen."---------------------------------------“参加革命几年了?”"How long have you been in the revolution?"---------------------------------------“一年。”"A year."---------------------------------------“你怎么参加革命的?”我问到这里自己觉得这不像是谈话,倒有些像审讯。"How did you end up joining the revolution?" when my inquiries got to this point, I felt they became more an interrogation than a dialogue.不过我还是禁不住地要问。 And yet I couldn’t help but continued with the questioning.---------------------------------------“大军北撤时我自己跟来的。”"I followed the army when it retreated north."---------------------------------------“家里还有什么人呢?”'Who else are in your home?---------------------------------------“娘,爹,弟弟妹妹,还有一个姑姑也住在我家里。”"My mother, father, younger brothers and sisters; an aunt also lives in our house."---------------------------------------“你还没娶媳妇吧?”"You haven't gotten married yet, have you?"---------------------------------------“……”他飞红了脸,更加忸怩起来,两只手不停地数摸着腰皮带上的扣眼。"......," he blushed and got more fidgety as his two hands were restlessly fiddling with the buttonholes of his waist-belt.半晌他才低下了头,憨憨地笑了一下,摇了摇头。After a few brief moments, he lowered his head, giggled a little, and shook his head.我还想问他有没有对象,但看到他这样子,只得把嘴里的话,又咽了下去。 I wanted to ask him if he was dating anyone, but seeing the way he reacted, I choked back the words.---------------------------------------两人闷坐了一会,他开始抬头看看天,The two of us sat for some time without uttering a word, and he began to look up to the sky.又掉过来扫了我一眼,意思是在催我动身。Then he turned around and flashed me a glimpse which meant to urge me to get going.---------------------------------------当我站起来要走的时候,我看见他摘了帽子,偷偷地在用毛巾拭汗。When I stood up to leave, I saw him take off his hat and quietly wipe off his sweat with a towel.这是我的不是,That was my fault.人家走路都没出一滴汗,He walked all that distance without shedding a drop of sweat.为了我跟他说话,却害他出了这一头大汗,But in talking to me, he wound up with perspiration all over his head.这都怪我了。No one but I deserved to be blamed.---------------------------------------我们到包扎所,已是下午两点钟了。It was two o 'clock in the afternoon when we reached the bandaging station.这里离前沿有三里路,包扎所设在一个小学里,This place was three miles from the frontline, and the station was set up inside an elementary school.大小六个房子组成品字形,Six buildings of different sizes were positioned in a triangular formation.中间一块空地长了许多野草,An open lot in the middle was overgrown with weeds.显然,小学已有多时不开课了。Evidently the school had been closed for some time.我们到时屋里已有几个卫生员在弄着纱布棉花,When we arrived, there were already several medics inside a room preparing cotton and gauze rolls.满地上都是用砖头垫起来的门板,算作病床。The floor was well taken up by door panels propped up by bricks which were being served as hospital beds.---------------------------------------我们刚到不久,来了一个乡干部,Shortly after our arrival, a village officer came.他眼睛熬得通红,用一片硬拍纸插在额前的破毡帽下,低低地遮在眼睛前面挡光。His eyes were completely bloodshot, and a piece of cardboard inserted into a torn felt hat was low enough to block the sunlight from his eyes.---------------------------------------他一肩背枪,一肩挂了一杆秤;He carried a rifle on one shoulder and a steelyard on the other.左手挎了一篮鸡蛋,右手提了一口大锅,呼哧呼哧的走来。With a basket of eggs in his left hand and a large pot in his right hand, he came in huffing and puffing.他一边放东西,一边对我们又抱歉又诉苦,While putting things away, he was apologizing and grumbling.一边还喘息地喝着水,同时还从怀里掏出一包饭团来嚼着。At the same time that he was gasping for air and drinking water, he chewed on a lump of rice which he took out from his chest pocket.我只见他迅速地做着这一切。他说的什么我就没大听清。As I watched him scrambling in doing all these, I couldn’t quite catch what he was saying.好像是说什么被子的事,要我们自己去借。It was something about blankets which he wanted us to go and borrow ourselves.我问清了卫生员,I clarified that with a medic.原来因为部队上的被子还没发下来,但伤员流了血,非常怕冷,It turned out the blankets from the army had not been sent, and the wounded who had been bleeding would really feel the cold temperature.所以就得向老百姓去借。哪怕有一二十条棉絮也好。So, blankets had to be borrowed from ordinary folks, even if there were only ten to twenty quilt padding.我这时正愁工作插不上手,便自告奋勇讨了这件差事,At that time, I was worried I couldn’t be slotted into something, to do and so I volunteered to take on this assignment.怕来不及就顺便也请了我那位同乡,请他帮我动员几家再走。Lest I might not be able to get it done on time, I invited my fellow hometowner to help me out with several households before he would take off.他踌躇了一下,便和我一起去了。 He hesitated a little and then took off with me.---------------------------------------我们先到附近一个村子,We first went to a nearby village.进村后他向东,我往西,分头去动员。When we got there, we split up with him going east and me going west.不一会,我已写了三张借条出去,借到两条棉絮,一条被子,Shortly, I had issued three IOUs and was successful in borrowing two cotton quilts and a blanket.手里抱得满满的,心里十分高兴,I had my hands full and was very happy.正准备送回去再来借时,看见通讯员从对面走来,两手还是空空的。Just when I was ready to take them back before I returned to borrow more, I saw the empty-handed messenger heading from the opposite direction towards me.---------------------------------------“怎么,没借到?”"What happened? You couldn’t borrow any?"我觉得这里老百姓觉悟高,又很开通,怎么会没有借到呢?I thought the folks here were very understanding and open-minded, and how could he not be able to borrow any?我有点惊奇地问。In amazement, I threw him a question.---------------------------------------“女同志,你去借吧!……"My dear lady comrade, why don’t you try to borrow from them.老百姓死封建。……”These folks have come from the Dark Ages."---------------------------------------“哪一家?你带我去。”"Which house? You take me there."我估计一定是他说话不对,说崩了。I figured he didn’t say the right thing and screwed things up.借不到被子事小,得罪了老百姓影响可不好。Not being able to borrow a blanket wouldn’t be such a big deal, but the effect of offending the common folks would be bad.我叫他带我去看看。但他执拗地低着头,像钉在地上似的,不肯挪步,I asked him to take me there to see what was going on, but he stubbornly looked down towards the ground and wouldn’t budge an inch.我走近他,低声地把群众影响的话对他说了。I approached him and whispered to him how the folks’ thoughts could mean.他听了,果然就松松爽爽地带我走了。After hearing what I said, he briskly took me there.---------------------------------------我们走进老乡的院子里,只见堂屋里静静的,We entered the courtyard of the villager and noticed the hall was quiet.里面一间房门上,垂着一块蓝布红额的门帘,Inside, draping over a room’s door was a blue cloth curtain with a red horizontal top piece. 门框两边还贴着鲜红的对联。Bright-red couplets were pasted on both sides of the door frame.我们只得站在外面向里“大姐、大嫂”的喊,We had to stand outside and shouted to the inside: “Lady! Madam!”喊了几声,不见有人应,但响动是有了。There was no response after we called out loud a few times, but then some noises and movements were noticed.一会,门帘一挑,露出一个年轻媳妇来。After a few moments, the curtain was lifted and a young woman showed up.这媳妇长得很好看,高高的鼻梁,弯弯的眉,额前一溜蓬松松的留海。This lady was very good looking, with a high nose bridge, curved eyebrows, and a few loose strands of bangs covering part of the forehead.穿的虽是粗布,倒都是新的。Although her clothes were made of coarse cloth, yet they were new.我看她头上已硬挠挠的挽了髻,便大嫂长大嫂短的向她道歉,说刚才这个同志来,说话不好别见怪等等。I saw that her hairdo was in a stiff bun, so I kept calling her “madam” apologetically and asked her not to get offended at what the visiting comrade just now could have said wrong.她听着,脸扭向里面,尽咬着嘴唇笑。While listening to me, she turned her face towards the inside and bit her lips with a smile.我说完了,她也不作声,还是低头咬着嘴唇,好像忍了一肚子的笑料没笑完。When I finished, she didn’t make a beep and remained biting her lips with her head down as if she was holding back a bellyful of unfinished jokes.这一来,我倒有些尴尬了,Under the circumstances, I was somewhat embarrassed.下面的话怎么说呢!How could I spit out what I was about to say?我看通讯员站在一边,眼睛一眨不眨的看着我,好像在看连长做示范动作似的。I saw Messenger was standing wide-eyed at one side like he were watching the regiment chief giving demonstrations on what to do.我只好硬了头皮,讪讪的向她开口借被子了,So, I just had to get thick-skinned and sheepishly asked her to loan us a blanket.接着还对她说了一遍共产党的部队,打仗是为了老百姓的道理。What followed was I went over the reason that the Communist troop was fighting for the well-being of the people. 这一次,她不笑了,一边听着,一边不断向房里瞅着。This time she didn’t laugh, and as she was listening, she continuously looked toward the inside of the room. 我说完了,她看看我,看看通讯员,好像在掂量我刚才那些话的斤两。When I finished talking, she looked at me and Messenger as if she was weighing the merits of what I just said.半晌,她转身进去抱被子了。A few moments later, she turned around, went inside and carried out a quilt.---------------------------------------通讯员乘这机会,颇不服气地对我说道:“我刚才也是说的这几句话,她就是不借,Messenger took this opportunity to say to me indignantly: "I said exactly the same thing just now, and yet she refused to let me borrow.你看怪吧!……”Don't you think it’s strange? ..."---------------------------------------我赶忙白了他一眼,不叫他再说。I quickly gave him an eyes signal to keep quiet and say no more.可是来不及了,But it was too late.那个媳妇抱了被子,已经在房门口了。The lady holding the quilt was already at the door of the room.被子一拿出来,我方才明白她刚才为什么不肯借的道理了。Once the quilt was taken out, I understood why she refused to lend it to us.这原来是一条里外全新的新花被子,It was an inside-and-out brand-new floral-patterned quilt.被面是假洋缎的,枣红底,The quilt top was made of import satin, and the bottom was purplish-red in color.上面撒满白色百合花。Sprinkled on the top cover were images of white lilies.---------------------------------------2 of 2:

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