《C语言程序设计》(谭浩强第五版) 第10章 对文件的输入输出 习题答案

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《C语言程序设计》(谭浩强第五版) 第10章 对文件的输入输出 习题答案

2024-07-11 23:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265












题目3:从键盘输入一个字符串,将其中的小写字母全部转换成大写字母,然后输出到一个磁盘文件 test中保存,输入的字符串以"!"结束。



#include #include #include int main(){ FILE *fp; char str[100]; int i = 0; if ((fp = fopen("test.txt", "w")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file\n");  exit(0); } printf("input a string:\n"); gets(str); while (str[i] != '!') {  if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] c[j])   {    t = c[i];    c[i] = c[j];    c[j] = t;   } printf("\nfile C :\n"); fp = fopen("c1", "w"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {  putc(c[i], fp);  putchar(c[i]); } printf("\n"); fclose(fp); return 0;}



题目5:有 5 个学生,每个学生有 3 门课程的成绩,从键盘输入学生数据(包括学号,姓名,3  门课程成绩),计算出平均成绩,将原有数据和计算出的平均分数存放在磁盘文件 stud 中。




#include struct student{ char num[10]; char name[8]; int score[3]; float ave;} stu[5];

int main(){ int i, j, sum; FILE *fp; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {  printf("\ninput score of student %d:\n", i + 1);  printf("NO.:");  scanf("%s", stu[i].num);  printf("name:");  scanf("%s", stu[i].name);  sum = 0;  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)  {   printf("score %d:", j + 1);   scanf("%d", &stu[i].score[j]);   sum += stu[i].score[j];  }  stu[i].ave = sum / 3.0; } //将数据写入文件 fp = fopen("stud", "w"); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)  if (fwrite(&stu[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp) != 1)   printf("file write error\n"); fclose(fp); fp = fopen("stud", "r"); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {  fread(&stu[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp);  printf("\n%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%6.2f\n", stu[i].num, stu[i].name, stu[i].score[0], stu[i].score[1], stu[i].score[2], stu[i].ave); }

return 0;}


说明:在程序的第 1 个 for 循环中,有两个 printf 函数语句用来提示用户输入数据,即"printf("input score of student %d∶\n",i+1);" 和 "printf("score %d;",j+1);" ,其中用 "i十1" 和 "j十1" 而不是用 i 和 j 的用意是使显示提示时,序号从 1 起,即学生 1 和成绩 1(而不是学生 0 和成绩 0 ),以符合们的习惯,但在内存中数组元素下标仍从 0 算起。

程序最后 5 行用来检查文件 stud 中的内容是否正确,从结果来看,是正确的。请注意:用 fwrite 函数向文件输出数据时不是按 ASCII 码方式输出的,而是按内存中存储数据的方式输出的(例如一个整数占 2 个或 4 个字节,一个实数占 4 个字节),因此不能用 DOS 的 type 命令输出该文件中的数据。


#include #define SIZE 5struct student{ char name[10]; int num; int score[3]; float ave;} stud[SIZE];

int main(){ void save(void); //函数声明 int i; float sum[SIZE]; FILE *fp1; for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) //输入数据,并求每个学生的平均分 {  scanf("%s %d %d %d %d", stud[i].name, &stud[i].num, &stud[i].score[0], &stud[i].score[1], &stud[i].score[2]);  sum[i] = stud[i].score[0] + stud[i].score[1] + stud[i].score[2];  stud[i].ave = sum[i] / 3; } save(); //调用 save 函数,向文件 stu.dat 输出数据

fp1 = fopen("stu.dat", "rb"); //用只读方式打开 stu. dat文件 printf("\n name  NO. score1 score2 score3 ave\n"); printf("----------------------------------------\n"); //输出表头 for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)         //从文件读入数据并在屏幕输出 {  fread(&stud[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1);  printf("%-10s %3d %7d %7d %7d %8.2f\n", stud[i].name, stud[i].num, stud[i].score[0], stud[i].score[1], stud[i].score[2], stud[i].ave); } fclose(fp1); return 0;}void save(void) //向文件输出数据的函数:{ FILE *fp; int i; if ((fp = fopen("stu.dat", "wb")) == NULL) {  printf("The file can not open\n");  return; } for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)  if (fwrite(&stud[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp) != 1)  {   printf("file write error\n");   return;  } fclose(fp);}


本程序用 save 函数将数据写到磁盘文件上,再从文件读回,然后用 printf 函数输出,从运行结果可以看到文件中的数据是正确的。

题目6:将第 5 题 stud 文件中的学生数据,按平均分进行排序处理,将已排序的学生数据存入一个新文件 stu_sort 中。




#include #include #define N 10struct student{ char num[10]; char name[8]; int score[3]; float ave;} st[N], temp;

int main(){ FILE *fp; int i, j, n; //读文件 if ((fp = fopen("stud", "r")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open.\n");  exit(0); } printf("File 'stud':"); for (i = 0; fread(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp) != 0; i++) {  printf("\n%8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } printf("\n"); fclose(fp); n = i;

//排序 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)   if (st[i].ave < st[j].ave)   {    temp = st[i];    st[i] = st[j];    st[j] = temp;   } //输出 printf("\nNow:"); fp = fopen("stu_sort", "w"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {  fwrite(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp);  printf("\n%8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } printf("\n"); fclose(fp); return 0;}



#include #include #define SIZE 5struct student{ char name[10]; int num; int score[3]; float ave;} stud[SIZE], work;

int main(){ void sort(void); int i; FILE *fp; sort(); fp = fopen("stud_sort.dat", "rb"); printf("sorted student's scores list as follow\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("NAME  N0.  SCORE1 SCORE2 SCORE3 AVE\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------\n");

for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {  fread(&stud[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp);  printf("%-10s %3d %8d %8d %8d %9.2f\n", stud[i].name, stud[i].num, stud[i].score[0], stud[i].score[1], stud[i].score[2], stud[i].ave); } fclose(fp); return 0;}

void sort(void){ FILE *fp1, *fp2; int i, j; if ((fp1 = fopen("stu.dat", "rb")) == NULL) {  printf("The file can not open\n\n");  exit(0); } if ((fp2 = fopen("stud_sort.dat", "wb")) == NULL) {  printf("The file write error\n");  exit(0); } for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)  if (fread(&stud[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1) != 1)  {   printf("file read error\n");   exit(0);  } for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {  for (j = i + 1; j < SIZE; j++)   if (stud[i].ave < stud[j].ave)   {    work = stud[i];    stud[i] = stud[j];    stud[j] = work;   }  fwrite(&stud[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp2); } fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2);}


题目7:将第 6 题已排序的学生成绩文件进行插入处理。插入一个学生的 3 门课程成绩,程序先计算新插入学生的平均成绩,然后将它按成绩高低顺序插入,插入后建立一个新文件。



#include #include struct student{ char num[10]; char name[8]; int score[3]; float ave;} st[10], s;

int main(){ FILE *fp, *fp1; int i, j, t, n; printf("\nNO.:"); scanf("%s", s.num); printf("name:"); scanf("%s", s.name); printf("score1,score2,score3:"); scanf("%d,%d,%d", &s.score[0], &s.score[1], &s.score[2]); s.ave = (s.score[0] + s.score[1] + s.score[2]) / 3.0;

//从文件读数据 if ((fp = fopen("stu_sort", "r")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file.");  exit(0); } printf("original data:\n"); for (i = 0; fread(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp) != 0; i++) {  printf("\n%8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } n = i; for (t = 0; st[t].ave > s.ave && t < n; t++)  ; //向文件写数据 printf("\nNow:\n"); fp1 = fopen("sort1.dat", "w"); for (i = 0; i < t; i++) {  fwrite(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1);  printf("\n %8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } fwrite(&s, sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1); printf("\n %8s %7s %7d %7d%7d%10.2f", s.num, s.name, s.score[0], s.score[1], s.score[2], s.ave); for (i = t; i < n; i++) {  fwrite(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1);  printf("\n %8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } printf("\n"); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); return 0;}



题目8:将第 7 题结果仍存入原有的 stu_sort 文件而不另建立新文件。



#include #include struct student{ char num[10]; char name[8]; int score[3]; float ave;} st[10], s;

int main(){ FILE *fp, *fp1; int i, j, t, n; printf("\nNO.:"); scanf("%s", s.num); printf("name:"); scanf("%s", s.name); printf("score1,score2,score3:"); scanf("%d,%d,%d", &s.score[0], &s.score[1], &s.score[2]); s.ave = (s.score[0] + s.score[1] + s.score[2]) / 3.0;

//从文件读数据 if ((fp = fopen("stu_sort", "r")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file.");  exit(0); } printf("original data:\n"); for (i = 0; fread(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp) != 0; i++) {  printf("\n%8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } n = i; for (t = 0; st[t].ave > s.ave && t < n; t++)  ; //向文件写数据 printf("\nNow:\n"); fp1 = fopen("sort1.dat", "w"); for (i = 0; i < t; i++) {  fwrite(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1);  printf("\n %8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } fwrite(&s, sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1); printf("\n %8s %7s %7d %7d %7d %10.2f", s.num, s.name, s.score[0], s.score[1], s.score[2], s.ave); for (i = t; i < n; i++) {  fwrite(&st[i], sizeof(struct student), 1, fp1);  printf("\n %8s%8s", st[i].num, st[i].name);  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)   printf("%8d", st[i].score[j]);  printf("%10.2f", st[i].ave); } printf("\n"); fclose(fp); fclose(fp1); return 0;}


题目9:有一磁盘文件 employee ,内存放职工的数据。每个职工的数据包括职工姓名、职工号、性别、年龄、住址、工资、健康状况、文化程度。今要求将职工名、工资的信息单独抽出来另建一个简明的职工工资文件。



#include #include #include struct employee{ char num[6]; char name[10]; char sex[2]; int age; char addr[20]; int salary; char health[8]; char class[10];} em[10];

struct emp{ char name[10]; int salary;} em_case[10];

int main(){ FILE *fp1, *fp2; int i, j; if ((fp1 = fopen("employee", "r")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file.\n");  exit(0); } printf("\n NO. name sex age addr salary health class\n"); for (i = 0; fread(&em[i], sizeof(struct employee), 1, fp1) != 0; i++) {  printf("\n%4s%8s%4s%6d%10s%6d%10s%8s", em[i].num, em[i].name, em[i].sex, em[i].age, em[i].addr, em[i].salary, em[i].health, em[i].class);  strcpy(em_case[i].name, em[i].name);  em_case[i].salary = em[i].salary; } printf("\n\n**************************************************"); if ((fp2 = fopen("emp_salary", "wb")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file\n");  exit(0); } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {  if (fwrite(&em_case[j], sizeof(struct emp), 1, fp2) != 1)   printf("error!");  printf("\n %12s%10d", em_case[j].name, em_case[j].salary); } printf("\n\n**************************************************"); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); return 0;}


说明:数据文件 employee 是事先建立好的,其中已有职工数据,而 emp_salary 文件则是由程序建立的。

建立 employee 文件的程序如下:

#include #include struct employee{ char num[6]; char name[10]; char sex[2]; int age; char addr[20]; int salary; char health[8]; char class[10];} em[10];

int main(){ FILE *fp; int i; printf("input NO.,name,sex,age,addr,salary,health,class\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)  scanf("%s %s %s %d %s %d %s %s", em[i].num, em[i].name, em[i].sex, &em[i].age, em[i].addr, &em[i].salary, em[i].health, em[i].class);

//将数据写入文件 if ((fp = fopen("employee", "w")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file.");  exit(0); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)  if (fwrite(&em[i], sizeof(struct employee), 1, fp) != 1)   printf("error\n"); fclose(fp); return 0;}

在运行此程序时从键盘输入4个职工的数据,程序将它们写入 employee 文件。在运行前面一个程序时从 employee 文件中读出数据并输出到屏幕,然后建立一个简明文件,同时在屏幕上输出。

题目10:从第 9 题的"职工工资文件"中删去一个职工的数据,再存回原文件。



#include #include #include struct employee{ char name[10]; int salary;} emp[20];

int main(){ FILE *fp; int i, j, n, flag; char name[10]; if ((fp = fopen("emp_salary", "rb")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file.\n");  exit(0); }

printf("\noriginal data:\n"); for (i = 0; fread(&emp[i], sizeof(struct employee), 1, fp) != 0; i++)  printf("\n %8s %7d", emp[i].name, emp[i].salary); fclose(fp); n = i; printf("\ninput name deleted:\n"); scanf("%s", name); for (flag = 1, i = 0; flag && i < n; i++) {  if (strcmp(name, emp[i].name) == 0)  {   for (j = i; j < n - 1; j++)   {    strcpy(emp[i].name, emp[+1].name);    emp[j].salary = emp[j + 1].salary;   }   flag = 0;  } } if (!flag)  n = n - 1; else  printf("\nnot found!"); printf("\nNow,The content of file:\n"); if ((fp = fopen("emp_salary", "wb")) == NULL) {  printf("can not open file\n");  exit(0); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  fwrite(&emp[i], sizeof(struct employee), 1, fp); fclose(fp); fp = fopen("emp_salary", "r"); for (i = 0; fread(&emp[i], sizeof(struct employee), 1, fp) != 0; i++)  printf("\n%8s %7d", emp[i].name, emp[i].salary); printf("\n"); fclose(fp); return 0;}



解:N-S图如图 10.7所示。


#include int main(){ int i, flag; char str[80], c; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("text", "w"); flag = 1; while (flag == 1) {  printf("input string:\n");  gets(str);  fprintf(fp, "%s\n", str);  printf("continue?");  c = getchar();  if ((c == 'N') || (c == 'n'))   flag = 0;  getchar(); } fclose(fp); fp = fopen("text", "r"); while (fscanf(fp, "%s", str) != EOF) {  for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)   if ((str[i] >= 'a') && (str[i]




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