Became synonymous with

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Became synonymous with

2023-11-05 06:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

synonymous - equivalent, identical, corresponding, tantamount, interchangeable, equal, same, similar, substitutable, alike, fungible, like, commutable, correspondent, analogous, interconvertible, compatible, synonymic, coincident, commensurate, comparable, identified, indistinguishable, convertible, same as

became - get, turn, come to be, get to be, wax, grow, be converted into, change into, turn into, be transformed into, be made, be elected (as), be nominated, be assigned as, be appointed (as), show to advantage, do something for, suit, flatter, set off, look good on, befit, behoove, go

with - accompanied by, escorted by, in the company of, alongside, in addition to, as well as




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