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10:【好题精选】短文首字母填空-2023年九年级下学期英语专题周周练(第一期)(江苏盐城)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、短文首字母填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。Born in 701, Li Bai was one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty. At the a___1___ of 24, he left home and started to travel around China. Throughout his life, he wrote more than one t___2___ poems about nature, friendship and many other wonderful things.“To Wang Lun” was one of Li Bai’s p___3___ , which was about his friendship with Wang Lun, an important person to him. It is said that Wang Lun respected Li Bai for his talent and d___4___ of seeing him. When he heard that Li Bai was travelling to a place nearby, he w___5___ a letter to Li Bai and invited him to visit h___6___ hometown. In the letter, Wang Lun pictured his hometown as having p___7___ flowers extending ten li and ten thousand wine houses.Li Bai couldn’t find the scenes described by Wang Lun w___8___ he arrived. Wang Lun explained that “peach flowers” was the n___9___ of a pool of water and Wan was the family name of the wine house owner. Li Bai laughed about Wang Lun’s little trick. He understood that Wang Lun r____10____ wanted to see him and the two became good friends.It is known that Li Bai and the other poets of the Tang Dynasty have left many great poems to us. Together they created the “golden age” of classical Chinese poetry and they will always be remembered by Chinese people.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空限一词。Windsor Castle (温莎城堡) is the oldest and largest occupied (在使用的) castle in the world. It was b___11___ just after 1066. The castle has a long history. If the walls of the castle could talk, they’d have many stories to tell.The castle l___12___ in the northwest of London. It is on a hill by the side of the Thames. There are lots of artworks and treasures from the B___13___ royal family (皇室) in it. It has been u___14___ as the homes of kings and queens for centuries. However, it was turned into a prison during the English Civil War (1642-1651). King Charles I was even in prison there. During World War Ⅱ, the royal family secretly lived in Windsor Castle because they considered it s___15___ than other areas in London. All of the windows were blacked out. By the time the war e___16___ in 1945, the royal family had hidden there for about 6 years.Windsor Castle was the private home of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ. She s___17___ most of her private weekends there. Also, Windsor Castle is o___18___ to the public. Tourists can visit some of the finest artworks and the well-kept gardens. Windsor Castle is also one of the greatest castles in England, t___19___ a fire burnt some of its rooms in 1992. It’s well w____20____ a visit. So when you are visiting London, don’t miss the castle.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。A Film for Mothers“The reason why I chose to be a director was not for making films but for Li Huanying,” Jia Ling said.Li Huanying, Jia’s mother, passed a___21___ when Jia was 19 years old. To express her sadness and regret, Jia d___22___ to make a film called Hi, Mom.Based on her personal experiences, the film describes Jia travelling back to the year 1981, when she meets her mother at a young age and becomes c___23___ friends with her mom.The 39-year-old d___24___, Jia Ling, never imagined that her film would make history. It has taken in 5 billion yuan, according to professional box office(票房)tracker Dengta. “Hi, Mom is a big s___25___ in the film industry, as the work is special. Jia Ling not o___26___ puts her love and memories of her decreased mother into the film but also lets the viewers feel her sincerity (真诚), “said Shi Chuan, Chairman of the Shanghai Film Association.Hi, Mom has received many positive(积极的)reviews as well. Many people couldn’t stop crying b___27___ the film describes true love between a daughter and a mother. In fact, the film is f___28___ of sincerity and touching moments. A large n___29___ of Internet users showed their love on Weibo with a hashtag(标签)”photo of my mother when she was young”.Jia Ling spent a lot of time and effort m____30____ the film Hi, Mom. Now she is already considered as China’s most commercially successful female director, “The Hollywood Reporter noted.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使其意思完整。每空一词。In July, China introduced the “double reduction” policy (双减政策). It hopes to reduce students’ learning burden (负担) by reducing homework and after-school classes. Three months have p____31____ since the new term began. How do students feel about this new policy “Our homework is clearly l____32____ than before,” said 13-year-old Shen Yu from Beijing. “We are not encouraged to buy workbooks anymore. The exercises are m____33____ from the textbook.”According to Shen, teachers now teach at a much slower pace (节奏). Students have enough time to process new knowledge. “Our teachers are also giving us more c____34____ to do experiments (实验) and learn from real life,” said Shen. “For example, we went to research earthworms (蚯蚓) in a field during a biology class. This is a much b____35____ way to learn things than just hitting the books.”For 13-year-old Zhang Ming from Tianjin, the best thing about “double reduction” is the increased time in after-school activities. “We can now spend more time t____36____ part in clubs and activities, such as dancing, volleyball and drama.” said Zhang.Both Shen and Zhang find there are fewer exams now. But they think it’s probably not a good thing. “Each exam shows my progress as well as my weak points. Exams push me to study h____37____,” Zhang said.She also pointed out that when burden is lightened (减轻), self-discipline (自律) is of great i____38____. “Some students now spend more time having fun when homework is f____39____ early. But if you use all the free time to r_____40_____, you might fall behind your peers (同龄人),” he said.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。Once upon a time, there used to be a wonderful garden full of plants. In the corner of it, a white rose g____41____. It was the most beautiful flower there. It was as white as s____42____. The plants around it were amazed at her beauty. But the white rose couldn’t see h____43____, so she didn’t know how beautiful she was. Sometimes, she was even a little green with the sunflowers(向日葵) around her. She hoped that she could be as lovely as them.One sunny day, a girl went into the garden. She walked around and e____44____ the beauty of nature. S____45____ , she saw the white rose. “It hasn’t r____46____ for days.” said the girl. “And the weather report says it will continue to be sunny for a few days. If the rose stays here, it will d____47____ soon. I’ll take it home and put it into my beautiful vase.”The white rose was put into a lovely vase by the window. From the reflection in the window, the white rose saw herself for the f____48____ time. “Is that me ” she was shocked. “U____49____ now, I didn’t realize how great I looked.”Sometimes, we think other people are very great but never realize our own a____50____. Look into your heart, and you will find how great you are.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。答题卡上填写完整的单词。China is a great country with more than 5,000 years of history. There are many places of interest. Some of them are beautiful mountains, long rivers and fantastic lakes, which attract m____51____ of tourists from all over the world every year.Many mountains, such as Mount Tai, Mount Emei, Mount Hua are very famous. It is r____52____ that most people like to go Mount Tai to watch the sunrise.There are many rivers in China. The Yangtze River is the longest one and the s____53____ longest one is the Yellow River. They are the birthplaces of Chinese c____54____ because Chinese ancestors were born in the areas.There are also a great n____55____ of lakes. One of the most famous lakes is the West Lake. Have you h____56____ of the love story about Xu Xian and the White Snake It is said that the story h____57____ on the West Lake. The West Lake is the best place that I have e____58____ visited. It lies in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The scenery (风景) is so attractive that visitors often lose t____59____ in it. The West Lake has become famous for not only its s_____60_____ scenery but some beautiful poems. The great poets Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo wrote plenty of poems about the lake.根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 使其意思完整。Hi, Tom,Thanks for your message and I am glad that you wrote to me for ideas.I remember when I was learning E____61____, I felt uncomfortable about speaking. I could remember lots of words and knew grammar r____62____, but speaking was difficult. I now feel a lot more confident about speaking, so here are some ideas that I have taken from my own experience.Don’t worry about m____63____ mistakes. Other people will still know your m____64____and they probably won’t notice your mistakes.Use every c____65____you get to speak. For example, it’s a good idea to use only English in class and not to speak to your c____66____in your own language. At home, you should also try practising new words and grammar which you have 1____67____in class.Think about extra speaking practice o____68____the classroom. You can join a conversation group such as the chat groups in the study centre. They are free to join.Practise speaking o____69____. There are lots of websites where you can c____70____with someone from all around the world.I hope this helps you and please come to me if you have other problems.Best wishes,Eliza根据短文内容及首字母填空。Do you know who you really are What d____71____ your personality In the Chinese lunar calendar, there are 12 animal signs. Each of them r____72____ a lunar year, and the cycle r____73____ every 12 years. Some people believe that people born under the same animal sign may have similar p____74____. For example, they think those born in the Year of the Rabbit are more careful, w____75____ those born in the Year of the Dragon are very powerful.In Western countries, a year is d____76____ into a cycle of 12 star signs, and it repeats every year. Your star sign d____77____ on your date of birth. Some people believe that your star sign may decide your personality.Is what they say about you true Maybe it is, or maybe it isn’t. So if you’re interested in e____78____ animal signs or star signs, read what they say just for f____79____. It is you who s____80____ your life, and even your future.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词、使短文意思完整。The Power of WordsOur words carry huge weight. They may influence people for years, and even for a lifetime. They provide them with courage to go on or one more r____81____ to give up.When I was fourteen, my family moved to another city. Junior high was always a d____82____ time for me. And the move made my ninth-grade year e____83____ harder. I remember walking into the dining hall for the first time. The other kids had good friends with them, but I didn’t know anyone. I felt l____84____ and went to the nearest seat after getting some food. The kids beside me looked at me up and down and then laughed. I could feel my f____85____ turning red at that moment. Then one of the kids broke the ice. “Man! You have one BIG nose!” I felt hurt and didn’t know what to s____86____. I wanted to cry. But I managed a little smile—as if it didn’t matter to me at all. But it did. From then on, I would often look at m____87____ in the mirror and study the big nose. It s____88____ that I was just living for my nose. Thankfully, I grew out of this influence finally.There is another thing that is kept deep in my mind. I remember going through a terrible business failure. I lost everything. I c____89____ my dad for help and he told me a lot about how to deal with the failure. “Failure always a____90____. It isn’t bad. What we should do is to face it bravely and never give up.” What he said gave me a lot of confidence to go on with my business.参考答案:1.(a)ge 2.(t)housand 3.(p)oems 4.(d)reamt 5.(w)rote 6.(h)is 7.(p)each 8.(w)hen 9.(n)ame 10.(r)eally【导语】本文主要介绍了李白和他的朋友汪伦之间的故事。1.句意:24岁时,他离开了家,开始在中国各地旅行。根据“At the...of 24”以及首字母提示可知是在24岁时,at the age of“在多少岁时”。故填(a)ge。2.句意:在他的一生中,他写了一千多首关于自然、友谊和许多其他美好事物的诗。根据“wrote more than one...poems”以及首字母提示可知是写了一千多首诗歌,thousand“千”,具体数字前thousand不加s。故填(t)housand。3.句意:《赠汪伦》是李白的一首诗。根据“ ‘To Wang Lun’ was one of Li Bai’s”可知《赠汪伦》是他的一首诗,one of后加名词复数poems“诗歌”。故填(p)oems。4.句意:据说,汪伦尊重李白的才华,并梦想见到他。根据“Wang Lun respected Li Bai for his talent and...of seeing him”以及首字母提示可知是梦想见到他,dream of“梦想”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(d)reamt。5.句意:当他听说李白要去附近的一个地方旅行时,他给李白写了一封信,邀请他参观他的家乡。根据“a letter to Li Bai”可知是写了一封信,write“写”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(w)rote。6.句意:当他听说李白要去附近的一个地方旅行时,他给李白写了一封信,邀请他参观他的家乡。根据“invite him to visit...hometown”以及首字母提示可知是参观他的家乡,修饰名词用形容词性物主代词his“他的”。故填(h)is。7.句意:在信中,汪伦将家乡描绘成桃花绵延十里,酒屋万间。根据“peach flowers”可知此处指桃花,peach flowers“桃花”。故填(p)each。8.句意:李白来的时候找不到汪伦描述的场景。根据“he arrived”以及首字母提示可知是当他到达的时候,用when引导时间状语从句。故填(w)hen。9.句意:汪伦解释说,“桃花”是一个水池的名字,“万”是酒家老板的姓。根据“‘peach flowers’ was the...of a pool of water”以及首字母提示可知“桃花”是一个水池的名字,name“名字”,此处用名词单数。故填(n)ame。10.句意:他明白汪伦很想见他,两人成为了好朋友。根据“wanted to see him”以及首字母提示可知是真地想见他,修饰动词用副词really“真地”。故填(r)eally。11.(b)uilt 12.(l)ies 13.(B)ritish 14.(u)sed 15.(s)afer 16.(e)nded 17.(s)pent 18.(o)pen 19.(t)hough 20.(w)orth【导语】本文主要介绍了英国温莎城堡的历史及现状。11.句意:它是在1066年后被建造的。根据“Windsor Castle (温莎城堡) is the oldest and largest occupied (在使用的) castle in the world. It was b... just after 1066.”可知,此处的It指代温莎城堡,温莎城堡是在1066年后被建造的,所以此空所在的句子应用被动语态,谓语结构是be done,结合首字母b,此空应是build“建造”的过去分词形式built。故填(b)uilt。12.句意:这座城堡位于伦敦西北部。根据“The castle l... in the northwest of London.”可知,此处应是在表示城堡位于伦敦西北部,结合首字母l,可用lie in...“位于……”,句子用一般现在时,主语The castle“这座城堡”是单数,所以此空是动词lie的三单形式lies。故填(l)ies。13.句意:在城堡里面,有很多来自英国皇室的艺术品和珍宝。根据“The castle l... in the northwest of London.”和“There are lots of artworks and treasures from the B... royal family (皇室) in it.”可知,温莎城堡位于英国伦敦,城堡里的艺术品和珍品应属于英国的皇室,此空后有名词royal family“皇室”,所以此空应填入一个形容词,结合首字母B,此空应是British“英国的”。故填(B)ritish。14.句意:几个世纪以来,城堡都被用来当作国王和王后的家。根据“It has been u... as the homes of kings and queens for centuries.”可知,It指代城堡,此处表示城堡被用来当作国王和王后的家,结合首字母u,可用be used as...“被用来当作……”,所以此空是used。故填(u)sed。15.句意:二战期间,皇室秘密居住在温莎城堡里,因为他们认为这里比伦敦其他地区更安全。根据“During World War Ⅱ, the royal family secretly lived in Windsor Castle because they considered it s... than other areas in London.”可知,此处应是在表示温莎城堡在二战期间比伦敦的其他地区更安全,结合首字母s,应是用形容词sefe“安全的”,且此空后有than“比”,所以此空应填入safe的比较级safer“更安全的”。故填(s)afer。16.句意:直到1945年战争结束时,皇室在那里已经隐匿了大概六年之久。根据“During World War Ⅱ, the royal family secretly lived in Windsor Castle...”和“By the time the war e... in 1945, the royal family had hidden there for about 6 years.”可知,在二战期间,皇室已经秘密居住在城堡里,一直到战争结束,皇室在城堡里已经隐匿了将近六年,结合首字母e,应是用动词end“结束”,句子用一般过去时,所以该动词用过去式ended,作谓语。故填(e)nded。17.句意:她大多数的私人周末时间都在这里度过。根据“She s... most of her private weekends there.”可知,此处应是在表示伊丽莎白女王二世的大多数私人周末都在温莎城堡度过,结合首字母s,应用动词spend“度过”,句子用一般过去时,所以此空是spend的过去式spent,作谓语。故填(s)pent。18.句意:此外,温莎城堡也对外开放。根据“Also, Windsor Castle is o... to the public.”和下文“Tourists can visit some of the finest artworks and the well-kept gardens.”可知,游客可以参观城堡里一些最好的艺术品以及被精心维护的花园,所以此句应是在表示温莎城堡是可对外开放的,结合首字母o,应用形容词open“开放的”。故填(o)pen。19.句意:虽然1992年一场大火烧毁了城堡里的一些房间,但温莎城堡仍是英国最大的城堡之一。根据“Windsor Castle is also one of the greatest castles in England, t... a fire burnt some of its rooms in 1992.”可知,该句应是在表示“虽一场大火烧毁了温莎城堡里的一些房间,但仍不影响它依然是英国最大的城堡之一。” 结合首字母t,此空应是though“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。故填(t)hough。20.句意:它值得去参观。根据“It’s well w... a visit.”和下文“So when you are visiting London, don’t miss the castle.”可知,当去伦敦游玩时,不要错过温莎城堡,此空所在句子应是在表示温莎城堡是值得去参观的,结合首字母w,可用be worth sth.“值得……”,所以此空应是worth“值得的”。故填(w)orth。21.(a)way 22.(d)ecided 23.(c)lose 24.(d)irector 25.(s)uccess 26.(o)nly 27.(b)ecause 28.(f)ull 29.(n)umber 30.(m)aking【导语】本文介绍了一部贾玲拍的电影——《你好,李焕英》。21.句意:贾玲的母亲李焕英在贾玲19岁时去世。pass away“去世”,故填(a)way。22.句意:为了表达她的悲伤和遗憾,贾玲决定拍一部名为《你好,李焕英》的电影。根据“To express her sadness and regret, Jia d…to make a film called Hi, Mom.”可知,贾玲决定拍一部电影来表达她的悲伤和遗憾。decide“决定”,使用动词过去式。故填(d)ecided。23.句意:根据她的个人经历,这部电影描述了贾玲回到1981年的旅行,当时她很小就遇到了母亲,并与母亲成为了亲密的朋友。根据“when she meets her mother at a young age and becomes c…friends with her mom.”可知,在电影中贾玲穿越回去与母亲成为了亲密的朋友,close“亲密的”。故填(c)lose。24.句意:39岁的导演贾玲从未想过她的电影会创造历史。根据“The reason why I chose to be a director was not for making films but for Li Huanying”和“The 39-year-old d…, Jia Ling, never imagined that her film would make history.”可知,此处指拍摄这部电影的导演贾玲,director“导演”,使用单数形式。故填(d)irector。25.句意:《你好,李焕英》在电影界取得了巨大的成功,因为这部作品很特别。根据“It has taken in 5 billion yuan, according to professional box office(票房)tracker Dengta.”可知,这部电影票房很高,取得了巨大的成功,success“成功的事物(或人)”,此处空前有冠词a,使用名词单数。故填(s)uccess。26.句意:贾玲不仅将她对母亲的爱和对母亲的回忆融入了电影中,也让观众感受到了她的真诚。根据“Jia Ling not o…puts her love and memories of her decreased mother into the film but also lets the viewers feel her sincerity (真诚)”可知,not only…but also“不仅……而且”。故填(o)nly。27.句意:许多人忍不住哭泣,因为这部电影描述了女儿和母亲之间的真爱。根据主从句可知,空后表原因,使用because“因为”,故填(b)ecause。28.句意:事实上,这部电影充满了真诚和感人的时刻。be full of“充满”,故填(f)ull。29.句意:大量网民在微博上用“我母亲年轻时的照片”的标签表达了他们的爱。A large number of“大量”,故填(n)umber。30.句意:贾玲花了很多时间和精力拍摄电影《你好,李焕英》。根据“The reason why I chose to be a director was not for making films but for Li Huanying”可知,此处指拍摄电影,make the film“拍摄电影”,spend time doing sth“花时间做某事”,故填(m)aking。31.(p)assed 32.(l)ess 33.(m)ostly 34.(c)hances 35.(b)etter 36.(t)aking 37.(h)ard##(h)arder 38.(i)mportance 39.(f)inished 40.(r)elax【导语】本文主要介绍了“双减”政策执行之后,学生们对于这项政策的感受。31.句意:自从新学期开始已经过去三个月了。根据“since the new term began”结合首字母提示可知,三个月的时间过去了,该句使用现在完成时,空处填写动词过去分词,passed“过去”,故填(p)assed。32.句意:我们的作业明显比以前少了。根据“than before”和首字母提示可知,空处填写形容词比较级less“更少的”,故填(l)ess。33.句意:练习大部分来自课本。根据“We are not encouraged to buy workbooks any more.”可知,不再提倡购买练习册,所以练习大部分都来自于课本,空处填写副词修饰be动词are,结合首字母提示,mostly“主要地”,故填(m)ostly。34.句意:我们的老师也给了我们更多的机会做实验并从现实生活中学习。根据“giving us more…to do experiments(实验) and learn from real life”和首字母提示可知,空处应该填写名词复数,表示更多做实验和从现实中学习的机会,chances“机会”。故填(c)hances。35.句意:这是一种比只学习书本更好的学习方法。根据“than just hitting the books”结合首字母提示可知,此处表示实践学习比只学习书本更好,空处填写比较级better“更好的”,故填(b)etter。36.句意:我们现在可以花更多的时间参加俱乐部和活动,如舞蹈、排球和戏剧。根据“We can now spend more time…part in clubs”结合首字母提示可知,spend+时间+doing sth“花时间做某事”,take part in“参加”,故填(t)aking。37.句意:考试促使我努力学习。根据“Exams push me to study…”和首字母提示可知,考试促使他努力学习,也可表达为更努力学习,study hard“努力学习”,harder“更努力地”,故填(h)ard/(h)arder。38.句意:她还指出,当负担减轻时,自律是非常重要的。根据“Some students now spend more time having fun…behind your peers”可知,通过举例对于空闲时间不同的利用方式,说明自律是非常重要的,会拉开彼此的差距,空处应该填写名词,结合首字母提示,importance“重要性”。故填(i)mportance。39.句意:现在,当作业提前完成时,一些学生花更多的时间玩。根据“Some students now spend more time having fun”可知,有更多时间玩耍,说明作业提前完成了,when引导的时间状语从句,主句是一般现在时,从句“完成作业”发生在主句“玩耍”之前,所以使用一般过去时,空处使用动词过去式,finished“完成”,故填(f)inished。40.句意:但是如果你利用所有的空闲时间来放松,你可能会落后于你的同龄人。根据“you might fall behind your peers”可知,落后于其他人说明空闲时间用来休息放松,结合首字母提示可知,relax“放松”,to后用原形。故填(r)elax。41.(g)rew 42.(s)now 43.(h)erself 44.(e)njoyed 45.(S)uddenly 46.(r)ained 47.(d)ie 48.(f)irst 49.(U)ntil 50.(a)dvantages【导语】本文主要讲述了花园里的白玫瑰总觉得自己没有别的植物美丽,羡慕他人。偶然的一次窗户映像使白玫瑰意识到自己的美丽的故事。41.句意:在它的角落里,长出了一朵白玫瑰。根据“there used to be a wonderful garden full of plants”以及首字母,可知这个花园 长满了植物,grow“生长”,动词,此处是一般过去时,其过去式的grew。故填(g)rew。42.句意:它像雪一样白。根据上文“It was the most beautiful flower there”可知,它是这里最漂亮的花,根据首字母提示,可推断这朵白玫瑰像雪一样白,snow“雪”,名词。故填(s)now。43.句意:但是白玫瑰看不见自己,所以她不知道自己有多漂亮。根据“so she didn’t know how beautiful she was”及首字母提示,可知白玫瑰不知道自己有多漂亮是因为看不见她自己,herself“她自己”。故填(h)erself。44.句意:她四处走动,享受着大自然之美。根据“the beauty of nature”及首字母提示,可知女孩是来享受大自然之美的。enjoy“享受”,动词,此处是一般过去时,其过去式是enjoyed。故填(e)njoyed。45.句意:突然,她看到了那朵白玫瑰。根据前句“She walked around and enjoyed the beauty of nature”及首字母提示,可知她四处走动,享受着大自然之美时,突然看到美丽的白玫瑰。Suddenly“意外地”,副词,修饰“she saw the white rose”。故填(S)uddenly。46.句意:已经好几天没下雨了。根据“And the weather report says it will continue to be sunny for a few days.”可知,天气预报说未来几天将继续是晴天,说明已经好几天没下雨了。rain“下雨”,动词。此处是现在完成时,结构是hasn’t +动词过去分词,rain的过去分词是rained。故填(r)ained。47.句意:如果玫瑰留在这里,它很快就会死去。根据前文“it will continue to be sunny for a few days”及及首字母提示,可知未来几天将继续是晴天,白玫瑰可能会死掉。die“死”,动词,放在will后面用动词原形。故填(d)ie。48.句意:从窗户的倒影中,白玫瑰第一次看见了她自己。根据前文“But the white rose couldn’t see herself, so she didn’t know how beautiful she was.”可知,她从来都没有看见过自己。此处空前的“the”及首字母提示,可知此处要填序数词,表示白玫瑰是第一次看见自己。first“第一”,表示顺序。故填(f)irst。49.句意:直到现在,我才意识到自己看起来有多漂亮。根据“I didn’t realize how great I looked”可知白玫瑰此时才意识到自己看起来有多漂亮,根据首字母提示,可知此处填Until“直到”。故填(U)ntil。50.句意:有时候,我们认为别人很好,但从来没有意识到我们自己的优点。根据前文“we think other people are very great but never realize our own…”及首字母提示,可知此处表示我们认为别人很好,但从来没有意识到我们自己的优势。advantages“优点”,可数名词,此处没有明确数量,故用名词复数。故填(a)dvantages。51.(m)illions 52.(r)eported 53.(s)econd 54.(c)ulture 55.(n)umber 56.(h)eard 57.(h)appened 58.(e)ver 59.(t)hemselves 60.(s)pecial【导语】本文主要向我们介绍一些著名的景点。51.句意:其中一些是美丽的山,长长的河流和奇妙的湖泊,每年吸引了数以百万计的来自世界各地的游客。根据“Some of them are beautiful mountains, long rivers and fantastic lakes, which attract m...of tourists from all over the world every year.”可知,此处是millions of短语,意为“数百万”,故填(m)illions。52.句意:据报道,大多数人喜欢去泰山看日出。根据“It is r...that most people like to go Mount Tai to watch the sunrise.”可知,此处是It is reported that...句型,意为“据报道”,故填(r)eported。53.句意:长江是最长的一条河,第二长的是黄河。根据“The Yangtze River is the longest one and the s...longest one is the Yellow River.”可知,第二长的是黄河,second“第二”符合语境,故填(s)econd。54.句意:它们是中国文化的发源地,因为中国的祖先出生在那里。根据“They are the birthplaces of Chinese c...because Chinese ancestors were born in the areas.”可知,此处指“中国文化”,culture“文化”,在句中作表语,故填(c)ulture。55.句意:还有许多湖泊。根据“There are also a great n...of lakes.”可知,此处是a number of短语,意为“许多”,故填(n)umber。56.句意:你听说过许仙和白蛇的爱情故事吗?根据“Have you h...of the love story about Xu Xian and the White Snake ”可知,问是否听过许仙和白蛇的爱情故事,hear“听见”,根据“have”可知,此处是现在完成时,所以动词使用过去分词形式,故填(h)eard。57.句意:据说这个故事发生在西湖上。根据“It is said that the story h...on the West Lake.”可知,此处表示故事发生在西湖上,happen“发生”,动作发生在过去,时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填(h)appened。58.句意:西湖是我去过的最好的地方。根据“The West Lake is the best place that I have e...visited.”可知,此处是have ever done结构,表示“曾经做过”,故填(e)ver。59.句意:风景是如此迷人,以致于游客常常沉醉其中。根据“The scenery (风景) is so attractive that visitors often lose t...in it.”可知,此处指游客沉醉其中,lose oneself in“沉醉于……,陶醉于……”,用反身代词themselves,故填themselves。60.句意:西湖不仅因其独特的风景而闻名,还因一些美丽的诗歌而闻名。根据“West Lake has become famous for not only its s...scenery but some beautiful poems.”可知,是独特的风景,special“独特的”,形容词,作定语修饰其后的名词,故填(s)pecial。61.(E)nglish 62.(r)ules 63.(m)aking 64.(m)eaning 65.(c)hance 66.(c)lassmates 67.(l)earnt##(l)earned 68.(o)utside 69.(o)nline 70.(c)hat【导语】本文是一封电子邮件。文章主要介绍了一些学习说英语的方法。61.句意:我记得当我学习英语时, 我对说英语感到为难。结合下文“I could remember lots of words and knew grammar” 以及首字母提示可知,此处说的是学习英语。故填(E)nglish。62.句意:我能记住很多单词, 知道语法规则, 但说很难。结合“grammar”和首字母提示可知,rules“规则”符合语境。故填(r)ules。63.句意:不要担心犯错误。worry about 后加动名词。根据首字母提示可知,此处考查短语make mistakes,表“犯错误”。故填(m)aking。64.句意:其他人仍然知道你的意思, 他们可能不会注意到你的错误。根据“they probably won’t notice your mistakes.”可知,他们可能不会注意到你的错误,说明他们可以理解你的意思。meaning“意思”符合语境。故填(m)eaning。65.句意:利用你可以得到的一切机会去说。根据“Use every...you get to speak.”及首字母提示可知,此处表达的是:利用一切机会说英语。chance“机会”符合语境。故填(c)hance。66.句意:例如, 在课堂上只使用英语, 不要用自己的语言与同学交谈是个好主意。根据“it’s a good idea to use only English in class”和首字母提示可知, 在课堂上, 肯定是与同学们交流。classmate“同学”, 此处是泛指,需用复数形式。故填(c)lassmates。67.句意:在家里, 你也应该试着练习你在课堂上学到的生词和语法。根据“At home, you should also try practising new words and grammar which you have...in class.”和首字母提示可知,learn“学习”符合语境。根据空前的助动词“have”可知,此处需用现在完成时,现在完成时的结构为“have/has+过去分词”。故填(l)earnt/(l)earned。68.句意:考虑在教室外进行额外的口语练习。根据“You can join a conversation group such as the chat groups in the study centre. ”可知,是在教室外面进行练习。结合首字母提示可知,outside“在外面”符合语境。故填(o)utside。69.句意:在线练习口语。根据“There are lots of websites” 可知是在网上练习。结合首字母提示可知,online“在线”符合语境。故填(o)nline。70.句意:有很多网站可以让你与来自世界各地的人聊天。根据“with someone” 和首字母提示可知,此处考查短语chat with sb,表“与某人聊天”。can后接动词原形。故填(c)hat。71.(d)ecides 72.(r)epresents 73.(r)epeats 74.(p)ersonalities 75.(w)hile 76.(d)ivided 77.(d)epends 78.(e)ither 79.(f)un 80.(s)hape【导语】本文讲述了中国的动物属相和西方国家的星座是怎么回事,以及它们和性格的关系等等。71.句意:是什么决定了我们的性格?根据“Do you know who you really are What d...your personality ”以及首字母提示可知,这里应该是说什么决定了我们的性格;decide“决定”;根据“Do”可知,此处是一般现在时,主语“What”是单数,因此动词为三单。故填(d)ecides。72.句意:每一个都代表一个农历年,循环每12年重复一次。根据“Each of them r...a lunar year,”以及首字母可知,每一个动物都代表一个农历年;represent“代表”;此处是一般现在时,主语是“Each of them”,因此动词为三单。故填(r)epresents。73.句意:每一个都代表一个农历年,循环每12年重复一次。根据“and the cycle r...every 12 years”以及常识可知,生肖每12年重复一次;repeat“重复”;此处是一般现在时,主语“the cycle”是单数,因此动词为三单。故填(r)epeats。74.句意:一些人认为出生在同一生肖下的人可能有相似的性格。根据“people born under the same animal sign may have similar p...”以及首字母可知,是说同一生肖下的人可能有相似的性格;personality“性格”,此处是泛指,因此填名词复数。故填(p)ersonalities。75.句意:例如,他们认为兔年出生的人更谨慎,而龙年出生的人非常强大。根据“they think those born in the Year of the Rabbit are more careful, w... those born in the Year of the Dragon are very powerful.”以及首字母可知,这里表示对比,while“而,然而”。故填(w)hile。76.句意:在西方国家,一年被分为12个星座的循环,每年重复一次。根据“a year is d... into a cycle of 12 star signs”以及首字母可知,此处是固定词组,be divided into“被分成”。故填(d)ivided。77.句意:你的星座取决于你的出生日期。根据“Your star sign d... on your date of birth.”以及首字母可知,星座取决于你的出生日期;depend on“取决于”;主语“Your star sign”是单数,此处是一般现在时,因此动词为三单。故填(d)epends。78.句意:所以,如果你对生肖或星座感兴趣,读一读他们说的只是为了好玩。根据“ you’re interested in e... animal signs or star signs”以及首字母可知,此处是固定词组,either...or“或者……或者”。故填(e)ither。79.句意:所以,如果你对生肖或星座感兴趣,读一读他们说的只是为了好玩。根据“read what they say just for f...”以及首字母可知,表示读一读他们说的只是为了好玩;fun“乐趣”,不可数名词。故填(f)un。80.句意:是你塑造了你的生活,甚至你的未来。根据“Is what they say about you true Maybe it is, or maybe it isn’t.”以及“ It is you who s... your life, and even your future.”可知,表示你自己塑造你的生活,甚至你的未来;shape“塑造”;此处是强调句,主语是you,时态是一般现在时,因此谓语动词用原形。故填(s)hape。81.(r)eason 82.(d)ifficult 83.(e)ven 84.(l)onely 85.(f)ace 86.(s)ay 87.(m)yself 88.(s)eemed 89.(c)alled 90.(a)ppears【导语】本文讲述了作者上高中时被同学取笑大鼻子和生意失败时得到父亲的鼓励两件事,说明语言的神奇力量。81.句意:它们给了他们继续下去的勇气,或是一个放弃的理由。根据语意可知是“一个理由”,即reason。故填(r)eason。82.句意:初中对我来说一直是一段艰难的时光。根据下一句“And the move made my ninth-grade year...harder.”可知搬家使我九年级的学习困难;此处根据首字母提示可知是difficult“困难的”。故填(d)ifficult。83.句意:搬家使我九年级的学习更加困难。此处修饰比较级harder,根据首字提示可知是even“甚至”。故填(e)ven。84.句意:我感到很孤独,拿了些食物后就去了最近的座位。根据前一句“The other kids had good friends with them, but I didn’t know anyone.”可知孩子们都有好朋友,但我不认识任何人。推知我感到孤独。故填(l)onely。85.句意:我能感觉到我的脸在那一刻变红了。根据“turning red”可知是脸红了。故填(f)ace。86.句意:我感到很受伤,不知道该说什么。根据“I managed a little smile”可知我什么也没有说,只是勉强笑了笑。故填(s)ay。87.句意:从那时起,我经常照镜子,研究大鼻子。主语为I,此处指“研究我自己”。故填(m)yself。88.句意:我似乎只是为了我的鼻子而活着。it seemed that“似乎,好像”,符合句意;根据前后可知是一般过去时态。故填(s)eemed。89.句意:我打电话给我爸爸寻求帮助,他告诉了我很多关于如何应对失败的事情。call sb. for help“向某人打电话求助”,符合句意;根据told可知是一般过去时态。故填(c)alled。90.句意:失败总是会出现。根据“face it”可知要面对失败,前提是失败出现了;根据always可知是一般现在时态,主语failure是不可数名词,谓语动词用三单形式。故填(a)ppears。






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