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This article describes terrain in land provinces.For naval terrain, see naval terrain. See also: Weather

The terrain of land provinces can affect the movement and combat performance of units, and cause attrition. Harsh terrain tends to favor the defender.

Terrain map. Legend:desert = "red background with ⛭" hills = "cornsilk background with △"mountain = "light gray background with ▲"ocean = "blue background with ~"lakes = "blue background with no symbol"marsh = "olive background with ⚶"forest = "spring green background with ♧"jungle = "yellow green background with ♣"plains = "orange background with no symbol"urban = "dark gray background with ⚑" Contents 1 Types 2 Paths 3 Terrain features 4 Unit-specific adjusters 4.1 Attack 4.2 Defense 4.3 Movement 5 References Types[edit | edit source] Ambox outdated info.png This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it.

Each land province has a terrain type, which is shown when the province is selected.

Combat width: Maximum amount of battalions that can fight in a province. "+Additional attacks" is how much combat width will be added for each extra direction of attack into the province. Movement cost: Increases the distance units have to travel by this factor. Attrition: When at war, land units moving from this terrain type suffer this amount of attrition. Attack: Adjuster to the attacker's soft/hard attack and breakthrough when the defender is in this terrain. Enemy air superiority: If the enemy has air superiority, their bonus is reduced by this amount. Sickness: Army leaders may become temporarily unwell when units are in this terrain. Supply flow penalty factor: Reduces the flow of hub supply into a province with this terrain. Truck attrition factor: Increases the rate of attrition for trucks used to motorize supply hubs in this terrain. Terrain Combat width Movement cost Attrition (equipment loss) Attack Enemy Air Support sickness Supply flow penalty factor Truck attrition factor Graphic (normal) Graphic (Winter) Desert 90(+45) +5% +15% 1 0.14 0.5 Terrain desert.png Terrain desert winter.png Forest 84(+42) +50% -15% -10% 0.08 0.2 Terrain forest.png Terrain forest winter.png Hills 80(+40) +50% -25% -5% 0.1 0.2 Terrain hills.png Terrain hills winter.png Jungle 84(+42) +50% +20% -30% -25% 1 0.16 3.0 Terrain jungle.png Terrain jungle winter.png Marsh 78(+26) +100% +35% -40% 1 0.16 4.0 Terrain marsh.png Terrain marsh winter.png Mountain 75(+25) +100% +30% -50% -10% 0.12 1.0 Terrain mountain.png Terrain mountain winter.png Plains 90(+45) Terrain plains.png Terrain plains winter.png Urban 96(+32) +20% -30% -50% -0.2 Terrain urban.png Terrain urban winter.png Lake Paths[edit | edit source]

A path between two adjacent provinces is the straight line between their centers. It is traced on a pixel grid[1], making diagonal lines noticeably longer than north-south and east-west lines. The terrain along this path (along with its distance) determines its movement cost.

The path may consist of the source and target province's terrain in varying proportions or even different terrains altogether. For example the path between two coastal mountain provinces at a fjord might consist of 40% mountain and 60% ocean, resulting in +40% movement cost for this path instead of +100% in a pure mountain range.

The path also determines whether direction-dependent terrain features apply.

The path cost of amphibious landings is fixed at 24[2] pixels (~170km[3]).

Terrain features[edit | edit source] Ambox outdated info.png This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it.

Terrain features can apply adjusters and modifiers in addition to the base terrain. They stack multiplicatively with base terrain values. They only affect the attacker because some of them depend on the path and the defender might fight against attackers from different directions. The attack adjuster applies to the attacker's soft/hard attack and the defense adjuster to their breakthrough.

Small river: -30% to attack/defense and -25% to movement. Large river: -60% to attack/defense and -50% to movement. Amphibious landing: -70% to attack/defense. Fort (land and naval): -15% to attack/defense per level.

The river adjuster applies when a path intersects a river. If a river modifier is applied in combat, this also allows other battle tactics. The amphibious landing penalty applies when a unit attacks a land province from a sea province. The movement cost of an amphibious landing is a fixed length.

The fort adjuster applies to land forts in all directions. With each flanking attack the bonus gets diminished. Naval forts reduce the attack when attacking in an amphibious landing, and when attacking across a strait.

Unit-specific adjusters[edit | edit source] Ambox outdated info.png This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it.

Main article: List of terrain adjusters by unit

Units may have specific adjusters in addition to the base terrain and terrain feature adjusters. The net adjuster for a division is the average of its combat battalions, plus the sum of the adjusters of its support battalions. Among the regular terrain adjusters, the attack value modifies the attacker's attack and breakthrough, and the defense value modifies the defender's attack and defense.

For terrain feature adjusters (except amphibious and forts), the attack value modifies the attacker's attack, and the defense value modifies the attacker's breakthrough. The amphibious and fort adjusters ignore their defense value[4] and use the attack value for both attack and breakthrough. The unit's adjuster stacks additively with the terrain and terrain feature adjuster respectively. Divisions lacking manpower have proportionately smaller bonuses and penalties.

Units move at the slowest speed of a combat battalion (adjusted for terrain). Recon units can increase the max speed of units for some terrain.

Note that positive amphibious and fort attack adjusters cannot exceed the base penalty, while river adjusters can.

Ambox outdated info.png This is a community maintained wiki. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Attack[edit | edit source] List of terrain attack adjusters by unit Unit Type Forest.pngForest Hills.pngHills Mountain.pngMountain Plains.pngPlains Urban.pngUrban Jungle.pngJungle Marsh.pngMarsh Desert.pngDesert River.pngRiver


Fort.pngFort Amphibious Armor Combat −20% -10% -10% -40% -30% +30% +40% +60% Amphibious Mechanized Combat -20% -5% -20% -30% +20% +30% +50% Anti-Air Combat −10% −20% −20% −20% −40% Anti-Tank Combat −20% −25% −20% −20% −40% +10% Armored Car Combat −20% -10% -30% −30% −10% −20% −40% Artillery Combat −20%


−20% −20% −40% +10% Bicycle Battalion Combat Camel Combat −5% −5% −10% −5% −10% +5% −40% Cavalry Combat


−5% −10% −5% −10% −40% Engineer Company Support (+10%[5]) (+10%[6]) +25% +10% (+20%[7]) Field Hospital Support Heavy SP Anti-Air Combat −40% −20% −30%


−60% −40% −40% −80% Heavy SP Artillery Combat −40% −20% −30% −50% −60% −40% −40% −80% Heavy Tank Combat −40% −20%


−50% −60%


−40% −80%


Heavy Tank Destroyer Combat −40% −20% −30% −50% −60% −40% −40% −80% +5% Infantry Combat Light SP Anti-Air Combat −20% −10% −40% −30% −10% −20% −60% Light SP Artillery Combat −20% −10% −40% −30% −10% −20% −60% Light Tank Combat


−10% −40% −30% −10% −20% −40% Light Tank Destroyer Combat −20%


−40% −30% −10%


−60% Logistics Company Support Maintenance Company Support Marines Combat +30% +30% +50% Mechanized Infantry Combat −20% −5%


−30% −10% −20% −40% Medium SP Anti-Air Combat −30% −10% −20% −40% −40% −10% −20% −70% Medium SP Artillery Combat −30% −10% −20% −40% −40% −10% −20% −70% Medium Tank Combat −30% −10% −20% −40% −40% −10% −20% −80% Medium Tank Destroyer Combat −30%




−40% −10% −20% −70% Military Police Support Modern SP Anti-Air Combat −30% −10% −20% −40% −40% −10% −20% −70% Modern SP Artillery Combat −30% −10% −20% −40% −40% −10% −20% −70% Modern Tank Combat −30% −10% −20% −40%


−10% −20% −70% Modern Tank Destroyer Combat −30% −10% −20% −40% −40%


−20% −70% Motorized Anti-Air Combat −10% −20% −20% −20% −40% Motorized Anti-Tank Combat -20% -25%


-20% -40% +10% Motorized Artillery Combat −20%


−20% −20% −40% +10% Motorized Infantry Combat −10% −5%


−20% −10% −10% −20% Motorized Rocket Artillery Combat −20% −25% −20% −20% −40% +10% Motorized Rocket(Katyusha} Combat −10%


−20% −20% −40% +10% Mountaineers Combat +20% +35% Paratroopers Combat Recon Company Support Rocket Artillery Combat −20% −25% −20% −20% −40% +10% Signal Company Support Super Heavy SP Anti-Air Combat −50% −30% −40% −60% −70% −50% −50% −100% Super Heavy SP Artillery Combat −50% −30% −40% −60% −70% −50% −50% −100% Super Heavy Tank Destroyer Combat −50% −30% −40% −60% −70% −50% −50% −100% +30% Super-Heavy Tank Combat −50% −30% −40%


−70% −50% −50% −100% +50% Support Anti-Air Support Support Anti-Tank Support Support Artillery Support Support Rocket Artillery Support Light Flame Tank Company Support +5% +5% +5% +10% +10% +5% +10% +10% +10% Medium Flame Tank Company Support +10% +5% +5% +15% +15% +5% +10% +10% +20% Heavy Flame Tank Company Support +10% +5% +10% +10% +5% +5% +5% +25% Defense[edit | edit source] List of terrain defense adjusters by unit Unit Type Forest.pngForest Hills.pngHills Mountain.pngMountain Plains.pngPlains Urban.pngUrban Jungle.pngJungle Marsh.pngMarsh Desert.pngDesert River.pngRiver Amphibious.pngAmphibious Fort.pngFort Amphibious Mechanized Combat -5% Amphibious Tank Combat -10% Anti-Air Combat Anti-Tank Combat Armored Car Combat Artillery Combat Bicycle Battalion Combat Camel Combat +5% Cavalry Combat Engineer Company Support +25%


(+10%[5]) +25% +25% +25% (+35%[6]) +25% (+35%[7]) Field Hospital Support Heavy SP Anti-Air Combat −20% Heavy SP Artillery Combat −20% Heavy Tank Combat −20% Heavy Tank Destroyer Combat −20% Infantry Combat Light SP Anti-Air Combat −10% Light SP Artillery Combat −10% Light Tank Combat −10% Light Tank Destroyer Combat −10% Logistics Company Support Maintenance Company Support Marines Combat Mechanized Infantry Combat −5% Medium SP Anti-Air Combat −10% Medium SP Artillery Combat −10% Medium Tank Combat −10% Medium Tank Destroyer Combat


Military Police Support Modern SP Anti-Air Combat −10% Modern SP Artillery Combat −10% Modern Tank Combat −10% Modern Tank Destroyer Combat −10% Motorized Anti-Air Combat Motorized Anti-Tank Combat Motorized Artillery Combat Motorized Infantry Combat -5% Motorized Rocket Artillery Combat Motorized Rocket (Katyusha) Combat Mountaineers Combat +5% +10% Paratroopers Combat Recon Company Support Rocket Artillery Combat Signal Company Support Super Heavy SP Anti-Air Combat


Super Heavy SP Artillery Combat −20% Super Heavy Tank Destroyer Combat −20% Super-Heavy Tank Combat


Support Anti-Air Support Support Anti-Tank Support Support Artillery Support Support Rocket Artillery Support Movement[edit | edit source] List of terrain movement adjusters by unit Unit Type Forest.pngForest Hills.pngHills Mountain.pngMountain Plains.pngPlains Urban.pngUrban Jungle.pngJungle Marsh.pngMarsh Desert.pngDesert


Amphibious.pngAmphibious Fort.pngFort Amphibious Mechanized Combat Amphibious Tank Combat -40% -10% -40% Anti-Air Combat −10%




Anti-Tank Combat −20% −5% −20% −25% −30% −20% Armored Car Combat


-10% −50% −20% +15% −20% Armored Car Recon Company Support +5% +10% +5% +15% +5%



Artillery Combat −20% −5% −20% −20% −30% −20% Bicycle Battalion Combat +10% +5% +20% +20% +5% +5% −5%


Camel Combat −5% −5% +15% −5% +5% +10% Cavalry Combat −5% Cavalry Recon Company Support +5% +10% +10%


+10% +10% +5% +10% Engineer Company Support +5% +20% +25% Field Hospital Support Heavy SP Anti-Air Combat −40%


−20% −40% Heavy SP Artillery Combat −40% −40%


−40% Heavy Tank Combat


−40% −20% −40% Heavy Tank Destroyer Combat


−40% −20% −40% Infantry Combat Light SP Anti-Air Combat −40%


−10% −20% Light SP Artillery Combat −40% −40%


−20% Light Tank Combat


−40% −10% −20% Light Tank Destroyer Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Light Tank Recon Company Support +10% +10%


+10% +10% +10% +10% +10% Logistics Company Support Maintenance Company Support Marines Combat Mechanized Infantry Combat −20% Medium SP Anti-Air Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Medium SP Artillery Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Medium Tank Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Medium Tank Destroyer Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Military Police Support Modern SP Anti-Air Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Modern SP Artillery Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Modern Tank Combat −40% −40% −10% −20% Modern Tank Destroyer Combat −40%


−10% −20% Motorized Anti-Air Combat


−50% −20% −20% Motorized Anti-Tank Combat −50% −5% −20% −50% −30% −20% Motorized Artillery Combat −50% −5% −20%


−30% −20% Motorized Infantry Combat −50% −50% −30% −10% Motorized Recon Company Support +5% +10% +10% +15% +5% +10% +20% +10% Motorized Rocket Artillery Combat







Motorized Rocket (Katyusha) Combat −50% −5% −20% −50% −50% −20% Mountaineers Combat +10% +20% Paratroopers Combat Rocket Artillery Combat


−5% −20% −20% −30% −20% Signal Company Support Super Heavy SP Anti-Air Combat


−40% −20% −40% Super Heavy SP Artillery Combat −40% −40% −20%


Super Heavy Tank Destroyer Combat −40% −40% −20% −50% Super-Heavy Tank Combat −40% −40% −20% −50% Support Anti-Air Support Support Anti-Tank Support Support Artillery Support Support Rocket Artillery Support Light Flame Tank Company Support +10% Medium Flame Tank Company Support +10% Heavy Flame Tank Company Support +10% References[edit | edit source] ↑ wp:Bresenham's_line_algorithm ↑ Reference define NMilitary.AMPHIBIOUS_INVADE_MOVEMENT_COST = 24 ↑ based on define NGame.MAP_SCALE_PIXEL_TO_KM = 7.114 ↑ This means Engineer Company's fort defense bonus of +25% does not work ↑ 5.0 5.1 requires Engineer Company IV ↑ 6.0 6.1 requires Engineer Company III ↑ 7.0 7.1 requires Engineer Company II Mechanics Politics Ideology • Faction • National focus • Ideas • Government • Puppet • Diplomacy • World tension • Civil war • Occupation • Intelligence agency Production Trade • Production • Construction • Equipment • Fuel Research and technology Research • Infantry technology • Support Companies technology • Armor technology • Artillery technology • Land doctrine • Naval technology • Naval doctrine • Air technology • Air doctrine • Engineering technology • Industry technology Military and warfare Warfare • Peace conference • Land units • Land warfare • Division designer • Tank design • Army planner • Command group • Commander • Battle plan • Combat tactics • Ship • Naval warfare • Aircraft • Air warfare • Experience • Officer corps • Attrition and accidents • Logistics • Manpower • Nuclear bomb Map Map • Province • Terrain • Weather • State Events and Decisions Events • Decisions




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