
您所在的位置:网站首页 dazzle什么意思中文翻译 dazzle是什么意思


2023-11-26 13:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 使惊叹;使叹服;使倾倒If someone or something dazzles you, you are extremely impressed by their skill, qualities, or beauty.


e.g. George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world...乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。e.g. The movie's special effects fail to dazzle.这部电影的特效未能出彩。

2. 辉煌;灿烂;艳丽;令人赞叹的特质The dazzle of something is a quality it has, such as beauty or skill, which is impressive and attractive.

e.g. The dazzle of stardom and status attracts them.明星的光彩和地位吸引着他们。

3. (强光等)使目眩,使眼花If a bright light dazzles you, it makes you unable to see properly for a short time.

e.g. The sun, glinting from the pool, dazzled me...在太阳的照射下,池面上泛起粼粼波光,让我一时睁不开眼。e.g. Kelly was dazzled by the lights.灯光照得凯莉有些眼晕。

4. (光的)炫目,耀眼,闪耀The dazzle of a light is its brightness, which makes it impossible for you to see properly for a short time.

e.g. The sun's dazzle on the water hurts my eyes.水面上耀眼的阳光刺痛了我的眼睛。e.g. ...a filter that can cut dazzle.可以去除眩光的滤光片

5. see also: razzle-dazzle




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