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#2023届四川高考英语三轮冲刺| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023四川高考英语-(重点单词词性转换+重点短语+单句语法+语法填空)三轮冲刺 10重点单词词性转换introduce v. 介绍;引进 - introduction n. 介绍;引进invent v.发明;创造 - invention n. 发明;创造 - inventor n. 发明者;创造者invite v. 邀请;引起 - invitation n. 邀请 - inviting adj. 吸引人的;诱人的irrigate v. 灌溉(土地或庄家) - irrigation n. 灌溉Italy n. 意大利 - Italian n. 意大利人;意大利语 - Italian adj. 意大利(人)的;意大利语的Japan n. 日本 - Japanese n. 日本人;日语 - Japanese adj. 日本的 - Japanese adj. 日本人的;日语的jewel n.宝石,珠宝首饰 - jewellery n. 珠宝,首饰jog v. 慢跑- jogging n. 慢跑锻炼journalist n. 新闻记者- journalism n. 新闻业,新闻工作joy v. 高兴;使快乐 - joy n. 喜悦;快乐 - joyful adj. 快乐的 - joyfully adv. 喜悦地;高兴地judge v. 审理;鉴定;判断 - judge n. 法官;审判员;裁判员 - judgment n. 审判;判断力juice n.汁,水果汁饮料 - juicy adj. 多汁的just adj.公正的,应得的,合理的 - justice n. 公正,审判- unjust adj. 不公正的,不合理的重点短语1.place an order for sth with ...向...预定....2.booking office售票处3.on the border of China and Russia在中俄边界4.be bored with/be fed up with/ be tired of 对于…感到厌倦5.be bored to death厌烦得要死6.be born of poor parents出生于贫苦家庭7.be born in a poor family出生于贫苦家庭8.be born with sth天生具有...9.a born musician 一天生音乐家10.borrow sth from sb/sp从..借...11.bother oneself about sth担心某事12.bother sb with sth 用...纠缠/烦扰某人13.at the bottom of sea在海底14.thank sb from the botoom of one's heart从心底里感激某人15.bottom up 干杯16.bow one's head 点头17.use one's brains动动脑筋18.have good brains很有头脑19.a brain worker脑力工作者20.a branch bank/school/office分行/分校分部单句语法-专项练习 1一.请根据首字母或使用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. As they approached the city, the enemy fled in _________ (confuse).2. He spent two nights under close __________ (observe) in hospital.3. ________ (like) most of the teachers, Mr. You never gives us any homework during the weekend.4. He is __________ (like) to arrive a little late.5. The lamp suddenly went out, leaving us in ________ (dark) .6. In this school special courses are offered to those with sight/hearing/speech _______ . (disabled)7. She watched the train until it was only a dot in the ________ (distant) .8. I gave a sigh of _________ (relieve) when I heard that he came back safe and sound.9. Lake Green is one of the biggest tourist __________ (attract) in this country.10. Shopping via the Internet is an _________ (attract) idea for most young people.11. The job involves gathering and __________ (analysis) data.12. Science graduates are facing less __________ (employ) pressure than arts graduates.13. The weather forecast said it would be __________ (fog) the next morning.14. I am __________ (anxiety) about losing my job.15. We are _________(hope) that we can find a solution to the problem.16. She asked me the question with a _________(puzzle) expression on her face.17. With spring ________ (approach), the weather is getting warmer and warmer.18. It was _____ (observe) that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure.19. Having been _______ (bite) seriously by a shark, Tony has to lie in bed for one year.20._______ (attach) the message to its leg, he set the bird loose21. Alexander tried to get his work _______ (recognize) in the medical circles.22. The dog enjoyed himself ________ (roll) on the grass.23. ______ (grasp) the rope with both hands, you will feel safe when you climb a hill.1. confusion 2. observation 3. Unlike 4. likely 5. darkness 6. disabilities 7. distance 8. relief 9. attractions 10. attractive 11. analysing/ analyzing 12. employment 13. foggy 14. anxious 15. hopeful 16. puzzled 17. approaching 18. observed 19. bitten 20. attaching 21. recognized 22. rolling 23. Grasping单句语法-专项练习 2二.根据语境写出单词1. —Are you going to the lecture on human development this afternoon —Sure, I’m so c_______ about the origin of mankind.2. —What’s your _______ —I am Chinese.3. —He is seriously ill now.—Yes. He donates his body to _______ research, hoping that scientists can find out ways to cure the disease.4. —How is the man injured in the car accident —He was pronounced dead _______ after being taken to a Los Angeles hospital on Thursday.5. —What do you think of his speech —It’s _______ and encouraging.6. —What’s the ______ for cheating in the exam —He or she will be given a warning.7. —Could you recommend something of good _______ —This pair of shoes is very comfortable and is well received.8. —I will travel to England by sea tomorrow morning.—Well, bye-bye and have a good ______.9. —My back hurts a lot.—You’d better go to the doctor’s and have it e_________.10. —What’s your opinion on the relationship between education and nature —With better education, people will be able to build a better society in _______ with nature11. —It it true what one experiences as a child often plays a big part in shaping his character —Yes, one’s ________ experiences will have a life-long influence on him.12. —Who will get the amazing job —Bob, perhaps. But we haven’t yet been informed o______.13. —What do you think of your holiday —It was raining, but a_______ it was a nice trip.14. —He finally found her empty purse by the roadside.—Obviously, the thief had taken away all the c_______.15. —Have scientists been convinced that there are Yetis —Not really, they are still looking for evidence to see whether Yetis really ______.16. —Does this road run straight to the seaside —Yes, it _______ as far as the seaside..17. —Did many people attend Mike’s wedding last night —Yes, there were around 100 people _______ at the wedding.18. —Are the vegetables still ______ —Yes, I just bought them this morning.19. —Did he pass his driving test in the end —Yes, he _______ made it since he had been practicing hard for two months.20. —Are Egyptian pyramids among the oldest buildings in the world —Yes, the ______ Egyptians were clever enough to build them even though there were not modern machines then.1. curious 2. nationality 3. scientific 4. shortly 5. inspiring 6. punishment 7. quality 8. voyage 9. examined 10. harmony 11. childhood 12. officially 13. altogether 14. contents 15. exist 16. reaches 17. present 18. fresh 19. finally/eventually 20. ancient语法填空-专项练习 1阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。According to a study done by the University of Florida, ____1____ students read affects the level of writing they achieve. In the study, researchers surveyed students about their reading materials, and they also took a writing sample from their cover letters. Upon analyzing their ____2____ (finding), researchers concluded that students who read academic journals and literary fiction scored ____3____ (high) in measures of writing complexity than ____4____ who primarily read popular fiction or web content ____5____ (publish) on sites. Although the study didn’t investigate why a link between reading material and writing ability exists, the authors suggest our writing may ____6____ (simple) mimic (模仿) what we read.____7____, Andrew Jarosz, a psychology professor at Mississippi State University, says this study had a relatively small sample size and that it’s too soon to conclude that the complexity of the material we read affects the complexity of our writing.“It could indeed be that reading complex materials ____8____ (lead) to more complex writing,” he said. “Alternatively, what if people who are better writers prefer to read complex materials that mirror their own writing abilities That is, it is entirely possible that the relationship goes ____9____ the other direction.”Jarosz says other variables (可变因素), ____10____ (include) intelligence and the ability to store and process information at the same time, may also be responsible for why some people write at a higher level than others.语法填空-专项练习 2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Yang Liu, a 25-year-old inheritor of single bamboo drifting (独竹漂), has given over 3,000 performances of the traditional sport across China in the past 10 years. She desires ____11____ (familiarize) people with it not just in the country but the entire world.Born and ____12____ (bring) up in Zunyi, Guizhou, Yang started learning drifting on a bamboo pole on the water when she was seven. In the ____13____ (begin), she treated it just as a way to keep fit. But later on, she developed ____14____ interest when she managed to pull off some basic dance moves while drifting on the water.____15____ each brave attempt, her confidence grew. She ____16____ (late) applied traditional Chinese costumes, Hanfu, to her performances. A girl in Hanfu dancing on the water — it was a sight to behold.____17____ Yang didn’t just stop there. Having a soft corner in her heart for ____18____ (able) people, she integrated sign language into her dance, thus not only promoting Chinese culture, but also telling people that “ as long as you are willing to make ____19____ (attempt), you can also find your value. ”Since 2020, Yang has been actively popularizing the technique on social media platforms, where she _____20_____ (earn) millions of followers and likes from home and abroad.参考答案:1.what 2.findings 3.higher 4.those 5.published6.simply7.However 8.leads 9.in 10.including【导语】本文是说明文,主要介绍了阅读材料的复杂程度和类型影响着写作水平。1.考查主语从句。句意:根据一项研究,学生阅读的内容会影响他们的写作水平。分析句子结构,空处引导主语从句,做affects的主语。同时从句中read后缺少宾语,需用连接代词what引导。故填what。2.考查名词。句意:在分析他们的发现后,研究人员得出结论,阅读学术期刊和文学小说的学生比主要阅读流行小说或网络内容的学生在写作复杂性方面得分更高。their 是形容词性物主代词,其后接名词。括号中的提示词finding,意为“调查发现,调研结果”为可数名词,常用复数形式。故填findings。3.考查副词比较级。句意:在分析他们的发现后,研究人员得出结论,阅读学术期刊和文学小说的学生比主要阅读流行小说或出版在网页上的网络内容的学生在写作复杂性方面得分更高。空处修饰动词scored,需用副词形式,结合句中介词than可知,应用比较级,提示词high可作副词,意为“(数量)大”,句中表示“更高的分数”,用其比较级形式higher。故填higher。4.考查代词。句意:同上。根据空前的than可知,是将“阅读学术期刊和文学小说的学生”和“阅读流行小说或网络内容的学生”的两类学生进行比较,设空处应该填写代词代替后者的学生们。另外根据空后的who read可知,使用的代词应该为复数。故填写those。5.考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。根据句子成分可知,本句中的谓语动词是read,所以设空处应该用非谓语动词。同时content和publish是动宾关系,应该用过去分词做后置定语,表示被动关系。故填写published。6.考查副词。句意:虽然这项研究没有调查为什么阅读材料和写作能力之间存在联系,但作者认为,我们的写作可能只是模仿了我们所阅读的内容。空后的mimic“模仿”为动词,前面需要使用副词进行修饰。故需要把simple变为副词。故填simply。7.考查副词。句意:然而,心理学教授Andrew Jarosz说,这项研究的样本量相对较小,现在就断定我们阅读材料的复杂性会影响我们写作的复杂性还为时过早。根据句意可知,空前内容(我们的写作可能只是模仿了我们所阅读的内容)确定我们的写作和阅读内容之间有着一定的关系,与空后的内容(根据Andrew Jarosz,研究样本过小,断定二者之间的关系为时过早)构成转折关系。同时空后是完整的句子,副词可以修饰句子。故填写However。8.考查时态。句意:阅读复杂的材料确实会导致更复杂的写作。根据句子成分可知,句子的主语是 reading complex materials。动名词做主语时视为整体,为单数,同时整个句子是直接引语的内容,故应该使用一般现在时,括号中的lead应该使用第三人称单数。故填写leads。9.考查介词。句意:也就是说,这种关系完全有可能走向另一个方向。”in the other direction“在另一个方向”。故填in。10.考查介词。句意:Jarosz说其他可变因素也可能是一些人写作水平比其他人高的原因,包括智力以及同时储存和处理信息的能力。根据句意可知,应使用介词including构成介词短语,意为“包括……”,对前面名词variables(可变因素)进行解释。故填including。11.to familiarize 12.brought 13.beginning 14.an 15.With 16.later 17.But 18.disabled 19.attempts 20.has earned【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述独竹漂传承人杨柳的个人经历。11.考查非谓语动词。句意:她渴望让全国乃至全世界的人都熟悉独竹漂。谓语动词desires后面接动词时,所接动词需用不定式,作宾语。故填to familiarize。12.考查非谓语动词。句意:杨柳生长在贵州遵义,七岁时便开始在水上练习独竹漂。分析句子结构可知,该句主句谓语动词是started,Born and ____2____ (bring) up in Zunyi充当状语,所以设空处动词需填非谓语形式,由于动词bring和Yang是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以bring需用过去分词。故填brought。13.考查名词。句意:起初她将它视为健身的方式。in the beginning是固定短语,意为“起初”,所以设空处需填beginning。故填beginning。14.考查冠词。句意:但当她后来在水上漂流的过程中成功地完成了一些基本的舞蹈动作时,她便培养出了兴趣。结合语意可知,她后来将独竹漂培养成一种兴趣,则interest前需加不定冠词表示类指“一种”,由于interest是以元音音素开头,所以此处应填an。故填an。15.考查介词。句意:她的信心在一次次勇敢的尝试中增强了。分析句子结构可知,主语是she,谓语是grew,则____5____ each brave attempt充当的是伴随状语,而“with +名词/名词短语”可以充当伴随状语,又因为句首字母要大写,故填With。16.考查副词。句意:后来,她将中国传统服饰汉服融入到她的表演当中。分析句子结构可知,主语是She,谓语是applied,宾语是costumes,则设空处需填副词,充当状语,修饰整个句子。later是副词,意为“后来”,可充当该句时间状语。故填later。17.考查连词。句意:但是杨柳并非仅止步于此。结合语意,由前文“She ____6____ (late) applied traditional Chinese costumes, Hanfu, to her performances. A girl in Hanfu dancing on the water — it was a sight to behold.”可知,杨柳的独竹漂融入了汉服元素;由后文“Yang didn’t just stop there. Having a soft corner in her heart for ____8____ (able) people, she integrated sign language into her dance.”可知,杨柳对独竹漂的创新并不仅仅在于添加了汉服元素,而是还在舞蹈中设计了手语,面向身患残疾的人。所以设空处前后之间形成转折关系,需填表转折的连词but。句首字母要大写。故填But。18.考查形容词。句意:她在内心深处为残疾人留下了一个柔软的角落,把手语融入到舞蹈当中,这不仅促进了中国文化的发展,还告诉人们“只要你愿意尝试,你也会发现自己的价值。” 结合语意,由设空处后面的“sign language”可知,她融入手语到舞蹈当中,所以此处她为的是身患残疾的人,disabled people可表示“残障人士”。故填disabled。19.考查名词。句意:她在内心深处为身患残疾的人留下了一个柔软的角落,把手语融入到舞蹈当中,这不仅促进了中国文化的发展,还告诉人们“只要你愿意尝试,你也会发现自己的价值。”分析句子结构可知,设空处需填名词充当动词make的宾语,此处可数名词attempt前面没有限定词,所以需用复数形式。故填attempts。20.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:自2020年以来,杨柳一直在社交平台上积极推广这项技艺,获得数百万国内外粉丝和点赞。分析句子结构可知,设空处充当where引导的定语从句的谓语。由时间状语Since 2020可知,设空处需用现在完成时。从句主语she是单数,所以从句谓语动词需用单数形式。故填has earned。






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