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2024-07-11 08:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Procrastinating could easily be the sweetest thing in the world, if deadlines did not exist. With a mountain-like load of work waiting to crush you under its weight, you cannot afford to waste time. Here are some simple steps that will help keep you focused during the day.要是没有最后期限这回事,拖延可谓是世界上最美好的事情了。面对堆积如山的任务,在如此重压之下,你再也不能浪费时间了。下面是能帮助你集中注意力的几个小方法。

1. Stop consuming the information you don’t need1、别再看没有用的讯息

Unsubscribe from as many mailing lists as you can. This way you can cut down the amount of incoming e-mails and prevent distraction. Also, stop watching news. If there is an event that is newsworthy, it will catch you anyway (mostly by other people).订阅邮件能少则少。这样能减少收到的电子邮件数量,不让工作分心。新闻也不要看。如果这个事件真有新闻价值,不管怎样你都能看到(多半从其他人那里听到)。

2.Just take a small step at a time2、每次做一小步

For example, if you're supposed to write an essay, start with a few paragraphs, and if that's too much for you, resolve to write just one. If that's still overwhelming, stick to a couple of sentences or even a few words.举个例子,如果你要写论文,先写几个段落,如果你觉得完成几个段落对你来说量太多,那就先写一个段落。如果这样还不能完成,可以先写几个句子,甚至是几个单词。

3.Praise yourself for starting the task3、自我表扬

Remember, as soon as you get started with your tedious task, you have already done something that most people are not willing to do. Starting is the hardest part – especially when a boring or irritating task is concerned.要记住,一旦你开始着手一项烦心的工作,你就已经做成了一件大多数人不愿意做的事情了。万事开头难,烦心的事更是如此。

4.Organise Your Desk4、整理桌子

A lot of unsolicited laziness arises from cluttered work environments. Cluttered work tables consume a lot of energy to clean and thus give way to laziness. Organise your table in such a way that each and every thing is in its rightful place, so that when you need something, you will not need to rummage your entire office space for it.很多时候懒惰来自于周围乱糟糟的环境。乱糟糟的办公桌会让你花费精力去整理,给自己偷懒找到借口。把桌子整理干净,让每个东西都在应该在的地方。这样当你需要什么的时候,就不必翻遍整个桌子来找了。 

5.Public posting5、公众监督

Because procrastinators care so much about how others view them, they are more likely to do tasks when they publicly announce it. Then when you've completed it, let everyone know that you've done what you set out to do. The "likes" and congratulatory tweets will feel very satisfying.拖延症患者很介意别人对他们的看法,所以如果别人都知道他们最近在忙什么,他们会因为顾及面子尽快完成。当做好事情后,让每个人都知道你的成果。微博上的“顶”和鼓励的话会让他们很有满足感。




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