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bath是什么意思/翻译_bath读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2022年11月30日 pm5:50 • 英文单词 • 阅读 404


bath是什么意思/翻译_bath读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 bath

英 [bɑːθ] 美 [bæθ]

n.  浴缸; 浴盆; 洗澡水; 洗澡; 洗浴v.  给…洗澡; 洗澡



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.2551 / COCA.3890



浴缸;浴盆a large, long container that you put water in and then get into to wash your whole body 洗澡水the water in a bath/ bathtub , ready to use a long soak in a hot bath一次长时间的热水浴 Please run a bath for me (= fill the bath with water) .请给我把浴缸放满水。 洗澡;洗浴an act of washing your whole body by sitting or lying in water I think I’ll have a bath and go to bed.我想洗个澡,然后睡觉。 to take a bath 洗澡 游泳池a public building where you can go to swim (旧时的)公共浴室,澡堂a public place where people went in the past to wash or have a bath Roman villas and baths罗马别墅和浴室 浴器,浴锅,染缸(工业、化学以及医学加工处理用)a container with a liquid such as water or a dye in it, in which sth is washed or placed for a period of time. Baths are used in industrial, chemical and medical processes.


给…洗澡to give a bath to sb It’s your turn to bath the baby.轮到你给婴儿洗澡了。 洗澡to have a bath 柯林斯词典

When the form baths is the plural of the noun it is pronounced /bɑːðz/ or /bæθs/ in British English, and /bæðz/ in American English. When it is used in the present tense of the verb, it is pronounced /bɑːθs/ or /bæθs/. baths 用作名词的复数形式时在英国英语中读作 /bɑːðz/ 或 /bæθs/,在美国英语中读作 /bæðz/。用作动词的一般现在时形式时读作 /bɑːθs/ 或者 /bæθs/。

N-COUNT 浴盆;浴缸A bath is a container, usually a long rectangular one, which you fill with water and sit in while you wash your body. In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own.那时候,只有非常富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。

in AM, use 美国英语用 bathtub

N-COUNT (在浴缸中的)洗澡,沐浴When you have or take a bath, or when you are in the bath, you sit or lie in a bath filled with water in order to wash your body. …if you have a bath every morning…如果你每天早上泡澡 Take a shower instead of a bath.洗淋浴吧,别用浴缸了。 …a bath and shower gel.沐浴凝胶 VERB 给(小孩)洗澡If you bath someone, especially a child, you wash them in a bath. Don’t feel you have to bath your child every day.不用每天给孩子洗澡。 Bath is also a noun. The midwife gave him a warm bath.助产士给他洗了个热水澡。

in AM, use 美国英语用 bathe

VERB 洗澡;沐浴When you bath, you have a bath. The tee children all bath in the same bath water.这三个小孩用同一盆水洗澡。

in AM, use 美国英语用 bathe

bath是什么意思/翻译_bath读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 N-COUNT 澡堂;(附带泳池的)公共浴室A bath or a baths is a public building containing a swimming pool, and sometimes other facilities that people can use to have a wash or a bath. One of the most important buildings in this ruined city is a public bath…在这座被毁坏的城市里,最重要的建筑物之一就是公共澡堂。 As well as a Roman amphitheatre and baths, the town has two superb museums.除了罗马式圆形剧场和公共浴池,这个镇上还有两座非常好的博物馆。 N-COUNT (盛放溶液的)容器A bath is a container filled with a particular liquid, such as a dye or an acid, in which particular objects are placed, usually as part of a manufacturing or chemical process. …a developing photograph placed in a bath of fixer.放在定影液中冲洗的照片 See also: bloodbath bubble bath swimming bath Turkish bath 双语例句 ‘I’m having a bath and going to bed,’ she announced, and left the room. “我要洗个澡然后上床睡觉,”她大声说完便离开了房间。 In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own. 那时候,只有非常富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。 Take a shower instead of a bath. 洗淋浴吧,别用浴缸了。 Don’t feel you have to bath your child every day. 不用每天给孩子洗澡。 The tee children all bath in the same bath water. 这三个小孩用同一盆水洗澡。 One of the most important buildings in this ruined city is a public bath 在这座被毁坏的城市里,最重要的建筑物之一就是公共澡堂。 As well as a Roman amphitheatre and baths, the town has two superb museums. 除了罗马式圆形剧场和公共浴池,这个镇上还有两座非常好的博物馆。 He has to share his bath water with the other tee children in the family. 他得和家里的其他3个孩子共用洗澡水。 It took half an hour to clean the orange powder off the bath 花了半个钟头才把浴缸上的柑橘粉擦洗掉。 The water was slightly cooler than a child’s bath 这水比小孩的洗澡水稍微凉一些。 When the bath water started to cool I got out, dried myself off, and dressed. 洗澡水开始变凉时我出来了,擦干身子后穿上了衣服。 All the time Stephen was lying face down and unconscious in the bath tub 斯蒂芬一直脸朝下趴在浴缸里,不省人事。 Home spas or mini whirlpools massage and relax, and can be fitted into the bath. 家庭热水澡桶或是小型涡流浴缸能够按摩并放松身体,可以安装在浴室中。 They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted. 他们聊天时会在阳台上抖搂浴巾。 All 300 elegantly furnished rooms have private bath. 300个布置讲究的房间全都配有独立浴室。 Colin had been put into a bath and been scrubbed from head to foot. 科林被放进浴缸,从头到脚仔仔细细洗了个干净。 I’d like a bath 我想洗个澡。 I would love a hot bath and clean clothes 要是能洗个热水澡、换身干净的衣服就太好了。 Dad, you need a bath. No offence. 爸爸,别见怪,不过你该洗澡了。 She opened the door to her bedroom, thinking how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight. 她打开了卧室的门,想着今晚洗个热水澡该多么令人惬意。 After a bath or shower rub down the whole body with a loofah. 在洗澡或淋浴后,用丝瓜络按摩身体。 I tew off my clothing quickly and ran a warm bath. 我很快脱了衣服,放上洗澡的热水。 A patient scalded herself in a hot bath. 一个病人在洗热水澡时烫伤了。 He took a bath and shaved before dinner 晚餐前他洗了澡,刮了脸。 The simplest way to install a shower is to fit one over the bath. 安装花洒最简单的方法就是在浴缸上面装一个。 He sluiced the bath and filled it 他冲洗了浴缸,然后放满了一缸水。 The room was dominated by a sunken bath. 嵌入地面的浴缸占了房间的大半空间。 A bath can relax tense muscles. 洗个澡可以放松紧张的肌肉。 I sang in the bath and drove my parents up the wall. 我在浴室里唱歌,我父母快受不了了。 Your bath is ready. 洗澡水给你准备好了。 习惯用语


take a bath

(在交易中)蒙受经济损失to lose money on a business agreement 英英释义


you soak and wash your body in a bathtub he has a good bath every morning a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed (as to process it or to maintain it at a constant temperature or to lubricate it) she soaked the etching in an acid bath a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet

Synonym:    batoom

a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body

Synonym:    bathtubbathing tubtub

an ancient Hebrew liquid measure equal to about 10 gallons


clean one’s body by immersion into water The child should bathe every day

Synonym:    bathe



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