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here has been no application to build extra floors under Harrods, perhaps because the Egyptian tradition is to build upwards, with the building coming to a point, instead of downwards, with a secret chamber below the Food Hall, the secret chamber joined by a tunnel to Buckingham Palace so that ninja-clad operatives of Mr Fayed's elite security staff can place listening devices in order to be apprised in time of the Duke of Edinburgh's plans to release moths in the men's wear department.But not very far away from Harrod's there is a startling application for subterranean construction from Mr Jon Hunt, who founded the Foxton's estate agency and made £370m when he sold it in 2007, which, in retrospect, was a good year to sell. Indeed, in retrospect, 1066 would have been a good year to sell, or any other year except late last year, when suddenly there was nobody to sell anything to.But Mr Hunt sold at the right time, which is the whole art of getting rich, and now he wants to improve his property in Kensington Palace Gardens, that exclusive part of London in which members of the British royal family, if they have the right credentials, are allowed to live among people from all over the world who have more money than the entire populations of the countries they come from.Mr Hunt wants to improve his already very large property by going downwards. Among the many other rooms and galleries he wants to build down there, he wants to build a museum in which he can display his collection of classic sports cars. On his planning application it says that the museum will provide an ideal display space for these treasures, but it doesn't say that the public will be invited in to see them.I suspect the public will not be invited. The display of classic cars will be for the delectation of Mr Hunt's dinner guests. But, on the whole, it is wise to avoid invitations from the kind of host who wants to impress his guests with what he owns.I myself, on the few occasions when I am invited as a guest to the dinner party of a rich host, do not find it impressive if - when the easy banter is flowing like the wine on the subject of, say, the later poetry of WB Yeats or Joanna Lumley's obvious qualifications to be the next prime minister - I do not find it impressive if the host breaks into the conversation to insist that all his guests accompany him three flights downwards towards the centre of the earth so that he can show them his collection of classic sports cars.Especially if, when we all get down there and are looking with feigned interest at a Ferrari Testiculone upholstered in tiger skin for the Shah of Persia, the host suddenly holds up his hand and says "Hear that rumble? It's the Bakerloo Line."Canny moveAnyone who examines my own application to further excavate under my office building in London will soon conclude that I won't be trying to impress my dinner guests. I have a larger and more humanitarian aim in mind. I wasn't on the recent rich list because I knew who to pay off so that I could preserve my anonymity. But I feel that I can reveal here, among friends, that on the day before Lehmann Brothers crashed and the world economic crisis got irreversibly under way, I just happened to sell my Costa Terribla mass luxury housing complex in Spain for a trainload of US dollars to a consortium of foreign ministers from sub-Saharan Africa who had diverted the economies of their own countries through a Russian money laundry in the Cayman islands.Health Top Tips Nutrition Love Lifestyle Happiness Weight Loss  A certain amount of capital accrued, which I have since been putting to constructive use. On levels minus one to minus four of my underground complex will be an assembly shop for a space vehicle designed to leave the solar system looking like a dot in the distance, and travel to a planet beyond the reach of reality television.For a suitable fee, anyone can book a seat on the first flight. Anyone, that is, who shares my belief that civilization might be coming to an end.The chief evidence for this is that people with enough money are starting to dig. It is always an interesting psychological turning point when people with power develop a bunker mentality.What's built up is also built downIn my testament, which I'm currently dictating to my secretarial staff, deep beneath the earth, I explain it all. Signals from below the soil have corrupted the world's media to the point where you can't believe anything any more. How can we believe that man-made global warming is going to raise the level of the sea by 30 feet if the people who own the newspapers that say so are digging holes under their houses instead of heading for the hills?It's just been revealed that in a recent advertisement for the province of Alberta in Canada they used a picture of people on a beach in Northumberland in the UK because Alberta doesn't have a coastline. How could anyone have paid for that advertisement or run that advertisement or even looked at that advertisement and still believed that anything in any publication might be true?What can we be sure of except that nothing we read about or even hear about is certain? Except for one thing, and to this belief I cling, and so should you.If anyone is rich enough to build himself a bunker under London, he's got enough money to pay his taxes. Hitler began tunnelling only a few days after World War II started; during the course of the war he had dug-outs all over Europe. And by the time the war ended he was occupying more floors under the Reich Chancellery in Berlin than there had even been above ground before it was bombed to rubble. He was down there with his Wagner records, the musical equivalent of a sports car collection.And as with the bad guys, so with the good guys. In the United States, the CIA started to go south as an intelligence gathering organization when it began digging new levels under its headquarters at Langley, Virginia, and finally there was far more of Langley below ground than above.Conspiracy theoryCan anyone doubt that the world is being manipulated from this international network of underground hideouts? It's no use looking for the men behind the men in power. We should be looking for the men below the men

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