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2024-07-05 04:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于大脑的表面解剖,脑沟脑回名称很多,不同书籍描述的详细程度都不同,在英文翻译方面也存在很多版本。最近看了一本书《Neuroanatomyof Language Regions of the Human Brain》,其中有两张示意图,标注的脑沟和脑回是目前我看过最详细的。我对每条进行了翻译,分享出来与大家共同学习,同时也作为备忘录,以备日后需要时查询。

在翻译时,还是有一些体会,比如:“anterior orbital gyrus”是翻译成“眶前回”还是“前眶回”?刚开始还是很乱的,后来想想,类似的还有“前颅窝”与“颅前窝”哪个对?再想想“大脑前动脉”,总没有叫“前大脑动脉”的吧。所以根据大概念在前,小概念在后的逻辑,自然知道:眶前回,颅前窝这样的说法更合理一些。


FIGURE10 Schematic outline of the lateral surface of the hemisphere to illustrate thesulci and gyri of the human brain. The orbital surface of the frontal lobe isalso displayed (grey shading). 大脑半球外侧面的示意图,用来说明人脑的脑沟和脑回。额叶的眶面也显示出来(灰色阴影)。

Abbreviations :

aalf, ascending anterior ramus of the lateralfissure=外侧裂前升支;

aipsJ, anterior intermediate parietal sulcus ofJensen= Jensen顶叶前中间沟;

alocs, accessory lateral occipital sulcus=枕外侧副沟;

AnG, angular gyrus=角回;

aocs-v, anterior occipital sulcus, ventral ramus=枕前沟,腹侧支;

AOrG, anterior orbital gyrus=眶前回;

aplf, ascending posterior ramus of the lateralfissure=外侧裂后升支;

ascs, anterior subcentral sulcus=中央下前沟;

asfs, accessory superior frontal sulcus=额上副沟;

cs, central sulcus=中央沟;

csts1, caudal superior temporal sulcus, firstsegment=颞上尾沟,第1段;

csts2/ans, caudal superior temporal sulcus, secondsegment (angular sulcus)=颞上尾沟,第2段(角回沟);

csts3/aocs, caudal superior temporal sulcus, thirdsegment (anterior occipital sulcus)=颞上尾沟,第3段(枕前沟);

dplf, descending posterior ramus of the lateralfissure=外侧裂后降支;

ds, diagonal sulcus=对角沟【对角沟是位于额下回中央前下沟和外侧裂前升支之间的一条清晰的沟。(The diagonal sulcus isidentified as a clear sulcus lying on the inferior frontal gyrus between the inferiorprecentral sulcus and the anterior ascending ramus of the Sylvian fissure)】;

eccs, external calcarine sulcus=距状外沟;

fps, frontopolar sulcus=额眶沟;

GR, gyrus rectus=直回;

half, horizontal ascending ramus of the lateralfissure=侧裂水平升支;

he, horizontal extension of the inferiorprecentral sulcus=中央前下沟水平延伸;

IFG, inferior frontal gyrus=额下回;

ifms, intermediate frontomarginal sulcus=额缘中间沟;

ifs, inferior frontal sulcus=额下沟;

imfs-h, intermediate frontal sulcus, horizontalsegment=额中间沟,水平段;

imfs-v, intermediate frontal sulcus, vertical segment=额中间沟,垂直段;

iocs, inferior occipital sulcus=枕下沟;

ios, intermediate orbital sulcus=眶中间沟;

ipcs, inferior post-central sulcus=中央后下沟;

ipcs-t, inferior post-central sulcus, transverse=中央后下沟,横;

IPL, inferior parietal lobule=顶下小叶;

iprs, inferior precentral sulcus=中央前下沟;

iprs-p, inferior precentral sulcus, posterior ramus=中央前下沟,后支;

iprs-s, inferior precentral sulcus, superior ramus中央前下沟,上支;

ips, intraparietal sulcus=顶内沟;

ips-po, intraparietal sulcus, paroccipital segment=顶内沟,枕旁段;

ITG, inferior temporal gyrus=颞下回;

its, inferior temporal sulcus=颞下沟;

lf, lateral fissure=外侧裂;

lfms, lateral frontomarginal sulcus=额缘外侧沟;

locs, lateral occipital sulcus=枕外侧沟;

LOrG, lateral orbital gyrus=眶外侧回;

los-a, lateral orbital sulcus, anterior ramus=眶外侧沟,前支;

los-p, lateral orbital sulcus, posterior ramus=眶外侧沟,后支;

lus, lunate sulcus=月状沟;

maprs, marginal precentral sulcus=中央前缘沟;

MFG, middle frontal gyrus=额中回;

mfms, medial frontomarginal sulcus=额缘内侧沟;

MOrG, medial orbital gyrus=眶内侧回;

mos-a, medial orbital sulcus, anterior ramus=眶内侧沟,前支;

mos-p, medial orbital sulcus, posterior ramus=眶内侧沟,后支;

mprs, medial precentral sulcus=中央前内侧沟;

MTG, middle temporal gyrus=颞中回;

olfs, olfactory sulcus=嗅沟;

Op, opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus=额下回盖部;

Or, orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus=额下回眶部;

pcs-a, post-central sulcus, anterior=中央后沟,前;

pimfs-d, paraintermediate frontal sulcus, dorsal=额中间旁沟,背侧;

pimfs-v, paraintermediate frontal sulcus, ventral=额中间旁沟,腹侧;

pips, posterior intermediate parietal sulcus=顶中间后沟;

pmfs-a, posterior middle frontal sulcus, anteriorsegment=额中后沟,前段;

pmfs-i, posterior middle frontal sulcus, intermediatesegment=额中后沟,中段;

pmfs-p, posterior middle frontal sulcus, posteriorsegment=额中后沟,后段;

POA, parieto-occipital arcus=顶枕弓;

pof, parieto-occipital fissure=顶枕裂;

PoG, post-central gyrus=中央后回;

POrG, posterior orbital gyrus=眶后回;

pos, posterior orbital sulcus=眶后沟;

pots, post-central transverse sulcus=横中央后沟

PrG, precentral gyrus=中央前沟;

prts, pretriangular sulcus=三角前沟;

pscs, posterior subcentral sulcus=中央下后沟;

sa, sulcus acousticus=声沟;

sB, sulcus of Brissaud=Brissaud沟;

ScG, subcentral gyrus=中央下回;

sf, sulcus fragmentosus=碎裂沟;

SFG, superior frontal gyrus=额上回;

sfps, superior frontal paramidline sulcus=旁中线额上沟;

sfs-a, superior frontal sulcus, anterior segment=额上沟,前段;

sfs-p, superior frontal sulcus, posterior segment=额上沟,后段;

SmG, supramarginal gyrus=缘上回;

sms, supramarginal sulcus=缘上沟;

spcs, superior post-central sulcus=中央后上沟;

SPL, superior parietal lobule=顶上小叶;

sprs, superior precentral sulcus=中央前上沟;

sps, superior parietal sulcus=顶上沟;

STG, superior temporal gyrus=颞上回;

sts, superior temporal sulcus=颞上沟;

tocs-l, transverse occipital sulcus, lateral ramus=枕横沟,外侧支;

tocs-m, transverse occipital sulcus, medial ramus=枕横沟,内侧支;

tos, transverse orbital sulcus=眶横沟;

Tr, triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus=额下回三角部;

ts, triangular sulcus=三角沟;

tts, transverse temporal sulcus=颞横沟。





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