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大学英语写作常用句型 来源:用户分享 时间:2023/3/25 6:24:48 本文由晴栀 分享 下载这篇文档手机版 说明:文章内容仅供预览,部分内容可能不全,需要完整文档或者需要复制内容,请下载word后使用。下载word有问题请添加微信号:fanwen365或QQ:370150219 处理(尽可能给您提供完整文档),感谢您的支持与谅解。点击这里给我发消息

2。It is a that... . Unfortunately, ...


It is a common misconception that if a person is “gifted” or “bright” or “talented” , wonderful ideas will flash spontaneously into his mind. Unfortunately, the intellect does not work in this way.

如果一个人天资聪明,赋有才能,绝妙的注意就会 自然在脑中产生,这种误解很普遍。但是不幸的是,智力并不是如此活动。 Ⅱ。 批评分析


absolutely believe 1. There is no reason for us to that... .

in fact accept





It has been widely accepted that parents exert the most profound influence on

children and their personality. There is no reason to doubt that this is true. But when the child starts school, the influence of the parents is shared by teachers and classmates, by the lure of books, movies, newspapers, and most of all by television.


没有理由区怀疑这一点。但是当孩子进学校开始读书了,除了家长的影响,还有老师和同学的影响,有诱人的书报、电影的影响,更多的是电视的影响。 good thing good thing 2. It is a to... . But is it a praisew to to... ?

effort praiseworthy effort orthy endeavor noble endeavor noble 例:

Medical science is doing all it can to extend human life, and is succeeding brilliantly, Living conditions are so much better, so many diseases can either be prevented or cured that life expectation has increased enormously. No one would deny that this is a good thing - provided one enjoys perfect heath. But is it a good thing to extend human suffering, to prolong life not in order to give joy and happiness, but to give pain and sorrow?


3. It is generally/frequently believed/advised that... , but ... 例:

it is frequently said that good thinkers are born, not made. Though there is an element of truth in this, the idea is essentially false. Some people have more talent for thinking than others, and some learn more quickly.


经常听到人们这样说,优秀的思想家是天生的, 不是学出来的。虽然这话优点道理,但实际上是不正确的。有些人在思想方面比另一些人更有天赋,有些人则学得更快。

第六章 推理分析句型


本节句型用于分析阐述作者的观点,引出作者的判断及见解。 clear obvious is 1.It evident that。。。 seems no surprising no accident


It is no accident that very few people took their complaints through the legal system, preferring instead to resolve the matter through a personal relationship or by writing letters to newspapers. 很少人通过法律来解决他们的问题,而是进行私了或写信给报社。这一切并不是偶然的。

accurate more safe to say that.......... quite 2.It is perhaps reasonable fairly 例:

It is perhaps more accurate to say that the family is virtually a prison ,which people enter not by choice but by necessity.


denying that

3.There is doubt

question no 例:

Now there is no denying that the presence of a threatening common enemy will cement the in-group sense of any organization. A family (if it is not already badly disrupted) will grow cohesive in the face of adversity, and a nation is never so unified as in time of war.



is that 4.The danger




The danger is that to throw workers out into the street would add to the growing pool of jobless people, put pressure on social stability and possibly set off a new political crisis.

危险的是把工人推到社会上去会使失业大军越来越庞大,从而对社会的稳定造成压力,也许还会触发新的政治危机。 Ⅱ. 推理论说

本节句型主要通过假设、让步等推理手段来得出结论,表明作者的观点。 1.No matter how.......... However 例:

Scarcely anyone ever wants to be anybody else. However handicapped or unhappy he feels himself, he would not change places with other more fortunate mortals. He grumbles over his misfortunes and wants his lot improved, but it is his personality that he wants bettered. This attachment to one’s own being is basic to human life. I may say that I envy you, but I don’t want to be you; I only want to have for myself some of your attributes or possessions. 几乎没有人想使自己成为其他人。无论他有多重的残疾或感到多么不幸,他不会和其他幸运儿交换位置。他抱怨自己的不幸,希望自己的命运改善,但他要改善的是自己的命运,自己的性格。这种不愿丢弃自己、珍惜自己的现象正是人类生活中最重要的东西。我会说我羡慕你,但我不想成为你; 我只是希望自己拥用你的一些品质和财产。 2.The more......; the more.......; the more..... 例:

The higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work ,the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical competence or professional knowledge.


第七章 细节支持句型

Ⅰ. 举例说明

在文章中,为了说明作者的一个观点,往往需要引用具体的实例加以说明。本节句型就是在举例说明中可以采用的。 1 Take ... , for example. 例:

Music does have an expressive meaning, though it is difficult to say what that meaning exactly is. Take the first main theme of the Ninth Symphony, for example. It is clearly made up of different elements. It dose not say only one thing. Yet anyone hearing it immediately gets a feeling of strength, a feeling of power.

尽管很难确切地说音乐表达什么意思,但它的却能够表达一定意思。举第九交响曲第一主题为例。显然这一音乐由不同的旋律所组成。它不光表达一件事。但是听了这音乐侯,人们立即感觉到一种力量,一种气势。 2. Let us suppose that you... . you... ? Would you... ? Would imagine Will Will 例:


Let us suppose that you are in the street and happened to see a man who is suffering a heart attack. He clutches his chest, staggers to the nearest building and slumps sitting to the sidewalk. Will you come to his assistance? Will you say that we have been taught to respect the privacy of others and close our ears and avoid staring when among strangers?

假设你在街上恰好看到一个人心脏病发作。他抓好组胸口,步履蹒跚地走到最近的墙旁,颓然倒在人行道上。你会过去帮助他吗?你会说我们所受的教育是尊重别人的私事,在陌生人中不要去听人家的讲话,不要去盯住人家看吗? Ⅱ. 事实证明

在文章论说中,为了阐述一个观点,也需要用一些事实和调查 的证据来支持。本节句型了在这些事实和证据时使用。 bare deny 1. No one can doubt the hard fact that... essential ignore profound overlook 例:

No one will overlook the fact that what we have achieved in the past 20 years is especially striking in view of the crisis we inherited from” Gang of Four” during the 1970s,a time when our country was on the brink of social disaster and economic collapse.


may indisputable 2. we must the fact that...

accept undeniable may admit astonishing

deplorable recognize


point out 例:

We have to accept the deplorable fact a bad practice is prevailing in our society. to book sleeper berths on trains, travelers have to find someone inside the rail service who will reserve tickets in exchange for gifts or cash. At hospitals patients complain that treatment is often slow or shoddy unless a hongbao, or red packet of money, is paid to the staff. Even at school, money seems to matter more than grades if you want your children to get into a key school. 我们不得不接受这个可悲的事实:社会上出现了一股不正之风。要搞到一张火车卧铺票,人们就要通路子到铁路单位,不过作为回报,也要送些礼或钱。在医院里病人抱怨看病治疗速度慢,质量差,除非塞红包给医生和护士。甚至在学校,要使你孩子进入一个重点学校,钱似乎比分数还重要。 striking 3. The most astonishing fact about ... is deplorable 例:

The most striking fact about human beings is that, in many respects, they are very unlike one another. Their bodies vary enormously in size and shape. Their modes of thought and speech and feeling are startlingly different. Startlingly different, too, are their reactions to even such basic things as food, sex, money, and power.


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