loomed是什么意思 loomed的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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loomed是什么意思 loomed的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-03-24 23:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  loomed是什么意思 loomed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:The unspeakable truth loomed unavoidably before me… as i swam towards the anchored Freighter.

  翻译:当我游向那已下锚的黑货船时 那说不出口的事实无可避免地显现在我面前。



  例句:And the cycle continues; as we all know, Britney has loomed pretty large lately.

  翻译:这种情况还在继续 大家都知道布兰妮最近很流行 。



  例句:They are made from handpicked organic Zimbabwean cotton that has been shuttle loomed and then hand-dipped in natural indigo 24 times.

  翻译:由人手挑选的津巴布韦有机棉花 用梭织机织出 24次手工蘸染成自然靛青色 。


  loomed一般作为名词使用,如在loomed ahead(逼近

  隐现)、loomed up(隐隐呈现)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. They are made from handpicked organic Zimbabwean cotton that has been shuttle loomed and then hand-dipped in natural indigo 24 times.

  翻译:由人手挑选的津巴布韦有机棉花 用梭织机织出 24次手工蘸染成自然靛青色 。

  2. The cloud of defeat loomed larger.


  3. When Scotland loomed before him, he made out the figure of Benandonner from afar.

  翻译:当他总算抵达苏格兰时, 他看到了在远处的贝南德纳的身影。 。

  4. i was chipping a piece of your father’s paint from your lovely van Gogh when you loomed up in your nighty and shot me in the arm.

  翻译:我正从那幅梵高作品上 刮下一片你父亲的颜料时… 你穿著睡衣进来,打伤了我的胳膊.。

  5. in the distance, on an otherwise uninhabited island, loomed large black letters that spelled the word “FOREVER.”

  翻译:在远处 一个原本无人居住的岛屿上, 隐约地出现了巨大的黑色字母 拼写出的“永远(FOREVER)”。 。

  6. And the cycle continues; as we all know, Britney has loomed pretty large lately.

  翻译:这种情况还在继续 大家都知道布兰妮最近很流行。

  7. As i headed for the cort estate along the 17-mile drive, Acres of lush cypress and tall pine loomed over me.

  翻译:郁郁葱葱的柏树和松树围绕着我 {fnArial Blackfs14bord1shad23cH4E0122}acres of lush cypress and tall pine loomed over me.。

  8. As they battled on, the ice became increasingly dominant, but nothing could have prepared them for the ice world that finally loomed into view.

  翻译:他们继续南上,触目皆是寒冰 当冰雪世界真实的出现在他们眼前的时候 他们感到的是无法用语言形容的震撼。

  9. They are made from handpicked organic Zimbabwean cotton that has been shuttle loomed and then hand-dipped in natural indigo 24 times.

  翻译:由人手挑选的津巴布韦有机棉花 用梭织机织出 24次手工蘸染成自然靛青色。

  10. The unspeakable truth loomed unavoidably before me as i swam towards the anchored Freighter.

  翻译:事实摆在眼前 我无法逃避 我向黑船游去。

  11. But a new threat to civil liberty had loomed :


  12. “This illness has loomed over us for a long time,

  翻译:疾病已经纠缠我很久了 “This illness has loomed over us for a long time,。

  13. The specter of mass starvation loomed.

  翻译:的饥荒开始蔓延 。

  14. After the assassination of Yang, darkness loomed over Hong Kong

  翻译:暗杀事件以后 香港阴霾密布。

  15. The specter of mass starvation loomed.


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