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considerate是什么意思/翻译_considerate读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2022年12月8日 pm5:54 • 英文单词 • 阅读 116


considerate是什么意思/翻译_considerate读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 considerate

英 [kənˈsɪdərət] 美 [kənˈsɪdərət]

adj.  考虑周到的; 为(他人)着想的; 体谅的; 体贴的


Collins.1 / BNC.13960 / COCA.17092



考虑周到的;为(他人)着想的;体谅的;体贴的always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。 It was very considerate of him to wait.他一直在等候着,真是体贴人。 柯林斯词典 ADJ-GRADED 替人着想的;体贴的Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people. I think he’s the most charming, most considerate man I’ve ever known…我觉得他是我所认识的最有魅力并且最为体贴的男士。 I’ve always understood one should try and be considerate of other people.我一直认为一个人应该尽量为他人着想。 双语例句 I think he’s the most charming, most considerate man I’ve ever known 我觉得他是我所认识的最有魅力并且最为体贴的男士。 I’ve always understood one should try and be considerate of other people. 我一直认为一个人应该尽量为他人着想。 The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care. 病人有权得到周到而礼貌的照顾。 It stands to reason that if you are considerate and friendly to people you will get a lot more back 显然,如果你通情达理,对人友善,那么你肯定会获得更多回报。 We have all wished for men who are more considerate 我们都曾祈求能找到更加体贴的男人。 You will live easily if you have a considerate friend with you. 如果有一个考虑周到的朋友和你在一起的话,你会过得非常的轻松。 It was considerate of you to turn off the light while I was sleeping. 你真体贴在我睡觉的时候帮我关了灯。 Share your thoughts, in sights and feelings in a clear, but respectful and considerate manner. 明显和清晰地分享你的想法,但是要有礼貌和适当的表达。 You were romantic and you were considerate. Where did that guy go? 你是多么的浪漫和细心,这个你去哪里了? You are so considerate. 你考虑的如此周到。 My wife is very considerate and she asked me to take a overcoat. 我的妻子很体谅我,她让我带了一件厚外套。 That was very considerate of you. 那事为你想得很周到。 I expect you to be a considerate and thoughtful lover. 我希望你是个体贴细心的情人。 I’m a considerate and flexible man. 我是个体贴的机动的男人。 You are always so considerate! 你总是想的那么周到! It wasn’t very considerate of you to drink all the milk. 你把所有的牛奶都喝了,真是不体贴人。 I is exquisite, at least the than I considerate point; 我细腻,至少该比我体贴点; She was friendly and considerate to all associated with her. 她对同她有交往的人都很友好和关切。 It’s respectful and considerate of their needs. 它的尊重和体谅他们的需求。 He’s a considerate and sensitive man. 他是一个体贴和敏感的男人。 She’s a very considerate and caring person. 她是一个很懂得体贴和关心的人。 He is a very good and considerate husband. 他是一个非常体贴的好丈夫。 You are a very considerate person. 你是一个深思熟虑的人。 Its very nice of you to be so considerate. 你太好了想得这么周到。 I’m always a considerate man! 我一直是一个很热心的人哪! You gays are very considerate, and do me a big favor. 你和其它诸位考虑得很周到,帮了我很大的忙。 You should be considerate to him. 你应该为他着想才是。 When you are in Joy you are considerate and caring. 当你处于欢乐中,你是体贴的、关怀的。 I am kind, considerate, and well educated. 我的工作是人生中的中心。 It’s very considerate of you to do such a thing for the old lady. 你为老太太做这个真是太体贴了。 同义词辨析

  attentive considerate thoughtful【导航词义:体贴的】

  attentive adj. 体贴的,关心的


〔辨析〕指对某人照顾周到的,保证其一切所需应有尽有,常后接介词 to。

〔例证〕 Companies should be attentive to the needs of their customers. 公司应该对其顾客的需求考虑周到。 He is always attentive to his wife. 他一直对妻子体贴周到。

  considerate adj. 体贴的


〔例证〕 According to him, one should try to be considerate towards other people. 他认为一个人应该尽量为他人着想。 It was very considerate of you to let me know the meeting would be delayed. 你让我知道会议要延期,真是考虑得周到。

  thoughtful adj. 〈褒〉体贴的,关心的


〔例证〕 He is a thoughtful and caring man. 他是一个体贴入微、关心他人的男人。 It was really thoughtful of him to remember the birthday of that old man. 他真细心,还记得那位老人的生日。



showing concern for the rights and feelings of others friends considerate enough to leave us alone



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