游戏Mod工具 Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版 Mod V7.5.0 下载

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游戏Mod工具 Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版 Mod V7.5.0 下载

2023-10-22 07:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


在3DM Mod站下载游戏Mod工具最新的Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版 Mod,由红尘旧梦i制作。◕小莫◕在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!


Mod作者: 红尘旧梦i Mod版本: 7.5.0 Mod大小: 26.89MB 更新时间: 2023-07-21 09:42:50 发布时间: 2019-09-17 10:20:41


汉化:红尘旧梦 CE 官网: 汉化版地址:

更新内容(CN): 7.5:

修改 7.4.3 - 7.5

删除了访问内存区域工具的驱动程序要求 添加了 1 字节的 jmp 指令(这将安装一个异常处理程序并在该位置放置一个 int3) 添加了一个扫描选项,因此您可以跳过未分页的内存。 (应防止目标在扫描时占用 RAM) reassemble() 现在在需要时使用多行重写指令 使一些错误消息更具描述性 添加了一个选项,使突出显示的反汇编代码居中 添加了驱动程序无法加载的解释以及有关如何加载它的信息的链接 memoryrecord 热键现在可以单独禁用 codefilter:unwind 信息现在给出更少的坏结果 添加了对 cmpss/sd/ps/pd 等伪操作的支持 lua:添加了 ceserver 命令 lua:显示执行错误的堆栈跟踪 lua: 添加了 convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode) 使在 wine 和 proton 下加载带有签名的 CT 文件成为可能

7.4.1 - 7.4.2

ipt:增加了微软提供的intel进程跟踪功能。 ceserver:提高modulelist fetch速度,更稳定 ceserver:与关闭的 ceservers 断开连接的选项 ceserver:发现列表现在也是历史列表 ceserver:也在arm64上实现注入 ceserver:现在也获取 fpu 寄存器 汇编器 x86_64: 更喜欢 mov rax,[rip+xxx] 而不是 mov rax,[imm64] disasembler x86_64:从 r#l 切换到 r#b 因为为什么不呢 mono:dll 现在有一个版本检查,所以你不会不小心混合 monodatacollector dll mono:处理没有mainform的情况 mono/.net:方法列表现在按名称排序 更好的手臂拆装机 更好的 arm64 反汇编器和汇编器 扫描区域可以在关闭/启动 ce 时保存/加载(设置中的单独选项) 添加了一个选项以跳过加载 .PDB 文件 newstate 线程暴露了更多的功能 将范围扫描添加到 groupscan freeze+allow increase/decrease 现在还会查看值是否已签名 培训师:表单和控件现在根据 DPI 进行缩放 更改记录 showassigned/showashex 现在也适用于其他选定的条目 texttraces 现在不保存为 .cetrace,而是保存为 .txt ccode: #include 现在也在表文件中搜索文件 ccode:内部符号处理程序现在可以处理 stdcalled 函数符号 lua:将 ImageIndex 属性添加到 TTreeNode lua:为 MemoryRecord 对象添加了 OnValuechanged 和 OnValueChangedByUser 回调 lua: 添加了 getOpenedFileSize() lua: 添加 onHelpEvent 回调 lua: 添加了 releaseDebugFiles() lua:添加了 enumRegisteredSymbolLists() 和 enumRegisteredSymbols() lua: 为 ImageList 对象添加了 getBitmap 方法

7.4 - 7.4.1

添加 .Visible 属性到树节点条目 将 .VisibleRowCount 和 .TopItem 添加到列表视图 添加arm64拆装 添加了 lua 函数“runCommand” 添加了一个单选按钮来选择生成的脚本是使用 5 字节还是 14 字节的 jmps。 条件跳转现在可以处理 2gb+ 目的地(将被重写) dotnetinfo:性能改进 内存记录热键现在有一个“仅在按下时”选项 将 dbghelp 更新到可以更好地处理 nowadys pdb 符号的更新版本 不同的内存分配现在被放置在初始分配块中。 之后更改保护 示踪剂现在可以越过代表指令 lua stringstream 现在继承自 memorystream,所以你可以访问 Memory 字段 lua:添加了每当结构列表被修改时的回调 添加了与 ceserver 不同的体系结构 在热键表单中按 Escape 现在将关闭它 添加了嵌套结构支持 添加了基于字符串的自定义类型 反汇编器中的 ctrl+enter 现在显示该点的相对地址 即使禁用查找指令访问的不同地址数量的选项,“找出访问/写入的内容”中的差异计数现在也会保留

修复 7.4.3 - 7.5

vehdebug:修复了新线程创建或其他事件会导致另一个事件同时触发以忽略异常并继续的情况 monodatacollector:固定调用方法 dotnetdatacollector:修复了加载错误版本的 dbgshim.dll 的问题 固定拆卸cvtdq2pd

7.4.2 - 7.4.3

ceserver:修复了某些情况下的扩展加载 ceserver:修复了对 x86 目标的踩踏 修复了打开文件时显示为 [物理内存] 而不是文件名的名称 修复了使用特定选项扫描时的罕见错误 在某些时候修复了 celua 中的一些文档 修复了“更多信息”中的堆栈视图是垃圾/访问冲突 固定跟踪器搜索以 ] 结尾的指令 修复了 enumExports lua 函数 修复了 vehdebug 崩溃的问题 修复了汇编程序在调试时将 [rex+reg*x] 作为符号处理的问题 修复了反汇编器备份列表 修复了 memscan 对象的终止问题

7.4.1 - 7.4.2

修复了跟踪器搜索以 ] 结尾的指令 VEH 调试:修复了使用无效句柄的可能性 内核模式调试和 VEH 调试:修复了非挂起线程上的设置上下文 修复了 c# 插件示例中的 lua_pcallk 委托 修复了 wine 7.0 上的 speedhack 修复了第一视图结构剖析的高 dpi 问题 修复了查找访问/写入对话框的高 dpi 问题 恢复了锚点编辑器(在 7.4.1 中消失了) 修复了 .net 信息实例查找问题 固定的自定义类型被标记为字符串(7.4.1 中引入的错误) 固定运行命令 修复模态形式在内部丢失其文本颜色(7.4.1 中引入的错误) mac:修复了一些没有正确更新的进度条

7.4 - 7.4.1

修复了取消选择 double 时所有类型都找不到 4 种类型的问题 修复了不使用 double 时的“全部”类型 修复了 32 位和“reg”f 类型的 ccode esp 访问 修复了使用 binutils 进行反汇编时的反汇编 修复了 tablefiles menulist 占用内存的问题,因为它们没有被正确删除 修复了使用混淆模块和丢失元数据的 .net 问题 以 - 或 + 开头的固定配对值 固定装配 pmovmskb 固定反汇编 vgather* vex256 指令并允许使用 xmm/ymm 寄存器作为地址(对于允许它的指令。就像这个) 修复了使用多个启用或禁用部分时地址列表未给出正确错误的问题 修复了将 ctrl 用于 speedhack 热键时的错误 修复了 groupscan 命令解析器将通配符分配给错误的组合框的问题 固定反汇编 xchg eax/rax,xxx 固定 lua 自定义类型在使用非 lua 函数方法时注册为 float 修复了内存块末尾数据的小型内存扫描问题 ccode 不再注册无用的符号 7.4:


AA 模板现在在按住 ctrl 时会生成 14 字节的 jmp 脚本 Foundcode 对话框:Replace 现在在 nop 和 original 之间切换。 还可以防止重复 改进了对 memoryview 中 hexview 的键盘控制。 您现在可以在使用光标移动时按住 shift laststate 不再保存在表中(除非 ctrl 关闭) 为 dbvm 函数添加了一些空间,因此不太可能点击它们 您现在可以手动删除保存的结果 调试器附加超时窗口现在将显示某些调试器接口的状态 32 位目标中的 64 位模块更清楚地标记为这样 断开连接后单声道不会尝试重新连接 lua: 固定 copyMemory 模式 2

从 7.3.1-7.3.2:

结构剖析监视更改现在还会向您显示中间发生了什么变化 添加了指针通配符如何工作的提示 创建了一个无需管理员即可运行的替代命名 CE 版本(不是 UCE,不要认为它是一个,你会失望的) foundcode 对话框中的替换按钮现在支持多选 您现在还可以直接在 foundlist 中更改 groupscan 扫描结果的值 当之前没有选择进程时,lua 的 openProcess 命令现在不会停用所有条目 您现在可以编辑带有断点的指令 添加了 linux ABI c-compiler dll 默认情况下,mono 现在释放 .net 线程

从 7.3.2-7.4:

添加了将此地址添加到 hexview 中的地址列表的快捷方式(ctrl+numPlus) goto address popup 现在以 memview 窗口为中心,而不是屏幕中心 您现在可以更改示踪树的字体 将 isRep 添加到 lua LastDisassemblerData 字段。 并且 stepover 现在跨过 rep 指令 中断和跟踪:添加了“留在模块内”选项 向 memoryviewer 的 hexviewer 部分添加了自定义对齐选项


修复了自动组装器窗口的加载回 highligter 配置 .netinfo:修复字段搜索 修复了关闭辅助 memoryview 窗口时的反汇编程序问题/内存损坏 修复了在跳过某些模块时会杀死调试器的制动和跟踪,导致无法确定返回地址 固定自动附加不停止进程闪烁 剖析无效内存地址时,单声道不太可能断开连接 修复了在暗模式下复选框和单选按钮大小不正确的问题 foundlist:显示类型覆盖也会影响保存的列 foundlist:新扫描现在也清除保存的结果 processlist:修复了浅色模式下突出显示的颜色处理条目 固定比较第一次扫描热键 修复了损坏/空语言文件夹的处理 固定网络模块大小查找。 (也需要一个新的 ceserver 构建) foundcode对话框的固定位置保存 修复了未给出正确错误消息的 lua 错误 修复了 32 位 CE 构建的 $c 和 $ccode 修复了写入日志以忽略地址列表冻结(Skyrimfus) 修复了在 c/ccode 块中处理 -0.0f 的问题 修复了最后一块可读内存的 memscan 修复了处理 namespace.classname:modulename 格式的正确方法。 (支持两种格式) 修复了以非常小的间隔使用线程冻结时的错误 在不提供任何参数时修复了 $ccode 和 $luacode 修复了一些包含文件在使用时出错的问题

从 7.3.1-7.3.2:

网络 ceserver/linux:修复了 wpm 损坏内存的问题 修复了精灵符号解析器 修复了 Linux 上的 speedhack il2cpp 现在有一个进度条 修复了处理一些较新的 il2cpp 游戏 固定 vmin 组装 修复了 ceshare 颜色(7.3.1 中引入的错误) 修复了输入错误的 ceserver 详细信息时冻结的问题 修复了从扫描中删除组扫描条目 固定指针扫描在具有非 ASCII 字符的路径中时不加载结果 修复了独立的培训师制造商给出关于重复条目的错误

从 7.3.2-7.4:

lua:修复了不应该扩展的 readByte 符号 如果您没有 Visual Studio 调试 dll(在 7.3.2 中引入),则修复了单声道不注入 修复仅更改 xmm0 的 changeregonbp “查找此代码访问的地址”的窗口位置保存应该更可预测 修复了在 hexview 中保存一些颜色偏好,并添加了 fadecolor 修复 AA createThreadAndWait 在独立脚本中不起作用 提高了单声道的稳定性 修复了在 64 位目标上导致停止而不是忽略的中断和跟踪忽略标志 7.3:


添加了暗模式支持(更改设置时重新启动 CE) 所有保存的结果现在都显示在发现列表中(可以关闭) Groupscan 现在支持指针通配符。(仅当该字段是正确的指针时才有效) 如果重复计时器尚未完成,则可以通过释放键并重新按下来重复热键 结构解析添加到地址列表使用地址字符串而不是数字,因此将保留符号 Structure dissect 现在可以选择保存列的先前状态并更轻松地显示更改 鼠标中键现在将结构元素的值复制到剪贴板 为内联 Lua 编码添加了 $LUACODE 块 向 CE 添加了一个 c 编译器 向自动汇编器添加了 $C 块。所有 $C 块在执行前合并成一个脚本 为内联 C 编码添加了 $CCODE 块(查看论坛、维基、CE patreon discord 或 CE 的 youtube) 添加了 C# 编译器(compilecs) 添加了执行 .NET(和单声道)方法绕行的例程。.NET 信息有一个新的上下文菜单,您可以在其中为自动组装程序创建绕行模板 也向 .NET 信息窗口添加了调用方法 [Disable] 部分现在可以引用在 [ENABLE] 部分中创建的标签、定义、AOBScan 结果和分配 用户定义的符号列表具有 CCode 符号的辅助列表 更改地址窗口现在也支持相对偏移量 DBVM 速度改进 DBVM 具有额外的安全级别,并添加了 dbvm_setKeys 以轻松更改访问代码 DBVM 现在有一些对嵌套 VM 的基本支持(只是为了您可以运行它们,尚未修改) 新的调试器接口:DBVM 级调试器 改进了“查找访问/写入此地址的内容”的性能 剖析代码现在可让您指定自定义范围 如果记录是字符串类型,地址列表值排序现在按字母表对值进行排序 现在可以同时更改多个条目的下拉列表 独立寄存器窗口现在也显示标志值 如果第一个值大于第二个值,则扫描之间的值现在会自动交换顺序


修复了一些游戏在符号访问时冻结 CE Lua 调试现在显示 for 循环变量 现在有几个窗口会保存它们的位置,如果您第一次运行 CE 时不显示它们,则不会损坏 使用超时时修复了 createthreadandwait 固定反汇编vcvtsi2ss 固定比较第一次扫描,如果它是一个大块,并使其更有效率 ceshare:注销已修复 固定装配 movsq 固定的 ultimap ret 过滤器 固定 luapipe 从不调用 OnError 修复了 64 位 CE 中的 vehdebug 将 32 位目标中的 FPU 寄存器清零 固定 DBVM 查找访问/写入有时会跳过 AMD 上的条目 修复了使用单行编辑器时撤消对内存记录不起作用的问题 加载表格时固定隐藏子组选项 修复了中断和跟踪窗口中的一些字体问题 修复了在十六进制视图中粘贴其他类型的问题 修复了符号加载器在未知 pdb 符号数据上完全崩溃的问题


saveTable 不再要求在表上签名 如果您省略按钮列表,则 messageDialog 将起作用。(然后默认为 mbOK) 添加了更多自定义按钮 registerSymbol 不再在失败时出错整个脚本。它现在覆盖现有的符号 还有很多其他的东西......


form.saveToStream compile() compilecs() signExtend signTable symbollist.getModuleList symbollist.getSymbolList memscan.getSavedResultHandler memscan.getSavedResultList SavedResultHandler 类 7.0: 修改了图标样式

- 添加了一种使用图表解析和显示函数工作的方法

- 自动重复选项用于未更改的值扫描

- 添加了lua公式扫描

- 将比较从第一个/从扫描类型保存到复选框

- 添加了一个扫描程序,可以检测和撤消目标进程代码段中的内存更改(memview中工具下的补丁扫描程序)

- 该教程现在有一个指向每个步骤的在线帮助的链接

- 在调试时添加了用于步进的工具栏

- 当内存记录无法激活时,您可以右键单击它并查看其失败的原因

- AutoAssembler现在将减少使用的nop

- 在autoassembler脚本中更好地报告错误

- DBVM现在可以动态调整TSC。如果它导致dbvm_setTSCAdjust(禁用)出现性能问题,则可以禁用此功能

- speedhack现在也挂钩了gettickcount64

- 添加了dw'utf16string'支持

- 在DBVM中实现VPID支持(性能提升)

- kernelmode-> driverlist现在也显示了驱动程序导出

- kernelmode符号现在也显示在enum dll和exports中

- 改变处理慢速符号查找的方式

- codecave扫描仪的几个小更新

- hexview查找窗口的几个小更新

- 使用deferred pdb加载而不是等待它 

- DPI Aware已经制作了几个窗口

- 添加选项以在流程列表中将processid显示为十进制

- 当按shift + space而不是空格来按照指令时,您现在将打开一个新的memview窗口

- 添加*:对下拉列表的未定义支持

- 添加了init.lua文件以供翻译使用

- Stackview现在也显示了符号名称

- 一些额外的窗口现在将保存他们的位置

- Exe培训师生成器现在允许您更改默认文件

- 条件跳转的描述现在更好理解









DBVM changeregonbp现在也显示在CE的界面中




















处理2MB +页面大小时修复内部VirtualToPhysicalCR3

















Lua: 新函数:





































修复了editbox selstart / sellength类型,并添加了CaretPos

















更新内容(EN) Cheat Engine 7.4

Additions and changes:

AA templates now generate 14 byte jmp scripts when holding down ctrl Foundcode dialog: Replace now toggles between nop and original. Also prevents duplicates improved keyboard control to the hexview in memoryview. You can now hold shift while using the cursors to move laststate isn't saved in tables anymore (unless ctrl is down) added some space for dbvm functions so it's less likely to click them you can now manually delete saved results debugger attach timeout window will now show the status on some debugger interfaces modules for 64-bit in 32-bit targets are more clearly marked as such mono will not try to re-attach after a disconnect lua: fixed copyMemory mode 2

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

structure dissect watch for changes now also shows you when something has changed inbetween added hints to how the pointer wildcard works created an alternate named CE version that runs without admin (not an UCE, do not think it is one, you will be disappointed) the replace button in foundcode dialog now supports multiselect You can now also change values of groupscan scan results directly in the foundlist lua's openProcess command now won't deactivate all entries when previously no process was selected you can now edit instructions with a breakpoint on them added linux ABI c-compiler dll's by default mono now releases the .net thread

from 7.3.2-7.4:

added shortcut to add this address to addresslist in hexview (ctrl+numPlus) goto address popup now centers on the memview window, instead of screen center you can now change the font of the tracer tree added isRep to the lua LastDisassemblerData field. And stepover now steps over rep instructions break and trace: Added 'stay within module' option added custom alignment option to the hexviewer section of the memoryviewer


fixed loading back highligter config for auto assembler windows .netinfo: fix field searching fixed disassembler issues/memory corruption when closing a secondary memoryview window fixed brake and trace killing the debugger when skipping certain modules an failing in figuring out the return address fixed auto attach not stopping the process flash mono is less likely to disconnect when dissecting an invalid memory address fixed checkbox and radiobutton not sizing properly in dark mode foundlist: display type override also afffects the saved columns foundlist: new scan now alsdo clears the saved results processlist: Fixed the highlighted color process entries in light mode fixed compare to first scan hotkey fixed handling of broken/empty language folders fixed network modulesize lookup. (needs a new ceserver build as well) fixed position saving for the foundcode dialog fixed lua errors not giving a proper errormessage fixed $c and $ccode for the 32-bit CE build fixed logging of writes to ignore the addresslist freezing(Skyrimfus) fixed dealing with -0.0f in c/ccode blocks fixed memscan on the last block of readable memory fixed dealing with the proper way of namespace.classname:modulename formatting. (Supports both formats) fixed error when using freeze by thread with a very small interval fixed $ccode and $luacode when not giving any parameters fixed some include files erroring out when used

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

network ceserver/linux: Fixed wpm corrupting the memory fixed the elf symbol parser fixed speedhack on linux il2cpp now has a progressbar fixed handling some newer il2cpp games fixed vmin assembling fixed the ceshare color (bug introduced in 7.3.1) fixed freezing when entering the wrong ceserver details fixed deleting groupscan entries from the scan fixed pointerscan not loading results when in a path with non-ascii characters fixed the standalone trainer maker giving an error about duplicate entries

from 7.3.2-7.4:

lua: fixed readByte signextending when it shouldn't Fixed mono not injecting if you didn't have the visual studio debug dlls (introduced in 7.3.2 fix changeregonbp where it only changed xmm0 window position saving of "find what addresses this code accesses" should be more predictable fixed saving of some color preferences in hexview, and added the fadecolor fix AA createThreadAndWait not working in a standalone script improved stability of mono fixed break and trace ignore flag causing an stop instead of ignore on 64 bit targets Cheat Engine 7.3

Additions and changes:


Added a way to dissect and show a function's working using a diagram

Auto repeat option for unchanged value scans

Added lua formula scans

Moved the compare to first/saved from scan type to a checkbox

Added a scanner that can detect and undo memory changes in the target process code sections (patch scanner under tools in memview)

The tutorial now has a link to online help for each step

Added a toolbar for stepping while debugging

When a memoryrecord fails to activate, you can rightclick it and see why it failed

AutoAssembler will now cut down on the nop's used

Better error reporting in autoassembler scripts

DBVM can now dynamically adjust the TSC. This can be disabled if it causes performance issues with dbvm_setTSCAdjust(disable)

speedhack now also hooks gettickcount64

added dw 'utf16string' support

implement VPID support in DBVM (performance increase)

kernelmode->driverlist now also shows driver exports

kernelmode symbols now also show in the enum dll's and exports

change the way slow symbol lookup is handled

several small updates to the codecave scanner

several small updates to the hexview find window

Use defered pdb loading instead of waiting for it

Several more windows have been made DPI Aware

Add option to show processid's as decimal in the processlist

When pressing shift+space instead of space to follow an instruction you will now open a new memview window

Added *:undefined support for dropdown lists

Added init.lua files for translations to use

Stackview now shows symbolnames as well

Some extra windows will now save their location

Exe trainer generator now lets you change the default files

The description of conditional jumps is better to understand now

Ultimap2 can now keep the tracer files and scan kernelmode memory as well if desired

Groups now get created afgter the selected item

Smartedit can now also 'smart'-edit children

You can now pick a breakpoint type without having to go to settings, and once picked it will be the default type for Toggle breakpoints until changes again

Floating point screen will now stay within the screen

Clicking execute in the lua engine will now change focus back to the editor field

Debugger interface settings will now only lock after a succesful attach

Some translation improvements here and there

DBVM changeregonbp's are now displayed in CE's interface as well

The foundlist colors can be customized now

Improved DBVM cloak performance when more than 20 regions are cloaked

Implemented DBVM based execute watch and "find what addresses this code accesses"

Implemented DBVM breakpoints (They always execute afterwards, including execute bp's)

Improved autocomplete so it now doesn't delete old code

Added hotkeys to ultimap2


fixed BSOD in recent windows updates

fixed VEH debug not handling breakpoints when a thread is created/destroyed right at the same time as a breakpoint

fixed the stacktrace in 64-bit targets

fixed rounded Extreme for float and double scans

speedhack now waits for proper dll injection

several disassembler instructions

some assembler instructions

improved the stability of dbvm find what * routines

fixed the hit counter in dbvm find what * routines

fixed kernelmode symbol loading

fixed DBVM memoryleak when disabling watches

fixed DBVM internal memory manager (more stable now)

fixed internal VirtualToPhysicalCR3 when dealing with 2MB+ pagesizes

fixed using megajmp's in cloaked regions

fixed speech when using async records

fixed executeCodeEx for more than 4 parameters

fixed static field script in mono by adding 64-bit codegeneration

fixed mono process crashing in some cases

fixed megacall following

fixed NO_CACHE memory being scanned anyhow even if it was disabled

fixed dealing with floating point values that are too big to be useful

fixed setting DR7 to a strange value when using global debug

fixed clearing DR6 when in the wrong process in kernel debug

fixed triggering kernelmode breakpoints in locations you can not properly break (no interrupts)

fixed loading dbvm inside dbvm inside dbvm inside dbvm

fixed autoassembler replacing words in quoted strings

fixed processwatcher not getting a proper PID

fixed hotkeys triggering changed/unganged for types they aren't supposed to

fixed showing dr2, dr3 and dr4 types in the threadlist


New functions:




























getWindowList now returns the results just like ce's window list

documented OnChangeBounds for the Control class (was already there, now documented as well)

executeCodeEx can now also taker just parameters without typedefs

added Data field to ListItem's

added description field to memrec.createHotkey method

added clear method to the menuItem class

readStringEx() can now deal with partial memory reads

executeCodeEx: Fixed more than 4 parameters

added Point type

fixed editbox selstart/sellength types, and added CaretPos

added HeaderSection class and document HeaderSections

added roundRect, drawFocusRect and textRect to the Canvas.

added ansicode character support for textRect

added loadFromStream and saveToStream to the RasterImage class

added readAnsiString and writeAnsiString to the Stream class

Better document the mode field of createFileStream

Expose the handle of the LuaPipeServer

Publish frmTracer

Publish frmUltimap2

Publish frmCodeFilter

Publish imagelist

Added the DrawItemEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system

Added the MenuDrawItemEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system

Added the ContextPopupEvent general GUI property to Lua's callback system

Created a new Diagram class group which can allow you to create graphs and diagrams

Memoryrecord.DropDownValue and DropDownDescription work now (still RO)

Post release patches:

8/21/2019: Fixed when scripts load other scripts using files in non ascii language encodings

Russian translation files have been updated by SER[G]ANT Chinese translation files have been updated

August 19 2019:Cheat Engine Patreon, because why not

I've decided to join Patreon. If you wish to donate and you don't like paypal or bitcoin then this is an alternate way to support Cheat Engine Currently there's not much there but in the future I'll be adding some extras like special ranks in the forum, custom builds, pre-releases while stuff is being verified/certified, and other stuff.

The link:

February 7 2019:Cheat Engine 6.8.3 Released:

New version with a bunch of improvements to make using CE easier and some bugfixes Download: Cheat Engine 6.8.3

Please report bugs and give suggestions for improvements


debugging/stepping with hotkeys

several high DPI visual glitches

VEH debugger reattach works again

Pointerscan resume works again

Stackview can now show by reference , previously it did nothing

disassembling imul

speedhack while key down option

assembling values with x*2/4/8

the "resume thread" in the threadlist now resumes threads instead of freezing them

fixed an error popping up when editing registers with no debugger attached

getNameFromAddress will not show userdefined symbols when symbols are disabled

Additions and Changes:

Waiting till all symbols have been loaded has been removed

Launching structure compare from dissect data now only needs 1 address, though it's recommended to have at least 2 each

Code completion in lua engine is now more smoother

You can now compare traces generated by the tracer

Threadlist window now has a copy to clipboard

Structure compare now digs deeper into pointers

Pointerscan import/export now works with newer types as well

Better Lua comment support

Added rudimentary sort to the structure compare window (based on levelwidth only)

Referenced strings now also shows if it's unicode

Formdesigner now has a context menu to add undocumented controls


added enumMemoryRegions

added getWriteLog (Let's you get the writelog and activate it)

HexadecimalView: added the OnCharacterRender and OnValueRender events

Post release patches: 02/11/2019: Don't search addresslist entries in PDB when still loading and give an option to quit slow load 02/17/2019: Fixed speedhack giving an error first time activating and removed a message when using ctrl and scanning

December 24 2018:Cheat Engine 6.8.2 Released:

Here's a new version for the hollidays. Mainly minor improvements and some small bugfixes, but also a new 'ultimap like' feature called Code Filter for which you don't need any special hardware for. (Just an extensive list of addresses) Download: Cheat Engine 6.8.2


Disassembler: Several disassembler instructions had a comma too many or too few ,fixed those

Disassembler: Fixed the description for ret #

Disassembler/Debug: Fixed the address that is being edited when a breakpoint hits while editing an instruction

Assembler: Fixed assembling reg*2/4/8+unquotedsymbol

Plugin: Fixed the SDK for C plugins that use the disassembler callback

Hotkeys: Fixed the attach to foreground hotkey

Memory Scan: Fixed the percentage scan

Memory Scan: Fixed a rare situation that could cause an error

Memory Scan: Simple values now works with groupscan

Memory Scan Lua: Scanfiles now also get deleted if the memory scan object is freed before the scan is fully done

Fill Memory: Now allows 64-bit addresses

Structure Dissect: Fixed the popupmenu "change type" so it now affects all selected entries instead of just the first

PointerOrPointee window: Fix the debug pointer or pointee window button text when using access instead of writes

GUI: Fixed and restored the DPI Aware option in setting

GUI: Some DPI fixes/adjustments here and there

Graphical Memory view: Fixed DPI issues

Symbolhandler: When the symbolhandler now waits till it's done, it won't wait for the structures to be parsed anymore

Additions and Changes:

Lua Engine: Added autocomplete

DLL injection: On DLL injection failure CE tries to fall back on forced injection methods

Assembler: Added multibyte NOP

Plugins: Plugins can now have side dll's that are statically linked in their own folder (Windows 7 with updates and later)

Debugging: Improved the FPU window editing when single stepping, allowing you to change the FPU registers

Debugging: Threadview now updates when single stepping and cnanges made there will affect the currently debugged thread (before it didn't)

Debugging: Added Code Filter. This lets you filter out code based on if it has been executed or not (Uses software breakpoints)

Debugging: Added an option to chose if you wish to break on unexpected breakpoints, and if CE should break on unexpected breakpoints, or only on specified regions (like AA scripts)

Disassembler: The comments now show multiple parameters

Pointerscan: Add option to allow negative offset scanning

Pointerscan: Add extra types to the display

Advanced Options/CodeList: Now uses symbolnames

Tutorial Game: Added a levelskip option when you've solved a step

Tutorial Game: Added a secondary test

Compare memory: Added a limit to the number of address values shown per row (can be changed)

Address List: When the option to deactivate children is set, the children will get deactivated first

Memory Scan: Add a lua script in autorun that lets you specify which module to scan


ExecuteCodeEx(Let's you execute code in the target and pass parameters)

Added 2 new parameters to getNameFromAddress (ModuleNames and Symbols)

Added addModule and deleteModule to the symbollist class

Added the ModuleLoader class which can force load dll's

Fixed endUpdate for the listview

Thanks go out to SER[G]ANT for updating the russion translation files already



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