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10月27日晚,国务院总理李克强在北京人民大会堂出席第16届东亚峰会。会议以视频形式举行。新华社记者 姚大伟 摄


在第16届东亚峰会上的讲话中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强(2021年10月27日,北京)Speech by H.E. Li KeqiangPremier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of ChinaAt the 16th East Asia SummitBeijing, 27 October 2021


尊敬的哈桑纳尔苏丹陛下,各位同事:Your Majesty Sultan Hassanal,Colleagues,

很高兴通过视频同各位同事进行交流。感谢苏丹陛下和文莱政府为本次会议所作周到安排。It gives me great pleasure to have this exchange with you via video link. I wish to begin by thanking His Majesty the Sultan and the Bruneian government for the thoughtful arrangements made for the summit.

当前,新冠肺炎疫情延宕反复,全球贸易投资增速放缓,通胀压力加大,粮食和能源安全等风险持续发酵,世界经济实现可持续均衡复苏面临挑战。在国际地区形势加速演变背景下,传统和非传统安全威胁交织上升,气候变化等全球性挑战更加突出。同时也要看到,新一轮科技革命和产业变革方兴未艾,经济社会数字化转型加速,为各国高质量发展提供重要机遇。东亚作为世界经济增长的重要引擎,要推动抗击疫情和复苏经济两个轮子一起转,不断为全球发展注入动力。As we meet, COVID-19 is still spreading in the world, global trade and investment are slowing, inflation pressure is rising and risks to food and energy security continue to develop. The world economy is confronted with challenges to a sustainable and balanced recovery. As international and regional situations evolve at a faster pace, traditional and non-traditional security threats are increasingly intertwined and global challenges such as climate change have become more pressing. Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is burgeoning and digital transformation in economy and society is accelerating, providing important opportunities for the high-quality development of all countries. As an important engine driving global growth, East Asia must pursue parallel progress in fighting the pandemic and recovering the economy, and inject continued impetus into global development.


东亚峰会作为“领导人引领的战略论坛”,成员涵盖亚太主要国家,具有广泛代表性和影响力。峰会应始终坚持自身定位,把握区域合作正确方向,平衡推进政治安全合作与经济社会发展。相互尊重主权和领土完整是国际关系的基本准则,也是东亚峰会的重要指导原则。前不久,习近平主席提出“全球发展倡议”,旨在推动实现强劲、绿色、健康的全球发展,构建全球发展共同体。当前形势下,各方尤其要秉持相互尊重精神,团结协作,加大抗疫复苏投入,努力维护地区和平稳定,促进发展繁荣。中方为此提出以下建议:As a “leaders-led strategic forum”, the East Asia Summit (EAS) has a membership covering major countries in the Asia Pacific and enjoys broad-based representation and influence. The EAS should remain committed to its defined role, keep to the right direction of regional cooperation and pursue political and security cooperation and economic and social progress in a balanced way. Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is a basic norm governing international relations and an important guiding principle of the EAS. Not long ago, President Xi Jinping put forth the Global Development Initiative, which aims to promote robust, green and balanced global development and foster a global community of development with a shared future. Given the current circumstances, it is particularly important that we uphold the spirit of mutual respect and work together in unity to invest more in COVID response and economic recovery, safeguard regional peace and stability, and promote development and prosperity. To this end, China wishes to make the following proposals:

一是携手抗击疫情。弘扬科学精神,秉持科学规律,深化疫情防控合作。中方已向国际社会提供超过15.8亿剂疫苗和原液,其中向东盟国家提供约4.6亿剂,还将通过“新冠疫苗实施计划”再向发展中国家无偿捐赠1亿剂疫苗。中方将根据有关国家需求,力所能及加大疫苗及其他抗疫物资援助,继续支持东盟国家建设好区域疫苗生产和分配中心。加快推进“中国-东盟公共卫生合作倡议”,提升地区公共卫生能力,助力构建人类卫生健康共同体。中方支持发表关于精神健康合作的声明,切实呵护每个人的身心健康和人格尊严。First, we need to join hands to fight COVID-19. We need to uphold the spirit of science, follow its laws and deepen cooperation on COVID response. China has provided over 1.58 billion doses of vaccines and concentrates to the international community, including some 460 million doses to ASEAN countries. China will donate another 100 million doses of vaccines to other developing countries via COVAX. China will do what it can to scale up assistance in vaccines and other anti-COVID supplies in light of the needs of relevant countries, and continue to support ASEAN countries in building regional vaccine production and distribution centers. The implementation of the China-ASEAN Cooperation Program on Public Health Management needs to be expedited to help enhance regional capacity on public health and contribute to the building of a global community of health for all. China supports issuing an EAS Leaders’ Statement on Mental Health Cooperation to better protect the mental health and human dignity of each and every individual.

二是促进经济全面复苏。坚持自由贸易、公平贸易,增加大宗商品和关键零部件等重要商品供给能力,维护国际物流畅通,反对各种形式的贸易保护主义。持续推进区域经济一体化,为经济复苏提供新动力。区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)接近生效门槛,应加紧推动尽早生效实施。中方已正式申请加入全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(CPTPP),将进一步提高开放承诺水平。积极对接疫后发展战略,中方率先全方位对接《东盟全面复苏框架》,将同地区国家高质量共建“一带一路”,提高数字化转型对疫后复苏的贡献,支持地区国家促进旅游业复苏的努力。Second, we need to promote all-round economic recovery. We need to uphold free and fair trade, strengthen the capacity for supplying commodities, key spare parts and other important goods, ensure unimpeded international logistics and oppose all forms of trade protectionism. We need to continuously push forward regional economic integration to lend new impetus to economic recovery. As the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) approaches its threshold of coming into force, efforts should be intensified to facilitate its early entry into force and implementation. China has officially applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and will further raise the level of its opening-up commitments. We need to actively synergize our post-COVID development strategies. China has taken the lead to cooperate with ASEAN in support of its Comprehensive Recovery Framework in an all-round way. China will work with countries in the region to advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, increase the contribution of digital transformation to post-COVID recovery and support regional countries in boosting the recovery of the tourism industry.

三是推动绿色发展。东亚是全球发展的高地,应积极参与绿色低碳转型进程,促进疫后地区经济绿色复苏。要遵循共同但有区别的责任原则,全面有效实施气候变化《巴黎协定》,支持《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十六次缔约方会议取得积极成果。中方倡议此次会议发表关于可持续复苏的声明,也期待可持续、绿色发展的理念能够融入新一期《落实〈金边发展宣言〉马尼拉行动计划》。要均衡有序推进低碳转型,在保障能源稳定安全供给的同时,实现与经济发展、民生保障协同增效。中方将继续举办清洁能源论坛、新能源论坛,欢迎各方积极参与。Third, we need to promote green development. As a leading force in global development, East Asia needs to play an active part in the green and low-carbon transition process and promote green recovery of the regional economy in the post-COVID era. We need to follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, fully and effectively implement the Paris Agreement and support COP26 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in achieving positive outcomes. China proposes that this meeting release a statement on sustainable recovery, and hopes that the concept of sustainable and green development will be incorporated into the renewed Manila Plan of Action to Advance the Phnom Penh Declaration. We need to pursue a low-carbon transition in a balanced and orderly manner, and realize coordinated advances in economic development and people’s well-being while ensuring stability and security in energy supply. China will continue to hold the Clean Energy Forum and the New Energy Forum. Your active participation is most welcome.

四是支持东盟中心地位。地区国家曾普遍经历战争与动荡、贫困与萧条,谋和平、促发展是我们的时代使命和不懈追求。历史经验证明,以东盟为中心、开放包容的区域合作架构顺应现实需求,协商一致、不干涉内政、照顾各方舒适度等“东盟方式”符合东亚传统,是本地区长期和平繁荣的重要基石。我们要全力支持增进东盟团结,支持东盟共同体建设和维护多边主义的努力,维护以联合国为核心的国际体系。Fourth, we need to support ASEAN Centrality. Countries in the region are no stranger to the experience of war and turmoil, poverty and economic depression. For us, promoting peace and development is the call of the times and an unrelenting pursuit. Historical experience shows that an ASEAN-centered, open and inclusive regional cooperation architecture meets the needs of the realities, and the ASEAN Way of consensus building, non-interference in internal affairs and accommodating each other’s comfort levels is consistent with East Asian traditions. They are important cornerstones for the region’s long-term peace and prosperity. We need to fully support enhancing ASEAN unity, support ASEAN Community building and its efforts in upholding multilateralism, and safeguard the UN-centered international system.



缅甸是东亚合作的重要参与方。中方支持东盟以“东盟方式”妥善处理有关问题,促进东盟团结,促进地区稳定,促进缅甸和平和解进程,国际社会应为此创造良好的外部环境。Myanmar is an important participant in East Asian cooperation. China supports ASEAN in properly handling the relevant issues in the ASEAN Way to promote ASEAN unity, regional stability and Myanmar’s peace and reconciliation process. The international community should create a sound external environment for such efforts.


南海是我们的共同家园。维护南海和平稳定、维护南海航行和飞越自由符合各方共同利益。中国作为最大的货物贸易国,60%以上的货物贸易经过南海。南海和平稳定关乎中国切身利益。在中国和东盟国家共同努力下,南海局势整体保持了稳定,航行和飞越自由也从未发生过问题。中国和东盟国家坚持由直接当事国磋商谈判和平解决争端,管控分歧,推进共同开发,为地区和平稳定做出了积极贡献。The South China Sea is our common home. Maintaining peace, stability and the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea serves the common interests of all parties. China is the world’s largest trader in goods and over 60 percent of its trade in goods goes through the South China Sea. Peace and stability in the South China Sea concerns China’s vital interests. Thanks to the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the situation in the South China Sea has maintained overall stability and there has never been a problem with the freedom of navigation and overflight. China and ASEAN countries have maintained that the disputes should be peacefully settled, differences managed and joint development advanced, through consultation and negotiation, by the countries directly concerned, and have made positive contributions to peace and stability in the region.


中国坚持走和平发展道路,作为《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国,始终同东盟国家一道,根据包括《公约》在内的国际法,结合地区实际情况,在相互尊重的基础上妥善处理南海问题。本着这样的精神和原则,我们成功签署了《南海各方行为宣言》,正在全面有效落实。也正是本着这样的精神和原则,我们正在积极推进“南海行为准则”磋商,同意尽早达成有效、富有实质内容、符合包括《公约》在内的国际法的“准则”。去年以来,我们克服疫情影响,恢复并积极推进“准则”磋商,已就有关内容达成初步一致,将坚定向前推进。希望域外国家尊重地区国家维护南海和平稳定所作出的努力,不采取任何激化矛盾、扩大分歧的行动,支持地区国家把南海建设成为和平、友好和合作之海。China is committed to the path of peaceful development. As a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), China has all along worked with ASEAN countries to properly handle the South China Sea issue on the basis of mutual respect in accordance with international law including UNCLOS and in light of the regional realities. In keeping with such a spirit and principles, we successfully signed the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and are fully and effectively implementing the DOC. It is in line with the same spirit and principles that we are actively advancing consultations on a code of conduct (COC) and have agreed to reach early conclusion of an effective, substantive COC consistent with international law including UNCLOS. Despite the impact of COVID-19 in the past year, we have resumed and actively pressed ahead with the COC consultations and reached preliminary agreement on relevant contents. We will resolutely push forward the process. It is hoped that countries from outside the region respect the efforts of regional countries for peace and stability in the South China Sea, refrain from any actions that may aggravate tensions and expand disagreements, and support regional countries in making the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.




东亚地区的更好发展需要我们同心奋斗,东亚地区的美好未来需要我们携手创造。中方愿与各方一道,加强团结,拓展合作,促进共同发展,实现繁荣稳定,书写东亚合作新的篇章。Greater development of East Asia and a better future for the region call for our concerted efforts. China is ready to work with all parties to enhance unity, broaden cooperation, promote common development and achieve prosperity and stability. Together, let us write a new chapter of East Asian cooperation.


谢谢!Thank you.





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