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2022-04-09 14:45:59



In \ A. the subject

B. the adverbial c. the object √

D. the complement

Which of the following sentences has an object complement? (TEM4, 2010) A. The directors appointed John manager. √ B. I gave Mary a christmas present. c. You have done Peter a favor. D. She is teaching children English.

In the sentence “It’s no use waiting for her”, the italicized phrase is . (TEM4, 2010) A. the object

有关语法的很多题目,直接通过分析句子结构和成分就可以判断出选项, 或者排除很多干扰项,比如这个句子是否缺少成分,缺少什么成分,哪些选项能作这个成分。掌握好了句子结构,写作时就不会写出不合语法的句子了。


英语句子以动词为中心,动词按其结构主要分为联系动词,及物动词,不及物动词,根据这三类动词可熟练掌握英语句型结构及语法成分。 1. 系动词 link verb

基本句型:Subject + Link Verb + complement 即主+动+补 该动词分为四类

1)Be 型: be, am, is, are, was, were, been, 2)变化型:turn, become, get, grow 3)感官型:feel, sound, smell, look, taste, 4)似乎型:seem, appear,

此句型中系动词所带的补语,叫主语补语,即补充说明主语的,通常为名词短语(noun phrase),形容词短语(adjective phrase)。Be 型结构还可带介词短语(preposition phrase), 副词短语(adverb phrase), 代词(pronoun), 名词从句(noun clause)等等。 Examples:

The man is a teacher. Dinner is at six o"clock. B. an adverbial

c. a complement

D. the subject √

He looks fine. It sounds better. It seems true.

2. 及物动词 transitive verb

基本句型:Subject + Transitive Verb + object1 主+动+宾

Subject + Transitive Verb + object1 + object2 主+动+宾(间接)+宾(直接) Subject + Transitive Verb + object + complement 主+动+宾+补

第三类中的补语为宾语补语,即补充说明宾语的,除了名词,形容词,还有介词短语,不定式,动名词,分词等。 Examples:

We made him our spokesman. They elected him president. I consider the problem fairly easy. The parents leave their son alone at home. She saw a boy kicking her dog. 3. 不及物动词 intransitive verb

基本句型 Subject + Intransitive Verb 主+动 Examples: Iron rusts. Everyone laughed.

由此,基本句型可概括如下: 1. S + Vl + c 2. S + Vt + o 3. S + Vt + o1 + o2 4. S + Vt + o + c 5. S + V

还可增加两类 SVoA, SVA, 是在及物动词和不及物动词上演化而来的。 6. Subject + Transitive Verb + object + Adverbial 主+动+宾+状 I put the material evidence in front of him. He treated her cruelly. 7. Subject + Intransitive Verb + Adverbial主+动+状 I live in Beijing. The train leaves at six. He will be flying to Shanghai. 因此,按照动词的结构来分,可为三类,或细分可为七类。 SVc, SVo, SVoo, SVoc, SVoA, SV, SVA.



主、谓、宾、定、状、补、表、同 主语(subject):名词短语 nP (noun phrase) 谓语(predicate):动词短语 VP (verb phrase) 定语(attribute):形容词短语 AP (adjective phrase)

状语(adverbial):副词短语AdP (adverb phrase),介词短语PP (preposition phrase) 补语(complement):名词短语nP,形容词短语AP,介词短语PP

表语(predicative):名词短语nP,形容词短语AP,介词短语PP,副词短语AdP 同位语(appositive): 名词或名词性从句 1. 主语

主语就是要表达的对象,它是名词性的,包括名词、名词短语 nP (noun phrase),名词从句(主语从句),代词,或相当于名词的词,如动名词(gerund),不定式短语(infinitive)。 2. 谓语

谓语是说明主语的状态或动作的,它是动词性的,有时态标记,有数、人称的一致性的,由动词短语 VP (verb phrase)构成。 3. 宾语

宾语包括动词宾语和介词宾语,宾语一定是名词性的或相当于名词的词,如动名词,名词从句(宾语从句)、代词。 4. 定语

定语是修饰名词和代词的,它是形容词性的,包括形容词、形容词短语、形容词从句,或起修饰作用的名词和介词短语。 5. 状语

状语是修饰动词、形容词、介词短语以及整个句子的,有时间状语、地点状语、原因状语、方式状语、条件状语等等,它是副词性的,包括副词、副词短语,副词从句(状语从句),介词短语。 6. 补语

补语包括主语补语和宾语补语,是补充说明名词和代词的。上面基本句型结构中有介绍。其中宾语补语用得最多,以下结构中,红字为宾补。 make (let, have, get) + sb/sth + do / doing, observe (see, hear, watch) + sb/sth + do / doing 7. 表语

表语和系动词结合共同构成谓语,系动词后面跟的介词短语,形容词短语,名词短语就是表语,跟的从句即为表语从句。 8.同位语



1. 标点符号在判断句子成分中的作用 逗号不能用来连接句子。

英语句子分为简单句,并列句,复合句。使用逗号的地方表明这只是句子的一个部分,要么是并列,要么是从属。通过这一点也能排除很多干扰项。并列的关键是弄清楚什么跟什么并列,词语与词语,还是句子与句子,并列的成分一定要对等,要相匹配。 2. 从属分为显性从属和隐性从属

显性从属,就是明确地把从属连词使用出来的;隐性从属就是省掉了从属连词的,比如分词结构(Participle construction), ing, ed; 不定式(infinitive)to do, do; 独立主格(absolute construction);

分词结构中,动词ing表明是主动或进行,动词ed表明是被动或完成,二者都表示其逻辑主语与句子的主语是一致的,且与句子的时态是一致的。分词中含有having done 或者having been done, 这说明分词的动作一定发生在主句之前。分词结构中,Being done 与done, 都可表被动,但前者特别表示动作正在发生;done 与having done, 都可

表完成,但后者特别表示动作发生在主句之前。 独立主格:

含有独立主格的句子, 其结构如下:

Subject 1 + predicate (完整的句子), subject 2 + Ving / Ved / to do / PP / nP/AP/AdP. 独立主格不是一个完整的句子结构,它一定是依附于一个完整的句子结构的,它的主语与句子的主语不同,不存在逻辑上的一致关系,这是它与分词结构的最明显的区别。其次,独立主格结构只看其主语与非谓语的逻辑关系,非谓语主要有五种形态,含动词分词和不定式,介词短语,名词短语,形容词短语以及副词短语,可以把这些短语看作是对独立主格中名词的补语。分词结构中,主动或进行用ing, 被动或完成用ed,特别强调动作的先后,用having done, 特别强调被动的进行,用being done. Examples:


1、There being nothing else to do(独立主格), they have gone away(完整的句子结构). 2、no word spoken, he picked up the paper. 3、The last guest to arrive, our party was started. 独立主格中是介词短语的:

1. Miss Wang come into the classroom(完整的句子结构), books in hand(独立主格).

当其中的介词是in时,其前后的两个名词通常不加任何修饰语(如物主代词或冠词),也不用复数。The soldiers dashed in, rifle in hand. 2. We walked out, one behind the other. 3. He was waiting, his eyes on her back. 4. The old woman sat down, traces of tears still on her cheeks. 独立主格中是形容词短语的:

1. The old man sat in his chair(一个完整的句子结构), his eyes closed(独立主格). 2. He entered the room, his face pale. 3. He sat in the front row, his mouth half open. 独立主格中是副词短语的:

1. class over(独立主格), we began to play basketball(完整的句子结构). 2. The lights off, we could not go on with the work.

3. She sat at the table, collar off, head down, and pen in position, ready to begin the long letter.


1. His first shot failure(独立主格),he fired again(完整的句子结构). 2. Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children. 3. His book now a bestseller, he felt pleased with the world.

1. The physicist has made a discovery, ___ of great importance to the progress of science and technology.(TEM4, 1997)

A. I think which is c. which I think is

B. that I think is D. which I think it is


2. It was as a physician that he represented himself, and he was warmly received.

A. as such c. as that

B. such as D. so that 

逗号后有and, 说明是并列,排除从属D, such as 后跟名词短语,不跟句子,排除B,没有as that 这样的搭配,因此选A,as such = as such a person.

3. The central provinces have floods in some years, and ___.(TEM4, 2000)

A. drought in others c. while other droughts

B. droughts are others D. others in drought

and 表并列,排除c表从属。没有动词,说明并列的成分应该与floods in some years 结构对等,只有A。

4. Even as a girl, ___to be her life, and theater audiences were to be her best teacher.(TEM4, 2001)

A. performing by Melissa were

B. it was known that Melissa’s performances were c. knowing that Melissa’s performances were D. Melissa knew that performing was 

and 表并列,后面是一个完整的句子,说明前面一定也是一个完整的句子,排除表从属的A, c, as a girl, 说明该句主语是人,因此选D。

5. We’ve just installed two air-conditions in out apartment, _______should make great differences in our life next summer. (TEM4, 2002)

A. which

B. what

c. that

D. they

前面是完整的句子,后用逗号连接,无并列连词,只能是从属A,非限制性定语从句。 6. Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing. (TEM4, 2002)

A. who

B. as

c. that

D. like


7. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat ____ by far the biggest cereal crop.(TEM4, 2003)

A. is

B. been

c. be

D. being 


8.Time ____, the celebration will be held as scheduled.(TEM4, 2003)

A. permit

B. permitting

c. permitted

D. permits 

后面是完整的句子,逗号连接,前面一定是从属,主动关系,这是独立主格,只能是B。 9. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, __ the spoilt ones. (TEM4, 2006)

A. not counting

B. not to count

c. don’t count

D. having not counted


10. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, ___ by the police each time.

A. had been captured c. only to be captured

B. being always captured D. unfortunately captured

逗号前面是一个完整的句子,逗号后面一定是从属的,排除A,因为had 与tried 是并列关系。B和D, 一个表示正在进行的动作,一个表示已经完成的动作,都是具体的,一次性的,不能与each time 相匹配,只能选c,表示一种意想不到的结果。





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