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cross [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations'cross', 'Cross': /krɒs/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/krɔs, krɑs/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(krôs, kros) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'cross' (adj): crosseradj comparative crossestadj superlative

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 cross [sth]⇒ vtr (go across)SCSimplified Chinese 穿过 chuān guò   SCSimplified Chinese 横跨 chuān guò ,héng kuà  He crossed the street when the traffic stopped.  车流停下后,他穿过街道。 cross [sth] vtr (go over: a line, border)SCSimplified Chinese 跨过 kuà guò TCTraditional Chinese 跨過   SCSimplified Chinese 越过 kuà guò ,yuè guò TCTraditional Chinese 越過  When overtaking, do not cross the solid white line in the centre of the road.  超车的时候,不能越过道路中间的白色实线。 cross [sth] vtr (intersect, meet)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉 jiāo chā TCTraditional Chinese 交叉   SCSimplified Chinese 相交 jiāo chā ,xiāng jiāo TCTraditional Chinese 相交  It is at the intersection where Addison Street crosses Sheridan Road.  那是在爱迪生街与谢丽丹路的交汇处。 cross [sth] vtr (overlay: lines, sticks)SCSimplified Chinese 画横线于 huà héng xiàn yú TCTraditional Chinese 畫橫線於   SCSimplified Chinese 在...上画横线  Cross the vertical line with a horizontal one to write the letter "t".  写字母“t”时,在竖线上画一横。 cross [sth] vtr (overlay: body parts)SCSimplified Chinese 使(双腿)交叉   SCSimplified Chinese 跷二郎腿,跷腿  It's comfortable to cross your legs when you sit.  在坐着的时候跷二郎腿很舒服。 cross n (x symbol)SCSimplified Chinese 十字标记 shí zì biāo jì TCTraditional Chinese 十字標記   SCSimplified Chinese 叉形标记 shí zì biāo jì,chā xíng biāo jì  The cross on the graph indicated the current number of residents.  图标上的十字标记处表明了当前的居民人数。 cross, the Cross n (symbol of Christianity) (基督教的标志)SCSimplified Chinese 十字架 shí zì jià  The church was filled with crosses.  教会里到处都是十字架。 the Cross n (cross Jesus died on) (特指基督被钉死于的十字架)SCSimplified Chinese 十字架 shí zì jià  Christians believe Jesus died on the Cross for our sins.  基督教徒深信耶稣为了世人的罪孽而被钉死在十字架上。 cross n (combination, mix)SCSimplified Chinese 混合 hùn hé TCTraditional Chinese 混合   SCSimplified Chinese 组合 hùn hé ,zǔ hé TCTraditional Chinese 組合  Their music is a cross of reggae with hip hop.  他们的音乐是雷鬼和嘻哈风格的组合。 cross adj mainly UK (angry, annoyed)SCSimplified Chinese 生气的 shēng qì de TCTraditional Chinese 生氣的   SCSimplified Chinese 发火的 shēng qì de ,fā huǒ de  You could tell from the look on the woman's face that she was cross.  从那位女士的表情就能看出她非常生气。 cross with [sb] adj + prep mainly UK (angry, annoyed with)SCSimplified Chinese 生...的气   SCSimplified Chinese 因为...而愤怒   SCSimplified Chinese 对...发火  She wasn't expecting her ex-boyfriend to be so cross with her.  她没想到前男友会这么生她的气。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 cross adj (horizontal)SCSimplified Chinese 横着的 héng zhe de TCTraditional Chinese 橫著的  You need to jump over the cross bar.  你得从横杆上跳过去。 cross adj (intersecting)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉的 jiāo chā de   SCSimplified Chinese 相交的 jiāo chā de,xiāng jiāo de  The cross beams support the roof.  交叉的横梁支撑着屋顶。 cross, sign of the cross n (hand gesture: crossing body) (手势)SCSimplified Chinese 划十字  The priest noticed Mark's hastily made cross as he entered the church.  牧师注意到,马克进教堂的时候,快速在胸前划了个十字。 cross n (animal, plant: hybrid)SCSimplified Chinese 杂交品种 zá jiāo pǐn zhǒng TCTraditional Chinese 雜交品種  A tangelo is a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine.  橘柚是柚子和橘子的杂交品种。 cross n (football, soccer: pass)SCSimplified Chinese 横传球 héng chuán qiú TCTraditional Chinese 橫傳球  The cross from the side of the field went right to the other player.  那记横传球从球场侧面直接传给了另一位球员。 cross n (boxing: punch) (拳击术语)SCSimplified Chinese (勾拳)迎击 gōu quán yíng jī  He hit his opponent with a strong right cross.  他一记强有力的后手直拳击中了对手。 cross n figurative (suffering, burden) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 负担,重负 fù dān ,zhòng fù TCTraditional Chinese 負擔  She still bore the cross of her failed relationship.  她还背负着感情失败的十字架。 cross⇒ vi (intersect)SCSimplified Chinese 相交 xiāng jiāo TCTraditional Chinese 相交   SCSimplified Chinese 交叉 xiāng jiāo,jiāo chā TCTraditional Chinese 交叉  The two streets cross five miles from here.  这两条街在距此五英里处交汇。 cross vi (pass each other)SCSimplified Chinese 相遇而过 xiāng yù ér guò TCTraditional Chinese 相遇而過   SCSimplified Chinese 交错而过 xiāng yù ér guò,jiāo cuò ér guò  The two people greeted each other when they crossed.  交错而过时,这两个人相互打了个招呼。 cross vi (soccer: pass the ball) (足球)SCSimplified Chinese 传球 chuán qiú  The player crossed to the striker, who scored. cross [sth]⇒ vtr (counter, frustrate)SCSimplified Chinese 挫败 cuò bài   SCSimplified Chinese 打击 cuò bài,dǎ jī TCTraditional Chinese 打擊  His plans crossed those of his enemy. cross [sth] vtr UK (cheque: marked for deposit) (表示无法提取现金)SCSimplified Chinese 在...划上两条平行线  It's best to cross the cheque because this prevents anyone else from cashing it. cross [sth], cross [sth] and [sth], cross [sth] with [sth]⇒ vtr (hybridize)SCSimplified Chinese 杂交 zá jiāo TCTraditional Chinese 雜交  The biologist was trying to cross a rose and a lily. cross [sb]⇒ vtr (make angry, oppose)SCSimplified Chinese 反驳 fǎn bó TCTraditional Chinese 反駁   SCSimplified Chinese 反对 fǎn bó,fǎn duì TCTraditional Chinese 反對  Lucy has a bad temper, so don't cross her.  露茜脾气不好,别招惹她。 cross [sth]⇒ vtr (soccer: pass) (足球)SCSimplified Chinese 传出 chuán chū  The player crossed the ball to his teammate.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 cross [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (mark as done) (表示已做完)SCSimplified Chinese (从列表中)划掉  Make a list of things to do and cross off each item once you have completed it. cross [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (eliminate)SCSimplified Chinese 删除 shān chú   SCSimplified Chinese 剔除 shān chú,tī chú  The interviewer crossed off the applicant with blue and purple hair. cross out [sth], cross [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (put a line through)SCSimplified Chinese 删掉 shān diào   SCSimplified Chinese 划掉 shān diào,huá diào  With a pencil you can erase; with a pen you have to cross out your mistakes. Cross out the wrong answers.  用铅笔的话,你还能用擦子擦,用钢笔的话,你就得划掉你的错误了。请划掉错误答案。 cross over vi phrasal (change loyalties)SCSimplified Chinese 转变立场 TCTraditional Chinese 轉變立場  Woodford's disagreement with the government's immigration policy is the reason why he crossed over.  伍德福德之所以转变立场,是因为他不赞同政府的移民政策。 cross over to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (change loyalties)SCSimplified Chinese 转而站到…的一边   SCSimplified Chinese 转而投向  The senator crossed over to the opposition.  那名参议员转而站到反对党的一边。 cross over vi phrasal (exchange genes) (基因)SCSimplified Chinese 相互交换 TCTraditional Chinese 相互交換  The genes cross over from one chromosome to another.  这些基因从一条染色体到另外一条相互交换。 cross over vi phrasal (defy genres) (音乐等)SCSimplified Chinese 转变风格,转变流派,跨流派  The young country singer dreams of making music that will cross over and be a hit on the R&B chart.  那个年轻的乡村歌手梦想着创作出跨流派的,能成为R&B榜单上的热门歌曲的音乐。 cross over into [sth], cross over to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (defy genres) (音乐等)SCSimplified Chinese 混合 hùn hé TCTraditional Chinese 混合   SCSimplified Chinese 融合 hùn hé ,róng hé TCTraditional Chinese 融合  Run DMC were one of the first rap acts to cross over into the rock charts.  Run DMC是最早融合摇滚的说唱乐队之一。 cross over to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (music, film: appeal diversely)SCSimplified Chinese 吸引各种听众   SCSimplified Chinese 吸引各种观众  The film has enough appeal to cross over to a wider audience.  这部片子有足够的魅力,能吸引各种层面的观众。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 AFC n US, initialism (military decoration: Air Force Cross)SCSimplified Chinese 空军十字勋章 AFC n UK, initialism (military decoration: Air Force Cross)SCSimplified Chinese 空军十字勋章 at cross-purposes adv (not in agreement)SCSimplified Chinese 彼此误解地 bǐ cǐ wù jiě de   SCSimplified Chinese 牛头不对马嘴 bǐ cǐ wù jiě de,niú tóu bú duì mǎ zuǐ crisscross (US), criss-cross (UK) adj (pattern: meshed)SCSimplified Chinese 十字的 shí zì de   SCSimplified Chinese 十字形的 shí zì de,shí zì xíng de  The dress had a crisscross pattern on the bodice. crisscross (US), criss-cross (UK) vi (cross over one another)SCSimplified Chinese 十字交叉 TCTraditional Chinese 十字交叉  The fibers of the basket crisscrossed in an attractive pattern. crisscross [sth] (US), criss-cross [sth] (UK)⇒ vtr (go back and forth across)SCSimplified Chinese 来回走动的 lái huí zǒu dòng de   SCSimplified Chinese 来回穿梭的 lái huí zǒu dòng de,lái huí chuān suō de   SCSimplified Chinese 前后交叉的  Tire tracks crisscrossed the front yard.  前院中的轮胎印前后交叉。 crisscross [sth] (US), criss-cross [sth] (UK) vtr (travel back and forth across)SCSimplified Chinese 游历 yóu lì  The player crisscrossed the field, avoiding the opponent and ultimately scoring the winning goal. crisscross [sth] (US), criss-cross [sth] (UK) vtr figurative (travel all over)SCSimplified Chinese 周游 zhōu yóu   SCSimplified Chinese 巡游  The author crisscrossed the country doing book signings. crisscrossed (US), criss-crossed, criss-cross (UK) adj (with intersecting lines)SCSimplified Chinese 带有十字图案的 cross country, cross-country n (foot race: across fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野赛 TCTraditional Chinese 越野賽   SCSimplified Chinese 越野赛跑  I'm good at athletics but don't have the stamina for cross country.  我是很擅长体育运动,不过没有体力参加越野赛跑。 cross country adv (across a country)SCSimplified Chinese 穿越全国  We took a trip cross country from New York to California.  我们进行了一次跨越全国的旅程,从纽约一直到加利福尼亚。 Cross my heart and hope to die interj infantile (promise) (引入语,强调陈述的事情属实)SCSimplified Chinese 说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ TCTraditional Chinese 說到底  Mum, I'll clean my room in the morning. Cross my heart and hope to die! cross product (mathematics)SCSimplified Chinese 向量积 cross reference n (reference between texts) (文本间)SCSimplified Chinese 相互对照 cross-reference [sth]⇒ vtr (refer back to: a text) (文本)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉引用 cross-reference [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (refer between: texts) (文本)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉引用 cross section, cross-section n (representative sample)SCSimplified Chinese 具有代表性的抽样  For this survey, we need a good cross section of the community. cross section, cross-section n (variety, diversity)SCSimplified Chinese 广泛代表性   (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 横断面,横切面 héng duàn miàn,héng qiē miàn TCTraditional Chinese 橫斷面  The exhibition showcases a wide cross section of African artists. cross section, cross-section n (section made by perpendicular cuts)SCSimplified Chinese 横切面 héng qiē miàn   SCSimplified Chinese 横断面 héng qiē miàn,héng duàn miàn TCTraditional Chinese 橫斷面  The diagram shows a cross section of a human heart. cross street n (street that crosses another)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉路   SCSimplified Chinese 十字路 cross street n (short street connecting main roads)SCSimplified Chinese 横街 cross swords with [sb] expr (come into conflict with [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 与…发生冲突   (比喻义)SCSimplified Chinese 与…交锋 yǔ … jiāo fēng cross the line v expr figurative (go beyond limit of tolerance)SCSimplified Chinese 越线   SCSimplified Chinese 做得太过分 cross the threshold v expr (enter [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 跨进门内,走进门 kuà jìn mén nèi,zǒu jìn mén  I crossed the threshold into our new house.  我走进我们的新房中。 cross the threshold v expr figurative (go beyond a point) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 跨过…的门坎 kuà guò de mén kǎn cross the threshold of [sth] v expr figurative (go beyond a point)SCSimplified Chinese 超越...的界限 cross trainer n (exercise machine)SCSimplified Chinese 全功能健身器 cross-trainers npl UK (sports shoes)SCSimplified Chinese 多功能球鞋   SCSimplified Chinese 多用途球鞋 cross your fingers v expr (make a sign for luck)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉手指祈祷好运 cross your heart v expr (promise, swear)SCSimplified Chinese 发誓 fā shì   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 fā shì,chéng nuò cross my heart, cross my heart and hope to die interj (I promise, I swear)SCSimplified Chinese 发誓 fā shì   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 fā shì,chéng nuò Cross your heart? expr (Do you promise?)SCSimplified Chinese 你发誓?   SCSimplified Chinese 你保证? cross your mind v expr (occur to you, enter your thoughts)SCSimplified Chinese 脑中浮现   SCSimplified Chinese 想过  Don't tell me a wicked thought has never crossed your mind.  别告诉我你从来没有过什么坏念头。 cross [sb]'s/[sth] path, cross the path of [sb/sth] v expr (encounter)SCSimplified Chinese 与...相遇   SCSimplified Chinese 遇见 yù jiàn TCTraditional Chinese 遇見   SCSimplified Chinese 与...不期而遇 cross yourself vtr + refl (make sign of the cross)SCSimplified Chinese 画十字号 cross-border adj (across boundaries)SCSimplified Chinese 越界的 yuè jiè de   SCSimplified Chinese 跨过边界的 yuè jiè de,kuà guò biān jiè de  After the new law passed, cross-border traffic decreased significantly. cross-category adj (search: not restricted to one type) (搜索)SCSimplified Chinese 跨类别 cross-Channel adj (between England and France, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 横跨海峡的   SCSimplified Chinese 横穿英吉利海峡的 cross-check [sth], crosscheck [sth]⇒ vtr (verify by comparing)SCSimplified Chinese 反复核对,再次确认 zài cì què rèn cross-check, crosscheck n (comparison done to verify)SCSimplified Chinese 反复核对 cross-continental adj (across continents)SCSimplified Chinese 洲际性的,跨洲的 kuà zhōu de  We would love for the race to become cross-continental. cross-country adj (race: across countryside) (比赛)SCSimplified Chinese 穿越的, 越野的  Cross-country races were dropped from the Olympics in 1924.  1924年,越野比赛退出了奥林匹克会。 cross-country adj (skiing: across fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野的  The snow-covered fields were perfect for cross-country skiing. cross-country adj (journey: across a country)SCSimplified Chinese 横越全国的 héng yuè quán guó de  He set off on his cross-country adventure from Washington to Los Angeles. cross-country adv (across countryside)SCSimplified Chinese 越野地 yuè yě de  We skied cross-country, following the river. cross-country race n (foot race: across fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野赛 TCTraditional Chinese 越野賽 cross-country skiing, ski touring n (skiing across snowy fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野滑雪 TCTraditional Chinese 越野滑雪  Cross-country skiing is very different from downhill skiing. cross-cultural adj (involving different cultures)SCSimplified Chinese 跨文化的 kuà wén huà de  The international club attempts to promote cross-cultural exchange on campus. cross-curricular adj UK (involving different subject areas)SCSimplified Chinese 跨学科的 kuà xué kē de TCTraditional Chinese 跨學科的 cross-cutting issue n (affects multiple areas)SCSimplified Chinese 跨领域问题 cross-disciplinary adj (of multiple fields of study)SCSimplified Chinese 学科交叉的 cross-dress⇒ vi (dress as opposite sex)SCSimplified Chinese 穿异性的服装 cross-dresser, crossdresser n ([sb] dressing like other sex)SCSimplified Chinese 异装者 cross-dressing n (dressing like opposite sex)SCSimplified Chinese 穿着异性服装 cross-examine [sb], cross-question [sb]⇒ vtr (law: interrogate witness)SCSimplified Chinese 反复询问,交叉询问 cross-eyed, boss-eyed adj (having your eyes turn inward)SCSimplified Chinese 斜视的,斜眼的   SCSimplified Chinese 斗鸡眼的 dòu jī yǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 鬥雞眼的  The optometrist examined the cross-eyed child and prescribed glasses to help correct the condition. cross-fertilization, also UK: cross-fertilisation n (pollination between plants)SCSimplified Chinese 异花受精 TCTraditional Chinese 異花受精 cross-fertilization, also UK: cross-fertilisation n figurative (exchange of ideas) (思想的)SCSimplified Chinese 相互交流,相互碰撞 cross-functional adj (team: skilled in different areas) (团队)SCSimplified Chinese 跨职能的  Management put together a cross-functional team to consider all aspects of the project. cross-functional adj (project, issue: various departments) (项目)SCSimplified Chinese 跨部门的  This is a cross-functional project, so we're going to need to consult with several different departments. cross-grained adj (timber: having transverse grain)SCSimplified Chinese 逆纹的   SCSimplified Chinese 不规则的 bù guī zé de TCTraditional Chinese 不規則的 cross-grained adj figurative (person, nature: stubborn)SCSimplified Chinese 执拗的 zhí niù de   SCSimplified Chinese 固执的 zhí niù de ,gù zhí de TCTraditional Chinese 固執的 cross-legged adj (sitting: knees wide, ankles crossed)SCSimplified Chinese 翘着腿的 cross-license [sth]⇒ vtr (mutually give permission to use)SCSimplified Chinese 相互特许,交叉许可 cross-license adj (relating to cross-licensing)SCSimplified Chinese 相互特许的,交叉许可的 cross-party adj (between political parties)SCSimplified Chinese 两党间的,跨党的 cross-pollinate [sth]⇒ vtr (use pollen from another plant)SCSimplified Chinese 为…异花授粉 cross-pollinate⇒ vi (pollinate with another plant)SCSimplified Chinese 异花授粉 cross-pollination n (transfer of pollen)SCSimplified Chinese 异花受粉 cross-purpose n (contrary aims)SCSimplified Chinese 相左  The whole meeting was nothing but cross-purpose and confusion. cross-refer [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (refer to [sth] by a cross-reference)SCSimplified Chinese 前后参照   SCSimplified Chinese 相互参照  In the dictionary, the entry for "went" cross-refers to "go" because the two words are related. cross-sectional adj (relating to a cross section)SCSimplified Chinese 横切面的 héng qiē miàn de cross-shaped adj (looking like a cross)SCSimplified Chinese 十字形的 shí zì xíng de cross-stitch n (sewing stitch: x pattern)SCSimplified Chinese 十字绣图案 cross-stitch n (sewing, embroidery)SCSimplified Chinese 十字绣 cross-stitch⇒ vi (do embroidery)SCSimplified Chinese 绣十字绣 cross-stitch [sth]⇒ vtr (sew a design) (设计)SCSimplified Chinese 以十字形针迹缝制… cross-stitch [sth] vtr (embroider an item) (刺绣)SCSimplified Chinese 以十字形针迹缝制…  Josie cross-stitched a cushion for her living room. cross-train [sb]⇒ vtr (make skilled at different tasks)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉培训   SCSimplified Chinese 交叉训练 cross-training, cross training n (combining types of exercise)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉训练 cross-training, cross training n (business: employee training)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉培训   SCSimplified Chinese 交流培训 crossbred, also UK: cross-bred adj (genetics: produced by crossbreeding)SCSimplified Chinese 杂交的, 杂种的 crossbred, also UK: cross-bred n (genetics: hybrid animal) (动物)SCSimplified Chinese 杂种 zá zhǒng TCTraditional Chinese 雜種 crossbred, also UK: cross-bred n (genetics: hybrid plant) (植物)SCSimplified Chinese 杂交品种 zá jiāo pǐn zhǒng TCTraditional Chinese 雜交品種 crossbreed, also UK: cross-breed n (animal of mixed breed) (本义)SCSimplified Chinese 杂交动物 zá jiāo dòng wù TCTraditional Chinese 雜交動物  My dog looks like a collie, but he's actually a crossbreed. crossbreed, also UK: cross-breed n figurative (hybrid) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 杂种,混血儿 zá zhǒng ,hùn xuè ér TCTraditional Chinese 雜種,混血兒  My dress is a homemade crossbreed of two old pieces of clothing. crosscut [sth] (US), cross-cut [sth] (UK)⇒ vtr (cut or move across)SCSimplified Chinese 横切 héng qiē   SCSimplified Chinese 横穿 héng qiē ,héng chuān   SCSimplified Chinese 横越 héng qiē ,héng yuè crosscut [sth] (US), cross-cut [sth] (UK) vtr (film: interweave two scenes)SCSimplified Chinese (影片中)两个同时发生的场景交替出现 yǐng piàn zhōng liǎng gè tóng shí fā shēng de chǎng jǐng jiāo tì chū xiàn   SCSimplified Chinese 交叉剪接 yǐng piàn zhōng liǎng gè tóng shí fā shēng de chǎng jǐng jiāo tì chū xiàn,jiāo chā jiǎn jiē crosscut [sth] with [sth] (US), cross-cut [sth] with [sth] (UK)⇒ vtr (film: interweave two scenes)SCSimplified Chinese 把...和...交叉剪辑 crosscut (US), cross-cut (UK) n (transverse or diagonal path)SCSimplified Chinese 对角的小路 duì jiǎo de xiǎo lù   SCSimplified Chinese 直穿的路 duì jiǎo de xiǎo lù,zhí chuān de lù   SCSimplified Chinese 对角捷径 crosscut (US), cross-cut (UK) n (film editing: interwoven scenes)SCSimplified Chinese 交叉剪辑 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: cross [krɔs] I n [c] 1 (=x shape) 交叉符号(號) jiāochā fúhào [个 gè] (showing disagreement) 叉号(號) chāhào [个 gè] 2 (=crucifix shape) 十字 shízì [个 gè] 3 (Rel) 十字架 shízìjià [个 gè] 4 (=mixture) ▶ a cross between sth and sth 某物和某物的混合物 mǒuwù hé mǒuwù de hùnhéwù [种 zhǒng] 5 (=crossbreed) 杂(雜)交品种(種) zájiāo pǐnzhǒng 6 (Football) 横(橫)传(傳) héngchuán II vt 1 [person] [+ street, room] 横(橫)穿 héngchuān 2 [road, railway, bridge] [+ river, land etc] 横(橫)跨 héngkuà 3 [+ arms, legs, fingers] 交叉 jiāochā 4 [smile, expression] [+ face] 显(顯)露在 xiǎnlù zài 5 (Brit) [+ cheque] 在支票上画两条平行线,只可转账无法兑现 6 (=crossbreed) ▶ to cross sth with sth 将(將)某物与(與)某物交配 jiāng mǒuwù yǔ mǒuwù jiāopèi 7 (Football) [+ ball] 横(橫)传(傳) héngchuán 8 (=oppose) [+ person] 阻挠(撓) zǔnáo III vi 1 [roads, lines] 相交 xiāngjiāo 2 ▶ to cross from…to… (walking) 从(從)…走到… cóng…zǒudào… (on ferry) 从(從)…横(橫)渡到… cóng…héngdùdào… IV adj (=angry) 生气(氣)的 shēngqì de the thought never crossed my mind 我从(從)来(來)都没(沒)这(這)么(麼)想过(過) wǒ cónglái dōu méi zhème xiǎngguo to cross o.s. (Rel) 画十字祈求上帝保佑(祐) huà shízì qíqiú Shàngdì bǎoyòu we have a crossed line (Brit) (on telephone) 我们(們)的电(電)话(話)串线(線)了 wǒmen de diànhuà chuànxiàn le they've got their lines or wires crossed (fig) 他们(們)相互误(誤)会(會)了 tāmen xiānghù wùhuì le to be/get cross with sb生某人的气(氣) shēng mǒurén de qì to be/get cross about sth因为(為)某事生气(氣) yīnwèi mǒushì shēngqì it makes me very cross这(這)令我很生气(氣) zhè lìng wǒ hěn shēngqìcross off vt (=delete) 取消 qǔxiāo cross out vt (=delete) 取消 qǔxiāo cross over vi (=cross the street) 过(過)马(馬)路 guò mǎlù to cross over from…to… 从(從)…到…去 cóng…dào…qù 在这些条目还发现'cross': 在英文解释里: across - AFC - angry - ankh - ARC - barn - cockeyed - crisscross - cross yourself - cross-license - cross-refer - cross-sectional - cross-shaped - crossfire - crossing - cruciate - cruciferous - crucifix - crucifixion - cruciform - crucify - cyclo-cross - dichogamous - dichogamy - do drag - double-check - exogamy - fold - fold your arms - ford - go across - go over - go through - grid pattern - hybrid - hybridism - hybridization - hybridize - in drag - interbreed - intersect - jaywalk - longitudinal section - lotus position - lurcher - mark - mongrel - morganatic - move freely 中文: 交叉 - 划 - 断面 - 横断面 - 渡过 - 盘诘 - 盘问 - 相声 - 穿越 - 红十字会 - 跨过 - 过 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Eye actions, One-syllable adjectives, 更多……同义词: traverse, cut across, go across, pass over, travel over, 更多……习惯性搭配: cross the [street, road, intersection, tracks], a [wooden, gold] cross, was (very) [cross] at her [daughter, son], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'cross' 的论坛讨论:

cross cultural management Jesus died on a cross. the cross streets to cross the border 'to cross to someone" : to give the mike to someone? - English Only forum (Never) did it cross your mind that…? - English Only forum (not) cross one's mind - English Only forum [how to use smilies: tick, cross, warning] - English Only forum [jaw] almost circular in cross section - English Only forum A black cross-shaped portent - English Only forum A cross (jewellery) - English Only forum A cross between a sherpa and the secret police - English Only forum a between Earth and Neptune - English Only forum A cross of two different berries - English Only forum a cross section of - English Only forum a cross section of social types and ages - English Only forum a cross word - English Only forum a cross-boundary show - English Only forum a cross-over space between... - English Only forum a cross-section of - English Only forum a cross, gold and precious stones/ apposition - English Only forum a deft double-cross - English Only forum a large white cross - English Only forum a longitudinal cross-member - English Only forum a paper-gilt cross - English Only forum a place where we could cross it - English Only forum a walking cross-indexed repository of all village gossip - English Only forum a weird cross - English Only forum access a cross section of America - English Only forum Across in your head vs cross my mind - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'cross'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "cross" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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