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intrepid是什么意思 intrepid的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-06-14 04:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  intrepid是什么意思 intrepid的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  1. 定义和同义词


  2. 用法


  3. 派生词

  Intrepid并不是一个非常常见的单词,但是它有一些派生词,比如intrepidity (勇敢的行为或态度)和intrepidly (勇敢地)。


  1. The intrepid firefighters braved the flames and rescued the family from the burning building. (勇敢无畏的消防员冒着火势把这个家庭从火灾中救出)

  2. Only the intrepid few dared to cross the treacherous waters and explore the island. (只有那些勇敢的人才敢穿过危险的水域探险这个岛屿)

  3. The intrepid explorer spent months trekking through the jungle, searching for the lost city. (勇敢的探险家花费了数月时间穿越丛林,寻找失落的城市)

  4. The intrepid journalist risked her life to uncover the corruption scandal that had engulfed the government. (勇敢的记者冒着生命危险揭露了深陷丑闻的)

  5. Despite the danger, the intrepid mountaineer refused to give up and finally reached the summit. (尽管危险重重,但是这位勇敢的登山者拒绝放弃,最终到达了山顶)




  1. The intrepid explorer braved the harsh conditions of the Arctic to discover new lands.(这位无畏的探险家冒着严酷的北极条件去探索新的土地。)

  2. The intrepid firefighter rushed into the burning building to save lives.(这名勇敢的消防员冲进燃烧的建筑物,拯救生命。)

  3. The intrepid journalist risked her safety to report on the war-torn region.(这位无畏的记者冒着生命危险报道战争肆虐的地区。)

  intrepid在中文中有”不惊恐的 、无畏的”的意思,作为名词时有”勇猛的”的意思,单词读音音标为[in’trepid],intrepid在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到11个与intrepid相关的句子。


  例句:The intrepid cub reporter stealthily worked his way… through the dark maze of tunnels… knowing that certain death lurked around every corner. (这个勇敢的记者偷偷地… 走出阴暗的隧道… 知道每个转角都潜藏死亡)


  例句:Thailand’s sun-drenched jewel in the South Andaman Sea Koh Lipe has recently risen to the top of intrepid beach lovers’ A-list of island paradises. (泰国安达曼海南部太阳沐浴下的珠宝——里朴岛最近上升至英勇无畏的沙滩爱好者们的海岛乐园甲级名单的最顶端。)


  例句:Jimmy, Jason, let’s go get these intrepid reporters something to keep them going. (吉米,杰森,我们去帮这些无畏的记者们 买些晚餐让他们能继续奋斗下去吧)

  1. Jimmy, Jason, let’s go get these intrepid reporters something to keep them going. (翻译:吉米,杰森,我们去帮这些无畏的记者们 买些晚餐让他们能继续奋斗下去吧)

  2. I’d like a picture of our intrepid explorers, please. Thank you. (翻译:我来给我们勇敢的探险者们 照张相片, 留作纪念)

  3. So now Eddie Laxton, intrepid reporter for the Daily Mirror, is onto the story. (翻译:现在,《每日镜报》勇猛的记者 埃迪·莱克斯顿开始跟踪报道这个事件)

  4. In the heart of the black continent, neither beasts nor cannibals seem to frighten then intrepid explorer. (翻译:在这片黑色中央 不管是凶猛的野兽还是食人族 都无法吓退这位无畏的探险者)

  5. Some intrepid Indonesians, like Hamid, have found a way around the problem. (翻译:一些勇敢的印尼人,像哈米德,找到了一个绕过食品价格上涨这个问题的解决办法。)

  6. But the intrepid are richly rewarded with new discoveries. (翻译:而作为勇敢探险的丰厚回报,进入该地的人得到了无数新发现。)

  7. “Is really worthily the perfect evolution body, the body has been really too intrepid! ” Professor He also sighs. (翻译:“果然不愧是完美进化体啊,身体实在太强悍了!”何教授也感叹道。)

  8. there was an expression on the face of her intrepid protector which commanded her veneration. (翻译:在她这位勇敢的保护人脸上,有一种神圣庄严和权威的光芒。)

  9. Never an especially intrepid downhiller, I now ride the brakes on a steep incline like a grandfather. (翻译:我再也不是那个喜欢快速冲下坡的傻大胆了,我现在像个老爷爷一样在途经陡坡的时候会一边骑一边刹车。)

  10. Well, let’s revisit one of our intrepid explorers, Voyager 1. (翻译:让我们重新审视一位勇敢的探险家, 旅行者 1 号。)

  11. The intrepid crew… of the NSEA Protector! (翻译:勇敢无畏的… NSEA保护者的全体人员!)

  12. It began them to him to know as the marielitos the intrepid marielitos. (翻译:它开始他们给他 要知道作为marielitos 强悍marielitos。)

  13. The jagged peaks of Antarcticas Filchner Mountains rise in the distance as an intrepid mountaineering team makes camp on an ice field. (翻译:南极洲菲尔·西纳山脉参差不齐的山峰在远处升起,当时有支无畏的登山队在冰原上扎营。)

  14. About a year ago, I read an article about a tireless and intrepid civil rights leader named Bryan Stevenson. (翻译:xx年以前 我读过一篇文章 是关于一位孜孜不倦的勇敢的领袖 他叫Bryan Stevenson )

  15. By a team of scientists and intrepid explorers delve into mountain Nyiragongo deep pit along the boiling lava Lake trips and expeditions. (翻译:由科学家和勇敢的探险者组成的团队深入到尼拉贡戈火山坑深处,沿着沸腾的熔岩湖边进行考察和探险。)

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