prematurely翻译(高中英语 拜托)

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prematurely翻译(高中英语 拜托)

2023-03-20 06:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录高中英语 拜托Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the British研究用英语怎么说2021-04-22Installation ended prematurely because of an error【汉译英200分+50分】——“他们”——求英语高手翻译,急!!on crossing those bridges prematurely怎么翻译高中英语 拜托

答案错了.如果按照这个句型, 比如说: We not only should work hard, but also we should keep healthy.我们不仅应该努力工作, 而且要保持身体健康.not only放在句首, 句子部分倒装成:Not only should we work hard, but also we should keep healthy.按照你题目中的逻辑, 意思不就变了.成了我们不仅不应该努力工作, 而且...所以我认为答案错了, 应该改成Not only should we not look down upon those who lay behind, but also we should try to help them.答案选C 参考句子:我们不仅不能够过早地停止复苏法案中的支出,我们还应该仔细计划这些支出到期后该怎么做。In this regard, not only should we not prematurely stop Recovery Act spending, we need to plan carefully for its expiration.注: prematurely 过早地 Recovery Act 复苏法案 spending 支出虽然这里只是单独用not only, 但是足以证明“不仅不应该...“应该翻译成是“not only should...not“

Good news was sometimes released prematurely, with the British

announcedthe british recapture of the port was announced half a day.....因为前面有with, 所以 with the british recapture of the port announced.....


  研究是主动寻求根本性原因与更高可靠性依据,从而为提高事业或功利的可靠性和稳健性而做的工作。研究是应用科学的 方法 探求问题答案的一种过程,因为有计划和有系统的收集、分析与解释资料的方法,正是科学所强调的方法。那么你知道研究用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。





   研究的相关 短语 :

  研究院 academy ; Research Institute ; The Graduate School

  翻译研究 Translation studies ; Translation theorist ; Traductology ; Translation theory

  亚洲研究 Asian studies ; Asiatic studies ; Asian Survey ; Journal of Asian Studies

  商业研究 Business Studies ; Commercial Studies ; Business research ; MA Research in Business

  定性研究 Qualitative research ; qualitative study ; qualitative examination ; Qualitative methods

  设计研究 Design research ; Design Studies ; Design Study ; design as research

  研究进展 research progress ; research advance ; the Advance ; research development

  邮票研究 Philately ; Philatelic ; Philatelist

  研究者 Researcher ; Investigator ; acculturationist ; teacher researcher


  1. A new generation of scientists became fascinated by dinosaurs.


  2. I know that you’vebeen studying chimpanzees for thirty years now.


  3. Research and technology are said to be chronically underfunded.


  4. 673 private golf clubs took part in a recent study.


  5. It is difficult to praise this immaculately researched work too highly.


  6. Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.


  7. It should also look into the possibilities of wind-generated electricity.


  8. Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.


  9. They’ll have to give up completely on certain of their studies.


  10. A new study proved conclusively that smokers die younger than non-smokers.


  11. Worldwide, an enormous amount of research effort goes into military technology.


  12. The thing that matters is the furtherance of research in this country.


  13. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


  14. Several notable researchers are studying the effects of hyperventilation.


  15. The law could arrest the development of good research if applied prematurely.






前方高能 快收藏起来







Please disregard my previous email.



as I made some mistakes regarding …



This email is the corrected one. / 

The corrected information is below.



Please go to / refer to this email for the correct information instead.


Please disregard my previous email as it was sent prematurely without being finished. Please refer to this one instead.

I made the mistake of clicking send before finishing the email, so please disregard the previous one. Sorry for the confusion!

Sorry, I pressed the “send“ before correcting typos. The corrected message is the following :




(corrected version for )

(corrected information)




1. 所有的合成词从不用连字符,直接用空格略过。


get your buy in / my take away / some take home thoughts

2. 所有格符号(就是单引号’)常常偷懒省略,如:

Its going to rain / todays newspaper / 5 years experience

3. 首字母缩写词常常忘记里面已经包含的名词,如:

ATM machine(M已经是machine)

PIN number(N已经是number)

GPS system(S已经是system)

LCD display(D已经是display)

4. 落款的姓名不大写,据说是因为小写更加活泼轻松一些。如:

peter lewis

5. me和 I 分不清。比如奥巴马就说过:

This is a very personal decision for Michelle and I.

6. 还有时间,不写冒号。比如:

200p是指2:00 pm。



别在邮件里写word excel..



其二,如果你直接说WORD, EXCEL, PPT,你叫苹果用户情何以堪,因为苹果也有自己的办公套件叫iWorks,分别叫Pages(文字处理), Numbers(表格), Keynotes(幻灯片)。


WORD文档叫 document。

如果是微软的就叫word document,苹果的 pages document。这里要说明一下,此处的document是狭义的document,特指文字处理软件生成的document,实际上还有广义的document,后面再详细说。






就是用来“演示”的。如果是微软的就叫powerpoint presentation,苹果的叫keynote presentation。这两个名字都取得挺好。

powerpoint -》 make your point powerful

keynote -》 the central idea of a book, a speech, etc. 



狭义上,document是指由文字处理软件如Word, Pages生成的文档,是以文字为主的文件。

广义上,所有用来记录信息(供人参考)的文件都叫document,所以docx、xlsx、 pptx、pdf文件都可以叫document,甚至连jpg、png等图片都可以叫document。

那document 和 file有什么区别呢?


但电脑上不是所有的file都叫document,只有记录信息供人读取的file才叫document,而你的软件(以exe结尾)就不是document,只能是executable file(可执行文件)。




The atttached file is ...

The attached document is ...


Installation ended prematurely because of an error

由于产生错误,安装提前终止。prematurely:adj. 未成熟的, 太早的, 早熟的


在城市的尽头,没有繁华的街市,闪亮的霓虹;在城市的尽头,只有破旧的棚户区,有饱经生活风霜的生命;在城市的尽头,有他们这样一群人。At the far end of the city, there are no bustling shops and stores, no flashing neon lights; at the far end of the city, there are only shabby shantytowns, with people that had gone through trials and tribulations; at the far end of the city, there is this group of people.让我怎样称呼他们?外来务工人员子女?农民子弟?抑或是农民工二代?不,我不想用这些冰冷的名字称呼他们,我多想叫着他们带着泥土气的乳名,拉着他们的小手,走近他们的生活……How should I call them ? Children of migrant workers? Farmers’ children or second generation of migrant workers? No, I wouldn’t want to address them with these icy cold names, how I wish to call out their pet names that are full of earthy smell, to hold their tiny hands, to walk into their livings………他们从小生长在故乡的青山绿水中,纯洁的灵魂在田野里抽穗拔节。在山野的风中,他们奔跑着,憧憬着。风从田野中吹过,吹进了城市,为了生计,为了未来,他们跟从父母来到了城市,在城市的尽头扎下了根。Ever since they were born, they had lived among the green hills and blue waters in their hometowns, their pure spirits had grown up in the fields. They were running in the breeze of the wilds, dreaming of their futures. The breeze that was blowing over the fields had shifted to the cities, in light of making a living and craving for a better future, they followed their parents to the cities and came to stay at the far end of the cities.于是习惯了青山绿水的双眸第一次触碰到了高楼大厦、车水马龙。他们不知道怎样穿过六车道的马路,小小的手指怎么也数不清写字楼的层数。繁华的现代文明不曾给他们带来任何快乐,这一次,却在心上烙下了深深的痕迹。And now for the first time in their lives, away from the usual greens and streams, their sights focus on the high-rise buildings and the heavy traffics. They are at a loss on how to cross a six-lane road, unable to count the number of storeys of an office block. The prosperous modern civilization has brought no joy to them but has branded unforgettable marks in their hearts. 他们背起书包,小心翼翼地融入城市的生活。可是却在“城市人”异样的眼光中,第一次明白了户口与暂住证的区别。他们都是父母心头的宝啊!却过早地承担了不属于这个年龄的负担。They take up their school bags and cautiously merge into the city lives. Under the strange stares of “city folks”, they realize for the first time the difference between a registered residence and a temporary residence permit. They are the darlings of their parents, yet they have to withstand this kind of pressure that is not in line with their age. 放学回家,他们做好简单的晚饭,父母还在工地或菜场上劳作;午夜醒来,泪眼中城里的星空没有家乡的明亮;悄悄许愿,希望明天他们的打工子弟小学不会因交不出电费而被查封……They get ready simple dinners after back from schools while their parents are still at the work sites or in the wet markets; awaken in the middle of the night, they discover through their wet eyes that the starry sky is not as bright as their homes’; secretly they make a vow wishing their floating school will not be closed down just because the electricity bill has not been settled……….. 然而,在他们日益长高的身体上,我看到了他们的成长。记得一位记者问一个打工子弟学校的孩子,学成后是否会回到家乡时,小姑娘毫不犹豫地说:当然,一定回去!那一刻,我差点落下泪来,为他们的成长。However, I notice their development from their ever growing bodies. I remember a reporter had asked a girl from a school for migrant children whether she would go back home after completing her studies, the little girl replied unhesitantly,‘Of course, I definitely will !’ I almost broke into tears, for the growth of their minds.记得那年春晚他们稚气的宣言:“我们的学校很小,但我们的成绩不差”、“我们不和城里的孩子比爸爸。北京的2008,也是我们的2008!”他们逐渐成熟,告别昨天的羞怯,开始迎接新的一天。I recall their juvenile proclamation in that year’s Spring Festival program, “Our school is very small, but we scored good results”, “We don’t compare our daddies with the city kids’. 2008 belongs to Beijing, it also belongs to us!” They are maturing gradually, bidding farewell to yesterdays’ timidity, and beginning to greet the new day.虽然,他们还在为不多的学费而苦恼;虽然,学校还是交不上水电费;虽然,还有好多体制还不够完善……虽然有好多个“虽然”,但是,只有一个“但是”就足够了,已经有好多视线转向他们,他们正在茁壮地成长。Although they are still worried by the meager school fees, although the schools are still unable to settle the water and electricity bills, although there are still many systems yet to be improved…….although there are still many ‘although’s, however, only one ‘but’ is suffice, they have attracted many attentions and they are thriving.太阳从地平线上升起,照亮了城市的尽头,照亮了他们的生活。 他们,终将会成为我们。The sun rises from the horizon, illuminates the far end of the city and brightens their lives.Eventually, they will become us.


In the United States, obesity has become one of the most serious health problems. Investigation shows, more than 60 percent of American adults are overweight, a quarter of those obese. Fast food is caused by obesity is the culprit. Cheap price, but lack of nutrition food becomes the major food americans. Each year about 30 million americans died prematurely in various diseases associated with obesity.以上为个人意见!

on crossing those bridges prematurely怎么翻译

on crossing those bridges prematurely中文翻译☞“过早地跨越的桥梁”小事通为您解答,祝您生活愉快。(^_^)




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