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BBC Learning English

2024-06-09 02:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


听众 Leo 和 Grace 来信询问 “foreword、preface、prologue” 和 “preamble” 之间的区别。这四个名词都能用来指 “正式篇章开始之前的一段文字”,也被称为 “前言,序言”。本期节目将给出这四个词的具体定义和用法。请参考例句记忆它们的区别。 


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Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目。I'm Jiaying. 

PhilAnd I'm Phil. 

Jiaying本期节目要回答的问题来自 Leo 和 Grace。这两位听众都来信询问了单词 “foreword、preface、prologue” 和 “preamble” 之间的区别。 

PhilThere are some big similarities between all these words, but they do mean different things, so let's look at the details. 

Jiaying好的,让我们先看一看这四个词之间的相似之处:它们都可以用来指 “介绍性的文字”。其中有三个词都可以指 “书籍的前言”。 

PhilYes, that's particularly true for 'foreword', 'preface' and 'prologue'. Let's start by looking at 'foreword'. A foreword is an introduction to a book, and the key thing is that it's usually not written by the book's author. 

Jiaying是的,“foreword” 指 “前言,序言”,通常是在一本书的开头部分,用来解释本书的重要性。“Foreword” 通常不是由该书的作者写的,而是由一位更著名的作家或在同一题材上的杰出人物所写,目的是提高这本书的可信度。来听两个例句。 

ExamplesI felt so proud when my favourite author agreed to write a foreword for my book.(当我最喜欢的作者同意为我的书作序时,我倍感自豪。)

We often find established authors write forewords for new writers' books. It helps them sell more copies.(知名作家为新作家的书撰写前言很常见。这有助于新作家卖出更多本书。) 

PhilSo, that's 'foreword'. Now let's look at 'preface'. This is also at the start of a book and is also about the book. But the big difference is that a preface is written by the author. 

Jiaying没错,名词 “preface” 也指 “前言”,但与 “foreword” 最大的区别在于,“preface” 是 “作者的自序”,其中可能会写到作者写这本书的原因以及书的重要性,“preface” 里有时也会提到新版与前一版之间的不同之处。听两个例句。 

ExamplesI explained where I got the idea for the characters in the preface.(我在序言中解释了书中人物的想法从何而来。) 

We learn from the preface how the story reflects the author's life.(我们可以从书的序言中了解故事是如何反映作者的生活的。) 

PhilSo, that brings us to 'prologue'. Now, this is also something that you'll find at the start of a fiction book, or a poem, or a play, but a prologue isn't about the book – it's part of the story. 

Jiaying名词 “prologue” 指 “开场白;序幕”。虽然 “prologue” 也是在一本书的起始部分,但 “prologue” 并不是对这本书的介绍,而是正文或故事本身的一部分。 

比如,小说、戏剧或诗歌中可能会有 “prologue(开场白,序幕)”,主要作用是介绍故事背景或人物,但通常不包含任何主要情节或事件。听两个例句。

ExamplesThe beautifully-written prologue brings us right into the story.(这段写得十分精彩的开场白将我们带入故事。) 

The prologue gives no clues away about how the story will unfold.(开场白中并没有透露任何有关故事将如何展开的线索。) 

PhilNow, 'preamble' is a bit different. We use it to talk about the introduction, but it's usually the introduction to an official document, or speech, and it explains the context and importance of what follows. 

Jiaying名词 “preamble” 与问题中的其它三个词有些不同。“Preamble” 指 “官方文件或演讲的绪论,导语;开场白”,用来解释接下来要陈述的内容的背景和重要性。比如,一份法律文书中的 “preamble(绪论)” 多用来说明立法的缘由和目的。来听两个例句。 

ExamplesThe preamble to the law explains why it is necessary.(该法律的绪论解释了这条法律的必要性。) 

As I explained in my preamble, this speech is very important to me personally.(正如我在开场中所解释的,这次演讲对我个人来说非常重要。) 

Jiaying名词 “foreword” 和 “preface” 的意思都是 “前言,序言”,两者的主要区别在于:“foreword” 多为请他人写的 “序言”,而 “preface” 则通常是 “自序”。“Prologue(开场白,序幕)” 是正文的一部分。名词 “preamble” 多为 “(法规或演讲中的)绪论,导语;开场白”。 

PhilWe hope that we've answered your question. And remember if you have a question that you'd like us to answer, you can email us too at: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博把问题发送给我们,我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。谢谢收听本期 “你问我答” 节目。Bye, everyone! 





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