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2023-03-23 17:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1、Cool it and tell me why you're so ecstatic. 冷静下来,告诉我你为什么这样欣喜若狂。

2、The cool-headed reckoner is the stern chastiser of the ecstatic visionary. 头脑冷静的计算者,是梦想家的严厉惩罚人。

3、No one was more ecstatic with this tun of events than Senator Byrd. 没有人比参议员伯德对这个形势的变化更加欣喜了。

4、But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs. 只一直停留着俳着,用欢乐的歌曲来歌唱这些东西。

5、According to MsNelthorpe-Cowne,Markle is ecstatic about the prospect of starting a family. 按照Nelthorpe-Cowne女士的说法,马克尔对未来的家庭生活无限憧恨。


His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it.




ecstasy这个词的意思是狂喜, 它的形容词是


分类:感悟 随想 译文

在我身边, 看到越来越多的美国人在学习中文; 而国人则如火如荼地学习英文. 这是好事, 地球村的概念就快实现. 对英文有兴趣的朋友, 读下面的文章会比较有意义.

先考大家一个词: Technopropisms. 不知道没关系. 这个词汇并不被广泛使用, 而且是1996年才诞生, 也许很多字典里都没有. 它源于另一个词: Malapropism. 这个词就有出处了. 爱尔兰剧作家Richard Sheridan 在1775年写了他第一个喜剧 -- "The Rivals", 其中有个幽默角色叫Mrs. Malaprop. 这个名字是从法文mal à propos来, 意思是inappropriate/不合适. Mrs. Malaprop没受过多少教育(自学成才). 她经常用发音类似的一个错误词语代替另一个正确的词语, 以至出现很多非常滑稽, 不知所云的语句. 英文中本来就有malapropos这个词汇. 而Malapropism则指任何句子, 一个词汇被另一个不正确的词汇所代替. Malapropism又分: 1. classical malapropisms, in which the mistakes are due to ignorance (as in the case of Mrs. Malaprop), 即无知导致的错误. 2. temporary slips of the tongue, in which the intended word is known by the speaker, but has been inadvertently replaced by another, 即说漏嘴, 说话的人知道要说什么, 只是不小心讲错了.

下面是Mrs. Malaprop讲的一些话:

"...promise to forget this fellow - to illiterate him, I say, quite from your memory."


"O, he will dissolve my mystery!"


"He is the very pine-apple of politeness!"


"I have since laid Sir Anthony's preposition before her;"


"Oh! it gives me the hydrostatics to such a degree."


"I hope you will represent her to the captain as an object not altogether illegible."


"...she might reprehend the true meaning of what she is saying."


"...she's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of Nile."


"I am sorry to say, Sir Anthony, that my affluence over my niece is very small."


"Nay, no delusions to the past - Lydia is convinced;"


"...behold, this very day, I have interceded another letter from the fellow;"


"His physiognomy so grammatical!"


"I am sure I have done everything in my power since I exploded the affair;"


"...if ever you betray what you are entrusted with... you forfeit my malevolence for ever..."


"Your being Sir Anthony's son, captain, would itself be a sufficient accommodation;"


"Sure, if I reprehend any thing in this world it is the use of my oracular tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs!"

[apprehend, vernacular, arrangement, epithets]

搞清楚了什么是Malapropism, 我们再看Technopropisms. 现代人过多地倚赖电子媒体(科技, techo), 导致英语语言中很多词汇因为音似而造成普遍的使用错误. 当人们只是从电话, 电视, 收音机, 及对话中听到词语, 而不是从编辑良好的书本和杂志中阅读词语的时候, 词汇本身可能被corrupt(讹用). 而因为这些被讹用的词汇本身并没有拼写错误, (只是用错了地方), spellchecker无法查出使用的不当. 而被讹用的词再从电邮, 论坛, 博客中散播出去, 以讹传讹, 造成滥用词汇的普及. 很多时候, 看似正确的用法实际上是错误的.

下面是一些题, 有兴趣可以做一做. 有些相当容易, 有些不. 还有些是美过口语, 不见得所有学英语的人都知道. 请选择正确的语句. 朋友们也可以去在此网站做,可以立即知道得分及答案.


the police officer patted him down

the police officer padded him down


he has a full proof method for that

he has a foolproof method for that


in his hay day he was a big star

in his heyday he was a big star


a big effort was put forth by

a big effort was put fourth by


his uncle was a good role model

his uncle was a good roll model


the runner was seated first in his heat

the runner was seeded first in his heat


that's just my two cents' worth

that's just my too sense worth


had a cookie just to tie me over

had a cookie just to tide me over


he was chopping at the bit

he was champing at the bit


give me a brake!

give me a break!


would leave me to expect

would lead me to expect


please visit my web sight

please visit my web site


I dawned my coat and hat

I donned my coat and hat


his concentration never waivered

his concentration never wavered


he was quick; in other words, he was fast

He was quick; another words, he was fast


the crook was on the lam

the crook was on the lamb


the destroyed vehicle was a complete write-off

the destroyed vehicle was a complete right off


wreak havoc

reap havoc


the device has coarse and fine adjustments

the device has course and fine adjustments


sashayed out of the room

sacheted out of the room


he seemed a mite peculiar

he seemed a might peculiar


I waved my rights

I waived my rights


and then, voila!...a rabbit appeared

and then, wah lah!...a rabbit appeared


have an averse reaction to the medicine

have an adverse reaction to the medicine


sew the seeds of discontent

sow the seeds of discontent


the ride was a pseudo-race

the ride was a sudo-race


the plan supposedly provides for that

the plan supposively provides for that


for all intensive purposes

for all intents and purposes


I would just as soon not do that

I would just assume not do that


it's a moot point now, since...

it's a mute point now, since...


with the utmost care

with the upmost care


please bear with me

please bare with me


a prospective candidate

a perspective candidate


it's commonly accepted that grass is green

it's commonly excepted that grass is green


she was just ecstatic about the outcome

she was just estatic about the outcome


the disruptive kids were raising Cain

the disruptive kids were raising cane


he didn't fair as well

he didn't fare as well


the cautious investor was weary of the claims the broker made

the cautious investor was wary of the claims the broker made


I'm not adverse to strenuous exercise

I'm not averse to strenuous exercise


his career is at its peak

his career is at its peek


cut off his nose despite his face

cut off his nose to spite his face


site that as a reason for...

cite that as a reason for...


he waved to me

he waived to me


it's just an optical allusion

it's just an optical illusion


a top finish in this race has always alluded me

a top finish in this race has always eluded me


it just doesn't cut the mustard

it just doesn't cut the muster


hear, hear, I agree!

here, here, I agree!


I would of done it

I would have done it


he must have known it wouldn't work

He must of known it wouldn't work


they are one and the same

they are one in the same


the horse was raring to go

the horse was rearing to go


I tried, but it was all for not

I tried, but it was all for naught


on a pro capita basis

on a per capita basis


he alluded to his connection with the mafia

he eluded to his connection with the mafia


he acted in a manor that indicated

he acted in a manner that indicated


and, in the same vein

and, in the same vain


I was waiting with baited breath

I was waiting with bated breath


he cited this incident as an example

he sighted this incident as an example


the mere presents of the lawyer intimidated him

the mere presence of the lawyer intimidated him


the story was purely antidotal in nature

the story was purely anecdotal in nature


one of my favorite past times is to...

one of my favorite pastimes is to...


the machine did nothing except record the numbers

the machine did nothing accept record the numbers


case in point

case and point


it wasn't an argument per say

it wasn't an argument per se


he was poring over documents

he was pouring over documents


he was not use to the feel of the new shoes

he was not used to the feel of the new shoes


the boxer was wailing on his opponent

the boxer was whaling his opponent


the ship was in for some fowl weather

the ship was in for some foul weather


the sulphur mine wreaked of rotten eggs

the sulphur mine reeked of rotten eggs


the boat changed coarse

the boat changed course


wreaking havoc

reeking havoc


he's a a real no-nothing

he's a real know-nothing


they had a low per capital income

they had a low per capita income


those are all just bold-faced lies

those are all just bare-faced lies


I hold them in high estimation

I hold them in high esteem


He was ready to dual it out with him

He was ready to duel it out with him


the item piqued my interest

the item peaked my interest


the state seceded from the union

the state succeeded from the union


an athlete of that caliper

an athlete of that caliber


one criterium we have for that is

one criterion we have for that is


I don't subscribe to that theory

I don't prescribe to that theory


out of site, out of mind

out of sight, out of mind


we live in a track home

we live in a tract home


all of the sudden he stopped and turned around

all of a sudden he stopped and turned around


she was the splitting image of her mother

she was the spitting image of her mother


he likes roll playing games

he likes role-playing games


there were 12 of them all told

there were 12 of them all tolled


the mounds were geographically disbursed around the region

the mounds were geographically dispersed around the region:


he won the prize

he one the prize


they raced on a 1.5 mile dirt coarse

they raced on a 1.5 mile dirt course


the horse was very skittish

the horse was very skiddish


he cited this incident as an example

he sited this incident as an example


Santa gave a hearty chuckle

Santa gave a hardy chuckle


please bare in mind

please bear in mind


the case against him was cut and dried

the case against him was cut and dry


I heartily agree

I hardily agree


the miners hit the mother lode

the miners hit the mother load


those who don't tow the line will be dismissed

those who don't toe the line will be dismissed


when tempers flare

when tempers flair


on the eve of that special day

on the eave of that special day


the snack may wet my appetite

the snack may whet my appetite


give you some inside as to the reasoning

give you some insight as to the reasoning


he related a few humorous anticdotes

he related a few humorous anecdotes


they accept it as a fact that grass is green

they except it as a fact that grass is green


try to find a happy medium between the two extremes:

try to find a happy median between the two extremes


the rumors spread like wildflowers

the rumors spread like wildfire


this quiz is a waist of time

this quiz is a waste of time


the cabin was off the beating path

the cabin was off the beaten path


the results were fair to middlin'

the results were fair to midland


this quiz will really test your metal

this quiz will really test your mettle


a top score is an elusive goal

a top score is an illusive goal


幸福英文 幸福英文 应该怎么说呢?关于幸福最常见的英文单字叫做 happy,名词形式则是 happiness,例如要用英文表达「我现在很幸福」,你可以说 「I’m so happy right now. 」。

不过要表达中文里面的「幸福」,你有很多单字可以使用,并不是只有 happy 这个英文单字而已。

例如 Blissful 也可以用来指「很幸福」的意思。

Blissful 为形容词,名词型态为 Bliss ,主要是用来形容「极度幸福的状态」,另外它是不可数名词。

如果你还不知道怎样用英文表达中文里面的「幸福」,本篇文章会教学各种 幸福英文单字与口语说法 ,赶快来搞懂吧! 文章目录 幸福英文怎么说? 一、happy 幸福的、快乐的 二、blissful 极度幸福的 三、ecstatic 超幸福的,欣喜若狂的 四、Joyful 高兴的,快乐的 幸福相关英文俚语跟英文片语 1.Over the moon 狂喜、超幸福 2.On cloud 9 极快乐 3.Happy as a clam 很高兴 4.Happy as a lark 很快乐 5.So happy I could scream 幸福得想尖叫 6.In seventh heaven 欢天喜地 7.On top of the world 非常愉快或自豪(尤指因获成功或好运) 8.Jump for joy 以兴奋的动作对某事表示幸福,欢呼雀跃 9.a whale of a time 一段很幸福的时光 更多幸福英文例句 幸福英文名句语录 幸福英文 总整理 幸福英文怎么说? 要表达中文里面的「幸福」,你可以使用的各种英文单字有下面这几个。

一、happy 幸福的、快乐的 happy 这个词的含义很广泛,中文意思接近「高兴的、快乐的、幸福的」。

剑桥字典对 happy 的解释是:「feeling, showing, or causing pleasure or satisfaction.」也就是你个人感到愉悦幸福,或是你看起来很幸福满足的样子。

其实要用英文表达中文里面的「幸福」,happy 这个英文单字应该是最贴切而且也最常用的了,虽然当你很高兴的的时候,你也可以说 I’m happy. 但中文里面「高兴」跟「幸福」的区别,英文没有特别的单字可以区别。

下面列举各种 happy 幸福英文例句。

例: I’m so happy right now. 我现在很幸福。

例: She looks so happy. 她看起来非常幸福。

例: She wants to see him happy. 她想看到他幸福。

例: a happy marriage/childhood 幸福的婚姻/童年 happy 词性为形容词,名词型态则叫做 happiness,一样是幸福快乐的意思。

例: Your happiness is everything to me. 你的幸福就是我的一切。

例: She found happiness and peace of mind. 她找到了幸福和安心。

二、blissful 极度幸福的 第二个幸福英文说法是用 blissful 这个英文单字。

Blissful 意思是指「extremely or pletely happy」,也就是极度幸福的意思。

例: We spent three blissful weeks away from work. 我们在工作之余度过了三个幸福的星期。

例: a blissful childhood/holiday 快乐的童年/假日 例: She was blissful and happy all day. 她一整天都很幸福和快乐。

三、ecstatic 超幸福的,欣喜若狂的 第三个幸福英文单字是 ecstatic,ecstatic 意思是指「extremely happy」,也就是极为高兴的、欣喜若狂的。

ecstatic 这个单字非常少用,但也是只极度幸福的意思。

例: Jenny was ecstatic about her new job. 珍妮为她的新工作欣喜若狂。

例: Now she is ecstatic. 现在她欣喜若狂。

四、Joyful 高兴的,快乐的 第四个幸福英文单字是 joyful,joyful 的英文解释是「 very happy 」,也可以用来表达很幸福、很快乐的意思。

例: She gave a joyful laugh. 她笑得很开心。

例: What a joyful time! 多么幸福的时光啊! 幸福相关英文俚语跟英文片语 要用英文表达中文里面的「幸福」,你还可以使用各种相关英文片语,整理如下。

1.Over the moon 狂喜、超幸福 例:We were over the moon when we heard the news. 当我们听到这个消息时,我们欣喜若狂。

2.On cloud 9 极快乐 例:The basketball team won the game and every student is on cloud 9. 篮球队赢得比赛了,所有学生仿佛置身云端般快乐。

3.Happy as a clam 很高兴 例: She is now happy as a clam. 她现在非常幸福。

4.Happy as a lark 很快乐 例: After he knew that he passed the exam, he is happy as a lark. 知道自己通过考试后,他非常高兴。

5.So happy I could scream 幸福得想尖叫 例: I just bought a new house, I’m so happy I could scream. 我刚买了间新房子,我现在幸福得好想大叫。

6.In seventh heaven 欢天喜地 例: I’ll be in seventh heaven if I get the job. 如果我得到这份工作,我会乐翻天。

7.On top of the world 非常愉快或自豪(尤指因获成功或好运) 例: After achieving success in business, the man is on top of the world. 在事业上取得成就之后,这位男子非常自豪。

8.Jump for joy 以兴奋的动作对某事表示幸福,欢呼雀跃 例: The little girl jumped for joy because her mom agreed to buy her toys. 这位小女孩因为妈妈答应买玩具给她而欢欣鼓舞。

9.a whale of a time 一段很幸福的时光 例: I had a whale of a time playing with the children. 我跟这些小孩有个很幸福的时光。

更多幸福英文例句 如果你想表达的幸福,是关于爱情的幸福,下面整理各种名人说过的幸福英文语录。

幸福英文名句语录 例: I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow. — Leo Christopher 我发誓我无法比现在更加爱你,但我知道明天会。

—克里斯托弗 例: There is a madness in loving you, a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless. — Leo Christopher 爱你是一种疯狂,缺乏理智使它感觉如此完美。

—克里斯托弗 例:Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time. – Maya Angelou 爱就像病毒。


– Maya Angelou 例:Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it. ― Nicholas Sparks 爱就像风,看不见,却能感受到。

―尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯 例:It’s easy to fall in love. The hard part is finding someone to catch you. – Bertrand Russell 坠入爱河很容易。


–伯特兰·罗素 例: Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. – Helen Keller 我们一个人只能做的很少。


–海伦·凯勒 例: I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect. –Taylor Swift 我认为完美的爱是不完美。

-泰勒斯威夫特 例: Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. — Khalil Gibran 没有爱的生活就像没有花朵或果实的树。

—哈利勒·吉布兰 例:The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. — Helen Keller 这个世界上最美好的事物是看不见的,甚至听不到的,但必须用心去感受。

—海伦·凯勒 例: The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. — Audrey Hepburn 生活中最好的东西是彼此。

– 奥黛丽·赫本 例: The giving of love is an education in itself. — Eleanor Roosevelt 给予爱本身就是一种教育。

—埃莉诺·罗斯福 例: Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. —Lao Tzu 被某人深深地爱着给你力量,而深深地爱着某人给你勇气。

—老子 例: I am who I am because of you. — Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook 我是因为你而成为了我自己。

—Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook 例: I love you. I knew it the minute I met you. —Pat in Silver Linings Playbook 我爱你。

我一遇见你就知道了 —Pat in Silver Linings Playbook 例: If I know what love is, it is because of you. —Herman Hesse 如果我知道爱是什么,那是因为你。

—赫尔曼·黑塞 幸福英文 总整理 要用英文表达中文里面的幸福,你可以说 happy / happiness。

另外还有 blissful (极度幸福的)、ecstatic (超幸福的,欣喜若狂的)跟 Joyful (高兴的,快乐的)。


怎么用英文表达「生气、开心、兴奋…」?表达情绪的英文正负面形容词! 「高兴、快乐、开心」英文除了Happy,还可以怎么说? 英文片语|不要只会用happy形容自己很开心,来看9个开心的片语吧! 「开心、兴奋、愉快」英文怎么说?表达喜悦之情的五个英文片语! 「快乐、高兴、欢天喜地」…英文怎么说?用来代替「happy」的8个英文片语 8种形容表情的实用字汇!


灵魂出窍体验,又称 出体经验,是神秘学中,灵魂离开了生物的肉体,在肉体外活动的行为及经验。




麻省理工学院的生物学教授 利根川进最近专门研究了大脑海马回上一些特定的 神经末梢。


海马回位于控制学习和记忆活动的中枢,主要负责形成和储存 长期记忆。

其实,记忆是被强大的化学作用联系在一起的 脑细胞群。












15个happy的高级表达词汇: 1. blissful 这个形容词来自名词bliss(幸福;极乐),它的意思就是极乐的,极幸福的。

a blissful childhood/holiday 快乐的童年/假日 We spent a blissful year together before things started to go wrong. 我们在一起度过了非常幸福的一年,然后问题便开始出现了。

2. cheerful cheerful的意思是高兴的,快乐的;兴高采烈的,要想鼓励激励别人,我们就可以说“cheer up”。

He's usually fairly cheerful. 他总是乐呵呵的。

You're in a cheerful mood this morning. 今天早上你心情不错嘛。

3. chuffed chuffed的意思是满意的;高兴的,开心的,在英式口语中较常见。

He was really chuffed with his present. 他对给他的礼物确实非常满意。

4. glad glad是口语里的常用词,意思是高兴的;愉快的;乐意的。

We were glad about her success. 我们都为她的成功感到高兴。

I'm glad (that) you came. 你来了我太高兴了。

5. elated elated表示兴高采烈的;喜气洋洋的,它的动词形式是elate,意思是使兴奋;使得意。

The prince was reported to be elated at/by the birth of his daughter. 据报道,王子喜得千金。

6. ecstatic ecstatic表示狂喜的,欣喜若狂的。

The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd. 新总统受到狂热人群的热烈欢迎。

7. ebullient 这个词比energetic更充满活力,意思是热情洋溢的;兴高采烈的。

He wasn't his usual ebullient self. 一贯热情洋溢的他一反常态,跟换了个人似的。

8. euphoric euphoria形容的是一种狂喜亢奋的感觉,它的形容词euphoric就是狂喜的;亢奋的;异常兴奋的。

a euphoric mood 极其兴奋的心情 They grow euphoric in authority and panicky at the thought of losing it. 他们掌握了权力便得意洋洋,一想到可能丢权便又惊慌失措。

9. effervescent effervescent的本义是冒泡的;起沫的;泡腾的,是不是有种幸福快乐到冒泡的感觉! effervescent vitamin C supplements 维生素C泡腾片 an effervescent blonde actress 一位活泼快乐的金发女演员 10.blithe 这个词就很傻白甜了,形容欢乐的,愉快的;无忧无虑的。

She shows a blithe disregard for danger. 她对危险毫不在乎。

11.chipper chipper不是某个形容词的比较级哦,它的意思就是兴高采烈的;欢快的。

You seem mighty chipper this morning - what's up? 你今天早上看上去开心极了——有什么喜事? 12.joyful joy表示欢欣,高兴,喜悦,joyful就形容愉快的;高兴的。

Christmas is such a joyful time of year. 圣诞节是一年中令人快乐的时候。

13.jolly jolly的意思是兴高采烈的,快活的。

a jolly smile/manner/mood 开心的微笑/兴高采烈的样子/愉快的心情 不过它也可以做副词,用法和意思和very是一样的。

That's a jolly nice scarf you're wearing. 你戴的围巾很漂亮。

14.thrilled 它的意思是极愉快的,有一个俚语就是thrilled to bits,意思是对某事心满意足,美滋滋的。

She was thrilled to bits with her present. 她对她的礼物喜欢得不得了。

15.upbeat upbeat的意思是乐观的;快乐的;积极向上的。

Live music and a parade set an upbeat mood for the official opening. 活泼的音乐和队列表演使开幕式的气氛轻松欢快。


The actual signing of the treaty was a downbeat affair without any ceremony. 条约的签署很低调,并没有举行任何仪式。


歌曲名:Euro Child 歌手:Massive Attack 专辑:Protection

Massive Attack - Eurochild (vowles, del naja, marshall, thaws, norfolk, locke) Sitting in my day care, the art is decopainted Blessed by the drink Upon the corner's where we've seen it Chased by the plaintiff Haunted by the medium Too high to flow toward to break the tedium Glow from my tv set was blue like neon Activated the remote I put the BBC on I've seen this city somewhere I'm looking out for no-one Pallor in my eye it get blue like neon Hell is round the corner where i shelter Isms and schisms we're living on a skelter If you believe i'll deceive then common sense says shall you receive Let me take you down the corridors of my life And when you walk, do you walk to your preference No need to answer till i take further evidence I seem to need a reference to get residence A reference to your preference to say i'm a good neighbour I trudge so judge me for my labour I walk in a bar and immediately I sense danger You look at me, girl, as if i was some kind of a A total stranger Hysterical, ecstatical no matter, call me stags(?) Hard to get a drink or a girl to relax Upon phono, no go zone i go through Aching awaits just to relocate you Kill us with your fist Now baby mix it with me You see me function better when i get approximately High by my technical flyby I function better with the sun in my eyes So goodbye Take a second of me you beckon i'll be And when you're sad i'll mourn And when you tear i'm torn Take a second of me Take a second of me I stand firm for our soil I lick a rock off foil So reduce me, seduce me Dress me up in Stüssy. Show me and i'll stick em Will you be my victim Take a second of me Mad over you, mad over me, an analogy Baby tagging up up all of my stationary Sitting in my daycare, media dego painted Colliding with the jam Until the drink got dated Window indigo when they go boom I run inside my room No sense you can trust me Climb on my sofa Roll in a daydream Spliff make daddy go sleep-a-trip dream



adj. 狂喜的;入迷的 n. 狂喜的人 短语 For Each Ecstatic Instant 为每一个欣喜时刻 ECSTATIC EXPERIENCES 令人欣喜的经历 ECSTATIC DANCE 入神舞

同根词 词根: ecstatic adv. ecstatically心醉神迷地;狂喜地 Sally was ecstatic about her new job. 萨莉对她的新工作高兴得发狂。


His wife gave birth to their first child, and he was ecstatic about it.




1、welcome 读音:英[ˈwelkəm],美[ˈwelkəm]。

释义: n. 欢迎;迎接;接待;(表明看法的)反应方式,对待,接受。

adj. 受欢迎的;令人愉快的;受款待的;(表示乐于让某人做某事)可随意;尽管…好了。

v. (打招呼)欢迎(某人的到来);迎(新);乐意接纳;欣然接受。

int. 欢迎。

例句:Like I said, you're always welcome to stay. 正如我以前所说的一样,我永远都欢迎你留下来。


2、greet 读音:英[ɡriːt],美[ɡriːt]。

释义:vt. 打招呼;迎接;欢迎;(以某种方式)对…作出反应;映入…的眼帘;传入…的耳中(或鼻中); 例句:He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him. 他看着站起来跟他打招呼的莉薇和马克。


3、reception 读音:英[rɪˈsepʃn],美[rɪˈsepʃn]。

释义:n. 接待;招待会;接待处;欢迎;接待区;接待仪式;欢迎会;反应;反响;接收效果;接纳。

例句:Pick up one of our free information sheets at reception. 请在接待处拿一份我们的免费资料。


4、appreciate 读音:英[əˈpriːʃieɪt],美[əˈpriːʃieɪt]。

释义:v. 欣赏;赏识;重视;感激;感谢;欢迎;理解;意识到;领会;增值。

例句:You really need a magnifying glass to appreciate all the fine detail. 确实需要放大镜才能欣赏到一切细微之处。

变形: 第三人称单数appreciates,现在分词appreciating,过去式appreciated,过去分词appreciated。

5、salute 读音:英[səˈluːt],美[səˈluːt]。

释义: v. (尤指军队中)敬礼;致敬;表示敬意;赞扬,赞颂。

n. 致敬;致意;欢迎;(尤指士兵和军官之间的)敬礼;鸣礼炮;鸣炮致敬。

例句:As a second lieutenant, he had to salute damned near everybody. 身为少尉,他几乎是逢人便得敬礼。

变形: 第三人称单数salutes,复数salutes,现在分词saluting,过去式saluted,过去分词saluted。

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