if条件句 / 现在进行时表示将来

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if条件句 / 现在进行时表示将来

2024-07-10 07:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

if条件句 / 现在进行时表示将来


  1. If you do, you’ll…         

2. I’m going to …

  3. You should…                 

4. Don’t you want to …?

  5. Don’t you think … ?



  1. if条件句

  2. 现在进行时表示将来的时间

  一. if条件句

  1. if条件句:条件句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生,其中 if 是“如果”的意思。


构成    条件从句             主句


时态    If+一般现在时    主语+shall/will+动词原形


例句    If he comes, he will take us to the zoo.









2. 用法:

  (1)条件状语从句通常由连词if引导,意为“如果、假如”,主句不能用be going to表示将来,而应该用shall,will。

If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (错误)

If you leave now, you will never regret it. (正确)

  (2)if “如果”,引导条件状语从句,if从句则用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。如:

 If it rains tomorrow, I shan’t climb the hills.

If I go to college, I will never become a great soccer player.

 注意宾语从句中的if与条件状语从句if的区别。宾语从句中的if“是否”相当于 whether,引导宾语从句,时态需根据语境确定。

 I don't know if it will rain tomorrow. 我不知道明天是否会下雨。

  二. 现在进行时表示将来的时间

 1. 用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词,如:go,come,leave,arrive等,也可用于其他动作动词,如:

 We are having fish for dinner. 我们晚饭吃鱼。

 We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow. 后天我们会去另外一个旅馆。


  A: Where are you going?

  B: I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me?

  A: Yes, I am just coming. Wait for me.


  2. 现在进行时表示将来和用be going to 表示将来意思比较接近,但是现在进行时更强调事先已安排好,即将去做的事情, 而be going to 一般只表示打算做某事,有做某事的意图。我们来看两个例子:

  She is having a meeting at 9 tomorrow. 她明天早晨9点有个会。

  We are leaving for London next week.我们下周出发去伦敦。



IV. 重点难点分析

  1. too much 和 much too

  too much 后接不可数名词,用来表示数量太多,意思是“……太多了(数量多)”;much too后接形容词,用来说明程度的,意思是“太……(程度深)”如:

  much too heavy 太重了(表程度)

  错误:He has drunk much too water.

  正确:He has drunk too much water. 他喝了太多的水。(修饰不可数名词,表数量)

  2. be famous for 和 be famous as

  be famous for表示“因……而出名”, for后接表示出名的原因;be famous as则表示“以……身份而著名”,as 后接职业、身份或地位,表示作为……职业、身份或地位是著名的,如:

  France is famous for its fine food and wine. 法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。

  France is famous as a romantic country. 法国作为一个浪漫的国家而出名。


3. I want you to remember the rules for school parties.


want sb.  to do sth. 想让某人做某事


4. travel around the world 周游世界

e.g. Her dream is to travel around China.   她的梦想是周游全中国。


5. If we have it today, half the class won’t come.


won’t 是 will not 的缩写

if 从句用一般现在时,表示假设,主语用一般将来时。


6.reasons for becoming a professional athlete  赞同成为一名职业运动员的理由

for   prep. (表示赞成、支持),其反义词为against

eg. Are you for his plan or against it? 你是赞成还是反对他的计划?

   Which team did you vote for? 你投票给哪一个队(组)?


7.reasons against becoming a professional athlete  反对成为一名职业运动员的理由。

against   prep. 反对,与…对抗


eg. Are you against my plan? 你反对我的计划吗?

   Our played against No.1 Middle School at basketball yesterday. 我校和一中昨天比赛篮球。


8.begin the story  with the words.以这些话开头讲这个故事。

 begin … with… “以…开始(开头)”

eg. The word begins with “s”.这个词以“s”开头。

        Does he know that a year begins with January?


     9.  consequence 后果、结果

        eg. We should consider the consequences before doing.


    10. have a great time 玩得高兴


    11. take away 运走,取走

       eg. Don't take it away. I'll use it.  不要将它拿走,我要用。


    12. make a living 谋生

   v   eg.He makes living as a driver.  他以开车谋生。


    13. make money  挣钱

     eg. After he became famous, he made lots of money.


    14. let in 允许……进入,嵌入

     eg. Don’t let the beggar in.  不要让那个乞丐进来。



1. For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.


 might (表示可能性,推测)

 might do 或许,说不定(一般表示比may 较低的可能性)

eg. She might win the prize .她或许会获得那个奖。

      The child might be home already.那孩子说不定已回家了。

seem like+ 名词好像…,似乎…

e.g. It seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎好几年不见了。


2. You'll be able to make a living doing something you love. 你能做你喜欢的事来谋生。

 be able to +动词原形,“有能力做某事”

e.g. She is able to learn English well. 她能学好英语。

       Doing something you love.做你喜爱的事。

you love 定语,修饰前面的something。


3. People all over the world will know you.全世界的人将会认识你。

  all over the world 作定语,修饰它前面的名词people。


4. This is a great chance that many people do not have.


that many people do not have是一个定语从句,修饰它前面的chance。

great (表示程度,放在名词之前)非常的,异乎寻常的

eg. a great talk 健谈的人

         She is a great friend of mine. 她是我非常要好的朋友。


5. Watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.一直看着你,你走到哪都跟着你。

all the time 一直

eg. Look! The monkeys are running and jumping all the time.看,猴子们一直在跑在跳。

everywhere  副词(adv.)到处

I've looked everywhere for it.为了找它,我到处找了个遍。

The dog followed him everywhere.无论在哪,那狗都跟着他。


6. get injured =be injured 受伤

injured (adj)

eg. He was badly injured in the accident.他在那次事故中受了重伤。


7. You'll have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. 


who your real friends are是一个宾语从句,它作knowing一词的宾语,这是一种“特殊疑问词+陈述语序的”宾语从句。

e.g. I don’t know where he is from.我不知道他来自哪里。


Can you tell me how old he is? 你能告诉我他多大吗?

how old he is是宾语从句。


8.I can’t remember how to get to your house.我记不起来怎样去你家了。

how to get to your house是不定式作remember 一词的宾语(此处不定式是指一个特殊疑问词+to+动词原形)


I can’t remember how I can get to your house.

E.g. Can you tell me how to get to Luxun Park?

          We know who we will ask.


9.get enough exercise 得到充分的锻炼

   exercise 名词,“锻炼”


10.go back home 回到家,此句可以换成return home


11. laugh at you 嘲笑你  laugh at sib.嘲笑某人

  E.g. Don’t laugh at a person who is in trouble.



12. How many aliens dye their hair brown? 多少外星人把他们的头发染成棕色?

dye  v.把…着色,染色

 She dyed her white skirt green.她把白色裙子染成绿色的。



1.get to 与arrive 

get to 与arrive均为“到达”之意。

①get to后面接名词,e.g. get to Shanghai/New York

但“到达这里/那里”则为get here/ get there。因为here和there为副词,所以它们前面不加to。


e.g. They arrived at Jim’s house at 2p.m.  (小地点之前用介词at)

     When did they arrive in Beijing?   (大地点之前用介词in)

     I didn’t know when he arrived.   我不知道他何时到达的。


“到达这里/那里”则改为arrive here/ there

“到家”则为”arrive home”,因为here, there, home均为副词,所以不加in/at。


2. join和take part in

join与take part in均为“参加”之意,是动词


eg. join the Party  入党

      join the League入团

      She wants to join the singing club.

另外,join sb.  是“参加到某人的行列”之意

eg. Won’t you join us in a tennis match?   你不想参加我们网球比赛吗?

     He joined us for dinner.  他与我们共进晚餐。

②take part in (动词短语)指参加(某种活动)

eg. Are you going to take part in the discussion?  你要参加讨论吗?

    He took part in the speech competition?  他参加了演讲比赛。

    Did they take part in that meeting last Monday? 他们上周一参加那次会了吗?


●Exercises for new words(生词专练)

Ⅰ. Fill in the blank according to the sentence meaning and the first letter.


1.My cousin is an a   .

2.He had to work in a building-field to make a l   .

3.I don’t want to wear my j   .

4.This is the most important e    of the year.

5.I hope our football team will be l    in Asia Cup.

参考答案:1.agent 2.living 3.jeans 4.event5.lucky

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words in the box.


spend remember let organize charity

1. I forgot your address. I can’t _________how to get to your house.

2. If I don’t clean my room, my mother won’t _________me meet my friends.

3. Many famous people give money to the _________.

4. I’m going to _________time with my grandparents this vacation.

5. Can you _________the games for the class party?

参考答案:1.remember 2.let 3.charities 4.spend5.organize

●Exercises for phrases(短语专练)

Ⅲ. Fill in the blank with a proper preposition or adverb in the box.


up in to around at away

1. My teacher took_________ my mobile phone because I used it in class.

2. In order _________catch the train, we got up early this morning.

3. I stay_________ home to do homework today.

4. If I have enough money, I will travel _________the world.

5. _________fact, I know all the things about the singer.

参考答案:1.away 2.to 3.at 4.around 5.In

●Exercises for function items(交际用语专练)

Ⅳ.Draw lines to match the dialogue.


       A                  B

1. I hope I will be an actor.                           a. If you do, you’ll have a stomachache.

2. I think I’m going to buy a new coat.          b. If you do, you’ll be cool.

3. I think I’m going to get a part-time joB.     c. If you do, you’ll be famous.

4. I think I’m going to eat ice cream.                    d. If you do, you’ll be late for school tomorrow.

5. I think I’m going to a movie tonight.          e. If you do, you’ll have more money.

参考答案:1.c 2.b 3.e 4.a 5.d

●Exercises for grammar(语法专练)

Ⅴ. Fill in the blank with the right verb form.(用所给动词的正确形式填空。)

1. If he_________ (have) enough time tomorrow, he_________ (meet) you at his office.

2. When Ann called me, the barber_________ (cut) my hair.

3. If you _________ (help) others in trouble, you_________ (be) happy.

4. While he_________ (watch) a video at home, his best friend_________ (come) to see him yesterday afternoon.

5. What_________ (happen) if there is no water or air on the earth?

参考答案:1.答案:has; will meet 在if引导的条件状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。3、5、6、10题与此相同。

2.答案:was cutting 当“Ann给我打电话时,理发师正在给我理发”。

3.答案:help; will be

4.答案:was watching; came

5.答案:will happen



●Elementary exercises(基础题)

Ⅰ.Choose the word to complete the sentence.(选词填空。)

when where how what if because so but and while

1. Please tell me _________I can find the way to Dongfang Building.

2. You will see many stars in the sky_________ you come out at a fine night.

3. I want to ask the teacher_________ we will take a day off.

4. I am mad at him _________he is playing the stereo too loud.

5. _________he was stealing the girl’s purse, I saw him.

参考答案:1.how 2.if 3.when 4.because 5.While

Ⅱ.Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue.(选择适当的句子完成对话。)

M: It’s December 30th today.

W: 1 A new year is coming.

M: 2 

W:I am going to the shop to buy something for our evening party.

M: 3 

W: On New Year’s Eve. We’ll have our teachers and students get together until New Year’s Day comes.

M: Can you tell me something about your party?

W: Of course.

A. How time flies!

B. When are you going to have the party?

C. What are you going to do?

参考答案:1. A 2. C 3. B

●Integrated exercises(综合题)

Ⅲ.Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue.(选择适当的句子完成对话。)

1. If I study harder, _________                                                 a. he will be late for work.

2. If she doesn’t do her homework quickly, _________        b. he has to see the doctor.

3. If he can’t catch the bus, _________                              c. I’ll pass the exam.

4. If he doesn’t feel better, _________                                d. she won’t finish it.

5. If Lucy tidies her room every day, _________                  e. it won’t be so dirty.

参考答案:1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.e

Ⅳ.Multiple choice(单项选择)

1. If you are late for class, the teacher _________angry.

A. is                 B. was                  C. will                   D. will be


2.How _________I _________?

A. am; get there              B. can; get to there

C. can; get there                    D. will; get there


3. If you watch TV now, you _________the homework tonight.

A. don’t finish                          B. won’t finish

C. didn’t finish                            D. aren’t finish


4. I am surprised _________that you won’t go to college.

A. to hearing       B. hearing      C. hear          D. to hear


5. I like football very much. I want _________a football player.

A. is                   B. am    C. to be        D. be


●Link to test(模拟链接)










Dear John,

I’m happy that everything is going on well with you!

____________________________________________________________________________Best wishes!

Li Hua



Dear John,

I’m happy that everything is going on well with you!

This term we have a new classmate named Ann from Canada. She’s pretty with straight blond hair and big blue eyes. She is interested in Chinese history and often helps us with English. Everyone likes her. We have a lot of fun together!

Yesterday we played basketball against Class 4 As you know, Class 4 is a strong team. We played as well as we could and did better teamwork. We won the match at last. How excited we were!

Best wishes!

Li Hua






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