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2024-05-30 06:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


errno_t __cdecl strcpy_s( char* _Destination, rsize_t _SizeInBytes, char const* _Source );


源码展示 标准strcpy的实现 // from gcc-4.8.5 extern void abort (void); extern int inside_main; __attribute__ ((__noinline__)) char * strcpy (char *d, const char *s) { char *r = d; #if defined __OPTIMIZE__ && !defined __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ if (inside_main) abort (); #endif while ((*d++ = *s++)); return r; } // 简化一下 char *strcpy (char *d, const char *s) { char *r = d; while ((*d++ = *s++)); return r; }


逐地址拷贝,当*d == '\0'时,while循环退出结束拷贝,网上搜strcpy实现应该能找到很多详解,不赘述了

微软strcpy_s的实现 // from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\crt\src\tcscpy_s.inl /*** *tcscpy_s.inl - general implementation of _tcscpy_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for strcpy_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE errno_t __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, const _CHAR *_SRC) { _CHAR *p; size_t available; /* validation section */ _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _VALIDATE_POINTER_RESET_STRING(_SRC, _DEST, _SIZE); p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; }

首先明确一点,多出来的参数size_t _SIZE需要传入目的地址可用长度,即_DEST的可用长度





总体猜测 _VALIDATE_STRING:应该是验证字符串的合法性,是否为NULL,失败可能会直接return错误码;传入SIZE可能还会判断目的地址是否有这么长?但是这个咋判断呢,想不通_VALIDATE_POINTER_RESET_STRING:看不懂,不过既然是VALIDATE(验证),估计还是做一些什么检查之类的吧,但是后面为啥又RESET呢?_RESET_STRING:应该是将字符串重置,重置为NULL么?_RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL:应该就是return了一个错误码吧,可能还包含错误信息啥的?_FILL_STRING:应该是将字符串剩余部分填充为NULL?_RETURN_NO_ERROR:应该就是return 0。


先两个_VALIDATE宏,验证目的字符串和源字符串的合法性开始逐字符拷贝,如果正常拷到'\0',或者available跑完了,就停止如果2.中是available跑完了,说明SRC的长度超过了SIZE,即超过了目的字符串最大可用长度。拷贝失败了,重置DEST,整理错误信息,return错误码。正常拷到'\0',就把DEST剩余的后半部分[_SIZE - available + 1, _Size)全填充为某个比较安全的值。return 0 结束。


_VALIDATE_STRING _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); // from internal_securecrt.h #define _VALIDATE_STRING(_String, _Size) \ _VALIDATE_STRING_ERROR((_String), (_Size), EINVAL)


// from internal_securecrt.h #define _VALIDATE_STRING_ERROR(_String, _Size, _Ret) \ _VALIDATE_RETURN((_String) != NULL && (_Size) > 0, EINVAL, (_Ret)) // from errno.h #define EINVAL 22

似乎好理解一点了,如果不满足(_String) != NULL && (_Size) > 0,可能会报错并返回EINVAL,EINVAL就是errno的错误码22,表示非法参数。原来Size只是判断是否大于0啊,那看来前面猜测的判断DEST长度是猜错了,确实没法实现这个


// from internal.h #ifndef _VALIDATE_RETURN #define _VALIDATE_RETURN( expr, errorcode, retexpr ) \ { \ int _Expr_val=!!(expr); \ _ASSERT_EXPR( ( _Expr_val ), _CRT_WIDE(#expr) ); \ if ( !( _Expr_val ) ) \ { \ errno = errorcode; \ _INVALID_PARAMETER(_CRT_WIDE(#expr) ); \ return ( retexpr ); \ } \ } #endif /* _VALIDATE_RETURN */



// from crtdbg.h #ifndef _DEBUG #ifndef _ASSERT_EXPR #define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) ((void)0) #endif #else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv // // !! is used to ensure that any overloaded operators used to evaluate expr // do not end up at &&. #ifndef _ASSERT_EXPR #define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) \ (void)( \ (!!(expr)) || \ (1 != _CrtDbgReportW(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, L"%ls", msg)) || \ (_CrtDbgBreak(), 0) \ ) #endif


// from internal.h #define _INVALID_PARAMETER(expr) _CALL_INVALID_PARAMETER(expr) // from internal.h #define _CALL_INVALID_PARAMETER(expr) _invalid_parameter(expr, __FUNCTIONW__, __FILEW__, __LINE__, 0)



总结一下,就是检查(_DEST != NULL && _Size > 0),不满足的话,赋值errno,并直接返回错误码,(_DEBUG模式下,还会弹窗提示,并触发调试断点)。简单实现如下

// Same like _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); if (_DEST == NULL || _Size 0) { } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); 检验_DEST != NULL && _Size > 0是否满足;若为假,则errno = EINVAL,并直接return EINVAL;如果是在Debug模式下(_DEBUG宏被定义过)还会弹出提示窗口、触发调试断点、记录下错误发生位置等_VALIDATE_POINTER_RESET_STRING(_SRC, _DEST, _SIZE); 判断_SRC == NULL是否满足;若为真,则Reset _DEST,errno = EINVAL,并直接return EINVAL,Debug模式下也同样弹窗、断点、错误等算法逻辑:与分析中的没有区别,逐字符拷贝,如果正常拷到'\0',或者available跑完了,就停止如果available == 0,说明_SRC的长度超过了_SIZE,即超过了目的字符串最大可用长度,拷贝失败。_RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); 重置字符串,*_DEST = 0;,且_FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, 1);。即将首个字符赋值为'\0',后面的字符填充安全字符0xFE。需要说明的是,_FILL_STRING也仅在Debug模式下才进行,否则什么也不处理_RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL(_DEST, _SIZE); errno = ERANGE,并直接return ERANGE,Debug模式下也同样弹窗、断点、错误等_FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1);就是调用memset,将_DEST比_SRC多出来的部分([_SIZE - available + 1, _Size))全部填充为安全字符0xFE。同样,_FILL_STRING也仅在Debug模式下才进行,否则什么也不处理




void fill_string(char * string, size_t size, size_t offset); errno_t strcpy_s(char *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, const char *_SRC) { char *p; size_t available; if (!(_DEST != NULL && _Size > 0)) { errno = EINVAL; return EINVAL; } if (_SRC == NULL) { *_DEST = 0; fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, 1); errno = EINVAL; return EINVAL; } p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { } if (available == 0) { *_DEST = 0; fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, 1); errno = ERANGE; return ERANGE; } fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); return 0; } inline void fill_string(char * string, size_t size, size_t offset) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (offset < size) { memset(string + offset, 0xFE, (size - offset) * sizeof(char)); } #else // do nothing ; #endif } 扩展延伸


strcat_s /*** *tcscat_s.inl - general implementation of _tcscpy_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for strcat_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE errno_t __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, const _CHAR *_SRC) { _CHAR *p; size_t available; /* validation section */ _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _VALIDATE_POINTER_RESET_STRING(_SRC, _DEST, _SIZE); p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while (available > 0 && *p != 0) { p++; available--; } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_DEST_NOT_NULL_TERMINATED(_DEST, _SIZE); } while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; }


// from internal_securecrt.h #define _RETURN_DEST_NOT_NULL_TERMINATED(_String, _Size) \ _VALIDATE_RETURN((L"String is not null terminated" && 0), EINVAL, EINVAL)


void fill_string(char * string, size_t size, size_t offset); errno_t strcat_s(char *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, const char *_SRC) { char *p; size_t available; if (!(_DEST != NULL && _Size > 0)) { errno = EINVAL; return EINVAL; } if (_SRC == NULL) { *_DEST = 0; fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, 1); errno = EINVAL; return EINVAL; } p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while (available > 0 && *p != 0) { p++; available--; } if (available == 0) { *_DEST = 0; fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, 1); errno = EINVAL; return EINVAL; } while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { } if (available == 0) { *_DEST = 0; fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, 1); errno = ERANGE; return ERANGE; } fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); return 0; } inline void fill_string(char * string, size_t size, size_t offset) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (offset < size) { memset(string + offset, 0xFE, (size - offset) * sizeof(char)); } #else // do nothing ; #endif strset_s /*** *tcsset_s.inl - general implementation of _tcsset_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for _strset_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE errno_t __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, _CHAR_INT _Value) { _CHAR *p; size_t available; /* validation section */ _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while (*p != 0 && --available > 0) { *p++ = (_CHAR)_Value; } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_DEST_NOT_NULL_TERMINATED(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; }


void fill_string(char * string, size_t size, size_t offset); errno_t strset_s(char *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, int _Value) { char *p; size_t available; if (!(_DEST != NULL && _Size > 0)) { errno = EINVAL; return EINVAL; } p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while (*p != 0 && --available > 0) { *p++ = (char)_Value; } if (available == 0) { *_DEST = 0; fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, 1); errno = EINVAL; return EINVAL; } fill_string(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); return 0; } inline void fill_string(char * string, size_t size, size_t offset) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (offset < size) { memset(string + offset, 0xFE, (size - offset) * sizeof(char)); } #else // do nothing ; #endif } 进一步扩展



strtok_s /*** *tcstok_s.inl - general implementation of _tcstok_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for strtok_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE _CHAR * __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_String, const _CHAR *_Control, _CHAR **_Context) { _CHAR *token; const _CHAR *ctl; /* validation section */ _VALIDATE_POINTER_ERROR_RETURN(_Context, EINVAL, NULL); _VALIDATE_POINTER_ERROR_RETURN(_Control, EINVAL, NULL); _VALIDATE_CONDITION_ERROR_RETURN(_String != NULL || *_Context != NULL, EINVAL, NULL); /* If string==NULL, continue with previous string */ if (!_String) { _String = *_Context; } /* Find beginning of token (skip over leading delimiters). Note that * there is no token iff this loop sets string to point to the terminal null. */ for ( ; *_String != 0 ; _String++) { for (ctl = _Control; *ctl != 0 && *ctl != *_String; ctl++) ; if (*ctl == 0) { break; } } token = _String; /* Find the end of the token. If it is not the end of the string, * put a null there. */ for ( ; *_String != 0 ; _String++) { for (ctl = _Control; *ctl != 0 && *ctl != *_String; ctl++) ; if (*ctl != 0) { *_String++ = 0; break; } } /* Update the context */ *_Context = _String; /* Determine if a token has been found. */ if (token == _String) { return NULL; } else { return token; } } strncpy_s /*** *tcsncpy_s.inl - general implementation of _tcsncpy_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for strncpy_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE errno_t __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, const _CHAR *_SRC, size_t _COUNT) { _CHAR *p; size_t available; if (_COUNT == 0 && _DEST == NULL && _SIZE == 0) { /* this case is allowed; nothing to do */ _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } /* validation section */ _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); if (_COUNT == 0) { /* notice that the source string pointer can be NULL in this case */ _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } _VALIDATE_POINTER_RESET_STRING(_SRC, _DEST, _SIZE); p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; if (_COUNT == _TRUNCATE) { while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { } } else { _ASSERT_EXPR((!_CrtGetCheckCount() || _COUNT < _SIZE), L"Buffer is too small"); while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0 && --_COUNT > 0) { } if (_COUNT == 0) { *p = 0; } } if (available == 0) { if (_COUNT == _TRUNCATE) { _DEST[_SIZE - 1] = 0; _RETURN_TRUNCATE; } _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } strncat_s /*** *tcsncat_s.inl - general implementation of _tcscpy_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for strncat_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE errno_t __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, const _CHAR *_SRC, size_t _COUNT) { _CHAR *p; size_t available; if (_COUNT == 0 && _DEST == NULL && _SIZE == 0) { /* this case is allowed; nothing to do */ _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } /* validation section */ _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); if (_COUNT != 0) { _VALIDATE_POINTER_RESET_STRING(_SRC, _DEST, _SIZE); } p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while (available > 0 && *p != 0) { p++; available--; } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_DEST_NOT_NULL_TERMINATED(_DEST, _SIZE); } if (_COUNT == _TRUNCATE) { while ((*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { } } else { _ASSERT_EXPR((!_CrtGetCheckCount() || _COUNT < available), L"Buffer is too small"); while (_COUNT > 0 && (*p++ = *_SRC++) != 0 && --available > 0) { _COUNT--; } if (_COUNT == 0) { *p = 0; } } if (available == 0) { if (_COUNT == _TRUNCATE) { _DEST[_SIZE - 1] = 0; _RETURN_TRUNCATE; } _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } strnset_s /*** *tcsnset_s.inl - general implementation of _tcsnset_s * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * This file contains the general algorithm for _strnset_s and its variants. * ****/ _FUNC_PROLOGUE errno_t __cdecl _FUNC_NAME(_CHAR *_DEST, size_t _SIZE, _CHAR_INT _Value, size_t _COUNT) { _CHAR *p; size_t available; /* validation section */ if (_COUNT == 0 && _DEST == NULL && _SIZE == 0) { /* this case is allowed; nothing to do */ _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } _VALIDATE_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _ASSERT_EXPR((!_CrtGetCheckCount() || _COUNT < _SIZE), L"Buffer is too small"); p = _DEST; available = _SIZE; while (*p != 0 && _COUNT > 0 && --available > 0) { *p++ = (_CHAR)_Value; --_COUNT; } if (_COUNT == 0) { /* ensure the string is null-terminated */ while (*p != 0 && --available > 0) { ++p; } } if (available == 0) { _RESET_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE); _RETURN_DEST_NOT_NULL_TERMINATED(_DEST, _SIZE); } _FILL_STRING(_DEST, _SIZE, _SIZE - available + 1); _RETURN_NO_ERROR; } 参考资料 C++string函数之strcpy_s 注:该文章中对几个宏的解释存在错误,请甄别阅读strcpy_s的函数实现是啥?


原文地址:安全的字符串拷贝strcpy_s的实现与理解 | 肝!




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