圣经工程 (豆瓣)

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圣经工程 (豆瓣)

2023-12-06 21:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The Bible Project 导演: Jonathan Collins / Tim Mackie 编剧: Jonathan Collins / Tim Mackie 类型: 动画 官方网站: www.thebibleproject.com 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 IMDb: tt7016570 豆瓣评分 引用 暂无评分 想看 在看 看过 评价:   写短评   写影评 分享到    推荐 圣经工程的分集短评 · · · · · ·

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圣经工程的剧情简介 · · · · · ·   VISUAL STORYTELLING MEETS THE BIBLE   Our Mission   We are committed to helping the whole world see the Bible as one unified story that leads to Jesus.   The Bible Project is a non-profit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. We create 100% free videos, podcasts, and resources that explore the B... (展开全部)   VISUAL STORYTELLING MEETS THE BIBLE   Our Mission   We are committed to helping the whole world see the Bible as one unified story that leads to Jesus.   The Bible Project is a non-profit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. We create 100% free videos, podcasts, and resources that explore the Bible’s unified story.   The Bible is a divine-human book that speaks God’s word to his people. We believe it ultimately points us to Jesus, who has the power to change individuals and whole communities when we let the biblical story speak for itself.   Sadly, for so many, the Bible is used as a devotional grab bag or an instruction manual that fell out of the sky. Worse, for many more, it is an oppressive book of out-dated rules used to control people.   We simply desire to help others understand the scriptures and all their complex themes in a way that is engaging, approachable, and transformative. We are committed followers of Jesus, but are not organizationally a part of any specific Christian denomination or tradition. We hope that people from all backgrounds will find value in this work, regardless of their religious or non-religious convictions. 圣经工程的演职员 · · · · · · ( 全部 2 ) Jonathan Collins 导演 Tim Mackie 导演 圣经工程的图片 · · · · · · ( 图片2 · 添加 ) 图片 图片 发起新的讨论 讨论区 · · · · · · ( 全部 ) 最新 热门 讨论 作者 回应 最后回应 中文化海报 [图] 老猫猫 4 2020-03-23 17:31 > 全部讨论1条 讨论 作者 回应 最后回应 中文化海报 [图] 老猫猫 4 2020-03-23 17:31 > 全部讨论1条 喜欢这部剧集的人也喜欢 · · · · · · 马丁的早晨 马丁的早晨 9.2 镜花缘 镜花缘 9.0 魔方大厦 魔方大厦 8.8 莎士比亚名剧动画 莎士比亚名剧动画 8.8 咱们裸熊 第一季 咱们裸熊 第一季 9.4 葫芦小金刚 葫芦小金刚 9.2 加菲猫和他的朋友们 第一季 加菲猫和他的朋友们 第一季 9.1 猫和老鼠 猫和老鼠 9.8 邋遢大王奇遇记 邋遢大王奇遇记 8.7 搞笑漫画日和 搞笑漫画日和 9.2 我要写短评 圣经工程的短评 · · · · · · ( 全部 15 条 ) 热门 /  最新 /  好友 0 有用 D 看过 2020-11-14 13:52:34


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