column是什么意思 column的中文翻译、读音、例句

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column是什么意思 column的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-07-10 22:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

column是什么意思 column的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:狗狗大胖子 • 2023-10-03 03:21:04 • 阅读 984


1. 词的意思:column (名词)指纵向的柱子或圆柱形支撑体,也可以指报纸或杂志上的专栏,或者是数据表格中的一列。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:column在建筑、装饰、印刷、出版等领域中经常出现。在建筑上,column通常用来支撑建筑物或作为装饰元素。在印刷和出版方面,column通常指专栏或文章的一部分。在数据表格中,column指数据表格中的一列。

4. 词组搭配:

- column of smoke: 烟柱

- column of troops: 队列

- column of numbers: 数列

- Greek column: 希腊柱

- column inches: 报纸列英寸

- editorial column: 社论专栏

- opinion column: 评论专栏

5. 相关短语:

- column chart: 柱状图

- column header: 表头

- column width: 行宽

- columnar structure: 柱状结构

6. 发音拼写:[ˈkɑləm]





1. The temple was supported by huge columns.


2. The protesters lined up behind the police barricades and chanted slogans from behind the metal columns.


3. She writes a column for the local newspaper.


4. This article appeared in the business column of the newspaper.


column通常被翻译为"专栏 、印栏"的意思,其中文解释还有"报纸的"的意思,发音音标为['kɒlәm],column在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到85个与column相关的句子。



例句:The precision of a nonnumeric column generally refers to either the maximum length or the defined length of the column. (非数值列的精度指最大长度或定义的列长度。)


例句:These Settings display in the Attrs: field for the Column properties. (这些设置在Attrs: field for the column属性中显示。)


例句:Distribution statistics limits are set individually for the deptname column, while deptno column uses a common default. (单独为deptname列设置分布统计信息的范围,而deptno列使用公共的默认值。)


例句:The government measuresits success in column inches? (翻译:如今以专栏长度论成败啦? The government measuresits success in column inches?)


column一般作为名词使用,如在in column([网络] 立柱;中立柱)、diffusion column(【化学】扩散塔;扩散柱)、digit column(数位列)等常见短语中出现较多。

in column[网络] 立柱;中立柱diffusion column【化学】扩散塔;扩散柱digit column数位列drying column[化] 干燥塔dual column[医]双柱doubledrill column双柱钻架earth column土柱eave column檐柱Doric column陶立克柱例句

1. Distribution statistics limits are set individually for the deptname column, while deptno column uses a common default. (翻译:单独为deptname列设置分布统计信息的范围,而deptno列使用公共的默认值。)

2. The government measuresits success in column inches? (翻译:如今以专栏长度论成败啦? The government measuresits success in column inches?)

3. Now the vertebral column, or spine as it were, is a column made out of 24 articulated vertebrae. (翻译:说到脊柱 也叫脊椎 由24块椎骨连接而成)

4. Creates a new column mapping, using column ordinals to refer to source and destination columns. (翻译:创建新的列映射,并使用列序号引用源列和目标列。)

5. when you apply an autofilter to a column , an arrow appears to the right of the column label. (翻译:对列应用“自动筛选”时,列标的右边就会显示一箭头。)

6. Plug burning at two ends of the column is obviated during preparation, and difficulty on filling the column is also avoided. (翻译:制备时不再需要在柱子两端烧塞子,也避免了填充柱子的困难。)

7. The number of NULLs in the column. (翻译:列中null值的个数。)

8. Gets or sets the name of the column to use as the column header for the GridView control. (翻译:获取或设置用作GridView控件的列标题的列的名称。)

9. If the coefficient of the first term is negative, it is preceded by a unary minus in the first column, with no intervening blank column. (翻译:如果第一项的系数为负,则需在行首打印一元运算符负号,后面没有空格。)

10. Not so much a twisting column but a behemoth. (翻译:它并不是一条细长的风柱而更像一头在夜空中嘶吼的巨兽)

11. The expression misspells a column name, or refers to a column in another table. (翻译:表达式拼错列名称,或引用了其他表中的列。)

12. For each row of data output, check that the output of the PPs column is double that of the LPs column. (翻译:对于每个数据输出行,检查PPs列的输出是否是LPs列的两倍。)

13. Add table columns , and specify the column name and data type of the new column, as well as whether the column allows nulls . (翻译:添加表列,指定列名和新列的数据类型以及该列是否允许空值。)

14. The punching failure cone of comer column is approximately 1/4 round estrade, that of border column is approximately 1/2 round estrade and that of center column is completely one round estrade. (翻译:角柱冲切锥体近似1/4圆台体,边柱冲切锥体近似1/2圆台体,中柱冲切锥体为一个完整的圆台体。)

15. Andie, okay, the column is new for you. (翻译:那才是《沉着杂志》走向 好的,不过... 听着!)


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