nl是什么意思 nl的中文翻译、读音、例句

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nl是什么意思 nl的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-11-06 14:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: nl的意思是"无标号、换行",nl是什么意思 nl的中文翻译、读音、例句,还经常被翻译为计,读音为[nl],nl在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到75个与nl相关的释义和例句。



1. Ik ben aan het leren ik Nederlands moet spreken. (我正在学习怎样说荷兰语。)

2. Nederland is een klein landje in Europa. (荷兰是欧洲的一个小国。)

3. Ik hou van Nederlandse kaas. (我喜欢荷兰的奶酪。)

4. Dit boek is geschreven in het Nederlands. (这本书是用荷兰语写的。)

5. Mijn vriendin komt uit Nederland. (我的女朋友来自荷兰。)




例句:NL: Here's where my mind goes when I hear that recitation of all I accomplished. (诺曼:这是我在听到 我所有的成就时想到的。)


例句:EH: I want to talk about -- NL: Well, then do it. (艾瑞克:我想谈谈—— 诺曼:嗯,那就加上吧。)


例句:Trains run from Amsterdam to Zandvoort regularly; visit (阿姆斯特丹有定时去Zandvoort的火车,时刻表可以在ns . nl查询。)


nl一般作为名词使用,如在NL([计] 换行, 无标号)、DTR/NL([=deep tendon reflexes within normal limits]正常范围内的深层腱反射)、nl understanding(自然语言理解)等常见短语中出现较多。

NL[计] 换行, 无标号DTR/NL[=deep tendon reflexes within normal limits]正常范围内的深层腱反射nl understanding自然语言理解例句

1. Trains run from Amsterdam to Zandvoort regularly; visit (翻译:阿姆斯特丹有定时去Zandvoort的火车,时刻表可以在ns . nl查询。)

2. NL: I call my mother immediately in Hartford, Connecticut. (翻译:诺曼:我立刻打电话给 在哈特福德,康涅狄格州的妈妈。)

3. NL: Oh, god -- surprised me and delighted me from head to toe. (翻译:诺曼:哦,上帝—— 使我整个人都感到惊讶和欣喜。)

4. Translation: InVision Control and several adaptations: (翻译:《》全片完 谢谢观赏 =====百度悬疑片吧字幕组===== 领衔主翻:)

5. Trains run from Amsterdam to Zandvoort regularly; visit ns. nl. (翻译:阿姆斯特丹有定时去Zandvoort的火车,时刻表可以在ns.nl查询。)

6. NL: I love the way you put that question, because I guess I've spent my life wanting -- if anything, wanting to be heard. (翻译:诺曼:我喜欢你问这个问题的方式, 因为我猜,我已经花了一生的时间想—— 是否有什么是需要被倾听的。)

7. Issue PO and get acknowledgement, get NL, LTA signed, supplier delivery plan tracking. (翻译:负责PO发送与确认,与供应商签订NL以及LTA等,以及交货计划追踪。)

8. And I understand what you're saying -- EH: It's an articulate deflection -- NL: But you have to really buy into the size and scope of the creator's enterprise, here. (翻译:我理解你说的是什么—— 艾瑞克:这是一个很明显的谎言—— 诺曼:但是你必须考虑到造物主造就的 空间和大小,在这里。)

9. marry, one of the children said to her mother, "daddy's just like a small child, is nl't he, mummy? " (翻译:玛丽,其中一个孩子对妈妈说,爹爹就像个小孩子,是不是妈妈?)

10. NL: Well, Webber has surely had a cheerful summer break and Vettel will be fretting for a while. (翻译:是的,韦伯确实有一个令人满意的夏休期,瓦特尔在这时可能会有一些的不愉快。)

11. NL: no, nothing. Either you are part of the topflight, then you matter, otherwise I am not interested. (翻译:不,不是的。你不是一流车手中的一个,接下来是你的问题,其他方面我就不感兴趣了。)

12. An ethylation catalyst Z937 with suitable stability were prepared on THD basis of NL. (翻译:在NL原粉基础上,制备了具有一定稳定性的乙基化催化剂z937。)

13. Using NLJ search procedure to optimize the control loops of FCCU plant by selecting PID parameters based on IMC control principle and step response data. (翻译:应用NL J随机搜索算法,对催化裂化控制回路进行基于阶跃响应的PID参数优化和IMC - PID参数优化。)

14. The NL-AUX-RLY consists of two single-pole, double-through relays with a contact current rating of 6 amps at 250 VAC. (翻译:该NL-AUX-RLY由两个单芯,双通过继电器组成,在250伏交流电下具有6安培的触点额定电流。)

15. NL: An impact on him -- I was hesitating over the word, "change." (翻译:诺曼:对他的影响—— 我在犹豫用“改变”这个词。)


1. 'nl'作为缩写词,通常指代荷兰(Netherlands)这个国家。在学术和商业领域中经常使用。


- I will be attending a conference in nl next week.

- Our company has branches in the UK, US, and nl.

2. 'nl'也可以是英文单词'no'和'l'的缩写,表示'no loss'或'no liability'。在金融和保险业中使用。


- The insurance policy offers nl coverage for damages caused by natural disasters.

- The bank provides its clients with nl investment options.

3. 'nl'还可以代表数据处理中的'newline',即换行符。在编程和科技领域中经常使用。


- The code should end with an nl character to ensure proper formatting.

- The file cannot be opened because there is no nl at the end of the last line.

4. 'nl'有时候也会被解释成'natural language',即自然语言,指的是说话人常用的语言和表达方式。


- The AI chatbot can understand and process nl input from users.

- The company's customer service representative spoke to me in my nl and resolved my issue promptly.


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