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#whoop造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Every spring they whoop it up for the circus.每年春天他们都要替马戏团大加宣传。

2、When the land was seen, the sailor let out a whoop of joy.当看见陆地时,那水手发出一声欢呼。

3、On Complexity of the Nihilism in Whoop and Oscillation;属于或关于虚无主义的。

4、What did they have to whoop about?他们高声呐喊是为了什么呢?

5、Back in the White House, I let out a whoop of joy, and relief.回到白宫后,我发出了一声兴奋的欢呼,松了一口气。

6、There was none but as I headed down the stairs I heard a whoop of laughter and then, " You've won!"什么也没有——但就在我下楼时,我听到他放声大笑起来,紧接着,他说道:“你赢了!

7、Who dares whoop it up here?什么人敢在这里作乐?

8、He gave a whoop of joy when he saw his new bicycle.他看到自己的新自行车时,高兴得叫了起来。

9、Everybody is planning to whoop it up this weekend.大家都打算在这个周末好好欢闹一番。

10、There was none but as I headed down the stairs I heard a whoop of laughter and then, "You've won!"我下楼时却听到身后一阵大笑,只听丈夫大声说:“你赢了!”

11、He later gave a whoop of joy as he approached a microphone to address the crowd.在对着麦克风要向观众讲话前,他发出了兴奋的叫喊。

12、give a whoop of rage发出一声怒吼

13、The war whoop of the American Indian was bloodcurdling.美洲印第安人的作战喊杀声使人毛骨悚然。

14、My little brother, Teddy, lets out a war whoop when Mom's AM radio announces the closures.我弟弟,泰迪,像上战场那样发出了一声呐喊,妈妈的短波收音机在播报学校关闭通知,“下雪天!”

15、The hunters WHOOP and CHEER as Jake joins the circle of.当杰克加入舞者的圆圈中时,猎人们发出一阵欢呼。

16、I couldn't stop myself from letting out a whoop of excitement, which made my horse go faster.我无法抑止自己激昂的呐喊,这让我的马儿奔跑得更快。

whoop翻译n. 大叫, 呐喊, 一点点vi. 叫喊, 鸣叫vt. 高声说, 唤起【医】 哮咳, 吼声相关词组: not care a whoop not worth a whoop 详情




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